by High Priest Mageson666
Mandela and the Jews
“We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will America to our cause.”
Israel Cohen [Jew], A Racial Program for The Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957
連邦議会記録第103巻8559ページ 上記画像の出典:
Here is Mandela with one of his Jewish Communist bosses: Slovo. マンデラとユダヤ系共産主義者の上司の1人:Slovo
No mistake the partial Jewish and totally Marxist prez. Obama ordered all American [made in China] flags at half mast in honour of Jew owned, Marxist, terrorist, Mandela.
Why not Americans have already been taught to worship the Jewish owned, Communist agent Martin Luther King as a Saint. Keeping Israel Cohen’s Talmudic dream to destroy Gentiles alive.
Nelson Mandela Was A Communist Terrorist Backed By Zionists [My note Zionist is just another word for Jew and we all know it.]
December 6, 2013 By Lee Rogers, Blacklisted News
2013年12月6日 Lee Rogers著、Blacklisted News
Nelson Mandela the former President of South Africa has passed away at the age of 95. The big American media outlets are currently spending hours upon hours of air time praising Mandela as some sort of angelic icon of peace. This is a total fabrication of reality. Mandela originally aligned himself with the African National Congress a Communist revolutionary group heavily influenced and financed by Zionist Jews. This organization would be responsible for all sorts of atrocities in South Africa which eventually led to Mandela’s time in jail. Mandela co-founded the militant wing of the ANC with various South African Communists including an Israeli Jew by the name of Arthur Goldreich. The group was called Umkhonto we Sizwe or Spear of the Nation. It is important to note that the ANC not only attacked official government buildings but even non-government targets like movie theatres as well. It was this activity that made it easy for several countries including the United States to label the ANC as a terrorist organization. Mandela himself was even on the U.S. terrorist watch list until 2008. Fun facts about Mandela such as these are completely ignored by all of the big media outlets because it runs contrary to the portrait they are trying to paint.
南アフリカ共和国の元大統領、ネルソン・マンデラが95歳で亡くなった。アメリカの大手メディアは現在、マンデラを平和の天使のような象徴として何時間もかけて賞賛している。これは完全に現実の捏造である。マンデラはもともと、シオニスト・ユダヤ人の多大な影響と資金援助を強く受けた共産主義革命集団であるアフリカ民族会議(ANC)と手を組んでいた。この組織は、南アフリカであらゆる種類の残虐行為に責任を負い、最終的にマンデラは刑務所に入ることになる。マンデラは、イスラエルのユダヤ人であるArthur Goldreichを含むさまざまな南アフリカの共産主義者とともに、ANCの過激派組織を共同設立した。このグループはUmkhonto we SizweまたはSpear of the Nationと呼ばれていた。ここで重要なのは、ANCは政府の公式な建物だけでなく、映画館のような非政府の標的さえも攻撃していたことである。米国を含むいくつかの国が ANC をテロ組織として分類することを容易にしたのは、この活動でした。 マンデラ自身は、2008 年まで米国のテロ監視リストに載っていました。このようなマンデラに関する楽しい事実は、大手メディアはすべて完全に無視している。なぜなら、彼らが描こうとする人物像に反するからだ。
In order to understand who Mandela really was it is necessary to understand the real history of apartheid South Africa. The policies of apartheid or racial segregation were largely implemented starting in the late 1940s to early 1950s. These policies were originally intended to give the different races within South Africa an independent area of their own. It was argued by South African leaders at the time that South Africa wasn’t a single nation but was made up of several different racial groups which should be split apart. Although the merits of these policies or lack thereof could be argued, the policies were not as nefarious as we have been led to believe.
The so-called apartheid South African government which was dominated by White Europeans had made South Africa a successful independent first world nation. This was the real reason why Jewish Communists sought to use the ANC as a way to demonize the White European leaders in power. South Africa represented an independent economic and military power that needed to be brought under their influence.
Much like the phony civil rights movement in America, the ANC was dominated by Jewish Communists even up until the 1990s when Mandela took power. A recent article from Haaretz notes the following.
アメリカの偽りの公民権運動と同じように、ANCは、マンデラが権力を握る1990年代まで、ユダヤ人共産主義者によって支配されていました。 Haaretzの最近の記事では、次のように指摘されています。
The African National Congress, the liberation movement that became the governing party in 1994, also had a full complement of Jews, including Joe Slovo, Ronnie Kasrils and Denis Goldberg.
1994年に政権党となった解放運動のアフリカ民族会議(ANC)にも、Joe Slovo、Ronnie Kasrils、Denis Goldbergなどのユダヤ人が多数参加していた。
The ANC would not only engage in acts of terror against Whites but they would also do the same against Blacks who they suspected of collaborating with Whites. Specifically they would execute and torture people by igniting a rubber tire filled with petrol that they forced over their chests and arms. The practice referred to as necklacing would typically take the victim over 15 minutes to die in certain cases. Hundreds of executions using this method were carried out by the ANC. Even Mandela’s one-time wife Winnie would implicitly endorse this method of torture and execution.
Early in his life Mandela was surrounded by Jews and was given his first job as a clerk by a Jewish lawyer named Lazar Sidelsky. He would associate himself with a large number of Jewish Communists including some of the ones mentioned previously. In fact during a sweep of the ANC in the early 1960s which resulted in his arrest and lengthy prison sentence, a significant number of Jews were also arrested. Enormous caches of weapons and explosives held by the ANC were also uncovered. A recently published article from Tablet Magazine goes into great detail about how Mandela was aligned strongly with a significant number of Zionist and Communist Jews before and up until the time of his arrest.
幼い頃、マンデラの周りにはユダヤ人が多く、ユダヤ人弁護士のLazar Sidelskyから事務員として最初の仕事を与えられた。彼は、先に言及された何人かを含む多数のユダヤ人共産主義者と関係を持つことになる。実際、1960年代初頭に行われたANCの掃討作戦で、彼は逮捕され、長期の実刑判決を受けた際には、かなりの数のユダヤ人も逮捕されたのである。また、ANCが保有していた膨大な武器や爆発物の隠し場所も発見された。最近出版されたTablet Magazineの記事では、マンデラが逮捕される前後に、かなりの数のシオニストや共産主義のユダヤ人と強く結びついていたことが詳細に記述されている。
In 1985, the President of South Africa Pieter W. Botha offered to release Mandela from prison if he would unconditionally reject violence as a political instrument. Mandela refused the offer. This fact completely destroys the notion that Mandela was a man of peace.
1985年、南アフリカのPieter W. Botha大統領は、暴力を政治的手段として無条件に拒否するならマンデラを刑務所から釈放すると申し出た。マンデラはその申し出を断りました。 この事実は、マンデラが平和の人であったという概念を完全に破壊します。
参考:S. Africa Offers to Free Black Leader Mandela if He Rejects Violence
Mandela’s release from prison in 1990 was greeted with widespread media coverage from all of the major Jewish controlled press outlets including American mainstream media. Instead of focusing on his past, he was portrayed as a man of peace and an iconic freedom fighter. The biased media spin was used to make people forget about who he really was. Amazingly the ridiculous media extravaganza helped Mandela become President of South Africa allowing his Jewish backers to change South Africa into a nation run by Communist principles.
Since Mandela’s ascent to the Presidency, the South African economy has actually worsened compared to when it was led by the apartheid government. A BBC article goes into great detail about how many things were better before the ANC and Mandela took power. In fact economic inequality is far worse now than before. Unemployment and poverty is rampant with many South Africans living in shacks. Dissent against the ANC is largely stifled as one would expect in a nation run by Communist principles. There has also been a substantial increase in the number of White South Africans murdered by Blacks since this transformation. Specifically White South African farmers have been primary targets during this reign of murder and terror.
Simply put, Mandela was nothing more than a cult of personality fraud who has brought ruin to South Africa. Many Black South Africans are actually worse off now than under the alleged evils of the apartheid government. He was always a puppet for powerful Jewish interests who were the ones that really helped him gain power in South Africa. It is no wonder why Barack Obama had so many kind things to say about Mandela because Obama is literally doing the same thing to America that Mandela did to South Africa. Mandela should be remembered with disdain and not with reverence.
-High Priest Mageson666