■英語〜英検1級要約問題を攻略する〜 製造業とサービス業編
There is a distinct difference between manufacturing supply chain products and service supply chain products. The manufacturing supply chain products are physical and tangible products assembled and tested. For instance, before a Boeing jet is sold to a client, its parts are imported, assembled, and tested. In addition, the supply chain helps transform raw materials into finished products in manufacturing. However, on Netflix, the finished product is a closed file. If the company sells a service subscription, only the case files of transactions remain with the company. In a Service Company, no physical product can be touched. This enables a company like Netflix to sell its products online.
Boeing company consumers are within the geographical reach of the product because it has to be delivered physically. This implies a need for logistical arrangements for the final product to reach the consumer in the perfect form. In manufacturing, the customer is mostly the last link because the demand starts from them and then goes upstream. For instance, if a customer orders a private jet with Boeing, the customer specifies the requirements, and then that information is sent upward until it reaches the manufacturer. On the contrary, consumers of Netflix have a wider geographical freedom because the services can be sent over the internet; hence, there is no need for logistics. The consumer has to pay for their subscription, and an email link is sent to them. A consumer may play various roles in the supply chain whereby the funds go up the unit when the customer subscribes to the services. However, the first customer is the plaintiff in other service forms, such as criminal justice. If the accused is convicted, he becomes the customer because they must receive correctional services. This is an indication that customers can play double or even triple roles.
One of Boeing’s supplier roles is selling tangible products. The supplier has to have the planes and display them for the customers to come and assess them. In this case, it is easy to determine the value for money. In addition, the supplier must have inventory so that the consumer will always find the product available. For instance, the Boeing supplier may require different types of jets on display. In Netflix, the supplier provides their expertise by installing the Netflix software and ensuring it connects successfully so the client can enjoy the content. In this case, creating trustworthy relations with the consumers and customizing them is important. The supplier does not need any inventory as they are easily and remotely accessible from the producer.
Manufacturing operations involve developing products, storing them in a warehouse, and later taking them to the display facilities. This shows that the manufacturer needs to have a large storage space depending on the size of the goods they produce (Dan et al., 2019). Boeing has a vast land where they produce, store, and display aircraft. However, the service industry does not need much storage space. Services should be produced and consumed simultaneously because, like in Netflix, when there is a live show. The users must log in and consume the show as it’s being broadcast. This shows that the company is simultaneously producing and selling the product; hence, storage space is unnecessary. This displays the nature of services, which cannot be stored for later use . When there is an increase in demand, the company has to hire more people to facilitate the production of the service to balance the product-supply equation.
There is a distinct difference between manufacturing and service supply chains. Manufacturing involves physical, tangible products that require assembly, testing, logistics, inventory, and storage space—exemplified by Boeing’s production of jets. Customers initiate demand but are the last link in the supply chain. In contrast, services like Netflix offer intangible products delivered over the internet, eliminating the need for logistics or inventory. The service supply chain is characterized by simultaneous production and consumption, and customers can play multiple roles. Suppliers in manufacturing display products for assessment, while in services they provide expertise and build customer relationships.
• 製造業とサービス業のサプライチェーンの明確な違い:製造業は物理的で有形の製品を扱い、組み立てやテスト、物流、在庫管理が必要。一方、サービス業は無形の製品を提供し、インターネットを通じて配信するため、物流や在庫は不要。
• 顧客の役割と地理的制約:製造業では顧客はサプライチェーンの最後のリンクであり、製品の物理的な配送が必要。サービス業では地理的な制約が少なく、顧客は複数の役割を果たすことができる。
• サプライヤーの役割の違い:製造業ではサプライヤーは製品を展示し、在庫を保持する必要がある。サービス業では専門知識を提供し、顧客との信頼関係を構築することが重要。
• 生産と消費の同時性:サービス業では生産と消費が同時に行われ、製品を後で使用するための保存ができない。
• 顧客がサプライチェーンの最後のリンクである詳細:製造業では顧客が需要を開始し、最終的に製品を受け取るという説明は、主要な比較ポイントから外れています。
• 顧客が複数の役割を果たす例:サービス業で顧客が複数の役割を持つ可能性(例えば、刑事司法における原告と被告の例)は、要約の核心から離れています。
• ボーイングが広大な土地を持つ具体例:製造業が大きな保管スペースを必要とする例としての詳細は、要約では簡潔に述べられるべきです。
製造業のオペレーションには、製品の開発、倉庫での保管、その後の展示施設への移動が含まれます。これは、製造者が生産する商品のサイズに応じて大きな保管スペースを必要とすることを示しています(Dan et al., 2019)。ボーイングは航空機を生産、保管、展示するための広大な土地を持っています。