■英語〜英検1級要約問題を攻略する〜 憲法編
The US Constitution is often thought of as the first document that laid down citizens’ freedoms and rights. While it is certainly true that the US Constitution has defined the basic democratic principles, there have been contradiction in the US history as to how these amendments should be applied. The possibility to interpret the US legislature differently runs along with the Supreme Court rulings that can be regarded in terms of Judicial Activism or Judicial Restraint depending on the case considered. This paper looks upon Constitutional provisions and Supreme Court’s rulings and discusses the impact they had on the American life.
There are several notable Supreme Court cases that have changed the legal industry since its founding. In some cases, the Court interpreted the law itself, in others adhered to its literal interpretation. Two cases will be looked upon to establish the difference in the proceeding and give an insight into how the Supreme Court works. The first case that stands out in terms of its interpretation by the Supreme Court is the case of Ocasio versus United States. Ocasio is a police officer who routed damaged cars after accidents to a specific car repair shop for which he received payoff. He was charged with using his official position to get money for his services from the repair shop that, in its turn, charged the car owners for repairs.
The Supreme Court found Ocasio guilty since his actions violated the Hobbs Act, 18 U.S.C. 371., that “prohibits the obtaining of property “from another”” . In this case, the Court interpreted Ocasio’s actions as violating the Act, since he got his percentage of money from the sum paid by car owners. The Supreme Court disregarded technical details such as the fact the Ocasio was not paid by the car owners themselves and used Judicial Restraint, taking literary interpretation of the law.
The second case interpreted by the Supreme Court is that of Green versus Brennan. Green is an Afro-American who worked for the Postal Service and felt the he was denied a promotion due to racial issues. The Postal Service, in return, accused him of delaying the mail and asked to retire. Green felt offended and “41 days after resigning and 96 days after signing the agreement, Green reported an unlawful constructive discharge to the EEOC under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act., 42 U.S.C” . The Supreme Court found Green’s claim reasonable despite the fact that the law defines a “45-day period for contacting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in a constructive discharge action”. Technically, having contacted the EEOC 96 days after the agreement, Green lost an opportunity to sue. However, the Supreme Court ruled that the period should be counted since the day of actual resignation, thus applying the Judicial Activism. In this case, the Supreme Court interpreted the law to grant Green’s request.
The US Constitution established democratic principles but has faced contradictions in interpretation, particularly in Supreme Court rulings categorized as Judicial Activism or Judicial Restraint. This text examines two pivotal cases: Ocasio v. United States and Green v. Brennan. In Ocasio’s case, the Supreme Court applied Judicial Restraint, using a literal interpretation of the Hobbs Act to find a police officer guilty of extortion for accepting kickbacks. In contrast, in Green’s case, the Court employed Judicial Activism by interpreting the law to allow an extended filing period for a racial discrimination claim, despite procedural technicalities. These cases illustrate how Supreme Court decisions impact American life.
• 主題の明示: 米国最高裁判所が憲法を解釈する際、司法積極主義(Judicial Activism)と司法抑制主義(Judicial Restraint)の間で揺れ動き、その結果が米国社会に影響を与えていること。
• 具体的な事例の提示: この違いを示すために取り上げられた2つの重要な裁判例。
• Ocasio対米国: 司法抑制主義の例で、最高裁が法律(Hobbs法)を文字通りに解釈し、警察官を恐喝罪で有罪とした。
• Green対Brennan: 司法積極主義の例で、最高裁が制限期間の開始日を再解釈し、期限を過ぎて提出された差別訴訟を認めた。
• 詳細な法律の引用や条文番号(例:「18 U.S.C. 371」や「42 U.S.C」など)。
• 各ケースの過度な背景情報や技術的詳細で、主要な議論に直接関係しないもの。
• 繰り返しの説明や全体の要約に寄与しない不要な細部。
• 直接的な引用は避け、代わりに内容を要約して伝える。
最高裁判所は、オカシオの行為がホッブス法(18 U.S.C. 371)、すなわち「他者からの財産の取得を禁止する」法律に違反するとして有罪とした。この場合、裁判所はオカシオの行為を、車の所有者が支払った金額から彼が取り分を得ていたとして、法律に違反すると解釈した。最高裁判所は、オカシオが車の所有者自身から直接支払いを受けていなかったという技術的な詳細を無視し、法律の文字通りの解釈を採用する司法消極主義を用いた。
最高裁判所が解釈した第二のケースは、グリーン対ブレナンの事件である。グリーンはアフリカ系アメリカ人で、郵便局で働いており、人種問題のために昇進を拒否されたと感じていた。郵便局は逆に、彼が郵便物の遅延を引き起こしたと非難し、退職を求めた。グリーンは不満を感じ、「退職から41日後、合意書署名から96日後に、42 U.S.C.、公民権法第VII編に基づき、不法な建設的解雇をEEOCに報告した」。法律では「建設的解雇の行動において、平等雇用機会委員会(EEOC)に連絡するための45日間の期間」を定めているにもかかわらず、最高裁判所はグリーンの主張を合理的と認めた。技術的には、合意から96日後にEEOCに連絡したため、グリーンは訴訟の機会を失っていた。しかし、最高裁判所は、その期間は実際の退職日から数えるべきであると判示し、司法積極主義を適用した。この場合、最高裁判所はグリーンの請求を認めるために法律を解釈した。