19th February 2020, Last day in Perth, I’m going to go back to Japan. I went to the Bay side kitten in Matilda Bay. I got an amazing experience that I felt to so kind by Aussie in Perth City. A crow taken away my sandwich. At that time, I deeply appreciated a Aussie’s act.
I ordered a cup of flat white coffee and a croissant sandwich. So I ate just harf of it, at that time I started to SNS of my sun’s family. Suddenly I heard a big boise of students group opposite a table. So that I watched the scene that a crow took away my sandwich into the air. I felt so sorry in my case. I continued to send a message of SNS.
すると突然声が聞こえ、顔を上げると金髪碧眼の女性が私のテーブルの前に立って何か言っていた。ほとんど聞き取れなかったが、ふとテーブルに視線を移すと、持ち帰り用の紙袋に入ったクロワッサンサンドが目に入った。私の英語力では、”Sankyu so much” と言うのが精一杯で、満足のいくお礼ができなかったことが心残りだ。
Abruptly I heard some sounds. I watched a very beautiful blonde hair blue eyes female behind my table. I could hardly listen to her sounds that’s native speaker. Because I had got my low English skill. And I casually looked down at the table, so I watched the croissant sandwich in a paper bag with taking away. I could only speak some sounds “Sank you so much”. But I’m sorry that I couldn’t thank you enough really.