
The beginning of a day.

There is a certain café in Kyoto.
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member.
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.

She longs to open the café in early morning.

The café isn't suitable for breakfast because it opens at 11:30A.M.
But the café staff member has always wanted to open early morning.
It would be nice atmosphere which has warm light and steam come through the door at dawn.
She decided to open the café from 7A.M for serving breakfast, then she could serve customers smile and energy, of course coffee, when a day starts.

What she needs is.

What she needs is to think breakfast menu and operation.
And also she has to wake up early, to prepare herself quickly and not to miss the bus.


long to…憧れる
suitable for…〜向きの
