ディクテーション練習 #8 (2022/05/16)
A: Well I've seen most of oxford. It's lovely city. but i want to go oter places.
B: Where do you want to go?
A: I've allways want to go to stone henge.
B: Stome henge! my godness. I have'nt been there in dicades.
A: How far from here?
B: It's about as far as London.
A: Can you take me to stone henge, grandpa?
B: Sure how about next sturday?
A: That would be wouderfull!
ストーン・ヘンジ 行ってみたい!地名のスペルって難しい。手が止まっているうちにどんどん会話進むから、適当に書いて後で調べるって割り切り手法ありかもよね。
Photo by ウジェーヌ・ドラクロワ / メトロポリタン美術館
タイトル:Goetz von Berlichingen Being Dressed in Armor by His Page George