Mariupol, surrender beginsウクライナのマリウポリ、降伏開始
The Ukrainian troops in Mariupol are beginning to surrender.
This happened the same day that the Ukrainian government announced that the Russian Army had killed civilians in Bucha near Kiev.
We must assume that the propaganda about Russian troops killing Ukrainian civilians was meant to distract attention from the military disaster on the southern front.
This marks the beginning of phase 2 of the war, which will be the destruction of the “cauldron” or the pocket in the eastern Ukraine.
The Ukrainian Army numbers around 200,000, the troops in the pocket are some 80,000 men.
This is an immense military blunder on the part of President Zelensky. He should have pulled them back for mobile defense.
これは、ゼレンスキー大統領の軍事的な大失態であります。 彼は機動的な防衛のために彼らを引き戻すべきでした。
The troops in Mariupol were cut off and fought hard. But they could not prevail.
マリウポルの部隊は、切り離され、懸命に戦いました。 しかし、彼らは勝つことができませんでした。
Next will be the military attack on the “cauldron”. Russian military victory is assured.
次は「釜」への軍事攻撃だ。 ロシア軍の勝利は確実です。
I think the reason President Zelensky left these troops so exposed in the east was he wanted to invade the Donetsk and Luhansk Republics. He believed American and British propaganda that in case of a Russian attack, they would come to his aid.
ゼレンスキー大統領がこのような部隊を東部に放置したのは、ドネツク共和国とルハンスク共和国に侵攻するためだったと思います。 ロシアが攻めてきたら、アメリカやイギリスが助けに来てくれるというプロパガンダを信じたのでしょう。
Well, no. That would mean nuclear war with Russia and the end of human civilization in most of the world. So President Zelensky is a foolish man.
まあ、違いますね。 それはロシアとの核戦争を意味し、世界のほとんどの地域で人類の文明が終焉を迎えることに成ります。 だから、ゼレンスキー大統領は愚かな男なのです。
The Ukrainian Army is continuing atrocities against civilians inside the Ukraine.
Beating Civilians in Dnipro.
Taping civilians in various parts of Ukraine.
Meanwhile, in Berlin Germany, there are many Germans who support Russia in this war.
Well it makes sense. Germany is heavily dependent on trade with Russia for energy and trade. They do not wish to follow America in to ruin and destruction.
理解出来ます。 ドイツはエネルギーと貿易をロシアに大きく依存しています。 彼らは、アメリカに追随して破滅と破壊に向かうことを望んでいません。