The password
There is a certain café in Kyoto.
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member.
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.
There is a regular customer Kato-san who is 90 years old.
He never look at a menu because the letters are too small and he feels it’s annoying. Also, he won’t remember the names of coffee.
“Today, I’ll have the one top right.”
“I’ll go with the one bottom left.”
He usually order in this way.
A variety of coffee.
The café has about 20 kinds of coffee bean, which is whole range of roasting from light roast to dark roast.
Kato-san likes light roast coffee.
At first time when the café staff member explained the difference between the two kinds of light roast coffee to him, she described it as follow.
“ Cuba coffee tastes very light, it’s like a black tea. And Brazil coffee has roasting aroma than Cuba one, it’s like a coarse tea.”
the password
After that, Kato-san has been ordering this way.
“I’d like a black tea today.”
“I’ll have a coarse tea.”
That is a password between only he and the café staff member.
as follow…次の通り
coarse tea…番茶