ユザワヤのグラデーション毛糸で編むとちょとうまく見える説。 Using a yarn bought at a proper handcraft shop made my bag look better.
I’ve been using yarns from 100 yen shops, but a few weeks ago I bought some at a proper handcraft shop. However, they are thin, so I was not able to create any out of it. But a few days ago, I finally bought yarns at Yuzawaya, one of the largest chain handcraft shops in Japan, became a member of it to get a huge discount on the shopping that day, resulting a huge buy.
大きな糸玉がとにかく素敵 Big yarn balls: gorgeous itself
The yarn itself just looks like an artwork. Cute. Cool. Beautiful. There were so many that I was not able to decide which to buy. I styaed there about one hour to buy 6 of them (too many! What took you one hour!)
今回のご紹介はワールドフェスタのシエナというシリーズ World Festa series: Siena no.7
I love the name of the series. The recommended needle size is 7 or 8 in Japan size, and I always like to use size 8, so it is just good.
The width changes according to the color change, which gives a original character to each yarn! That’s so adorable.
秋色の巾着の完成 Autumn-colored kinchaku pouch
I didn’t know what to start with, so I made a circle as it’s my favorite thing to make, and I then moved on to make a kinchaku pouch with strings to tighten. The whole yarn is about 500m, so I can make a bigger thing.