


Parenting styles represent specific ways in which parents tend to express their love and concern for their children, regulate their behavior, as well as establish discipline and boundaries. Different parenting styles affect children’s personality development in a variety of ways. Their self-esteem, communication skills, social competences, and mental health are highly dependent on the type of interaction that exists between parents and children. There are four main styles of parenting: authoritative, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritarian styles. Some of them are considered to be more successful than the others because they result in better developmental outcomes. This paper presents the examination of these parenting styles and discusses the effects different approaches can have on a child’s development.

Authoritative parenting style is an approach that is often considered to be “democratic” and can be characterized by parents’ responsiveness, sensitivity, and warmth. While authoritative parents tend to set strict limits and high demands for their children, they also focus on positive and productive communication, giving reasons for why they expect their children to behave in certain ways. Although these demands may seem high or difficult to satisfy, they are usually reasonable, because authoritative parents explain the benefits of the favorable behaviors and support their children in achieving those goals. Other characteristics of this parenting style include encouraging children to express and discuss their opinions, explaining the consequences of their actions, and fostering responsibility and independence.

Authoritative parents do not simply criticize or blame their children for mistakes and bad behavior; they negotiate and try to find ways to improve the situation or minimize its negative outcomes. They involve their children into the processes of problem solution, which allows the latter to know that their opinions matter, and makes them feel in charge of their own decisions. Even if circumstances change, and the goals set previously cannot be attained due to extenuating factors, authoritative parents are usually ready to adjust their demands and adapt new strategies. They are accepting, flexible, and always willing to reevaluate certain priorities and approaches according to their children’s needs and goals.


Parenting styles influence children’s development in areas such as self-esteem, communication, and mental health. The four main styles are authoritative, permissive, uninvolved, and authoritarian, with authoritative parenting often seen as the most effective. Authoritative parents set high but reasonable expectations, focus on clear communication, and encourage responsibility. They explain the reasons for rules and involve children in decision-making, fostering independence. Rather than punish harshly, they negotiate and adjust strategies based on their children’s needs. This balanced approach leads to better developmental outcomes by promoting both discipline and emotional support.


1. 親の育児スタイルの影響:育児スタイルが子どもの発達に大きな影響を与えるという点。これがエッセイの中心テーマであり、要約で触れるべきです。
2. 4つの育児スタイルの分類:エッセイでは4つの育児スタイル(権威的、放任的、無関与、独裁的)が紹介されていますが、要約ではこの情報をシンプルに「主要な育児スタイル」としてまとめています。すべてのスタイルの詳細を入れる必要はありませんが、エッセイの大まかな構成を伝えるために触れるべきです。
3. 権威的な育児スタイルの説明:このスタイルが特に効果的とされており、エッセイで強調されています。したがって、要約にもこの内容を反映する必要があります。特に、親が子どもと積極的にコミュニケーションをとり、責任感や自立を促すというポイントは、エッセイの主要な議論なので要約に入れるべきです。
4. 育児スタイルと子どもの発達の関連性:どのスタイルがより効果的かが子どもの発達にどのように影響するかについて言及することで、エッセイの結論を簡潔にまとめています。






