
■英語〜英検1級要約問題を攻略する〜 産業(航空編)


In the aviation industry, it is becoming increasingly critical for MRO(Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul)companies to meet customer demands for quality and shorter lead times. Firms operating in this sector must re-evaluate their business strategy due to the global market’s volatility and MRO industry difficulties forecasting. Lean is a trustworthy, tried-and-true company operation paradigm that can be embraced in the face of severe economic instability and ever-increasing global competition.

As the global economy continues to develop, demand for air transportation is likely to rise dramatically. Over the previous nine years, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) states that passenger traffic has grown at a faster rate than the global GDP. For airlines that rely on high-flying planes, maintenance costs can account for two-thirds of the plane’s purchase price and account for 10% to 20% of the airline’s international costs . Aviation maintenance expenses are likely to rise as a result of the industry’s fast expansion. Through 2022, the global aircraft maintenance industry is expected to increase at a pace of 5.2% on an average year, then decrease to 3.8% by 2027 . By performing systematic research, this study investigates the present condition of Lean, TQM, and Six Sigma adoption in the MRO business, and its long-term viability and use in the aerospace MRO industry.

An organization’s quality management is the process of defining and administering the activities necessary to accomplish its quality objectives. Customer happiness is one of the outcomes of quality management. In addition to price, convenience, service, and a slew of other factors, quality is a significant contributor to consumer happiness impact . Typically, organizations do not prioritize customer pleasure as a goal in and of itself. The long-term assumption is that increasing customer happiness will lead to increased sales and profitability. Developed by Dr. Saaty in his 1980 book, the Analytic Hierarchy Process is a powerful decision-making aid that may help the decision-maker prioritize options and arrive at the best conclusion possible . The AHP helps to obtain both the objective and subjective components of choice by eliminating complicated judgments to a series of pairwise assumptions and then analyzing the results.

Today, in a highly competitive industry, airlines and airports understand the necessity of providing a positive customer experience. Over the past year, airline owners and stakeholders have changed their attention from “larger and faster” equipment to customer service. The quality of the customer experience is strongly linked to the security of the airport and the ability of the airline to respond to emergencies to increase revenues (Nsien, 2020). Aviation quality assurance refers to the monitoring framework used to guarantee that the standard standards specified by both ICAO and the State Civil Aviation Regulation authorities are satisfied at every level of the equipment, systems, and procedures (Rawashdeh, 2018). As a part of functional quality assurance, an aviation maintenance inspection system should also be in place to monitor and verify that the manufacturer’s recommendations are being properly followed.

Aircraft Quality Managers ensure that the Quality Assurance procedure is being correctly implemented. Quality Managers (QMs) are in charge of a complete Quality Control team. State Civil Aviation Authority clearance is required for a quality manager in aviation. Internal Evaluation Programs further oversee and assess the QA management department. Each company needs to have a Quality Assurance Program . This is significant as it enables the organization to focus on its goals and realize effective outcomes.


In the volatile aviation market, MRO companies must meet customer demands for quality and shorter lead times. Adopting Lean practices helps tackle economic instability and intense global competition. With rising demand for air transportation, maintenance costs are increasing, highlighting the need for efficient quality management systems like TQM and Six Sigma. Quality management leads to customer satisfaction and profitability. Decision-making tools like the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) assist in prioritizing quality objectives. Certified Quality Managers oversee Quality Assurance Programs to ensure compliance with international standards, enabling organizations to focus on their goals and achieve effective outcomes.


• 航空業界でMRO企業が顧客の品質要求と短いリードタイムに応える必要性。
• 経済的不安定性と競争に対処するためのLean、TQM、Six Sigmaの採用の重要性。
• 品質管理が顧客満足度と収益性につながること。
• 意思決定支援ツールであるAnalytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)の役割。
• 品質マネージャーが品質保証プログラムを監督し、国際基準への準拠を確保すること。


• 国際航空運送協会(IATA)の具体的な統計データや過去の成長率。
• 航空メンテナンス費用の将来的な具体的な増加率や数値。
• 内部評価プログラムや国家民間航空当局の詳細な説明。
• 原文の詳細な事例や特定の研究者の名前。


世界経済が発展を続ける中、航空輸送の需要は劇的に増加すると予想されます。国際航空運送協会(IATA)によれば、過去9年間で旅客輸送量は世界のGDPよりも速いペースで成長しています。高空飛行の航空機に依存する航空会社にとって、メンテナンスコストは機体購入価格の3分の2を占め、航空会社の国際的なコストの10%から20%を占めることがあります。業界の急速な拡大の結果、航空メンテナンス費用は増加する可能性があります。2022年まで、世界の航空機メンテナンス業界は平均年間5.2%のペースで成長し、その後2027年までに3.8%に減速すると予想されています。本研究では、体系的な調査を行うことで、MRO業界におけるLean、TQM、Six Sigmaの採用の現状と、その長期的な実行可能性および航空宇宙MRO業界での活用を調査します。


今日、競争が激しい業界において、航空会社や空港はポジティブな顧客体験を提供する必要性を理解しています。過去1年間で、航空会社のオーナーや関係者は「より大きく、より速い」機材からカスタマーサービスに注目を移しました。顧客体験の質は、空港の安全性や航空会社が緊急事態に対応して収益を増加させる能力と強く関連しています(Nsien, 2020)。航空品質保証は、ICAOおよび各国の民間航空規制当局が定めた標準基準が、機器、システム、手順のあらゆるレベルで満たされていることを保証するための監視フレームワークを指します(Rawashdeh, 2018)。機能的な品質保証の一環として、メーカーの推奨事項が適切に遵守されていることを監視・確認するための航空メンテナンス検査システムも導入すべきです。

