
私の入院記録①:食道胃接合部がんのESD(内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術) My Hospital Stay for ESD(Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection)

I was staying at a hospital since September 16th for esophagogastric junction cancer, and I came back home today.  First of all, thanks for all the people who reached out to me after the last update, and for all the people at a hospital.

The reason why I wanted to write about my experience, even though it is a cancer at the early stage, is because I could not find the information that I wanted when I searched.  I could not help but searched on the internet, and there are a lot of information on the internet, so when you are not able to find one, you get more nervous.  I believe some people are not in favor of what I am doing/feel unhappy for what I am doing, but I wanted to leave this.


As I wrote before, my cancer was at the very early stage, so it was able to use the method called ESD, Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection.  I found the link below on the internet, or you can search yourself for more details.  In short, it is for the early cancer using the endoscope.

Again, this is the early stage cancer, but currently the hospital has been examining the cut cancer to see whether it went spreading down or not, and I will visit the hospital a month later.  Everything depend on the result.

I am going to finish this introduction as part 1 here and continue to write about my stay at hospital in the next part.
