



Counseling and coaching for Japanese people and other countries people living overseas living overseas is very important for me now

This is definitely a message from the guide! Since the end of May, I have been online counseling only Japanese people and other countries people living overseas . Italy - America - Canada - Canada - America - Canada - America - Belgium. It feels like that travel abroad by counseling.
"Counseling and coaching for Japanese people and other countries people living overseas living overseas is very important for me now" I received this guide message!

海外から時差計算簡単予約 It makes easy to calculate the time difference

 海外在住の日本人の方、外国人の方、時差計算が簡単なこちらのサイトから予約できます。またはKeiko Tokinoまでメッセージをお送りください。スケジュール以外の予約も可能です。

For Japanese people and other countries people living overseas, you can make a reservation through this website, which makes it easy to calculate the time difference. Or, please send a message to Keiko Tokino. Reservations outside of the schedule are also possible.
book a consultation here

Keiko Tokinoのメールアドレス e-mail

Keiko Tokinoのカウンセリング予約はこちらから book a consultation here

#other countries people living overseas
