


A prevalent number of public health issues are connected with climate change, and air pollution may be considered one of the most disturbing environmental problems caused by human activities. The burning of fossil fuels leads to the release of carbon dioxide that accumulates in the atmosphere and subsequently causes the rise of global temperature and climate change. In addition, the emission of exhaust gases has a profoundly negative impact on human health as they make the air less clean and healthy to breathe.

The problem of air pollution caused by climate change and actual human activities is international, and it affects a substantial number of people across the globe regardless of their age, gender, race, and ethnicity. People who live in isolated territories or in developing countries with undeveloped health infrastructure have a particular risk to suffer from environmental challenges to a greater extent . According to the United States National Climate Assessment, particulate matter air pollution and increasing ground-level ozone dramatically affect human health in various locations . In general, ground-level ozone is a substantively harmful air pollutant and the main component of smog. It is traditionally associated with multiple health problems, such as asthma, allergies, and diminished lung function and contributed to increased emergency department visits, hospital admissions, and premature deaths .

Children are specifically vulnerable to climate change and air pollution in comparison with adults due to their cognitive and physical immaturity. For instance, they are frequently engaged in outdoor activities, “leaving them more exposed to heat and outdoor air pollutants like ozone” that may trigger asthma attacks and various allergies . According to statistics provided by the American Lung Association, more than 2 million children with asthma live in the U.S. areas with unhealthy exceeded ozone levels. Moreover, the extension of the warm season due to the global change of weather patterns increases the amount of pollen and airborne pollutants that may have a lasting negative impact on the respiratory health of children.


Air pollution, primarily caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, releases carbon dioxide that accumulates in the atmosphere, leading to global warming and climate change. This issue adversely affects human health worldwide by degrading air quality, resulting in asthma, allergies, diminished lung function, and increased hospital admissions and premature deaths. Vulnerable groups, especially those in isolated or developing regions with poor health infrastructure, face greater risks. Children are particularly susceptible due to their physical and cognitive immaturity and more frequent outdoor activities. Extended warm seasons amplify the problem by increasing pollen and airborne pollutants, further impacting children’s respiratory health.




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  • 脆弱な集団への影響:孤立した地域や医療インフラが未発達な開発途上国の人々は、環境問題のリスクが高い。

  • 子供の特別な脆弱性:子供は身体的・認知的に未熟で、屋外活動が多いため、汚染物質の影響を受けやすい。

  • 暖かい季節の延長による影響:気候変動で暖かい季節が長くなり、花粉や空気中の汚染物質が増え、子供の呼吸器系健康に悪影響を及ぼす。


  • 詳細な統計や報告書の引用:具体的な数字や特定の報告書(例:アメリカ肺協会の統計)は、要約では省略可能。

  • 専門用語の深い説明:地上オゾンなどの専門用語の詳細な解説は不要。

  • 繰り返しの情報:同じ内容の重複や主要な論点に直接関係しない詳細は省く。

