Gods Unchained Balance Update – Divine Order 1/26
God Power buffs
Clear Mind - Increased foresee amount.

Change text from “Foresee 1.” to ”Foresee 2.
Card buffs
Crystal Watcher - Mana cost reduced.

Change mana cost from 4 to 3.
Phalanx Lieutenant - Strength and health increased. Armor reduced.

Change stats from 4/1 to 5/3.
Change text from “Armor 2” to “Armor 1”.
Inspiring Skald - Text changed.

Change text from “Roar: If you are frenzied, give twin strike to the weakest creature in your hand.” to ”Roar: If you are frenzied, give twin strike to the strongest creature in your hand.”
Caged Berserker - Mana cost reduced.

Change mana cost from 5 to 4.
Counterfeit – Mana cost increased. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 2 to 3.
Change text from “If your opponent has a relic equipped and you don’t, equip a copy of your opponent’s relic. Otherwise, draw a card.” to “If your opponent has a relic equipped and you don’t, destroy it and equip a copy of it. Otherwise, draw a card.”
Covetous Cutthroat – Strength and health increased.

Change stats from 3/3 to 4/4.
Anubian Redeemer – Health increased.

Change stats from 4/5 to 4/6.
Card nerfs
Archangel Bruiser - Health reduced.

Change stats from 5/3 to 5/2.
Sole Survivor - Text changed.

Change text from “Give +5 strength to one of your creatures, then deal its strength as damage to each other creature.” to ”Give +3 strength to one of your creatures, then deal its strength as damage to each other creature.”
Sudden Bloom - Text changed.

Change text from “Give a random friendly creature +5/+5. If you are frenzied, also give it overkill and twin strike.” to ”Give a random friendly creature +4/+4. If you are frenzied, also give it overkill and twin strike.”
Warmonger Smith - Text changed.

Change text from “Roar: Give your relic +2 strength for its next attack.“ to “Roar: Give your relic +1 strength for its next attack.”
Moonlight Charm – Strength reduced. Text changed.

Change stats from 1/3 to 0/3.
Change text from “At the end of your turn, if you are frenzied, give +2/+2 to your strongest creature and -1 durability to this relic.“ to “Ability: Give +2/+2 to your strongest creature and -1 durability to this relic.”
Finnian Fruitbearer – Health reduced.

Change stats from 2/3 to 2/2.
Oddi, Valka’s Herald – Removed backline.

Change text from “Backline. Protected. Whenever this creature attacks your opponent’s god, reduce a random highest mana cost creature in your hand by 1.” to “Protected. Whenever this creature attacks your opponent’s god, reduce a random highest mana cost creature in your hand by 1.”
Just a Nibble – Text changed.

Change text from “Deal 1 damage to a friendly creature and heal your god for 7.” to “Deal 1 damage to a friendly creature and heal your god for 5.”
Giant Pangolin - Armor reduced. Text changed.

Change text from “Blitz. Confused. Armor 2.” to ”Armor 1. Blitz. Confused. ”
Card changes
Safeguard Incantation - Text changed.

Change text from ”Draw a card. Give ward to each creature in your hand.” to ”Draw a card. Give ward and protected to your god.”
Enchanted Chariot - Mana cost increased. Strength and health increased. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 1 to 4.
Change stats from 2/1 to 3/3.
Change text from “Roar: Deal 1 damage to an enemy creature.” to ”Roar: Draw a structure from your deck.”
Twisting Talisman - Mana cost increased. Strength and durability reduced. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 1 to 2.
Change stats from 1/3 to 0/2.
Change text from “Flank. After you attack a creature with this relic, if the creature survives, swap the creature's strength and health.” to ”Ability: Swap a creature’s strength and health. Remove 1 durability from this relic.”
Blazing Talisman - Mana cost reduced. Strength and durability reduced. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 3 to 2.
Change stats from 1/3 to 0/1.
Change text from “Ability: Give all enemy creatures burn +1 and give -1 durability to this relic.” to ”After an enemy creature attacks your god, give it burn +1. When a creature with burn dies, give your creatures +1 regen.”
Lightning Talisman - Strength reduced. Text changed.

Change stats from 1/3 to 0/3.
Change text from “After your god attacks a creature with this relic, give that creature "At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to a random friendly character." to ”After your god is damaged, deal 2 damage to the strongest enemy creature and 1 damage to the weakest other enemy creature, and give -1 durability from this relic.”
Enraging Talisman - Mana cost reduced. Strength and durability reduced. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 4 to 2.
Change stats from 1/4 to 0/2.
Change text from “After you attack an enemy creature with this relic, if it survives, give the creature "At the start of your turn, give each enemy creature +1 strength." to ”Ability: Give each creature +1 strength and deal 1 damage to them. Remove 1 durability from this relic.”
Glaring Talisman - Mana cost reduced. Strength reduced. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 4 to 2.
Change stats from 3/3 to 0/3.
Change text from “After your god attacks a creature with this relic, give order +3 to that creature.” to ”After an enemy creature attacks your god, give order +3 to that creature, then remove 1 durability from this relic.”
Plague Talisman - Mana cost reduced. Strength reduced. Durability increased. Text changed.

Change mana cost from 4 to 2.
Change stats from 1/2 to 0/3.
Change text from “After you damage a creature with this relic, if the creature survives, transform it into a 1/1 Zombie.” to "Ability: Give a creature “At the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to both gods.”, then remove 1 durability from this relic."
Rolling Thunder - Text changed.

Change text from “Summon two 3/3 Thunder Callers. If you are frenzied, summon three instead.” to ”Summon two 3/3 Thunder Callers. If you are frenzied, draw the strongest viking in your deck and reduce its cost by 1.”
Righteous Apparition – Text changed.

Change text from “Backline. Ability: Give order +3 to an enemy creature.” to “Backline. Ability: Give order +2 to an enemy creature.”
Ghost Form – Text changed.

Change text from “Pick one — • Give order +10 to a creature in your hand. • Draw a card.“ to “Give order +10 to a creature in your hand. Draw a card.”
Bug fixes
Magnetic Blast - Rules correction.

When applied in the upcoming patch, Magnetic Blast will be able to target unarmored creatures.
Anubian Redeemer - Bugfix.

When applied in the upcoming patch, Anubian Redeemer will no longer have the backline effect despite not having it on the card.