聖ヴァルブルガ(Saint Walburga)
Saint Walburga
Most of us are well aware of the history of Christianity. Throughout the centuries nearing the end of and following the fall of the Roman Empire, Christians were most fervent and obsessive in converting non-Christians to their newly emerging so called "religion." The methods of conversion did not matter to them; whether this be mass murder, torture and brutality, which was often the case…to blatant lying and twisting the truth to suit their means.
Pagan peoples were especially persecuted by Christians. In researching the origins of "Walpurgisnight" one will find this feast of the celebration of spring, dates back long before the birth of the English born Catholic nun and Mother Superior, "Walburga." The mountain top celebrations of the evening of April 30th have survived from Viking days¹ where people lit huge bonfires and danced around them in the nude, having orgies and feasting, which lasted until dawn.
特に異教徒はキリスト教徒に迫害された。「ヴァルプルギスの夜」の起源を調べると、この春を祝う祝宴は、英国生まれのカトリックの修道女で女子修道院長の「ヴァルブルガ」が誕生するずっと前にさかのぼることがわかる。4月30日の夜の山頂での祝宴はバイキングの時代¹ から続いてきた。人々はそこで大きなかがり火に火をつけ、裸になって周囲で踊り、乱痴気騒ぎや饗宴をし、それは夜明けまで続いた。
Bonfires were lit to celebrate the ending of winter and orgies signified a fertility rite for plentiful mating and birth of the offspring of food animals. In Sweden, the celebrations on the night of April 30th were known as "The Feast of Valbörg."
冬の終わりを祝うために焚き火が灯され、乱交は食用動物の子孫の豊富な交配と誕生のための豊穣の儀式を意味しました。スウェーデンでは、4月30日の夜のお祝いは、 「ヴァルボーリ(Valbörg)の饗宴」 として知られています。
The festivities of April 30th spread to the other countries of Europe. With the infestation of Christianity, the Feast of Valbörg was attacked, as it was Pagan. The bonfires, lit to celebrate the warmth and coming of spring were corrupted by Christians into warnings to frighten away "Demons" and "witches."
4月30日の祭りは他のヨーロッパ諸国にも広まった。キリスト教の浸透に伴い、ヴァルボーリの饗宴は異教として攻撃された。暖かさと春の訪れを祝うために点火された焚き火は、キリスト教徒によって 「悪魔」 や 「魔女」 を追い払うための警告へと堕落しました。
"Berg" a variation of "Börg" most castles [precise meaning of "Burg" and Börg] were built upon hills or mountain tops “berg” means "mountain" in both German and Swedish. "Valbörg" was converted to "Walpurga" to give the name Christian meaning. So who exactly IS Walburga? Walburga, aka Walpurga, Walpurgis; She is a CATHOLIC SAINT. "Walburga" was an English NUN. She served as a MISSIONARY in Germany. "St Boniface called on English monks and nuns to help convert the Germans. Walburga and her brother Winebald answered the call."² "She is believed to be a protector against black magick, witches, and Demons."³ "Walpurga is known as the saint who protects against magic."4 She died as "abbess of Heidenheim" in Württemberg and her relics were taken to Eichstätt. A liquid oozes from the rock beneath the shrine, known as "St. Walburga's oil," and is reputed to have curative powers.5
「Berg」は「Börg」の変形で、ほとんどの城[正確には「Burg」と「Börg」の意味]は丘や山の頂上に建てられた。「Berg」はドイツ語とスウェーデン語で「山」を意味します。「Valbörg」が 「Walpurga(ヴァルプルガ)」に変換され、キリスト教的な意味を持つ名前になりました。では、ヴァルブルガ(Walburga)とは一体何者なのだろうか?ヴァルブルガ、別名ヴァルプルガ、ヴァルプルギス;カトリックの聖女である。「ヴァルブルガ」はイギリスの修道女である。彼女はドイツで宣教師として奉仕した。「聖ボニファティウスはイギリスの修道士と修道女にドイツ人の改宗を助けるよう呼びかけました。ヴァルブルガとその弟のウィニバルドはその呼びかけに応えた。」² 「彼女は黒魔術、魔女、悪魔から身を守ると信じられています。」³ 「ヴァルブルガは魔法から身を守る聖人として知られています。」4 彼女はヴュルテンベルク州の「ハイデンハイム修道院長」として亡くなり、彼女の遺品はアイヒシュテットに運ばれた。「聖ヴァルブルガの油」として知られている、液体が神殿の下の岩からにじみ出ており、治癒力があると言われています。5
Obviously, this is not a Christian night, the name was used as an attempt to denigrate this celebration and turn it into something it is not and using this Christian alteration from the original is blasphemous.
¹The Book of Festivals by Dorothy Gladys Spicer; page 310 ©1937
²Celebrations Around the World by Carole S. Angell; page 52
³A Calendar of Saints; the Lives of the Principal saints of the Christian Year by James Bentley; page 41
4Holiday Symbols 1998, edited by Sue Ellen Thompson; pages 514-515. ©1998
5The Book of Saints; a comprehensive biographical dictionary. Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB on behalf of the Benedictine monks of St Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. Seventh edition; page 594 ©2002