
■英語〜英検1級ライティング大特訓を攻略する〜 Should celebrities stay out of politics?


Should celebrities stay out of politics?

Celebrities are influential due to their fame and wide reach. They often share political opinions or support candidates, which can cause public disagreements. In this essay, I will explain three reasons why celebrities should stay out of politics.

First, celebrities may lack sufficient political knowledge. Not being experts, their opinions might be based on incomplete or incorrect information. Sharing such views could spread misinformation or support unqualified candidates, leading to negative outcomes. By focusing on their own fields, celebrities contribute positively without interfering in politics.

Second, celebrities can unintentionally harm democracy by influencing votes based on fame rather than policies. Their endorsements may sway voters to make choices based on popularity, not informed understanding. This undermines the democratic process, as decisions should be based on reliable information, not celebrity opinions.

Third, when celebrities share political views, it can divide their fans and cause conflict. Politics is sensitive; fans who disagree may feel alienated, leading to tension. This can harm social harmony and create unnecessary divisions.

In conclusion, while celebrities have the right to express opinions, it may be better if they stay out of politics. Their lack of expertise, potential to undermine democracy, and risk of causing division are strong reasons to avoid political involvement.

