One another
There is a certain café in Kyoto.
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member.
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.
A certain evening.
When a customer came, a regular customer Koike-san was having a chat with a café staff member.
The customer looked exhausted and depressed. Furthermore, she spoke in a very weak voice. That was because she just had taken an exam before she came, and she already knew the result.
While she was having a cup of coffee and cookies, she talked how the exam was difficult and how much effort she made. Koike-san listened to her with sympathies.
She gradually got better as they talked, and she began to smile.
After she left.
After she left Koike-san said,
“I’m glad that she looked better than when she came in.”
In the café, customers also look care about one another.
in a small voice…(自身が持てない、遠慮している、)小さい声
in a quiet voice…(単に音量が)小さい声、落ち着いている声
in a weak voice…力のない声、弱々しい声
make an effort…努力する
care about…気にかける
one another…(3人以上)お互いに