
ニットアレンジいとおかし 2 -Teru SweaterをFlax Kで編む-

-Teru SweaterのKAL-

Junko OkamotoさんデザインのTeruのKal (Knit along=一緒に編みましょうの略)がRavelryで開催された。

GWに着たいなと、私はTeruをリネンとコットン混のFlax Kで編むという冒険の旅に出る。





その後、2016年の春から初夏にかけて、Kalに参加してフリーパターンの"Vintage Rabbit"を、ぬいぐるみはそれほど好きじゃないと言いながら、なぜか3体も編んでいる。


なつかしのVintage Rabbitたち。左上からMay、Colorful Cherry、右下はLavender Honey。

March-April 2016.
The kal of Teru designed by Junko Okamoto was held at Ravelry.

It was just as the season was turning from spring to summer.
I set out on the adventure of knitting Teru in Flax K, a linen/cotton blend, hoping to wear it during the May holidays.

As a result of the moderators who were doing Kal and allowed me to knit freely, I was able to greatly arrange to cropped length and the 3/4 sleeves.
I was able to wear it safely back to my parents' house in holidays and wore it to a hot-spring hotel with a cheery heart.

One of the features of Teru is the lovely knitted shoulder, but it takes a long time to knit it with linen and cotton yarn.
I have been thinking about trying it with wool for 8 years now... I hope I will be able to try it this year.

Then, in the spring and early summer of 2016, I joined Kal and knitted three "Vintage Rabbit" free-patterns, even though I said didn't like stuffed animals that much.
I don't have a rabbit left on hand, as they went to my niece, and Jayne, and a senior colleague from my corporate days, but I think that's another great memory!
