9months. You took various poses. Your favorite position is facing outside bending your right leg and stretching your left leg. When you sometimes looked back and put your hip on my stomach, you couldn’t move well. So you went back to your favorite position.
When I lay down, you tried to touch the floor facing my stomach as if goldfish wiggly swimming.
I felt you were heavy while you were sleeping because of gravity.
I started maternity leave from June 15, 2020. I went to the office to clear up my desk with your dad. It’s my first time to walk in Omotesando after a long time because I had to work from home due to the COVID-19.
I started thinking my career after delivery. Before I got pregnant with you, I thought I wanted to work hard. However now I want to stay with you more because you are adorable.
The last day I started the maternity leave, my coworkers gave me their farewell messages and someone gave me AirPods Pro as a present. I was pleased that they loved and cheered me.
I started walking and yoga for easy delivery. You also stretched together while I did yoga. I walked to the park with your dad in the fine weekends. I was so fun looking for delicious bakery and cute flowers.
There is the hashtag “#the happiest laundry in the world”. I washed your clothes. It was so small and lovely. I was happy imaging you playing and wearing these.
My soulmate and your grandma couldn’t wait as well, they sent a lot of gift for you.
We held the count down party until your birth.
I cooked Spanish food similar to the one we ate in Spain when we went for our honeymoon. Your dad baked cheesecake. He drunk wine a lot because he was having a fun.
We look forward on the day when you would come back from the obstetrics hospital.
I looked at your face in our checkup. You pressed your face towards the wall of my stomach. You were probably hearing outside sounds. You put both of your hands on the left side to hear well. Our doctor saids “The favorite position of each baby is different.“.
You moved actively hearing the sound of cutting veggies and frying pan, after all you like outside sounds.
6/6 33週。45cm 1900g。やっぱり左側に両手を添えてる。この時はたぶん起きてた。子宮の壁に顔を押し付けて。料理する音とかによく反応しているので外の音が聴きたいのかな。右耳でよく聞こえるように、手は反対側に持って言ってるのかもしれないね。
6/24 35週目。45cm 2270g。いつも最初は顔を隠していた。先生が押してくれたり、私が寝返りするとやっと顔を見せてくれたんだけど、手はずっと顔の前にあるね。ほっぺはふっくら。この厚い唇は私似だろうな、、でも、この半開きの口で寝る姿はお父さんと全くおなじ。