(English follows Japanese.)
さて, 最大2年滞在可能なTier 5のTemporary Workビザを取るには,受け入れ大学からの招待状と「Certificate of Sponsorship(CoS)ナンバー」の2点が必要です.CoSは現地の企業等に雇用される場合に取るTier 2のGeneral Workビザの場合にも必要なので,CoSをネット検索するとTier 2のGeneral Workビザ取得のためのハウツーページがたくさんヒットします.
アカデミアに一般的な1年のビザの場合はCoSが要らないようで(今回私には一年のビザは関係ないので詳しく調べていませんが),受け入れ大学の先生に「CoSが欲しい」と連絡してもなかなか何のことが分かってもらえないことがあります.大きな大学(エジンバラ大学,バーミンガム大学等)は,Tier 5取得のために必要な申込書をHPに載せていたり,申請の仕方を教えていたりします.私の受け入れ大学はそれらの情報がHPに掲載されていなかったので,どこに連絡を取るべきか,最初はなかなか迷いました(結局受け入れ大学の共同研究者が人事課に繋いでくれた).
そんなとき,ネットで日本人の体験談を探すと,ポロポロと見つかりました.その多くが海外学振で2年滞在するというものでした.他には医療系の大学に所属している方で受け入れ大学に雇用されるわけではなく,日本の大学のまま海外で2年間のプロジェクトを進める方など.前者は学振の採用通知に英訳をつけて年間の所得を証明します(これでスポンサーがいることを示す).後者は所属大学から年間の所得証明を英語で出してもらいます.つまり,スポンサーは英国内じゃなくてもいいわけです.ここが英国企業等に雇用されるTier 2のGeneral Workビザと違う大きなポイントかなと思います.
To obtain a Tier 5 Temporary Work visa, which allows a maximum stay of two years, you will need an invitation letter from the host university and a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) number. The CoS is also required for a Tier 2 General Work visa, which is obtained when you are employed by a local company, etc. If you search for CoS online, you will find many how-to pages for obtaining a Tier 2 General Work visa.
Academia generally does not require CoS for a one-year visa (I have not researched this issue in detail because a one-year visa is not relevant to me this time), and it is sometimes difficult to get an understanding of what you are talking about when you contact a professor at your host university to ask for a CoS. Larger universities (University of Edinburgh, University of Birmingham, etc.) have the necessary application forms for obtaining Tier 5 on their websites, or teach how to apply for it. My host university did not have such information on its website, so I was not sure where to contact at first (in the end, a co-researcher at my host university connected me to the human resources department).
Then, I searched the Internet for stories of Japanese people's experiences and found many of them. Many of them were for a two-year stay as a JSPS scholarship student. Others were from medical universities who were not employed by the host university, but were working on a two-year project abroad without leaving their Japanese university. The former will submit an English translation of their JSPS employment letter to prove their annual income (to show that they have a sponsor). For the latter, you will be asked to provide proof of your annual income in English from your home university. In other words, the sponsor does not have to be in the UK. This is the main difference from the Tier 2 General Work visa for those who are employed by a British company.
Oh, it's complicated. Did you all follow me? Next is the story until CoS is issued.
To be continued.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)