
The English Night

There is a certain café in Kyoto.
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member.
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.

The English Night.

The café holds some event constantly.
The English Night is one of them.

The event is for people who want an opportunity to speak English. Because many adults learn English whether they need or not, and there are English language school here and there and online.

The café gives them an opportunity to have a conversation in English.

Sometimes, foreigners come to the event who travel in Japan or go to a Japanese language school in Kyoto.  So participants have an opportunity to out put English words or phrases they have learned.

The café staff member facilitates the event, she engages every participant in conversation, so everyone has a chance to speak English.

In fact, the secret intention is to connect with people. If you make friends, the world could be comfortable for you. And hopefully you will be able to have friends all over the world.
That is to say the event is for world peace.


whether A or not…Aか否か、
facilitate (v) …物事を促進する、
engage 人 in conversation…人に話を振る、
a familiar face…顔馴染み
get to know 人…人と顔馴染みになる
secret intention…裏の目的
that is to say…つまり
