
ニットアレンジいとおかし 3 -半袖のBreathingSpaceと愛しのLilou-


2016年の5月頃から、Ravelryで大人気だったVeera VälimäkiさんのBreathingSpaceというプルオーバーを編みはじめた。

そんな時にYarnaholicさんで受注販売を開始されると知り、それに申し込みをした上で、後日それとは別に一般販売で手に入れた糸が、この時使っているSilky Fingeringだったと思う。

-糸選び・・・魅惑のLilou yarns-

MC(メインカラー)はデザイナーのVeeraさんが使われていた指定のThe Uncommon Threadの茶系のPeat、その色に近いTarnished darkという色を。
CC(コントラストカラー)は、Veeraさんは豪華なスペックルが入ったマデリントッシュのHoli Festivalという色を使われていて、Lilouの色出しの中でも憧れていた、Spanish Mossという色を使うことにした。


これってどうなってるんだろう? と思っていたら、Short rowでラップ&ターン(引き返し編みの一種)をして形成されており、非常に面白い構造に、デザインの妙を感じながら編み進めた。

最初、半袖で編んでいたニッターさんのプロジェクト写真を拝見して、かわいい! 編みたい! と思ったこともあり、半袖にすることに。


Around May 2016, I started knitting a pullover called BreathingSpace by Veera Välimäki, which was very popular on Ravelry.

The yarn used is Lilou from Spain, which we have been very interested in through blogs and Ravelry projects since shortly before that (... Unfortunately, they stopped dyeing and selling yarn around 2019...)
At the time, this yarn shop had a registration system, where only members could purchase, and I was not sure how to do it, but I really wanted to try to use it.
At that time, I found out that Yarnaholic, one of the yarn shops in Japan, was going to start selling yarns on order, so I applied for it, and later I got Silky Fingering, which I could use it finally

This was a time when I was fascinated by the brilliance of silk-blend yarns.
For MC, I used a color called Tarnished Dark, which is similar to the brownish Peat of The Uncommon Thread, which Veera, the designer, had specified.
For CC, Veera used a color called Holi Festival by Madelinetosh, and I decided to use a color called Spanish Moss, which I had admired in Lilou's coloring.

In this pullover, the pattern comes in diagonally after the separated sleeves.
I wondered, "How does this happen?"
I found out that it is formed by wrap and turn in short rows, and proceeded to knit it, feeling the strangeness of the design in this very interesting composition.

First, I saw a project photo of a knitter who was knitting in short sleeves and it was lovely! I want to knit it! and decided to make short sleeves.
At that time, I was also participating in other Kal projects, and it took me about 2 months to complete the project.

I still love Veera's patterns! Thinking back, it may be the pull that started my love of short-sleeved knits.
