アップサイクル糸に胸熱。Fell in love with upcycled yarn
This is my 4th year (!) since I started crocheting, and I’ve found myself not so good at thinner yarns and always looking for thicker ones. If not, I use two or three thin yarns together to make it thicker.
Then I came across this yarn brand called “mimimo.” It feels like a T-shirt yarn, and it stretches like it too. There are many colors available, and the ones I bought this time was the mixed one with the conjunction part firmly sewed.
The name “mimimo” comes from the Japanese words “mimi” which means ears and “mo” as well/ too. As the fabric company, they had no other way but threw away the cut-off edges of fabrics dyed without toxic materials. But this innovational product solved the problem, and now it is a beautiful ans eco-friendly extra thick yarn.
6月くらいに浅草橋の方に糸屋さん巡りに行った時に出会ったitoricot さん。こちらも工場の残糸などでオリジナルの糸を生み出されているとのことですが、糸の太さが細めのものが多くて、買ってみた糸もちょっとお休み中。。。
In June while I was doing the yarn shop hopping, I visited a shop “itoricot” in Asakusa-bashi. Their original yarns are created using the leftover yarns from the factories, and they are really beautiful, but they are rather thin... (and the ones that I bought there are taking break in a storage...)
But one day when I was looking at the instagram, I realized that their pictures showed very thick yarns, and I leanred about the pop-ups happening in Tokyo. I have not been to itoricot yet but been to Okadaya Shinjuku instead.
I will visit Asakusa-bashi soon and love to make a rug!