
On business combined with pleasure.

There is a certain café in Kyoto. 
It only has 4 counter seats, and there is just one café staff member. 
She welcomes you with a smile everyday, every time.

Spanish self-taught

The café staff member has been learning Spanish as a self-taught learner for one year.

Suddenly, she wanted to do what only she can do, on business combined with pleasure.
One of the reason she learns Spanish is many counties that produce coffee bean speak Spanish.

Then if she can read Spanish articles written in original language, she might be able to reach the latest information.

Also, there are no one speaks Spanish at least around her.

So, she started to read news about coffee situation in Spanish.


combine A with B…AとBを兼ねる
on business combined with pleasure…趣味と実益を兼ねる
the situation…~事情
