■英語〜英検1級要約問題を攻略する〜 宗教編
The Eastern religions are typically described as those faiths which originated and were practiced in countries such as India, Japan, Southern Asia, and China. There are regular arguments and conflicts between the Eastern and Western religions, whereby the latter dwells on the idea that a distinct type of worshipping only requires a person to trust and obey one God. However, people throughout the world have diverse views regarding religion, considering that their culture influences it. The Eastern religion incorporates Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Confucianism. Moreover, the Eastern religion accumulates Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Therefore, the theme of worship is the main difference between these religions, in that, the Eastern religions are polytheistic, whereas the Western religions are monotheistic, worshipping, and serving only one God.
As mentioned above, there are significant variances between Eastern and Western religions. The primary difference theme that illustrates the alteration between the Eastern and Western religions is the idea that Easterners are polytheistic, whereas Westerners are monotheists. The Confucianists do not know one God, but a force called Tao. According to Vuong et al., instead of Confucianism focusing on following the doctrines, people should embrace common sense and follow the exact guides of morality. Religion urges that people should behave in a manner that contributes to their holiness. It postulates that people in the society should enhance righteousness and humanity. As a result, it becomes evident that there is no God in Confucianism as opposed to its Hinduism religion. The followers of this religion often work towards serving one another and making life better for those who are less fortunate in society. The followers trust that attending to the individuals’ needs is equal to communicating and serving the Almighty. Connectedly, the Eastern religions as represented by Confucianism, differ from the Western ones since they do not worship any being and believe that there is no God.
The essay examines the differences between Eastern and Western religions, focusing on their views on worship and divinity. Eastern religions, including Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, and Confucianism, are typically polytheistic or do not center around a single deity. Confucianism does not recognize a personal God but a force called Tao, emphasizing morality, righteousness, and humanity. Followers believe that promoting social welfare fulfills moral duties. In contrast, Western religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are monotheistic, worshipping and obeying one God. Thus, the main difference lies in the concept of divinity and worship, with Eastern religions focusing more on moral conduct than on a singular God.
• 東洋と西洋の宗教の主な違いは、東洋は多神教または神を特定しないのに対し、西洋は一神教であること。
• 東洋の宗教には仏教、ヒンドゥー教、道教、儒教が含まれること。
• 西洋の宗教にはキリスト教、ユダヤ教、イスラム教が含まれること。
• 儒教では個人の神を認識せず、道(タオ)という力を信じ、道徳、正義、人間性を重視すること。
• 東洋の宗教は道徳的行動や社会的福祉に焦点を当てており、特定の神を崇拝しないこと。
• 東洋と西洋の宗教間の議論や対立の詳細。
• 文化が宗教に影響を与えるという一般的な説明。
• 引用や学術的な参照(例:Vuong et al.)。
• エッセイ内の具体的な例や詳細な説明。
• 繰り返し述べられている同じポイントの冗長な説明。