
35. 「ユダヤ人の権利」 とアメリカの権利の衝突("Jewish Rights" Clash With American Rights)

by Henry Ford

It is well that the public should understand that the present study of the Jewish Question in the United States is not based upon religious differences. The religious element does not enter except when it is injected by the Jews themselves. And it is injected in three ways: First, in their allegation that any study of the Jews is "religious persecution"; second, by their own records of what their activities in the United States consist of; third, by the impression which is very misleading if not corrected, that the Jews are the Old Testament people of the Old Testament religion which is so highly regarded in the Christian world. The Jews are not the Old Testament people, and the Old Testament, their Bible, can be found among them only with difficulty. They are a Talmudical people who have preferred the volumes of rabbinical speculation to the words of their ancient Prophets.

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The note of religion does not enter this discussion until the Jews place it there. In this series of articles we have set aside every non-Jewish statement on this question, and have accepted only that which proceeds from recognized Jewish sources. It has been more than a surprise, in studying the proceedings of the New York Kehillah and the American Jewish Committee and their affiliated organizations, as represented by their activities throughout the country, to learn how large a part of these activities have a religious bearing, as being directly and combatively anti-Christian.


That is to say, when the Jews set forth in the public charters and constitutions of their organizations that their only purpose is to "protect Jewish rights," and when the public asks what are these "Jewish rights" which need protection in this free country, the answer can be found only in the actions which the Jews take to secure that "protection." The actions interpret the words. And thus interpreted, "Jewish rights" seem to be summed up in the "right" to banish everything from their sight and hearing that even suggests Christianity or its Founder. It is just there, from the Jewish side, that religious intolerance makes its appearance.


What follows in the course of this article is nothing less nor more than a group of citations from Jewish records covering a number of years. It is given here partly as an answer to the charge that this series of articles is "religious persecution," and partly to help interpret by official actions the official Jewish program in the United States.


An important factor is that previous to the formation of the Kehillah and the Jewish Committee, this sort of attack on the rights of Americans was sporadic, but since 1906 it has increased in number and insistence. Heretofore it has gone unheeded by the public as a whole because of our general tolerance in this country, but from this time forth the country will possess information that what it has been tolerating is intolerance itself. Under cover of the ideal of Liberty we have given certain people liberty to attack liberty. We ought at least to know when that is being done.


Look rapidly down the years and see one phase of that attack. It is the attack on Christianity.


That is rather a hard thing to set down in writing in this country, and it would not be set down did not the facts compel it. Jewish writers nowadays show a great deal of anxiety that non-Jews should follow certain Christian doctrines. "We gave you your Savior, and he told you to love your enemies; why don't you love us?" is the implication with which their statements usually come.


However, here are a few items from the record: They are recorded according to the Jewish calendar (our modern calendar is "Christian," and therefore taboo) but here both calendar dates shall be supplied.


5661 (A.D. 1899-1900) The Jews attempt to have the word "Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia.

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5667 (A.D. 1906-1907) The Jews of Oklahoma petition the Constitutional Convention protesting that the acknowledgement of Christ in the new state constitution then being formulated would be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.

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5667年 (西暦1906年-1907年)オクラホマ州のユダヤ人は、当時策定されていた新しい州憲法でキリストを認めることは合衆国憲法に矛盾することに抗議して、憲法制定会議に請願した。

5668 (A.D. 1907-1908) Widespread demand by the Jews during this year for the complete secularization of public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights. -- Supreme Court Justice Brewer's statement that this is a Christian country widely controverted by Jewish rabbis and publications.

5668年 (西暦1907年-1908年)憲法上の権利を求めるユダヤ人の要求の一部として、この国の公的機関の完全な世俗化を求めるユダヤ人によるこの年の間の広範な要求。-- ユダヤ教のラビや出版物によって広く論争されている、この国はキリスト教国であるという最高裁判所のBrewer判事の声明。

5669 (A.D. 1908-1909) protests made to governor of Arkansas against "Christological expressions" employed by him in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation, 1908 -- Professor Gotthard Deutsch protests against "Christological prayers" at the high school graduating exercises in Cincinnati.

5669年(西暦1908年-1909年)1908年、感謝祭の宣言でアーカンソー州知事が使用した「キリスト教的な表現」に対して抗議した -- Gotthard Deutsch教授がシンシナティの高校卒業式の演習で「キリスト教の祈り」に抗議した。

5673 (A.D. 1912-1913) The alarming growth of the Jewish population in New York makes it necessary for business men advertising for clerks or secretaries, or housewives advertising for help, to specify where Jewish help was not desired, otherwise the flood of Jewish applicants was overwhelming.

5673年 (西暦1912年-1913年)ニューヨークのユダヤの人口の驚くべき増加により、事務員や秘書を募集するビジネスマンや、援助を募集する主婦は、ユダヤ人の援助を希望しない場所を明記する必要がある、そうでなければ、ユダヤ人応募者の洪水は圧倒的であった。

The expressions "Christian preferred," or "Jews please do not apply" are used. This year the New York Kehillah takes the matter in hand stating that "these advertisements indicate an alarming growth of discrimination against Jews and it is remarkable that many firms which cater to the trade of Jews display this form of prejudice."


5679 (A.D. 1918-1919) The American Jewish Committee took up the alleged discrimination against Jews by army contractors. Louis Marshall, president of the Committee, notified Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War, that advertisements had appeared calling for carpenters to work in government camps, and that the advertisements required the applicants to be Christians. Secretary Baker replied that he had made an order prohibiting contractors from making this discrimination. (On the whole, this special form of advertisement may appear rather stupid: how many Jewish carpenters are there? Not enough to discriminate against. But there were doubtless other reasons.)

5679年 (精霊1918年-1919年)アメリカユダヤ人委員会は、陸軍請負業者によるユダヤ人に対する差別疑惑を取り上げた。委員会の議長であるLouis Marshallは、Newton D. Baker戦争大臣に、政府のキャンプで働く大工を募集する広告が出ており、その広告は応募者がキリスト教徒であることを要求していると通告した。Baker大臣は、請負業者がこのような差別をすることを禁止する命令を出したと答えた。(全体的に、この特別な形式の広告はかなり愚かに見えるかもしれません。ユダヤ人の大工は何人いるのでしょうか?差別するほどではありません。しかし、間違いなく他にも理由があった。)

Provost Marshall Crowder, in charge of the Selective Draft, had issued an order to all medical examiners, under direction of the Surgeon General, stating "The foreign-born, especially Jews, are more apt to malinger than the native born," and Louis Marshall again telegraphed both the Provost Marshall and the Surgeon General demanding that "the further use of this form shall be at once discontinued; that every copy of it that has been issued should be recalled by telegram; and that proper explanations be made, so as to expunge from the archives of the United States the unwarranted stigma upon three millions of people."

選抜草案の責任者であるMarshall Crowder長官は、公衆衛生局長官の指示の下、監察医全員に「外国生まれの人、特にユダヤ人は、生まれた人よりも詐病にかかりやすい」との命令を出し、Louis Marshallは再び、Marshall長官と公衆衛生局長官の両方に電報を打ち、「この書式の今後の使用を直ちに中止されること;そして発行されたすべてのコピーは電報によって回収されるべきであること;そして、300万人に上る人々に対する不当な汚名を合衆国の公文書から抹消するために、適切な説明がなされること」と要求した。

It was President Wilson, however, who eventually ordered the excision of this paragraph.


The United States Shipping Board sent an advertisement to the New York Times calling for a file clerk and stating that a "Christian" (by which is always meant a non-Jew) was preferred. The ad was not published as written; it was changed so that it requested applicants to state their religion and nationality. This last form would seem to be far more objectionable than the other. In the first instance the employer states fairly what he wants. In the second instance the applicant is compelled to divulge certain facts about himself in utter ignorance of the employer's preference. In the first instance, only the two classes that can do business get together; in the second instance there is no clearness about the situation until much useless effort is undertaken. Why? Because the Kehillah demands it. And why does the Kehillah demand it? Because, while it is all right for a Jew to remember that he is a Jew, it is not all right for you to remember it.

合衆国海運委員会は、ニューヨークタイムズ紙にファイル係を募集する広告を送り、「キリスト教徒」 (この言葉は常に非ユダヤ人を意味する) が望ましいと述べた。広告が書かれたとおりに掲載されなかった;それは申請者に宗教と国籍の記載を求めるように変更された。この最後の形式は、他の形式よりもはるかに不快であるように見えるだろう。最初の事例では、雇用主は自分が望むことを公平に述べます。第2の事例では、出願人は、雇用者の希望を全く無視して、自己に関する一定の事実を開示せざるを得ません。最初の事例では、ビジネスができる2つの階級だけが集まります。第2の事例では、多くの無駄な努力が行われるまで、状況について明確になることはない。なぜ?Kehillahがそれを要求しているからだ。そしてなぜKehillahはそれを要求するのか?なぜなら、ユダヤ人が自分がユダヤ人であることを覚えておくのは大丈夫ですが、あなたがたがそれを覚えておくのは大丈夫ではないからです。

So Louis Marshall got into action again with the Shipping Board, this time with certain drastic demands. Strangely enough, the protest was lodged through Bainbridge Colby, who was Woodrow Wilson's last Secretary of State. Mr. Marshall demanded: "Not because of any desire for inflicting punishment, but for the sake of example and the establishment of a necessary precedent, this offense should be followed by a dismissal from the public service of the offender, and the public should be informed of the reason."

そこでLouis Marshallは再び海運委員会と行動を起こし、今度はある思い切った要求をした。奇妙なことに、その抗議はウッドロー・ウィルソンの最後の国務長官だったBainbridge Colbyを通じて提出された。Marshall氏は次のように要求した:「処罰を課す事を望んでいるからではなく、模範を必要な前例を確率することの目的のために、この犯罪はその犯罪者の公務から解雇によって続けられるべきであり、その理由を国民は知らされるべきである。

Attention is particularly called to the tone which Mr. Marshall adopts when addressing high American officials in the name of the Jewish Committee. It is not to be duplicated in the addresses of any other representatives of other nationalities or faiths.

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Unfortunately for Mr. Marshall's plan of punishment, the object of his wrath was found to be a woman, and she was not discharged, although the Jewish Committee got an apology from Charles M. Schwab.

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Marshall氏の処罰計画にとって不幸なことに、彼の怒りの対象は女性であることが判明し、ユダヤ人委員会はCharles M. Schwabから謝罪を受けたが、彼女は釈放されなかった

The Federal Reserve Bank and Liberty Loan Committee also got in wrong when an advertisement was printed calling for a "Stenographer for the Liberty Loan Committee (Christian)." Protest was made to Benjamin Strong, governor of the Federal Reserve Bank and chairman of the Liberty Loan Committee, and the advertisement was withdrawn. But this was not enough. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo was also drawn in to express his "reprobation for an unpatriotic act."

連邦準備銀行と自由融資委員会も、「自由融資委員会の速記者 (キリスト教徒) 」を求める広告が印刷されたときに悪者になった。連邦準備銀行の総裁で自由融資委員会の委員長であるBenjamin Strong氏に抗議が行われ、広告は取り下げられた。しかし、これだけでは不十分でした。McAdoo財務長官も引き込まれ、「非愛国的行為に対する非難」を表明した。

An officer in the Quartermaster's Department replied to a young woman who applied for the position of secretary to him that he preferred not to have Jews on his office staff. He was reprimanded upon the request of Mr. Marshall.


The Plattsburg Manual, published for officers in the United States officers' training camps, contained the statement that "the ideal officer is a Christian gentleman." Mr. Marshall at once made the standard protest against all "Christological manifestations," and the Manual was changed to read, "the ideal officer is a courteous gentleman."

合衆国の将校訓練キャンプの将校のために出版されたPlattsburg Manualには、「理想的な将校はキリスト教の紳士である」という声明が含まれていた。Marshall氏はすぐにすべての「キリスト教的表現」に対して標準的な抗議を行い、マニュアルは「理想的な将校は礼儀正しい紳士である」と読むように変更された。

5680 (A.D. 1919-1920) In this year the Kehillah was so successful in its New York campaign that it was possible for a Jewish advertiser in New York to say that he wanted Jewish help, but it was not possible for a non-Jewish advertiser to state his non-Jewish preference. This is a sidelight both on Jewish reasonableness and Jewish power.


One gathers that a few people are still hugging the delusion that there is no Jewish Question in the United States. But another glance down the records will show the most prejudiced person that there is such a Question. If space permitted, the few details added below could be matched by a sufficient number to overflow all the pages of this paper.


5668 (A.D. 1907-1908) Jews agitate in many cities against Bible reading, Christmas celebrations or carols. In Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Paul and New York the Jewish opposition to the carols is met with strong counter-movements.

5668年 (西暦1907年-1908年)ユダヤ人は多くの都市で、聖書の朗読、クリスマスのお祝い、またはキャロルに反対して扇動する。フィラデルフィア、シンシナティ、セントポール、ニューヨークでは、キャロルに対するユダヤ人の反対運動が強い反対運動に直面している。

5669 (A.D. 1908-1909) Jewish Community at Tamaqua, Pennsylvania, defeats resolution providing daily Bible Reading in the schools. -- Jews attempting same compulsion in New Jersey are met with decision that pupils may absent themselves from devotional exercises. -- Jewish agitation in Louisiana stirs ministerial association to defend the right of the school to the Bible. -- Local council of Jewish Women of Baltimore petitions school board to prohibit Christmas exercises. -- On demand of Edwin Wolf, Jewish member, Philadelphia school board prohibits Christmas exercises. -- Jews present bills asking that New York Hebrews be permitted to ply trades and businesses on Sunday. Interdenominational Ministers' Conference takes official action and Rev. Dr. David J. Burrell, of the Marble Collegiate Church, states that the attempts of the Jews to undermine the sanctity of Sunday are ethically unjustified.

5669年 (西暦1908年-1909年)ペンシルバニア州Tamaquaのユダヤ人共同体は、学校で毎日の聖書朗読を提供する決議を打倒する。-- ニュージャージー州で同じ強制を試みたユダヤ人は、生徒が礼拝を欠席してもよいという決定を受けた。-- ルイジアナ州でのユダヤ人の扇動は、聖書に対する学校の権利を擁護するために牧師協会をかき回す。-- Baltimoreのユダヤ人女性の地元協議会は、クリスマスの演習を禁止するよう教育委員会に請願した。-- ユダヤ人のEdwin Wolfの要求により、フィラデルフィア教育委員会はクリスマス演習を禁止する。-- ユダヤ人は、ニューヨークのヘブライ人が貿易やビジネスを許可するよう求める法案を日曜日に提出する。宗派間の聖職者会議が公式行動を起こし、マーブル大学教会のDavid J. Burrell牧師は、日曜日の神聖さを損なうユダヤ人の試みは倫理的に不当であると述べる。

5670 (A.D. 1909-1910) On demand of Jews the school board of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania votes to discontinue the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the schools. -- In Kentucky State Senate, Jews defeat the Tichenor Bill making the Bible a book eligible for the schools.

5670年 (西暦1909年-1910年)ペンシルベニア州ブリッジポートの教育委員会は、ユダヤ人の要求に応じて、学校での主の祈りの朗読を中止するよう投票で決めた。-- ケンタッキー州上院で、ユダヤ人が聖書を学校にふさわしい本とするTichenor法案を打倒する。

5671 (A.D. 1910-1911) Jews oppose Bible reading and singing of hymns in Detroit schools. -- New York State Federation of Labor opposes Jewish Bill to exempt Jews from prosecution for violating Sunday laws. (The workingman knows that it means a 7-day week for the Goy!) -- New York Kehillah does two contradictory things; favors bill to permit Jews to do all kinds of business on Sunday, and pledges itself to cooperate in the strict enforcement of the Sunday laws.

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5671年 (西暦1910年-1911年)ユダヤ人は、デトロイトの学校で聖書を読み、賛美歌を歌うことに反対する。-- ニューヨーク州労働総連盟は、ユダヤ人を日曜法違反の訴追から免除するユダヤ法案に反対している。(労働者は、それがゴイのための週7日を意味することを知っています!) -- ニューヨークKehillahは2つの矛盾したことをしている;ユダヤ人が日曜日にあらゆる種類のビジネスをすることを許可する法案に賛成し、日曜日の法律の厳格な執行に協力することを約束する。

5672 (A.D. 1911-1912) Upon the urgence of two Jews the Hartford, Connecticut, school board votes on the question of abolishing all religious exercises in the schools. The motion is lost by 5 to 4. -- Jewish pupils in Passaic, New Jersey, school petition the board of education to eliminate the Bible and all Christian songs from the school. -- At the request of a rabbi, three principals of Roxbury, Massachusetts public schools agree to banish the Christmas tree and omit all references to the season in their schools. -- Jewish pupils of Plainfield, New Jersey petition the abolition of the Bible and Christian songs from the schools. -- The Council of the University Settlement, at the request of the New York Kehillah and the Federation of Rumanian Jews adopts this resolution: "That in holiday celebrations held annually by the Kindergarten Association at the University Settlement every feature of any sectarian character, including Christmas trees, Christmas programs and Christmas songs, and so on, shall be eliminated." -- Philadelphia Kehillah demands that Jews be exempted from operation of the Sunday laws. -- In the Outlook, Dr. Lyman Abbott advises an inquiring schoolmaster that he is under no moral obligation to admit Jews to his private school. -- A Jewish delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention suggests that the constitution be made to forbid religious references in the schools. -- Jewish merchants of Paterson, New Jersey petition for exemption from the Sunday laws. -- Board of education of Yonkers, New York, denies Jewish request to forbid singing of Christian songs in the schools.

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5672年 (西暦1911年-1912年)コネチカット州ハートフォードの教育委員会は、2人のユダヤ人の切迫により、学校でのすべての宗教的な演習を廃止する問題について投票で決めた。動議は5対4で否決された -- ニュージャージー州Passaicのユダヤ人の子供たちが、学校から聖書とすべてのキリスト教の歌を排除するよう教育委員会に請願した。-- ラビの要請により、マサチューセッツ州Roxburyの公立学校の3人の校長は、クリスマスツリーを追放し、学校内の季節に関するすべての言及を省略することに同意した。-- ニュージャージー州プレインフィールドのユダヤ人生徒たちが、学校から聖書とキリスト教の歌を廃止するよう請願した。-- 大学居住評議会は、ニューヨークKehillahとルーマニアユダヤ人連盟の要請により、この決議を採択した:「幼稚園協会が毎年大学居住区で開催する祝祭日においては、クリスマスツリー、クリスマスプログラム及びクリスマスソング等を含む宗派的性格のいかなる特徴は排除されるべきである。」-- フィラデルフィアKehillahは、ユダヤ人が日曜法の運用から免除されることを要求する。-- Lyman Abbott博士は、調査中の校長に、ユダヤ人を私立学校に入学させる道徳的義務はないと忠告している。-- オハイオ州憲法会議のユダヤ人代表は、学校での宗教的言及を禁止する憲法を作ることを提案する。-- ニュージャージー州パターソンのユダヤ人商人が日曜法の適用除外を請願。-- ニューヨーク州ヨンカーズの教育委員会は、学校でキリスト教の歌を歌うことを禁止するというユダヤ人の要請を否定する。

5673 (A.D. 1912-1913) Annual Convention Independent Order of B'nai B'rith at Nashville, Tennessee adopts resolution against reading the Bible and singing Christian songs in public schools. -- Jews at Jackson, Tennessee, seek an injunction to prevent the reading of the Bible in city schools. -- Jews of Nashville, Tennessee petition board of education against Bible and Christian songs. -- Richmond, Virginia school board restores Bible reading in the schools. -- Bill introduced into Pennsylvania legislature providing for Bible reading in schools and the discharge of teachers omitting to do so. Jewish rabbis protest against bill. Jewish Kehillah of Philadelphia sends telegram to governor urging him to veto bill. Governor approves bill. -- Chicago board of education, scene of much Jewish agitation, approves recommendation of subcommittee to remove Christmas from the list of official holidays in public schools. -- In response to demands of Jews the Revere, Massachusetts school board consents to remove references to Jesus from Christmas exercises in public schools. This action, however, was rescinded at a special meeting. -- California Jews appeal before Senate Committee on Public Morals to protest against a proposed Sunday law. -- At Passaic, New Jersey, 29 Jewish members of the senior high school class walk out of class election, alleging "racial discrimination." -- At Atlantic City, New Jersey, during the national convention of the United States War Veterans, the proposal to restore the Cross as part of the insignia of chaplain, was defeated by Jews.

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5673年(西暦1912年-1913年)テネシー州ナッシュビルで開催されたB'nai B'rith独立教団が年次大会で、公立学校で聖書を読み、キリスト教の歌を歌うことに反対する決議を採択。-- テネシー州ジャクソンのユダヤ人は、市内の学校で聖書を読むことを阻むための禁止命令を求めている。-- テネシー州ナッシュビルのユダヤ人が、聖書とキリスト教の歌に反対して教育委員会に請願。-- バージニア州リッチモンドの教育委員会は、学校での聖書の朗読を復活させた。-- 法案はペンシルベニア州議会に導入され、学校での聖書の朗読と、それをしない教師の解雇を規定した。ユダヤのラビが法案に抗議。フィラデルフィアのユダヤ人Kehillahは、法案に拒否権を行使するよう知事に電報を送る。知事が法案を承認。-- 多くのユダヤ人の扇動の場であるシカゴ教育委員会は、公立学校の公式休日のリストからクリスマスを削除する小委員会の勧告を承認する。-- 敬愛するユダヤ人の要求に応えて、マサチューセッツ州教育委員会は、公立学校のクリスマス演習からイエスへの言及を削除することに同意した。しかし、この措置は特別会議で取り消された。-- カリフォルニア州のユダヤ人は、提案された日曜法に抗議するために上院の公衆道徳委員会に訴える。-- ニュージャージー州Passaicで、高等学校のクラスの29人のユダヤ人メンバーが、「人種差別」と主張して、クラス選挙から退場する。-- ニュージャージー州アトランティックシティで、合衆国退役軍人の全国大会中に、牧師の記章の一部として十字架を復活させる提案が、ユダヤ人によって否決された。

5674 (A.D. 1913-1914) This year the energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of preventing the United States from changing the immigration laws in a manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens.

5674年 (西暦1913年-1914年)この年、ユダヤ権力のエネルギーは、望ましくない外国人から国を守るために、合衆国が移民法を変更するのを防ぐという任務に集中した。

5675 (A.D. 1914-1915) Jewish rabbi demands of California state superintendent of public instruction that some verses appearing in school readers be eliminated. -- New York Kehillah concerns itself with attempts to secure modification of the Sunday laws.

5675年 (西暦1914年-1915年)ユダヤのラビは、カリフォルニア州の公共教育の最高責任者に対し、学校の読み物に掲載されている詩の一部を削除するよう要求する。-- ニューヨークKehillahは、日曜法の修正を確保しようとする試みに懸念を抱いている。

5676 (A.D. 1915-1916) This year occupied by opposition to various movements toward making the schools free to use the Bible, and in opposition to the Gary system. The Gary system receives a great deal of attention from the Jews this year.

5676年 (西暦1915年-1916年)この年は、学校が聖書を自由に使えるようにするための様々な運動への反対と、Gary制度への反対で占められた。Gary制度はこの年、ユダヤ人から大きな注目を集めている。

5677 (A.D. 1916-1917) Jews are busy carrying out an immense campaign against the "literacy clause" of the immigration bill.

5677年 (西暦1916年-1917年)ユダヤ人は、移民法案の「識字条項」に反対する大規模なキャンペーンを行うのに忙しい。

And so it goes on. The incidents quoted are typical, not occasional. They represent what is transpiring all the time in the United States as the Jews pursue their "rights." There is no interference whatever with Jewish ways and manners. The Jew may use his own calendar, keep his own days, observe his own form of worship, live in his own ghetto, exist on a dietary principle all his own, slaughter his cattle in a manner of which no one who knows about it can approve -- he can do all these things without molestation, without the slightest question of his right in them. But the non-Jew is now the "persecuted one." He must do everything the way the Jew wants it done; if not, he is "infringing on Jewish rights."

そしてそれは続きます。引用された事件は典型的なものであり、偶発的なものではない。これらは、ユダヤ人が自分たちの「権利」を追求する中で、合衆国で四六時中起こっていることを表しているユダヤ人のやり方やマナーには何の干渉もありません。ユダヤ人は自分の暦を使い、自分の日を守り、自分の礼拝形式を守り、自分のゲットーに住み、自分だけの食事の原則で生き、誰もそれを知らない人が認めないような方法で家畜を屠殺することができます -- 彼はこれらすべてのことを、性的虐待もなく、彼らの権利に少しの疑問も持たずに行うことができます。しかし、非ユダヤ人は今や「迫害された者」である。彼はユダヤ人が望むように何でもしなければならない;そうでなければ、彼は「ユダヤ人の権利を侵害している」ことになる。

Americans are very sensitive about infringing on other people's rights. The Jews might have gone on for a long time had they not overplayed their hand. What the people are now coming to see is that it is American rights that have been interfered with, and the interference has been made with the assistance of their own broad-mindedness. The Jews' interference with the religion of the others, and the Jews' determination to wipe out of public life every sign of the predominant Christian character of the United States, is the only active form of religious intolerance in the country today.

p 211


But there is still another phase of the matter. Not content with the fullest liberty to follow their own faith in peace and quietness, in a country where none dares make them afraid, the Jews declare -- we read it in their activities -- that every sight and sound of anything Christian is an invasion of their peace and quietness, and so they stamp it out wherever they can reach it through political means. To what lengths this spirit may run is shown in the prophecies of the Talmud, and in the "reforms" undertaken by the Bolsheviki of Russia and Austria.

p 212

しかし、この問題にはまだ別の段階がある。あえて恐れせようとする者が1人もいない国で、平和と静けさの中で自分たちの信仰に従う最大限の自由に満足できないユダヤ人は、キリスト教的なものを見ることも聞くこともすべて自分たちの平和と静けさの侵害であると宣言し -- 彼らの活動の中でそれを読みました --、政治的な手段で手の届くところならどこでもそれを根絶するのです。この精神がどこまで続くかは、タルムードの予言や、ロシアとオーストリアのボリシェヴィキが行った「改革」に示されている。

But even that is not all; not content with their own liberty, not content with the "secularization," which means the de-Christianization of all public institutions, the third step observable in Jewish activities is the actual exaltation of Judaism as a recognized and specially privileged system. The program is the now familiar one wherever the Jewish Program is found: first, establishment; second, destruction of all that is non-Jewish or anti-Jewish; third, exaltation of Judaism in all its phases.


Put the Lord's Prayer and certain Shakespeare plays out of the public schools; but put Jewish courts in the public buildings -- that is the way it works. Secularization is preparatory to Judaization.

主の祈りと特定のシェイクスピアの劇を公立学校から排除する;しかし、公共の建物にユダヤ人の裁判所を設置しました -- それが上手くいく方法です。世俗化はユダヤ化の準備である

The New York Kehillah is an illustration of how it is all done, and the American Jewish Committee is an illustration of the type of men who do it.


Now for illustrations of the third phase of the program of "defending Jewish rights."


The year 5669 (A.D. 1908-1909) was marked by an effort to introduce the idea of the Jewish Sabbath into public business. Jews refused to sit as jurors in court, thus postponing cases. Boycotts were instituted in New York against merchants who opened on Saturday. That this campaign has borne fruit is known by all travelers in eastern cities who notice that even large department stores are closed on Saturday.


The year 5670 (A.D. 1909-1910) was dedicated apparently to the work of introducing the idea of Jewish national holidays into public life. This question lately rose in New York in a threatening way, but was withdrawn just before the breaking point. Only temporarily withdrawn, however, The feint revealed the identity and number of those who are still on guard against the complete Judaization of their city. -- Jewish members of stock exchanges endeavored to have these institutions recognize Yom Kippur by closing; In Cleveland this was done. -- The Council of Jewish Women appealed to the Civil Service Commission at Washington for recognition of Jewish holidays. -- In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis asked the night schools to discontinue Friday evening sessions, because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday.

5670年(西暦1909年-1910年)は、明らかにユダヤ人の祝日の概念を一般生活に導入する作業に捧げられました。この問題は最近、ニューヨークで脅迫的な方法で持ち上がったが、限界点の直前に撤回された。しかしながら、一時的に撤退しただけで、フェイントは、彼らの街の完全なユダヤ化に対してまだ警戒している人々の身元と数を明らかにした。-- 証券取引所のユダヤ人メンバーは、大引けのよってこれらの機関にヨム・キプールを承認させるために努力した;クリーブランドではこれが行われました。-- ユダヤ人女性評議会は、ワシントンの公務員委員会にユダヤの祝日の承認を訴えた。-- ニュージャージー州ニューアークでは、ユダヤ教の安息日が金曜日の日没から始まるため、ラビたちは夜間学校に金曜日の夜の授業を中止するよう求めた。

in 1911 an attempt to have Hebrew officially recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff who refused incorporation of "Agudath Achim Kahal Adath Jeshurun" on the ground that the title should be in English. -- Chicago Jews have election date changed because the official date fell on the last day of the Passover.

1911年、ヘブライ語を公式に認めさせようとした試みは、タイトルが英語であるべきだという理由で「Agudath Achim Kahal Adath Jeshurun」の編入を拒否した最高裁判事Goffによって挫折した。-- シカゴのユダヤ人は、公式の日付が過越祭の最後の日であったため、選挙の日付が変更させる。

In 1912-1913 a number of special recognitions of the Saturday Sabbath were obtained, including Jersey City, Bayonne, Hoboken, Union Hill. In the Ohio legislature the Jews defeated a bill fixing a certain Saturday as the date of a primary election.

1912-1913年には、Jersey City、Bayonne、ホーボーケン、ユニオンヒルなど、土曜安息日の多くの特別な認定が得られた。オハイオ州議会で、特定の土曜日を予備選挙の日とする法案をユダヤ人は否決した。

In 1913-1914 the United States Bureau of Immigration granted the request of Simon Wolf, long-time Jewish lobbyist at Washington, that instructions be given the Immigration Commissioners that no Jews be deported on Jewish holidays. -- The Women's Party of Cook County, Illinois, passes resolutions against allowing Jewish teachers to draw full pay for absence during Jewish holidays. -- In this year also the question of the Jews' method of slaughtering animals -- the Shehitah -- was brought forward. The American Jewish Committee thought this question of sufficient importance to engage its full interest.

p 212

1913年-1914年にかけて、合衆国移民局はワシントンの長年のユダヤ人ロビイストであったSimon Wolfの要請を承諾し、ユダヤの祝日にユダヤ人を強制送還しないように移民長官に指示を与えた。--イリノイ州クック郡の女性党は、ユダヤ人教師がユダヤ人の休暇中に欠勤に対して全額賃金を引き出す許可に反対する決議を可決した。-- この年には、ユダヤ人の動物の屠殺方法 -- Shehitah -- の問題も持ち出された。アメリカユダヤ人委員会は、この問題は十分な利益を占めるのに十分重要であると考えた。

This series of facts could also be pursued at length. Kosher food for the children of public schools because there were Jewish children in the schools; protest against the Daylight Saving Ordinances because they were prejudicial to Jewish merchants who close their businesses on Saturday and open them after nightfall on that day. This is an illustration of the large number of small points at which Jewish life conflicts with community life. And, of course, each of these divergences is ground for an imperious "demand." -- Harvard University was severely criticized in 1917-1918 for refusing to set aside an entrance examination date that conflicted with a Jewish holiday. Since that time, however, eastern universities have become more pliable. But the whole course of the Christian year would have to be changed and all the traditional seasonal customs of the country broken up if the Jews are to be given the full measure of "liberty" which they demand.

pp 212 ~ 213


Of course, the work of the Kehillah is claimed to be "educational." It certainly is that. The best educated members are those who come from the ghettos of Galatia where the Kehillah idea is fully understood and the Jewish community government exercises unrestricted sway.

p 213


Whatever other phase of education the Kehillah may be interested in, it certainly stresses most the education to separateness. The New York Times especially likes to emphasize this matter of "education." It is a convenient description and somewhat aids the effort to minimize Kehillah's importance when it is under scrutiny. Nevertheless in the New York Times an article appeared about the Kehillah in which Dr. S. Benderly, director of the Bureau of Education, is quoted as describing the objects of the education:

Kehillahが興味を持つかもしれない教育の他の段階が何であれ、それは確かに分離への教育を最も強調している。ニューヨークタイムズ紙は特に「教育」の問題を強調したがる。それは便利な記述であり、それが精査されているときにKehillahの重要性を最小限に抑える努力を幾分助けている。それにもかかわらず、ニューヨークタイムズ紙にはKehillahに関する記事が掲載され、その中に教育局局長のS. Bendely博士が教育の目的について述べていることが引用されている:

"The problem before us was to form a body of young Jews who should be on the one hand true Americans, a part of this Republic, with an intense interest in upbuilding American ideals; and yet, on the other hand, be also Jews in love with the best of their own ideals, and not anxious merely to merge with the rest and disappear among them.


"That problem confronts Orthodox and Reform Jews alike. It is not merely a religious but a civic problem."


That is separatism and exclusivism as an educational program, and its results cannot help being a cloud of difference such as this article has in part disclosed. The New York Kehillah, through its Bureau of Education, is giving "a purely religious training to 200,000 Jewish children," the religious training being, of course, not what is generally understood by that term, but a training in ideas of racial superiority and separateness.


This difference is strikingly illustrated in Jewish fiction recently. To love a Christian maiden is sinful; this is the theme of all sorts of stories, sketches and editorials appearing these days. But James Gibbons Huneker, in a sketch extravagantly praised by Jewish critics, shows how deep this idea of separateness is when he makes Yaankely Ostrowicz say: "As a child I trembled at the sound of music and was taught to put my finger in my ears when profane music, Goy music, was played." This is the root idea: All Gentile life and institutions are "profane." It is the Jews' unceasing consciousness of the Goy that constitutes the disease of Judaism, this century-long tradition of separateness.

この違いは、最近のユダヤ小説に顕著に示されている。キリスト教徒の乙女を愛することは罪深い;これは、最近登場するあらゆる種類の物語、スケッチ、論説のテーマです。しかし、James Gibbons Hunekerは、ユダヤ人の批評家に大げさに褒められたスケッチの中で、Yaankely Ostrowiczに次のように言わせ、この分離の考えがいかに深いかを示している:「子供の頃、私は音楽の音に震え、冒涜的な音楽、ゴイ音楽が演奏された時には耳に指を入れるように教えられた。」これが根本的な考えです:すべての異邦人の生活と制度は「冒涜的」です。ユダヤ教の病気、この一世紀にわたる分離の伝統を構成するのは、ユダヤ人のゴイに対する絶え間ない意識である。

There is no such thing as anti-Semitism. There is, however, much anti-Goyism. In England, Germany, France, America, Russia, there is no anti-Arab sentiment of which anyone knows. None of the Semite peoples have been distinguished by the special dislike of any other people. There is no reason why anyone should dislike the Semites.


It is very strange, however, that the Semitic people should be a unit in disliking the Jews. Palestine, which still has only a handful of Jews, is peopled by Semites who so thoroughly dislike the Jews that serious complications are threatening the Zionistic advances being made there. This surely is not anti-Semitism. Semites are not against Semites. But they are at odds with Jews.


When Aryan and Semite are kept conscious through many centuries that the Jew is another race, and when it is known that neither Aryan nor Semite are touchy on the race question, what is the answer? Only this, that the whole substance of such a situation must be supplied by the Jews.


There is no such thing as anti-Semitism. There is only a very little and a very mild anti-Jewism. But a study of Jewish publications, books, pamphlets, declarations, constitutions and charters, as well as a study of organized Jewish action in this and other countries, indicates that there is a tremendous amount of anti-Goyism, or anti-Gentilism.

p 213


Not that it is anything to fear. It is, however, something to know. Knowledge is a good defense. The New York Kehillah, having as its executive committee the same committee which is also the ruling group of Jews known as District XII of the American Jewish Committee, is worth consideration, not only as an illustration of the interlaced organization which combines all classes of Jews in one group, but also as an illustration of what is meant by "Jewish rights."

pp 213 ~ 214


It is worth remembering that every "demand" voiced in Washington before officials and committees, that every high personage that appears there on Jewish matters -- the Louis Marshalls and the Wises, the Goldfogles, the Rosalskis, besides many others, like the Kahns and the Schiffs, who keep out of the committee limelight and away from the protesting parties -- are all linked up, through this Jewish interest or that, with the main interest which is based on the Kehillah and expresses itself through District XII of the American Jewish Committee.

p 214

ワシントンで役人や委員会の前で声に出されたあらゆる「要求」、ユダヤ人問題に関してそこに登場するすべての高位の有力者たち -- Louis Marshall夫妻、Wise夫妻、Goldfogle夫妻、Rosalski夫妻、さらにはKahn家やシフ家のように委員会の脚光を浴びず、抗議政党から遠ざかっている他の多くの人たち -- は全員、このユダヤ人の利益、あるいはKehillahに基づいていて、アメリカユダヤ人委員会の第12地区を通じて自らを表現している主な利益と結びついていることを覚えておく価値があります。

[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 12 March 1921]