The last notes by Noda Tsuyoshi (major) and Mukai Toshiaki (major), who were accused for the contest to kill 100 people using a sword in the battle of Nanjing

Noda Tsuyoshi (1912-1948) Major

I declare to the Japanese people;
I am Noda Tsuyoshi, written on the newspaper that, who competed with Mukai Toshiaki for cutting 100 people. I am ashamed of my joked boast of false violent act that took your time and concerns so much. I apologize you wholeheartedly. I accept a swearword “idiot” that was exactly what I was.

However, I declare that I am innocent in regard of killing prisoners and citizens that was judged by the Chinese court, involving with Nanjing massacre.

I declare again, I did not commit a crime of slaughter of 100 people in Nanjing.
Japanese people, you must believe me.
I don't mind the death penalty to be executed. A tiny life of Noda Tsuyoshi is nothing to Japan.

However, one problem will be remained. That is, due to this case, the Japanese people might keep a grudge against China – that must be avoided definitely.
Upon my death, you must abandon any grudge, vendetta, or avenge.
If you have a common sense you can understand how foolish of bloody fight among neighboring countries in Asia.
I ask you, Japanese people, from now on, overcome the resentment and work for the peace of the Asia as well as the peace of the world, hand in hand with China.

Chinese people are humans and Orientals as like as we are. So if we Japanese act with sincerity the Chinese people must understand. Both of us are Oriental, I believe the cry from my Japanese blood will be understood by Chinese.
Saigo-san (Saigo Takamori) said, 敬天愛人“revere heaven, love people”.
I ask you, love China.

There is no border between love and sincerity.
I, who was sentenced to death by China, could reach the mind to abandon myself to become a tie with China and a human sacrifice for the peace of Asia.
I ask you, Japanese people, please understand this state of my mind that has reached to abandon the resentment against China and achieved a great love.
Do not make my death meaningless.

Doubts and suspicions invite a war. Fortunately Japan has waived weapons. Weapons were proved useless for peace that was shown by god in a way of losing war. If Japan wants to walk on the great road for world peace, she must seek and find the way other than a war by weapons. This must be the most important issue which challenging Japan now.
How can be done this?
The fundamental spirit is “love” and “sincerity”
I send the above two words to the Japanese people for my apology and farewell.
Love of sakura (cherry blossom), Sincerity of Mt. Fuji, Wake up Japan.

Good-by Japanese people.

Listen the cry from Japanese man's blood!

Noda left another note before the execution as follows:

The staff of Chinese court, counsels, Ministry of National Defense, as well as the chairman Chiang, I appreciate your concerns very much sirs.

Except that, I would not accept the crime of killing prisoners and noncombatants. Never.

I accept your death sentence as fate and destiny, on the acceptance of the death I will show you how a Japanese man behaves at the last moment.

I ask you, upon our death, the other suspects will be able to get fair trials. Please do not give a death sentence for the sake of propaganda or political meanings, or give a sentence emotionally for your face, or for the revenge of 8 years war. I pray that you will not judge partially.

We will not blame your country after we are executed at Yuhuatai.
We are pleased if our death will work as a bond between China and Japan, become a foundation of two countries, human sacrifice for the peace of Asia, then will reach the peace of the world. Please do not make our death meaningless. We pray only for that.

China banzai,
Japan banzai,
His Majesty the Emperor banzai.

                                                                                  Noda Tsuyoshi

Mukai Toshiaki (1912-1948), Major
The last note:

I swear by heaven and earth, I did not commit killing of prisoners and noncombatants. I would not accept the sin of so-called Nanjing massacre incident.

I accept my death sentence given as fate and destiny and will become a soil of China as Japanese man. However, my spirit will be back to Ooyashima (Japan).

Upon my death, if the resentment of eight years war against China will flow away and the friendship between China and Japan will be established, then the peace of Asia, I am happy to be a dead stone.

Wish for your doing best, China
Wish for doing best, Japan
China banzai
Japan banzai
His Majesty the Emperor banzai.

I will become a demon who protects Japan after the death.

Mukai Toshiaki           
Written on December 31, 10 o'clock

The two men were shot to death on January 28, 1948, at Yuhuatai.

一 日本国民に告ぐ


十二月三十一日 十時記す 向井敏明
