Lost and Found Time Bank
I don't have it. Where did I put my glasses?
Hey. Did I wear glasses when I left home?
Tomiko asked Misa.
Tomiko asked Misa, "You wore glasses at home, didn't you? Shall we go back?
No, I'm sorry. I'll look in my coat pocket. Wait a minute.
As a matter of fact, Portugal has a time bank of lost and found items from all over the world, and the 7 minutes and 56 seconds I spent looking for Tomiko's forgotten item, her glasses, would be stored up again.
Sorry, sorry. I found them.
Tomiko apologizes.
Tomiko forgets more things than anyone else, so the Portuguese Time Bank employees have a rather large department in charge of Tomiko.
Tomiko, wasleta again."
Xavier in Portugal happily rewrote the numbers on the panel in his area.
This Lost and Found Time Bank is a revolutionary system that allows employees to exchange their lost and found for cash, travel expenses to the afterlife, and good equipment after 365 hours.
Since the world still has a strong negative image of lost and found, the Time Bank is considering a strategy to improve its image by allowing people to forget their belongings anytime and as many times as they wish. In fact, there are many ballpoint pens and glasses that disappear from this world due to a twist in time and space. Therefore, there is a law of the universe that says that whether something is there or not is of no importance.
The Lost and Found Time Bank is now very popular and has branches on every continent.
The next time you forget something, remember. Your contact person will be with you in no time.