
Is America sinking?アメリカは沈没しますか?   

A few days ago, It was announced that the Silicon Valley Bank of California has failed.


Apparently, they concentrated on “Woke” business that did not make profits.


This bank is the 16th largest in the US, and this bank failure is the second largest in American history. It is likely to cause other bank failures among smaller banks, one has already been announced, the Signature Bank in New York City.


Bank runs have already begun.


Here is a photo of people waiting in line for their money outside the Boston Private Bank in Massachusetts.


The Boston Private Bank is owned by the Silicon Valley Bank.


If America had a healthy economy, this might not be so bad. But the American economy is in very dismal shape. I am a military analyst, not an economic one. But still, with deep study of a subject, such as military history, you can learn something about economics.

もしアメリカが健全な経済状態であれば、これはそれほど悪いことではないかもしれません。 しかし、アメリカの経済は非常に悲惨な状態です。 私は軍事評論家であり、経済アナリストではありません。 しかしそれでも、軍事史のようなテーマを深く研究すれば、経済学についても学ぶことができるのです。

And I have been reading the blog of James Howard Kunstler for years, along with several of his books. He is an economist living in upstate New York.

そして、私は何年も前からジェームズ・ハワード・クンストラーのブログを読んでおり、彼の著書も何冊か読んでいます。 彼はニューヨーク州北部に住む経済学者です。

In his latest blog post, he mentions a rumor that the Federal Reserve is secretly helping Walmart, the Kroger chain, and other supermarkets.


Well, it has just been announced that Walmart is closing 269 stores nation wide. Walmart has a total of 4,648 stores in America.

さて、この度、ウォルマートが全国で269店舗を閉鎖することが発表されました。 ウォルマートは、アメリカで合計4,648店舗を展開しています。

But 269 stores is a lot. And liberal economic policies, which have caused more crime, have certainly contributed to these closures.

しかし、269店舗は多いです。 そして、より多くの犯罪を引き起こした自由主義的な経済政策は、これらの閉鎖に確実に寄与しています。

Janet Yellen, the Secretary of the Treasury under President Biden, has announced that everyones’ money is safe, guaranteed by the government.


But will the American people believe this? The way the Biden administration has handled the Ohio train wreck disaster, which has poisoned thousands of people, destroyed American relations with Saudi Arabia, lost the war in Ukraine, and totally bungled the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. All of these failures do not inspire confidence.

しかし、アメリカ国民はこれを信じるだろうか? バイデン政権のやり方は、何千人もの人々を毒殺したオハイオ州の列車事故災害を処理し、サウジアラビアとのアメリカの関係を破壊し、ウクライナでの戦争に負け、アフガニスタンからのアメリカの撤退を完全にしくじりました。 これらすべての失敗は、自信を抱かせるものではありません。

If I can offer any advice to my readers, I would withdraw any investments in an American bank now.


