Sustainable food systems focus on food production, processing, and waste management to ensure efficiency and low environmental impact of the food industry. Until the end of the 20th century, these processes were largely seen as independent, resulting in numerous issues. While the population of the Earth keeps growing, limited resources and environmental problems become a global issue that forces governments worldwide to think differently. Food industry management has a significant impact on society and the environment, and it cannot be approached in the same way as it was during the industrial revolution. Sustainable food systems offer a new approach that can define the future of humanity for the next centuries.
To study sustainable food systems, it is crucial to understand the causes of the crisis in the food production industry. Dwivedi et al. define primary issues as “decline of biodiversity, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs), hunger and malnutrition, and poverty and water scarcity”.Numerous researchers agree that the current crisis is primarily caused by the reductionist approach to agriculture. Reductionism aims to simplify systems by assuming the key role of a single factor rather than analyzing those as complex phenomena. This approach was used mainly for the agricultural reforms of the 19th century, which largely laid the foundation for the modern food production industry.
The industrial revolution of the 19th century had a dramatic impact on the agricultural industry. The uses of fertilizers and similar strains of seeds were seen as crucial to ensure increased productivity, and the theories advocating sustainability did not stand a chance against the principles of rising capitalism . The continuously growing consumption of refined foods is one of the consequences of the reductionist approach. Dwivedi et al. note that, besides contributing to health issues, refined foods production increases carbon footprint. The low biodiversity of crops is yet another issue that poses a severe threat to human health.
The Green Revolution was introduced in the 1950s as a plan to deal with hunger issues worldwide. However, it is impossible to ignore the scope of the negative impact it had on public health. For example, heavy reliance on rice and wheat diet has led to significant malnutrition issues in South-East Asia . Overall, the Green Revolution in the 20th century followed the same reductionist thinking patterns that inspired the agricultural reform in the 19th century. Sustainable food systems can prove to be the best alternative to this simplified approach.
Sustainable food systems are crucial for tackling global challenges like environmental degradation, resource scarcity, and malnutrition. Historically, food production was fragmented, leading to reductionist agricultural practices that neglected ecological complexities. The 19th-century agricultural reforms and the Green Revolution of the 20th century prioritized productivity over sustainability, resulting in biodiversity loss and health issues from overreliance on refined foods and monocultures. With the Earth’s population continually expanding, it’s imperative to adopt holistic approaches that integrate food production, processing, and waste management. Embracing sustainable practices will not only mitigate environmental impact but also secure food resources for future generations.
• 持続可能な食料システムの重要性:食料生産、加工、廃棄物管理を統合し、効率性と環境への影響を低減する必要性。
• 還元主義的アプローチの問題点:19世紀の農業改革や20世紀のグリーン・レボリューションが、生物多様性の減少や環境問題を引き起こしたこと。
• 環境と社会への影響:現行の食料生産システムが気候変動、温室効果ガスの排出、飢餓、栄養失調などを助長していること。
• 持続可能なアプローチの必要性:人類の未来を左右する持続可能な食料システムへの移行が不可欠であること。
• 具体的な研究者の引用:Dwivediらの名前や引用は省略可能。
• 詳細な歴史的事例:東南アジアでの米と小麦の過度な消費などの具体例。
• 精製食品の詳細な影響:健康問題や炭素足跡に関する細部。
• 過去の農業改革の詳細:19世紀と20世紀の還元主義的思考の具体的な内容。