

①buzzkill 雰囲気を壊す人

例)Don't be a buzzkill. His negative attitude was a buzzkill at the party.

②"We are cool." 私たちは仲良しだ。

③reincarnate 輪廻転生する

e.g)Many believe we can reincarnate after we die.

④splutter むせる、吃る。

eg)He began to splutter when he heard the shocking news.

⑤incapacitate 無力化する

eg)The virus can incapacitate the immune system.

⑥time crunch 時間の不足

eg)We are in a time crunch to finish the project.

⑦hold your horse 落ち着いて

⑧dissemble 隠す、偽る

eg)The politician tried to dissemble his true intentions during the interview.

 ⑨perfunctory おざなりの、形式的な

eg)The meeting was a perfunctory exercise.

⑩get in a rut マンネリに陥る
