Week 2 Postpartum: Getting into a routine

Monday, July 15th~Sunday, July 21st

The day my baby turned one week old.
Breastfeeding still hurt so bad. At one point my right breast hurt so bad I had to use the breastpump and give the baby a bottle.
I was seriously considering feeding her formula at this point. The only thing that kept me going was comments from other mums on reddit that it will get easier around two weeks. If it was only one more week of this pain I could do it.

Most of the day I stayed in bed, feeding the baby and resting. The wound from the cut still hurt and the bleeding was still pretty strong, so I focused on healing. My husband supported me with household chores, but I was itching to do some cleaning and eventually I started with chores (cleaning and laundry) again. I tried not to overdo it, but it was very hard.

Cooking and groceries was still done by my husband. Though every day we were eating the same food I was grateful that I had something healthy to eat every day. During nights when I got hungry I would snack on protein bars.

By the end of the week I noticed that breastfeeding hurt less and less each day which was an immense relief. It made breastfeeding and getting up at night so much more doable.
I also noticed that my baby was getting better at feeding. She was only feeding for 5-10 minutes per breast and she was satisfied with only one breast.
I had read online that the average feeding time for a newborn was at least 10 minutes at each side which was also what I was told at the hospital. I got really worried that maybe she wasn't getting enough milk, but when I tried weighing her she was 600 grams above birth weight and she was also producing about 10 diapers each day. I still was a bit worried, but since I had the 2 week check up coming soon I told myself that they would tell me then if anything was wrong.

My body was healing well and I could feel the stitches at my perineum coming out slowly during this week. By the end of the week they were gone completely which made it way more comfortable to sit down.
Mentally I was doing ok most days, but I noticed my husband taking care less and less of the baby and starting to be gone in his room to watch videos, seminars and live streams about investments more and more. I understood that he felt the need to provide since we have a baby now, but I felt lonely and overwhelmed taking care of the baby alone. 

To get some exercise and change of scenery for me we went for a walk a couple times. Since it was pretty hot outside we could only go at night though. We would usually go for a short walk to the drugstore and back home.

We also started bathing her every three days with only water and lotion. She seemed to really like the warm baths. Her umbilical cord fell off 8 days after birth which made it easier to change diapers and bath her.

Slowly things seemed to get a bit easier and more doable!
