
■英語〜英検1級要約問題を攻略する〜 環境編


The water cycle is an important biogeochemical cycle that involves the movement of water on, below, and above the Earth’s surface. It comprises several processes that include evaporation, evapotranspiration, condensation, precipitation, and infiltration. The cycle is affected adversely by human activities such as agriculture, deforestation, and abstraction of water from rivers and lakes. These activities lower the water table, increase soil salinity, and lower the amount of groundwater.

The water (hydrological) cycle refers to the process by which water moves below, above, and on the surface of the earth through processes that include evaporation, precipitation, condensation, infiltration, and surface runoff. It is one of the most vital biogeochemical cycles that are affected by changes in climatic conditions. The water cycle is driven by changes in temperature that alter the state of water at any given time, and as a result, facilitate its continuous movement.

Humans interrupt water pathways through withdrawals and discharges that have great impact on the water cycle. Human activities such as deforestation, agriculture, construction of dams, urbanization, removal of groundwater from wells, and water abstraction from rivers and lakes has affected the water cycle significantly. Deforestation and agriculture reduce the amount of water vapor released by trees and vegetation into the atmosphere thus resulting in low amounts of rain .

In addition, loss of ground cover makes land drier and causes increased run-off and leaching. Removal of groundwater lowers the amount of groundwater available and lowers the water table . In that regard, human activity affects both the quality and quantity of water. Over-extraction of groundwater for domestic and industrial uses leads to subsidence and alters the water cycle. Agricultural activities such as irrigation reduce water stores and increase the salinity of soil.



The water cycle is a vital biogeochemical process involving the movement of water on, below, and above Earth’s surface through evaporation, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and surface runoff. Human activities like deforestation, agriculture, urbanization, dam construction, and groundwater extraction significantly disrupt this cycle. These actions lower groundwater levels and the water table, increase soil salinity, and reduce the amount of water vapor released into the atmosphere, leading to decreased rainfall. Additionally, loss of vegetation cover causes drier land, increased runoff, and leaching. Consequently, human interference affects both the quality and quantity of water, profoundly impacting the natural water cycle.


• 水循環の重要性: 水循環は地球上で水が蒸発、凝結、降水、浸透、表面流出などのプロセスを通じて移動する重要な生物地球化学的サイクルであること。
• 人間活動の影響: 農業、森林伐採、都市化、ダム建設、地下水の抽出などの人間活動が水循環を大きく乱していること。
• 具体的な影響: これらの活動により、地下水位の低下、土壌の塩分濃度の上昇、大気中への水蒸気の減少(降雨量の減少につながる)、植生の喪失による土地の乾燥、流出と浸出の増加が起こること。
• 全体的な影響: 人間の干渉が水の質と量の両方に影響を及ぼし、水循環に深刻な影響を与えていること。


• 詳細なプロセス説明: 水循環の各プロセス(例:蒸発、浸透など)の詳細な説明。
• 重複情報: 同じポイントの繰り返しや冗長な表現。
• 具体例や逸話: メインポイントを超える詳細な例や個別のケーススタディ。
• 技術的な詳細: サブサイクルや専門的な用語の深い説明。





