There is a certain café in Kyoto.
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member.
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.
A popular figure, Kimura-san.
Kimura-san she is a pharmacist and she used to work a drugstore where is very close to the café.
She used to come to get her lunch and coffee every day, and used to get rid of stress by chatting with the café staff member.
Even when there are other customers, she joins the conversation, and the things she talks are interesting, so everyone likes her.
Her decision.
She quit her job to change career in this summer, she has made up the plan to realize her dream.
She has received training to run a convenience store after she left.
The café staff member and her hadn’t seen 5 months each other.
A sudden visit.
One day, Kimura-san suddenly appeared at the café, that surprise everyone who knows her.
Everyone who were there had a conversation and kept them posted.
Customers rarely exchange contacts each other, but when they meet, they have a lively conversation.
That was lovely time.
popular figure…人気者
get rid of stress by…byでストレスを発散する
make up the plan for…計画的に
change career…キャリアチェンジする
to receive training…養成コースを受ける
keep 人 posted…近況を報告する
exchange contacts…連絡先を交換する
have a lively conversation…話が盛り上がる