
宇宙人の劣等なユダヤ人の魂 VS 優秀な異邦人の魂(The Alien Inferior Jewish Soul VS The Superior Gentile Soul)


by HP Hoodedcobra666 -  Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:24 pm

One needs to look no further than the writtings of the Jews to see their own admitting of how their souls are inferior, and a lot of other disgusting things when it comes to the jewish so called "Soul". One then realizes that not only jews are inferior on the Soul level, but they absolutely understand everything that comes from this.


I hope this small article will explain it easily why the jews are as they are.


Why Jews cannot create? Why Jews are so evil? Why Jews cannot feel any compassion? Why the Jewish universal dreams expressed by their highest people and Rabbis are just senseless communism, assmiliation of all lifeforms, or the existence of humanity as a borg collective? Why the jews hate the Gods of the Gentiles so much? Why all this hatred, greed and resentment against humanity without any reason WHATSOVER?


Why did the Jews messacre all the Spirituality of the Gentile people into nonsense? Why they act like parasites their whole existence, robbing states, and living within the midst of others, and never created any civilization like all other Gentiles? Why people naturally hate or are repulsed by them to the point tons of propaganda are needed to protect the "CHOSEN"?

なぜユダヤ人は、異邦人のスピリチュアリティをすべて無意味なものにしてしまったのか?なぜ奴らは自分たちの存在全体を寄生虫のように振る舞い、国を奪い、他人の中で生き、他の異邦人のような文明を創造しなかったのか?「選ばれし者 」を守るために大量のプロパガンダが必要になるほど、人々はなぜ自然に彼らを憎んだり、反発したりするのでしょうか?

Let's answer some questions then.


Now I can't run on the basics, like the basic 7 chakra system and what each chakra does. I persume all readers are familliar with this. If not, please go to the Joy of Satan website.

さて、基本的な7つのチャクラシステムとそれぞれのチャクラが何をしているのか、といった基本的なことを書き続けることができません。読者の皆さんはこのことをよくご存知だと思います。そうでない方は、Joy of Satanのサイトをご覧ください。

The jews do not have a 7 Chakra Soul, or for better saying, they work on a different type of "Soul", because they are alien. At least this is what everyone can see and is readily illustrated in all of their writtings in regards to what "They" are. This is from THEM, not my own estimation.


They have 4 main Chakras in the Middle of the body (others are left to atrophy and die, or simply do NOT exist at all as shown by their behavior)- the Heart Chakra is missing, the Throat Chakra is missing, and the 6th Chakra is missing. The heart rules creation, same as the 6th chakra and also the throat and heart together rule emotions. The force from the Sacral chakra is supposed to be transmutated in the heart, throat and 6th chakra to give creation to beautiful and exalted things of a higher dimension. This is why Aryans excell in literature, music, and anything else and are a creative race.

奴らは体の真ん中に4つの主要なチャクラを持っています(他のチャクラは萎縮して死んでしまうか、奴らの行動によって示されるように単純に全く存在していません) - ハート(胸、第4)チャクラ、スロート(喉、第5)チャクラ、そして第6チャクラが欠けています。ハートは、第6チャクラと同じように創造を司り、また、スロートとハートが一緒になって感情を司ります。セイクラル(仙骨、第2)チャクラからの力は、ハート、スロート、第6チャクラで変換され、高次元の美しいもの、高貴なものの創造を与えると考えられています。これがアーリア人が文学や音楽など何かに秀でていて、創造的な人種である理由です。

The jews on the other hand are inferior. Of all races the jew is the most uncreative race. They never, ever created anything. Even their alphabet is nothing but a stolen sound-matrix from their non-jewish neighbors. These are the seats of emotions, bonding, and of anything that makes humans be human, that are missing, including the understanding of Truth and Compassion, and also real love that is not faked, but all the human emotions too.


In the enemy systems, if one wants to follow the "holy jews", they have to literally terraform their soul to that sort of like the jewish one. Shabbos try but they fail. In some perverted jewish systems in the east, practicioners have to even remove their chakras, a literal soul mutilation, in mimicry of this. As thus, the soul of the jew is inferior, and they of course preach the same to all the Shabbos idiots who instead of looking at their own spiritual heritage, try to play the wanna be Rabbi Shekelstein Yahushua's, like Crowley who was their little shoe cleaner.


補足: Shabbos

Every Chakra has a corresponding "seath" or "body". This in the eastern tradition is named "Kosha". The "Kosha" of interconnectedness, love, affection and all other human emotions, is missing alltogether from the Jews. These are also faculties and attributes, and not really full astral bodies. This is why the jews are criminals, have zero sense of compassion for anything living, animals, human beings alike, and this also explains their insatiable greed, and their base and materialistic, murderous nature. Their Soul is not only incomplete, but nefarious and reptilian. Below a picture of the Jewish Tree of Life (Jewish Map of the Soul).



Now let's take a moment to think what's going on in the planet.




Their greed is to where half of the human population doesn't even have water. Their "economic system" is where 90% of the people live in poverty, while jews own the planet. Their religion on the Goyim is nothing but a nefarious alien program to snatch their soul energy and use them as disposable animals. Their "politics" are nothing but communism. Their "sexuality" is even lower than the lowest porn.


Their greed and malice in the back of humanity is something that nobody can figure out why once they manage to understand the jew. Unprecedented hatred of animals, and hatred for all humanity in as much they REMOVED the SPIRITUAL INHERITENCE OF ALL GENTILES to turn them into SWINE, into a level only more inferior to the JEWS, so they can rule over them. The system itself that the world works, forces people to act like jews- immorally, stupidly, unspiritually, materialistically, in order to survive and exist. Malice and hatred THAT great that they want to wipe out and destroy human races just for the sake of it, instead of living side by side with anyone in a peaceful way.

人類の背後にある奴らの貪欲さと悪意は、一度ユダヤ人を理解することができれば、誰もがその理由を理解することができないものです。かつてないほどの動物への憎しみ、そして全人類への憎しみは、奴らが彼らを支配できるようにするために、すべての異邦人の精神的な継承を取り除き、彼らをに変え、ユダヤ人よりも劣ったレベルに変えました。世界が機能しているシステム自体が、人々にユダヤ人のように行動することを強制しています - 不道徳で、愚かで、非精神的で、物質的に、生き残って存在するために。平和的な方法で誰とでも共存する代わりに、ただそのためだけに人類を一掃し破壊したいと思うほど、その悪意と憎しみは非常に大きい。

For any being to be so EVIL they also have to be SO INFERIOR. But intelligent enough to understand their own inferiority, as to make sure that they will hate their enemies accordingly. The greys and the alien workers behind the jews, generated a good parasite, we can give them that.


This shows their lack of morality, tending to criminality as a race (they lack sense of compassion and human emotions), why they are attracted to everything inferior in creation, why they love abominations, always wish for all others like Whites to detoriate by Race Mixing to again become "inferior" by systematic breakdown of all pure Races (this manifests in the Soul as higher development) and anything else that is put with a big question mark behind the jewish "people". Its just who they are. This is from their OWN books.


The 3 things on the sides in pairs are the temple, shoulders, and hip chakras accordingly. In the middle are the Jewish "Chakras", base, sacral, solar, 6th chakra. This leaves one to no question in regards to all these "Jewish" biblical drivel that focuses so much on "Love energy" and "LOVING GOD" all the time, or the complete abolishing of any and all logic (that has to do with the 6th and throat Chakra).


The jews cannot really generate this energy from their own Soul, so they want the Goyim (Enslaved Gentiles) to supply them with this "love" energy they require, them and their nefarious, lowlife, alien creators. As one can see in the VISIBLE LIGHT SPECTRUM, this soul is INCOMPLETE and is not SOLAR (perfected). Its a cheap imitation of Satan's original creation. Rabbi Jewsus, the stealer of Gentile energies, always wants LOVE. LOVE, abolishing of LOGIC, for one to waste their whole being on LOVING him. The bible which is a book of jewish witchcraft is obviously DEVOID of any sense of logic, truth, or real compassion. At best its a cheap, communist immitation of what "love" or "compassion" should really mean.


Make no mistake this is what the jews teach and do in all their "FREEMASONIC", "ILLUMINATI", "KNIGHT OF THE GOLDEN DAWN" and anything else that is a Jew created, bastardization of Gentile Pagan Occultism.


The enemy alien races have just created a race of destroyers, without any decent spiritual purpose, and this is manifested in all their actions, philosophies, from communism, to the bible, to all their internal and external empty and devoid teachings. They are just a borg race that lives physically in order to assimilate and destroy others, without any occult or higher destiny. AS thus this manifests in materialism, greed, destruction, misery and constant anguish which they spread to everything.


Jews of course do NOT realize the spiritual needs and aspirations of Gentiles, and they look upon them as cattle that is projected as being empty and animalistic. This is in the term "Goyim". Which means animals. The jews are as always, projecting what they are, to the rest of the Gentile people.


This is a ritual where the Self Proclaimed "most spiritual" and "chosen of g-d himself" race of the planet, twirls around a chicken and beats it to death in order to sanctify it.



Now when we see Satan's Creation we see a spirit of perfection. Gentile Races have a complete Soul, all of them, and the Jews want to bastardize and mix them to oblivion until the powers are lost.


I made this Diagram that on its own shows the Gentile Soul- the REAL Tree of LIFE, which roughly shows the Human Soul as it should be, [u]and not the nefarious and diseased creation of some reptilian, grey aliens, who are inferior and only made a race meant to enslave, rape and mutilate others that isn't meant for any spiritual destiny - the jew.[/u]

私は異邦人の魂を表すこの図を作成しました - それは人間の魂のあるべき姿を大まかに示す本物の生命の木であり、劣っていて精神的な宿命を意図していない他者を奴隷にしたり、レイプしたり、切り刻んだりすることだけを目的とした人種 - ユダヤ人 - を作った爬虫類や宇宙人グレイの邪悪で病的な創造物ではない。


Goldenage18 - Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:31 pm

Very interesting
Hp Hoodedcobra666
I'm wondering how can the Jewish heart and thyroid gland work without the 5th and 4th chakras
Which control them
I can understand their pineal gland to be dead instead

But this explains the reason why the jews are emotionless.

HP Hoodedcobra666


Hoodedcobra666 - Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:35 pm

How can all humans exist nowadays in this inferior and gloomy way due to not meditating? It works along these lines. The physical realm is the physical realm. The physical realm has its own laws.


Also, the jews have intense problems and require transplants from the bodies of many other people for these extreme problems they have in all their vital organs. Their bodies have severe, DNA issues because of their design. Most Jews have horrendous health, beyond the realm of normalcy. Also, extreme deformities. These are more than just "Failures" and they are completely abnormal. Something can be on the baseline of "to exist" and live abnormally. The jews are abnormal, but they can exist that way.


Rocky90 - Sun Oct 16, 2016 1:58 pm

HP Cobra your posts are always very instructive. But HP Maxinem says that the man to live need all seven chakras:
http://www.itajos.com/X%20SEZIONE%20INT ... 0SETTE.htm
Explain better please ... Thanks ... !!!

HP Cobraさんの投稿はいつもとても勉強になります。しかし HP Maxineは、人間が生きるためには7つのチャクラすべてが必要だと言っています:
日本語訳: https://josjapan.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/08/30/134226
より良い説明をお願いします... ありがとうございます…!!!

by HP Hoodedcobra666 - Sun Oct 16, 2016 6:40 pm

Like thoughtforms and many other creations in the cosmos [they don't have chakras, or all of them, or any in many cases], maybe all decent lifeforms need 7 chakras, but someone can exist in another way as well, and without the capabilities bestowed upon someone by the soul. Having a soul with chakras etc, is advanced. Viruses for instance, do not have "Chakras". One can also purposefully mutilate their chakras and there are many alterations.


For instance in the new (jew) age, they tell people to remove their solar chakra completely, same as all the others, and just leave the heart chakra of "love" and "acceptance" as to be siphoned in an easier way into the astral cube. Others in the east remove an aspect of the soul completely to just die-off in an attempt to "liberate themselves from suffering" and return into the primordial state of non-existence.


※補足: 仏教の「悟りを開く」ということ

The clergies and enemy pastors always rant and rave about "Christ Living into the Heart". This is also a simplified allegory of an astral thing they do, to put the cube in connection to the hearts of followers who are "accepting christ" into their hearts. This is why you see christians who are devout to the point they no longer act like a human being, but a walking radio that just spouts out the bible. Of course this phenomenon is disappearing, but I just want to convey what it means.


I also said in my post that this is what THEY state, from their own writtings. My belief is that there is more into this, its not MY estimation, its what THEY state, but yes, they are defunct and this is evident by their own work and how they work their own so called "spirit". Also, the jews have a parasitic soul in that it only drains from other beings in many ways.


HPS Maxine talks about human beings. Now as about alien lifeforms and entities like the jews, things are different. The jews themselves claim of having a different soul, an alien soul, that belongs with "JHVH", and is to be worked by specific means and not in anyway what the Gentile people have done this. WE are talking different species here. Not just another race within humanity. Different species. If you have met any jews (practicing or racial that act "jewish") face to face, you will see they do not act human at all, especially those who are freely expressing themselves and don't try to "act normal".

HPS Maxineは人間であることについて語ります。さて、エイリアンの生命体やユダヤ人のような存在については、事情が異なります。ユダヤ人自身は、「JHVH」に属する異なる魂を持っており、特定の手段で働がされるべきであり、どんな方法であっても異邦人がこれを行ったことではないと主張します。私たちはここで異なる種族を話しています。単なる人類内の別の人種ではありません。異なる種族です。もしあなたがユダヤ人(ユダヤ人としての活動をしている実践者や人種)に直接会ったことがあれば、奴らが全く人間らしく振舞っていないことがわかるでしょう、特に自由に自分を表現し、「普通に振る舞おう」としない人は。