


The desire of each country to be one of its kind usually developed into numerous independence movements which were observable from the end of the eighteenth up to the middle of the nineteenth century. Independence movements in different countries were similar in their participants’ desire to become free. Though all alike at the first sight they differed to some extent depending on the country they took place in. Certain similarities and differences between independence movements in Mexico and the United States can be pointed out.

To begin with, both the movements started because the colonists were not satisfied with their governments and resented the laws they imposed on them. In case with Mexico it was the government of Spain whereas the American colonists were against the government of Britain. American colonists were refusing to pay high taxes the government has set and the participants of the Mexican independence movement followed after the American and French Revolutions and stood up against their Spanish government they disagreed with. The biggest desire of both, Mexican and American colonists was to replace their governors and rule their countries themselves.

Another similarity lied in the fact that the leaders of both the movements compiled a document in order to enumerate their demands. In Mexico this document was “Plan de Iguala” the main provisions of which were to make Mexico independent, to establish Roman Catholicism as the main and single religion and to pronounce Mexican and European people equal. The document also proclaimed Mexico a constitutional monarchy under the governing of Ferdinand VII. For the United States such a document was the “Declaration of Independence” which demanded separation and political independence for thirteen states with their further ability to act as all other independent countries which is to conclude peace, to levy wars and to be engaged in trade. One more important provision of the Declaration was to either change or abolish the current government which according to the facts stated in the declaration did not take proper care about its citizens.


From the late 18th to the mid-19th century, independence movements emerged as countries sought freedom from oppressive colonial powers. Both Mexican and American colonists were dissatisfied with their governments—Spain and Britain respectively—and resented imposed laws and high taxes. Desiring self-rule, they aimed to replace their governors. Leaders of both movements drafted documents to state their demands: Mexico’s “Plan de Iguala” declared independence, established Catholicism as the sole religion, promoted equality between Mexicans and Europeans, and proposed a constitutional monarchy under Ferdinand VII. The U.S. “Declaration of Independence” demanded separation, political autonomy for thirteen states, and the right to alter or abolish ineffective government.


• 時代背景: 18世紀末から19世紀中頃にかけて、多くの国で独立運動が起こった。
• 共通点:
• 両国の植民地住民は、支配国(メキシコはスペイン、アメリカはイギリス)の政府や課税に不満を持っていた。
• 自分たちの国を自ら統治したいという強い願望があった。
• 指導者たちは要求をまとめた公式な文書を作成した。
• メキシコの独立運動:
• 「イグアラ綱領」の作成。
• 独立の宣言、カトリックを唯一の宗教とすること、メキシコ人とヨーロッパ人の平等、フェルナンド7世を君主とする立憲君主制の提案。
• アメリカの独立運動:
• 「独立宣言」の作成。
• 13植民地の政治的独立の要求。
• 政府が効果的でない場合、それを変更または廃止する権利の主張。


• 一般的な導入部分: 各国が独自性を求めた結果、独立運動が起こったという説明。
• 詳細な背景情報: メキシコの独立運動がアメリカとフランスの革命に続いたこと。
• 細部の説明:
• アメリカの「独立宣言」で述べられた、平和の締結や戦争の宣言、貿易への関与などの具体的な権利。
• 現政府が市民の利益を守っていないという詳細な批判。






