ユダヤ人の儀式殺人スレッド(JEWISH RITUAL MURDERS Thread) Part1 再掲載







by JDog Pitler 2023/04/21


Jewish ritual murders have been occurring for over two thousand years and it continues to this day. This is a very long and comprehensive thread that will cover the origin, theology, history, evolution, and current form of this practice. There are 170 continuous posts in this thread.


I don’t expect you to view and read every post on this thread because there is so much information and content that covers over two millenniums of Jewish ritual killings. Instead, I am hoping you will view enough to come to a realization of how deeply rooted human sacrifice is to the Jewish way of life, especially when Jews control your government and run every institution in your country.


Nevertheless, this information is now available for you to view at your own convenience and share with as many people as you like. The thread starts in the comments below.

ただし、この情報は、自分の都合のよいときに表示したり、好きなだけ多くの人と共有したりできるようになりました。 スレッドは以下のコメントから始まります。

スレッドスタート 聖書に記載されている儀式殺人

Approximately around 1872 BC, God commanded his servant, Abraham, to sacrifice his son, Isaac, in the mountains to test his faith in the Lord. Abraham so faithfully heeded and took Isaac to the mountains to offer him as a sacrifice to the Lord. And right before Abraham was about to slay Isaac with a knife, the Angel of the Lord appeared to stop him and instructed to do no harm to the child for the Lord knew that Abraham feared God. And in Isaac’s place, a ram was provided for Abraham to sacrifice.
See Genesis 22:1-13.



At approximately 1490 BC, God through his servant, Moses, warned the people of Israel to never engage in the practice of child sacrifice to Moloch. And this harsh warning came not once but twice. It’s as if God knew that a certain tribe of Israel would make a practice out of sacrificing their children. The Holy Father, God Almighty further warned that those disobeying this command will suffer the punishment of death. Even more interesting is the punishment the Holy Father inflicts upon those who look the other way when they know or are witness to such child sacrifice.
See Leviticus 18:21 and Leviticus 20:1 – 5.



And on that same day that God warned Israel to never offer their own children as a sacrifice, the Holy Father also warned to never eat blood for it is the life of all flesh (around 1490 BC approximately). And this warning came not once but TWICE as if the Lord knew that a certain tribe would subsequently engage in the abominable practice of eating blood. The punishment of disobeying this command was the harsh fate of being completely abandoned by the Holy Father, God Almighty.
See Leviticus 17:10 – 16 KJV.


そして、神がイスラエルに、自分の子らを生贄としてささげてはならないと警告した同じ日に、聖なる父もまた、血はすべての肉の生命だから、血を食べてはならないと警告しました。 (およそ紀元前1490年頃) 。この警告は一度だけでなく二度も発せられ、ある部族が後に、血を食べるという忌まわしい行為を行うことを主が知っているかのようだった。この命令に従わなかった罰は、全能の神である聖なる父に完全に見捨てられるという過酷な運命であった。
レビ記17:10–16 KJVを参照。

And for the second and last time, God commanded Moses to give the same dire warnings to the People of Israel approximately around 1451 BC. God through Moses warned to neither eat blood nor sacrifice their own children to other gods as did the Canaanites, who were about to be dispossessed from their lands. And so Moses gave these warnings to the twelve tribes of Israel, including Judah, right before Joshua led the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites and into the promise land.

Notice how God through Moses specifically prohibited the consumption of blood not once, not twice, but three times. Again, as if the Lord knew that a certain tribe would subsequently engage in the abominable practice of consuming blood.

See Deuteronomy 12:29-32, Deuteronomy 12:22-25, and Deuteronomy 18:9-10.





But the last warning God gave to the People of Israel through Moses was to not engage in idol worship. If you have read the Holy Bible, you will see throughout the Old Testament that the Lord, God Almighty, repeatedly punished the Israelites for their compulsive idol worshiping as documented thoroughly in the Books of Judges, Kings, and Ezekiel.

But what was it about idol worship that kindled the wrath of the Lord? Why was it so serious of a sin that God deemed it an utter abomination?

See Leviticus 26:1 and Exodus 20:1-5





Idol worship was essentially the gateway to child sacrifice, as King Solomon so eloquently explains in the Book of Wisdom in the Apocrypha. He writes, “[f]or the devising of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the invention of them the corruption of life.”

Idol worship led the People of Israel to substitute God for their own self-serving beliefs. And Solomon so beautifully writes, “For by the vain glory of men they entered into the world, and therefore shall they come shortly to an end.” In other words, idol worship was a slippery slope with a very steep decline that led to their fall.

From a mourning father honoring his deceased son as a god by making an image of him to more superstitious customs, came the “the beginning, the cause, and the end, of all evil”. Solomon specifically states what that very evil is, and I quote, “For whilst they slew their children in sacrifices, or used secret ceremonies…”

See Wisdom 14:12-27 in the Apocrypha.


偶像崇拝は本質的に子供の犠牲への入り口であった、とソロモン王は外典の知恵の書で雄弁に説明している。彼は「[f] または偶像の考案は霊的な姦淫の始まりであり、その発明は人生の堕落であった」と書いている。




The earliest known ritual of child sacrifice took place in approximately around 3,000 BC in Mesopotamia. An ancient burial site of 11 children was recently found in Başur Höyük in southeastern Turkey where the remains showed evidence of brutal stabbings. The remains of the children were found in chambers stored with rich possessions appearing to be of sentimental value.

This is an amazing discovery because it goes to confirm everything the Bible says about the nations before Israel and their practice of child sacrifice. Further, it also points to these child sacrifices being heavily concentrated in the Middle East. Noticed the proximity between the site located in southern Turkey (red arrow) to Jerusalem. As you will see in this thread, it is the Jews who will adopt child sacrifice as part of their religion and make it into their way of life. And the Holy Bible documents this very thoroughly.




これは、聖書がイスラエル以前の諸民族について述べていることと、彼らの子供の犠牲の習慣をすべて裏付けるものであり、驚くべき発見である。さらに、これらの子どもの生贄が中東に集中していることも指摘している。トルコ南部に位置する遺跡 (赤い矢印) とエルサレムが近接していることに気づいた。このスレッドでおわかりのように、子供の生贄を宗教の一部として取り入れ、生活様式に取り入れるのはユダヤ人です。聖書はこれを徹底的に記録しています。


Approximately around 1161 BC, the People of Israel were at war with the Ammonites. And having the blessings of the Lord, Jephthah of the tribe of Manasseh (not Judah) was appointed by God to be the Judge of Israel. But Jephthah unnecessarily made a vow to sacrifice whatever being that comes out of his house upon his return from war, if God gave him victory over the Ammonites. God was going to give victory to the People of Israel regardless, but Jephthah still had to keep his vow according to the Laws of Moses (See Numbers 30:2).

So upon his return, Jephthah’s daughter and only child, was the first to come out of his home and run to greet Jephthah with a tambourine in her hand. And when he saw his daughter, Jephthah became overwhelmed with the uttermost grief knowing that he would have to hand over his daughter as a sacrifice to the Lord. Two months after, Jephthah sacrificed his daughter to fulfill the unnecessary vow he made to the Lord (See Judges 11:29-39). And this is why the Holy Bible states three times to never make a vow or swear an oath (See Ecclesiastes 5:5, Matthew 5:34, and James 5:12).

This unfortunate incident would eventually set a precedent to a wicked practice that would last over three thousand years and continues to this day.

See Numbers 30:2, Ecclesiastes 5:5, Matthew 5:34, and James 5:12.



こうして帰還したエフタの娘で一人っ子は、真っ先に家から出てきて、タンバリンを手にしてエフタを出迎えに走った。自分の娘を見たとき、エフタは自分の娘を生贄として主に渡さなければならないことを知り、深い悲しみに打ちひしがれた。2ヶ月後、エフタは主への不必要な誓いを果たすために娘を生贄として捧げた (士師記11:29-39参照) 。聖書には誓いを立てたり、宣誓したりしてはならないことが3回も記されているのはこのためである(伝道の書(Ecclesiastes) 5章5節、マタイの言葉 5章34節、ヤコブ 5章12節を参照)。



Despite having the most rare fortune of witnessing the Lord’s appearance twice, King Solomon of Judah strayed away from God Almighty. He also deviated from the scripture that explicitly forbade him to mate with foreign women. But Solomon could not contain his lust and had over seven hundred wives and concubines, who would eventually lead him to go whoring after other gods, including Moloch.

Some time between 992 BC and 984 BC, Solomon built an alter at a high place for Moloch, and thus building the infrastructure to carry out child sacrifices.

See 1 Kings 11:1-9.





God rebuked King Solomon for building the alter to many gods and allowing the practice of idol worship, which included the act of sacrificing children to Moloch. To punish Solomon, the Lord cursed his kingdom by splitting it into two rival nations (See 1 Kings 11:11-13).

Around 975 BC, King Solomon’s kingdom under the reign of his son, Rehoboam, was divided over the heavy tax levied upon the twelve tribes. Ten of those tribes rebelled and annexed the northern portion of the land calling it Israel with its capital in Samaria. However, Rehoboam was able to maintain the southern portion known as Judah with Jerusalem as the capital (See 1 Kings 11 and 1 Kings 12 for the complete detailed account of the division).

See 1 Kings 11:11-13, 1 Kings 11, and 1 Kings 12

Also see:


神はソロモン王が多くの神々の祭壇を築き、モロクに子供を生贄として捧げる行為を含む偶像崇拝の習慣を許したことを非難した。主はソロモンを罰するために、彼の王国を二つの対立する国家に分割して呪った (列王記上11:11-13参照) 。

紀元前975年頃、ソロモン王の息子Rehoboam治世下の王国は、12部族に課せられた重税をめぐって分裂していた。そのうち10部族が反乱を起こし、この地の北部をサマリアに都を置くイスラエルと称して併合した。しかし、Rehoboamはエルサレムを首都とするユダ族として知られる南部を維持することができた (分裂の全容については列王上 11 章と列王上 12 章を参照) 。

列王上 11:11-13、列王上 11、および列王上 12 を参照



The first well-known Jewish ritual killing was approximately around 739 BC when King Ahaz of the tribe of Judah put his own children to fire and burned them alive as a way to worship idols of those whom God previously displaced from the land. Keep in mind that this is just the documented child sacrifice. You can only imagine how many children were sacrificed during these times.

See 2 Kings 16:1-3 and 2 Chronicles 28:1-3.




And from 740 BC to 721 BC, child sacrifice was a normal practice in the northern kingdom of Israel. In order to accommodate this practice, they built high places as depicted below. And these high places were not in just remote areas but all throughout the northern kingdom, especially in the cities. The practice of child sacrifice was so pervasive that the Lord, God Almighty, lost His patience. The Lord put them out of His sight by sending the Assyrians to take the Israelites into captivity in 720 BC approximately. However, the southern kingdom in Judah still remained but yet persisted in the exact same way of their brothers in the northern kingdom. In other words, they continued the practice of child sacrifice.

See 2 Kings 17:9-23.

Also see:





At around 698 BC, Manasseh of Judah became king and went to work in building the high places for child sacrifices. He even observed the sacrificing of his own children while enchanting to put him in a state of trans. The Holy Bible says that Manasseh was so wicked that he was worse than the Canaanites, Amorites, and all the other nations that God displaced for their vile practice of child sacrifice.

Around 643 BC, his son Amon took the reign in Judah and followed in his father’s footsteps as the Holy Bible says that he did evil in the sight of the Lord as Manasseh.

See 2 Kings 21:1- 16, 2 Chronicles 33:6, and See 2 Kings 21:18-22.

Also see:




列王下 21:1-16、歴代誌下 33:6、列王下 21:18-22 を参照。


After receiving forgiveness for the sins of his fathers and grace from the Lord, King Josiah destroyed all the high places his father Amon and grandfather Manasseh built during their reign. By 624 BC, the topheths at every high place in Judah were demolished and the practice of child sacrifice was essentially abolished under Josiah’s reign.

See 2 Kings 21:25-26, 2 Kings 22:1-2, and 2 Kings 23:7-10.



列王下 21:25-26、列王下 22:1-2、列王下 23:7-10 を参照。

But after the death of Josiah, king after king after king continued to disobey God’s commandments. From Jehoahaz reigning only three months in 609 BC to his older brother, Jehoiakim serving as Judah’s king for 11 years; and then to his son, Jehoiachin (also known as King Jeconiah) only serving three months to finally Zedekiah being the last king of Judah for 11 years. All four kings of Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord just as their fathers before them. What specific evil did these kings do in the sight of the Lord?

See 2 Kings 23:30-32, 2 Kings 23:34-37, 2 Kings 24:6-9, and 2 Kings 24:17-19.


しかしヨシヤの死後、王の次の王は神の戒めに背き続けた。エホアハズが紀元前609年にわずか3ヶ月在位したことから、彼の兄エホヤキムが11年間ユダの王を務めた;そして彼の息子エホヤキン (エコニヤ王としても知られる) にはわずか3ヶ月しか務めなかったが、最終的にゼデキヤが11年間ユダの最後の王となった。ユダの4人の王はみな、彼ら以前の父祖たちと同じように、主の目の前で悪を行った。これらの王たちは、主の目の前で具体的にどのような悪を行ったのでしょうか?

列王下 23:30-32、列王下 23:34-37、列王下 24:6-9、列王下 24:17-19 を参照。

The very evil that was done in the sight of the Lord is revealed in Chapter 19 of the Book of Jeremiah. Approximately around 605 BC, God commanded the prophet Jeremiah to confront the Jews at the tophet, the very place where Jews sacrificed their sons to Baal, and warn them of their upcoming destruction if they continued with this barbaric practice. So much innocent blood was shed from all the child sacrifices that God renamed the valley of the son of Hinnom to the “valley of slaughter”.

The upcoming destruction mentioned in verses 8 through 11 is the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (not the Babylon captivity). The prophecy of mothers and fathers eating their own children actually manifested during the Roman siege of Jerusalem, and thus indicating that the Jewish practice of sacrificing children went on until 70 AD.
See Jeremiah 19

Also see:
https://tinyurl.com/y3hbaya9 (For a detailed account of the destruction of Jerusalem )
https://archive.ph/gJtrt (for description of a Tophet)



8節から11節で述べられている来たるべき破壊は、西暦70年のエルサレムの破壊 (バビロン捕囚ではない) である。母親や父親が自分の子供を食べるという予言は、ローマのエルサレム包囲戦で実際に現れ、子供を生贄にするユダヤ人の習慣が西暦70年まで続いたことを示している。

https://tinyurl.com/y3hbaya9 (エルサレム破壊の詳細について)
https://archive.ph/gJtrt (トペテの説明)

Instead of heeding God’s warning through Jeremiah, the Jews continued with their practice of child sacrifice. However, they burnt not only their sons in the fire but also their daughters at the high places of Tophet (the previous warning came because they only sacrificed their sons). So once again, God sent the prophet Jeremiah around 600 BC to remind the Jews of the Lord’s wrath for continuing to do evil in the Lord’s sight.

See Jeremiah 7:27-34 KJV.


エレミヤを通して神の警告に耳を傾ける代わりに、ユダヤ人たちは子供の生贄の習慣を続けた。しかし、彼らはトペテの高い場所で息子たちだけでなく娘たちをも火で焼いた (前回の警告は息子たちだけを生贄にしたためであった) 。そこで再び、主の目の前で悪を行い続けたので、神は紀元前600年頃に預言者エレミヤを遣わし、ユダヤ人に主の怒りを思い起こさせた。

エレミヤ書7:27-34 KJVを参照。

Despite God’s warning, the people of Judah continued to rebel and burn alive their children as an offering to Baal and Moloch. So the Lord sent His other prophet, Ezekiel, around 594 BC to remind the Jews that their child sacrifice practice of was an absolute abomination.

Notice how God Almighty referred to the sons and daughters the Jews devoured as His children in these verses.

See Ezekiel 16:1-22






A year later around 593 BC, the prophet Ezekial was sent again by the Lord. Although he addresses them as the house of Israel, Ezekiel is still speaking to the Jews. But this time, Ezekiel absolutely excoriated the Jews with harsher language for their vile disgusting practice of sacrificing their own children in the name of false gods. He essentially called them whores who are about to get the taste of sorrow and desolation that the northern kingdom (Samaria) swallowed 126 years before.

Ezekiel would go on to be taken into captivity and killed by the chief of the Jews in Chaldea approximately around 570 BC.

See Ezekiel 20:27-31 and Ezekiel 23:33-39.


その翌年の紀元前593年ごろ、預言者エゼキアルが再び主から遣わされた。彼は彼らをイスラエルの家と呼んでいるが、エゼキエルはそれでもユダヤ人たちに語りかけている。しかし今度は、エゼキエルはユダヤ人が邪神の名の下に自分の子供を生贄に捧げる卑劣な不愉快な行いをしているとして、より厳しい言葉でユダヤ人を徹底的に非難した。彼は本質的に、北の王国 (サマリア) が126年前に飲み込んだ悲しみと荒廃の味を味わおうとしている彼らを娼婦と呼んだ。



Approximately around 590 BC, God sent Jeremiah once again but this time to inform them that they’re going into captivity as a punishment for all their provocations and evil deeds, which included burning alive their own children at high places as an offering to Baal and Moloch. Instead of heeding Jeremiah’s warning, the jews arrested and imprisoned him in the sewage pit of Jerusalem.

See Jeremiah 32:31-36 and 2 Kings 23:26-27.

Also see:



エレミヤ 32:31-36 および列王下 23:26-27 を参照。



Despite the repeated warnings, the Jews continued to rebel and also persecuted the prophets, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. God was done extending His patience and executed one of His harshest judgments. King Zedekiah’s sons were murdered right in front of him before his eyes were gouged out. Almost every Jew was taken into captivity by the Babylonians approximately around 587-586 BC. And thus starts the Jewish diaspora.

Within six hundred years, Jews eventually establish themselves in lands as far as Greece and Anatolia, which is modern day Turkey. By 45 AD, Synagogues were found in Salamis (See Acts 13:5), Iconium aka Konya today in Turkey (Acts 14:1), and Thessalonica aka Thessaloniki in Greece (Acts 17:1). And there were also Jewish quarters in Lystra aka Kilistra in Turkey (Acts 16:3).

See 2 Kings 25.

Also see:



600年以内にユダヤ人は最終的にギリシャや現在でトルコであるアナトリアまでの土地に定着する。紀元45年までに、サラミス(使徒13:5参照)にシナゴーグが、今日ではトルコのKonyaと呼ばれるIconium(使徒14:1)、ギリシャでThessalonikiと呼ばれるThessalonica(使徒17:1)に見つかっている。そして、トルコのKilistraと呼ばれるLystra (使徒16:3)にもユダヤ人居住区があった。



Interestingly enough, Psalm 106 confirms how normalized child ritual sacrifices were amongst the Jews and says that it was of “their own inventions.” The People of Judah had no problems shedding innocent blood, “even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan.” And this was obviously written sometime after Jews were taken into captivity by the Babylonians since it states that “the wrath of the Lord kindled against His people…and He gave them into the hand of the heathen; and they were brought into subjection under their hand.”

See Psalm 106:34-42.




The Holy Bible provides so many warnings about the Jews. In fact, the Book of Esther serves as an illustrative warning of how Jews subtly come into power and destroy nations by corrupting the leaders with wine, sex, and vanity; and that has been their playbook for the last 2,500 years. Men like Martin Luther and Dr. Arnold S. Leese, who were well versed in Jewish history, understood the significance of the Book of Esther.

In sum, a jew named Mordecai ultimately became a powerful official in Persia by way of a decree signed by the degenerate drunken Persian King, Ahasuerus aka Xerces, who fell in lust over the seductive Jewess, Esther. Xerces’ trusted advisor named Haman saw the Jewish threat to the Persian empire but was executed at the request of Esther. The events documented in the Book of Esther took place approximately 510-509 BC and ends with Mordecai (Not the Lord, God Almighty) commanding the Jews to celebrate purim. But how do Jews exactly celebrate purim?

Book of Esther, KJV
Leese, Arnold S. Pg 7 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Luther's Table Talks, Vol. XXXII, p. 120., the Erlangen edition.




Book of Esther, KJV
Leese, Arnold S. Pg 7 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Luther's Table Talks, Vol. XXXII, p. 120., the Erlangen edition.

Jews celebrate purim by hanging an effigy of Haman on the roofs of their houses for a week and throwing objects meant to resemble penisus (phallus) at the hanging effigy, according to an 11th century rabbi of Rome named Natan B. Yehiel. And this practice is still done to this day.

In his book titled “BLOOD PASSOVER, The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder”, Ariel Toaff states that these effigies were live human beings and mainly Christian boys. And with Jews now diaspora, they have had ample supply of Christians to serve as their Haman effigy during purim. And by the way, Ariel Toaff is Jewish. And we’ll be talking about him at the end of the thread.

Toeff, Pgs 192 – 194 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Times of Israel (see https://archive.ph/jWcR6 ).


11世紀のローマのラビ、Natan B.Yehielによると、ユダヤ人は家の屋根にハマンの人形を1週間吊るし、その吊るした物体にペニス (陰茎) に似せたものを投げることでプリムを祝う。そしてこの習慣は今日でも行われている。

Ariel Toaffは「BLOOD PASSOVER, The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder(血の過越、ヨーロッパのユダヤ人と儀式的殺人)」というタイトルの彼の著書の中で、これらの人形は生きた人間で、主にキリスト教の少年だったと述べている。そして、ユダヤ人は今ではディアスポラになったので、彼らはプリムの間に彼らのハマン人形の役割を果たすキリスト教徒の供給を十分に持っていた。ちなみにAriel Toaffはユダヤ人である。そして、スレッドの最後で彼について話します。

Toeff, Pgs 192 – 194 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Times of Israel (see https://archive.ph/jWcR6 ).

As Jews dispersed outside of Judah in their diaspora, the practice of child sacrifice spread as far as Carthage, the multicultural haven of the Phoenician empire. Archeological evidence reveals not only the presence of Jews in this large city but also an overwhelming proof of child sacrifice. In fact, scholarly researchers are even suggesting that Carthage was established for the purpose of performing child sacrifice, which was reprehensible to many outside the Jewish world. Coincidently, Wikipedia reveals that Jews were instrumental in the establishment of Carthage. The Romans were so revolted by the Carthaginians and their way of life, which included child sacrifices, that they utterly destroyed the city.

And on a side note, the woke academic community in the 1970s started dismissing the accounts of child sacrifices in Carthage as a racist anti-Carthaginian propaganda by the Greeks and Romans. But the science of archeology complimented by recent technical advancements have proven the Greeks and Romans accurately correct.

“Blood Magic” (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m).
University of Oxford (see https://tinyurl.com/ye28tupy ).
Wikipedia (see https://archive.fo/tD6oj ).




“Blood Magic” (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m).University of Oxford (see https://tinyurl.com/ye28tupy ).
Wikipedia (see https://archive.fo/tD6oj ).


From ancient Jerusalem to Carthage in a span of 350 years, the method of sacrificing children was always the same with very little deviations. The murders were performed at night accompanied by loud drums to drown out the cries from the child while he or she is being burned alive inside a pit also known as a “Tophet”.

Blood Magic (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m)


古代エルサレムから350年の歳月をかけてカルタゴまで、子供を生贄にする方法は常に同じであり、逸脱はほとんどなかった。殺人は、 「トフェト」 としても知られる穴の中で生きたまま焼かれている間の子供からの叫びをかき消すために、大音量の太鼓を伴って夜に行われた

Blood Magic (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m)


And in case you feel that the sources I am using is “antisemitic”, here are some rabbis and text from the Talmud, the Jewish holy book, admitting to the ancient Jewish practice of using “Tophet” to sacrifice children. The 12th century French rabbi named Schlomo Yitzchaki wrote a commentary confirming the loud drum beats to prevent the father from hearing his baby son’s cries so he won’t change his mind. Even Chabad Lubavitch, the powerful orthodox Jewish group document this to be an ancient Jewish practice and even saying that “one who gives of his offspring to molech is not liable unless he hands over the child to the priests of molech and passes the child through the fire.” In other words, if the father himself passes his child through the fire then he was to suffer no consequences.

Chabad (see https://archive.fo/0zj05 and see https://archive.fo/JbT9k ).
ATI (see https://archive.fo/HWYYE ).


私が使っている情報源が「反ユダヤ主義」だと思われる方のために、子供を生贄にするために「トフェト」を使う古代のユダヤ教の慣習を認めている、ユダヤ教の聖典タルムードからラビと文章をいくつか紹介します。12世紀のフランスのラビ、Schlomo Yitzchakiは、父親が心変わりしないように、赤ん坊の息子の泣き声を聞かないように、大音量の太鼓の音を確認する注釈を書いた強力な正統派ユダヤ教団体であるChabad Lubavitchでさえ、これは古代ユダヤ教の慣習であると文書化し、「自分の子孫をモレクに与える者は、その子をモレクの司祭に引き渡し、その子を火の中に渡さなければ責任を負わない」とさえ述べている。言い換えれば、父親自身が子供を火の中に入れても、何の報いも受けないことになっていた。

Chabad (see https://archive.fo/0zj05 and see https://archive.fo/JbT9k ).
ATI (see https://archive.fo/HWYYE ).

Around the late to mid-2nd century BC, Greeks started to notice that some of their fellow men disappeared around a certain time of the year. That gave rise to a lot of theories, one of them being that Christians were kidnapped by the Jews for purposes of their ritual slaughter to celebrate purim. This theory wasn’t confirmed until 170 BC. when the Greek Hellenistic King, Antiocchus Epiphane stormed the temple in Jerusalem.

While plundering the temple, Antiocchus ended up rescuing a Greek merchant, who was kidnapped by Jews and kept in the temple against his will for almost a year. He was overly fed with fine cuisine in order to fatten him up. This account is confirmed by the 1st Century AD Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus.

This is the first Jewish ritual killing of a gentile recorded in history.

On a side note, judeo-Christian scholars since the late 19th century such a Cyrus Scofield have decried Antiocchus’ desecration of the second Jewish temple in Jerusalem and rejoiced at the thought that his death in 165 BC was done at God’s vengeful hands. But they conveniently leave out the fact that the Jews were desecrating the temple by using it as a storage place for their captives before sacrificing them. But the truth is that Jews have long desecrated the temple including the first one that was built by Solomon, and those desecrations are well documented in Chapter 8 in the Book of Ezekiel.

“Hidden Cult” (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc )
Toaff, Pgs 185 - 186 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj )
Wikipedia on Antiocchus (see https://archive.fo/z3Ow8 )



神殿を略奪していたアンティオコスは、1人のギリシャ商人を救出することになったが、その商人はユダヤ人に誘拐され、1年近く本人の意に反して神殿に監禁された。彼は太らせるために高級料理を食べ過ぎさせられていた。この説明は紀元1世紀のユダヤ人歴史家Flavius Josephusによって裏付けられている。


余談だが、19世紀後半以降のユダヤ・キリスト学者、たとえばCyrus Scofieldは、アンティオコスのエルサレム第2のユダヤ神殿への冒涜を非難し、紀元前165年の彼の死が神の復讐の手によってなされたと考えて喜んだ。しかし、ユダヤ人が捕虜を生贄として捧げる前に、神殿を捕虜の保管場所として利用し、神殿を冒涜していたという事実を都合よく除外している。しかし真実は、ユダヤ人はソロモンによって建てられた最初の神殿を含め、長い間神殿を冒涜してきたのであり、それらの冒涜はエゼキエル書の第8章によく記録されている。

“Hidden Cult” (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc )Toaff, Pgs 185 - 186 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj )
Wikipedia on Antiocchus (see https://archive.fo/z3Ow8 )


The most famous murder Jews have ever committed and that will reverberate throughout the history of the world is the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ in 33 A.D. The crucifixion of Christ was predicted by the Prophet Isaiah 745 years before the historic event that changed the faith of mankind. One may argue that the crucifixion of Christ was not a Jewish ritual murder. However, God’s Holy word in flesh through Isaiah and Saint Paul, the author of Corinthians, makes it very clear that the Jews sacrificed the Lord Jesus Christ as a lamb for their transgressions (See Isaiah 53:5-8 and 1 Corinthians 5:7). While declaring that it was the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus Christ, Saint Paul goes even further saying that they are “contrary to all men” (See 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15).

It is important to note that while being sacrificed, the Lord Jesus Christ was mocked, spat on, tortured, humiliated, and vehemently hated. And this is a repeating theme as you will see in the two-thousand plus years of Jewish ritual murders. To this day, The Lord Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross is mocked by Jews. Talk show host Ethan Klein, comedian Sarah Silverman, and Israelis who often harass Christians in the Zionist state of Israel do not shy away from expressing their blood thirt to kill Jesus again. So when those Jews at the crucifixion boasted that “His blood be on us, and on our children”, they actually meant it as you can clearly see how Jews proudly take responsibility for the murder of Christ (See Matthew 27:25).

See Isaiah 53:5-8, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, and Matthew 27:25.


ユダヤ人がこれまでに犯し、世界の歴史中に響き渡る最も有名な殺人は、西暦33年の主イエス・キリストの犠牲である。キリストの十字架刑は、人類の信仰を変えた歴史的事件の745年前に、預言者イザヤによって予言されていた。キリストの十字架刑はユダヤ人の儀式殺人ではなかったと主張する人もいるかもしれない。しかし、イザヤとコリントの著者である聖パウロによる肉なる神の聖なる言葉は、ユダヤ人たちが自分たちの犯した罪のために、主イエス・キリストを子羊として生贄に捧げたことを非常に明確に示している(イザヤ書53:5-8とコリントの信徒への手紙一5:7を参照)。聖パウロは、主イエス・キリストを殺したのはユダヤ人だと宣言する一方で、ユダヤ人は「すべての人に反する」とさらに述べている (テサロニケ2:14-15参照) 。

犠牲になっている間、主イエス・キリストは嘲笑され、唾を吐かれ、拷問され、辱められ、激しく憎まれたことに注意することが重要である。そしてこれは、2000年以上続くユダヤ人の儀式殺人事件に見られるように、繰り返されるテーマである。今日に至るまで、主イエス・キリストと十字架上の犠牲はユダヤ人によって嘲笑されている。トークショーの司会者Ethan Klein、コメディアンのSarah Silverman、そしてシオニスト国家イスラエルでキリスト教徒に嫌がらせをすることの多いイスラエル人は、イエスを再び殺すために血の渇きを表現することをためらわない。だから、十字架にかけられたユダヤ人たちが「彼の血は私たちの上に、私たちの子供たちの上に」と豪語したのは、ユダヤ人たちがいかにキリスト殺害の責任を誇りを持って引き受けているかがよくわかるように、彼らは実際にそのことを意味していたのだ(マタイによる福音書27:25参照) 。

イザヤ書 53:5-8、コリント第一 5:7、テサロニケ第一 2:14-15、およびマタイ 27:25 を参照。


With the vehement hatred towards Jesus and his followers, came the thirst of blood amongst Jews. It seems that over time, Jews have become more sadistic and cruel. Every murder or life they take, Jews go out of their way to maximize the pain and humiliate to the most demoralizing ends, and they do it with a sick-twisted joy.

This sick-twisted depravity of the Jews was on full display during the Kitos War in 117 AD, when the Roman Empire fought against the Parthian Empire over some territory in North Africa. Many soldiers who were stationed in Roman territories were summoned to fight for Rome, and this left several cities vulnerable as order wasn’t kept by an adequate number of troops. Jews took advantage and started to rebel by joining the enemies of Rome. Jews massacred 220,000 Roman and Greek civilians in Cyrene. Not only did they killed them but did so in the most sadistic and brutal manner. A Roman historian named Cassius Dio documented this massacre and noted how Jews cooked the flesh of hundreds of thousands of Romans and Greek, tore their skin off to wear it, and cut off the intestines and wore it as belts. Jews did the same thing in Cyprus and essentially genocided the entire Greek population there. Both Cyprus and Cyrene were so depopulated that residents there were essentially replaced over time with Arabs, Copts, Persians, and other middle easterners.

Even the Talmud warns of this sick depravity within Jews. In Ketobot 102b of the Jewish holy book, a widow is advised to not put the care of her fatherless son in the hands of her late husband’s brothers, who are the next heirs should the son be killed. The Jewish author of The Blood Passover, Ariel Toaff provides an example of such a barbaric situation where a fatherless Jewish boy was ritually slaughtered by his paternal uncles on the eve of Passover.

Toaff, Pgs 186 - 187 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Leese, Pg 9 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Wikipedia on the Kitos War (see https://archive.fo/cmSzf ).




タルムードでさえ、ユダヤ人内のこの病的な堕落を警告している。ユダヤ教の聖典Ketobot 102bでは、未亡人は父親のいない息子の世話を、息子が殺された場合の次の相続人である亡き夫の兄弟たちの手に委ねないよう忠告されている。ユダヤ人の血の過越の著者Ariel Toaffは、父親のいないユダヤ人の少年が過越の前夜に父方の叔父によって儀式的に虐殺された、そのような野蛮な状況の例を示している。

Toaff, Pgs 186 - 187 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).Leese, Pg 9 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Wikipedia on the Kitos War (see https://archive.fo/cmSzf ).


Jews do not believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nor do they believe that Isaac was spared by the angel stopping Abraham from sacrificing him. Instead they believe that Abraham really did sacrifice Isaac and then God resurrected him. And we will see why this is a theological foundation to human sacrifice in the next post.






As shown in the previous post, orthodox Jews believe that Abraham actually went ahead with sacrificing his son, Isaac. Jewish author of “Blood Passover”, Ariel Toaff, confirms this belief to be found in the Midrash of the Talmud. This repulsive belief was a source of inspiration to the Jews when they sacrificed their own sons in 1096 as a defiance to the Holy Roman Empire, which was forcing them to convert to Christianity or face the sword during the first crusade. The fact that they would rather murder their own sons than see them grow up worshipping Christ illustrates their passionate hatred towards Jesus. Toaff informs his reader that this event would “arouse divine vengeance against their idolatrous persecutors”, meaning the Christians.

During this period of forced conversion, a jew named Isacco murdered his own mother and then ritually sacrificed his own children at his local synagogue to make sure that no one in his family undergoes forced baptism for Christ, whom Jews vehemently hate. After burning his mother alive in her house, Isacco dragged his children to the synagogue and slaughtered them like they were cattle. He took their blood and applied it to the Ark of the Law, which is like a shrine for the Jews at their place of worship. Then said a prayer, “May this blood serve as an expiation for all my sins”. Then he burned down the synagogue before killing himself.

During the first crusades, the Holy Roman Empire considered Jews hostile because of their assistance to the islamic invaders and centuries of subversion. The forced conversion was an act of mercy. But as you will see further in this thread, Jews will not extend the same mercy upon the gentile population as they slowly take over institutional and financial power in Europe. Instead, the Jews exact “divine vengeance”.

If Jews are willing to ritually sacrifice their own children in the name of their god, they sure will not have any qualms about ritually killing gentile children. The repulsive belief that Abraham really did sacrifice his son Isaac eventually evolves into an evil and nefarious Jewish practice.

Toaff, Pgs 205 – 206, 287 - 288 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj )


前の記事で示したように、正統派ユダヤ教徒はアブラハムが実際に息子のイサクを生贄にしたと信じている。ユダヤ人「血の過越」の著者Ariel Toaffは、この信仰がタルムードのMidrashに見られることを確認している。1096年、第一次十字軍遠征の際、キリスト教への改宗を迫り剣を突きつけた神聖ローマ帝国への反抗として、ユダヤ人たちは自分の息子を犠牲にした際、このひどく不快な信仰はインスピレーションの源となった。彼らがキリストを崇拝して成長するのを見るより、むしろ自分の息子を殺したほうがましだという事実は、彼らのイエスに対する情熱的な憎悪を示している。トアフは読者に、この出来事は「彼らの偶像崇拝的迫害者に対する神の復讐を呼び起こす」、すなわちキリスト教徒を意味すると伝えている。

この強制改宗の時期に、Isaccoという名前のユダヤ人は自分の母親を殺害した後、自分の子供たちを地元のシナゴーグで儀式的に生贄として捧げ、ユダヤ人が激しく憎むキリストのために家族の誰もが強制的に洗礼を受けないようにした。母親を生きたまま自宅で焼き殺した後、イサッコは子供たちをシナゴーグに引きずり込み、牛のように屠殺した。彼は彼らの血を取り、ユダヤ人の礼拝所の神社みたいである律法の箱(the Ark of the Law)に塗った。次に「この血が私のすべての罪の償いとなるように」と祈りを捧げた。そしてシナゴーグを焼き払って自殺した。



Toaff, Pgs 205 – 206, 287 - 288 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj )

By what authority do Jews find justification for ritual human sacrifice? For starters, the powerful orthodox Jewish organization, Chabad Lubavitch, does not consider non-Jews as man or human for that matter (See Bava Metzia 114b). According to a 19th century rabbi named Moses Abu-el-Afieh, the talmud considers only two kinds of blood pleasing to their god: blood from circumcision and blood from Easter (we’ll be talking about Rabbi Moses Abu-el-Afieh much later on in this thread).

The blood of Easter may be construed as that from an animal like a sheep or goat. But when you couple the Easter blood with Bava Metzia 114b, you can see how Jews view non-Jews as the animal to sacrifice for Easter, which is the first Sunday after Passover. In other words, gentiles are fair game for their sacrificial requirements for the Passover blood.

And thanks to good record keeping from early 20th century Germany, we have testimony from a talmudic scholar by the name of Dr. Erich Bischoff who confirmed this assertion. Dr. Bischoff revealed in court that “gentiles are to be sacrificed in the same way as animals” while testifying in the 1931 criminal trial of Julius Streicher and Karl Holz, both of whom were charged with “offending the Jewish Religious Society” in Germany (before Adolf Hitler came into power).

Schramm, Pg 270 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Encyclopedia on Erich Bischoff (see https://archive.ph/nIiSb ).
Chabad (see https://archive.ph/nn9SA ).
Der Sturmer on Bischoff’s testimony (see https://tinyurl.com/ypwzfe2a ).


ユダヤ人はどのような権威によって儀式的な人身御供の正当性を見出すのか?手始めに、強力な正統派ユダヤ教組織であるChabad Lubavitchは、非ユダヤ人をその点では人間とも人間とも考えていない (Bava Metzia 114 b参照) 。19世紀のラビMoses Abu-el-Afiehによると、タルムードでは彼らの神にとって喜ばしい血は2種類だけだと見なす:割礼による血と復活祭の血 (このスレッドでは、Moses Abu-el-Afieh師については後ほど説明する) 。

復活祭の血は、羊やヤギのような動物の血と解釈されるかもしれない。しかし、復活祭の血とBava Metzia 114 bを組み合わせると、ユダヤ人がユダヤ人以外の人々を、過越の祭りの後の最初の日曜日である復活祭の生贄になる動物と見なしていることがわかる。言い換えると、異邦人は過越の血のための生贄的な要求のために格好の餌食である。

そして20世紀初頭のドイツの優れた記録保管のおかげで、この主張を裏付けるErich Bischoff博士というタルムード学者の証言がある。Bischoff博士は、 (アドルフ・ヒトラーが政権を握る前の) ドイツで「ユダヤ教協会を侮辱した」罪に問われたJulius StreicherとKarl Holzの1931年の刑事裁判で証言し、「異邦人は動物と同じように生贄にされる」と法廷で明らかにした

Schramm, Pg 270 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Encyclopedia on Erich Bischoff (see https://archive.ph/nIiSb ).
Chabad (see https://archive.ph/nn9SA ).
Der Sturmer on Bischoff’s testimony (see https://tinyurl.com/ypwzfe2a ).

補足:fair gameの意味
fair game forの意味: ~の格好の餌食

But Dr. Arnold Leese doesn’t believe it is the Talmud that inspires Jews to ritually murder. Being a veterinarian, Dr. Leese goes deeper than theology and defers to biology. He attributes the Jews’ thirst for blood to their mongloid dna and refers to them as the Armenoid or Hither Asiatic race. And he is quoted saying “some people say that it is the Talmud that made the Jew what he is….I say that it is the jew that made the Talmud.”

Take it for what it is worth but hopefully by now you have a good foundational understanding of Jews and their values. Now, we are going to get to the real substance, the history of Jewish ritual murders.

Leese, Pgs 2 - 3 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).


しかしArnold Leese博士は、ユダヤ人に儀式殺人を促すのはタルムードではないと考えている。Leese博士は獣医であり、神学よりも深く、生物学に忠実である。彼はユダヤ人の血への渇望を、彼らのモンゴロイドDNAに起因するとし、彼らをArmenoidまたはヒザーアジア人種と呼んでいる。「ユダヤ人をユダヤ人らしくしたのはタルムードだと言う人もいる。…私はタルムードを作ったのはユダヤ人だと言う」と彼は言ったと伝えられている。


Leese, Pgs 2 - 3 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).


The first few centuries after Deity, there were not many documented ritual killings or human sacrifices. A lot of that has to do with Jews not being completely accepted in many societies. But once Jews achieved some level of legitimacy in a country, children somehow started to go missing around a certain time of the year. By the 4th century AD, the Church was the life of almost every community in Europe. Bishops and monks were very active in the affairs of society and were thankfully delegated the responsibility of the flow of information. They reported events to the Church and played the roles of journalists. And several of them started noticing things.

For example, Bishop Eusebius of Cæsarea reported to the Church around 300 A.D. that Christian children were being ritually murdered around purim celebration in every Jewish communities. And Bishop Eusebius would know because he was well versed in Hebrew and the Jewish way of life, which he learned from a Jewish teacher.

In writing Ecclesiastic History dated in 418 A.D., Socrates Scholasticus documented the murder of the Christian boy that took place in Inmestar, Syria. The Jews in Inmestar were known to act lewd and yell profanities to terrorized Christians. One Christian boy made the mistake of crossing their path and was seized by some drunken Jews, who then put him on a cross, mocked him, and scourged him to death out of hateful fury.

Antiochus Strategos the monk documented Jews celebrating the slaughter of many Christians in Jerusalem at the hands of the invading Sasanian Persian army in 614 A.D. And he wrote, “for they gave the Persians silver, and they bought a Christian and slew him like a sheep.” In other words, they sacrificed him as they would like a sheep according to the laws of Moses.




Socrates Scholasticusは、西暦418年に書かれた教会史(Ecclesiastic History)の中で、シリアのInmestarで起きたキリスト教の少年の殺害を記録した。Inmestarのユダヤ人たちは、恐怖に怯えるキリスト教徒たちにみだらな振る舞いをし、冒涜的な言葉を叫ぶことで知られていた。あるキリスト教徒の少年は道を誤って渡ってしまい、酔っ払ったユダヤ人につかまり、十字架にかけられ嘲笑され、憎しみに満ちた激怒から死ぬまで鞭打たれた。

修道士のAntiochus Strategosは、西暦614年に侵略してきたササン朝ペルシア軍の手によってエルサレムで多くのキリスト教徒が虐殺されたことをユダヤ人が祝っている様子を記録した。そして彼はこう書いている、「彼らはペルシャ人に銀を与え、キリスト教徒を買って羊のように殺した。」言い換えれば、彼らはモーセの律法にしたがって、羊を欲しがるように彼を生贄にしたのである。

“Hidden Cult” (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).
On Bishop Eusebius, see:

On Socrates Scholasticus, see:

On Antiochus Strategos, see:


You may have not asked this question but it has to be brought up. How far are Jews willing to go to carry out their sadistic aspiration of inflicting excruciating and unbearable pain on live humans?

In perhaps the largest ritual killing ever recorded in history was the sacrifice of 90,000 prisoners, whom the Jews purchased from the Sasanian Persian King Chosroës II not too long after the siege of Jerusalem in 614. Citing two sources (Cluverus and Hosman) for the Latin annuls titled Epitome Historiarum, Dr. Hellmut Schramm documented this disturbing revelation. No expenditure is too large or burdensome for Jews when it comes to meeting their insatiable appetite for flesh and blood.

We’re going to talk about the German historian, Dr. Hellmut Schramm, at the end of this thread.

Schramm, Pg 22 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).



おそらく史上最大の儀式による殺害は、614年のエルサレム包囲からそれほど時間が経っていない頃に、ユダヤ人がササン朝ペルシアの王Chosroës2世から購入した9万人の捕虜の生贄であった。Hellmut Schramm博士は、Epitome Historiarumと題されたラテン語の年譜の2つの情報源 (CluverusとHosman) を引用して、この不穏な暴露を記録した。ユダヤ人の肉と血への飽くなき欲を満たすためには、いかなる支出も大きすぎず、負担にもならない。

このスレッドの最後で、ドイツの歴史家、Hellmut Schramm博士についてお話しします。

Schramm, Pg 22 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).

Three Ritual murders were documented in the first century of the second millennium. A 3-year-old child’s body was completely drained of blood in Prague as it was recorded in 1066. In 1096, a boy named Estrati was sainted after his body was found and showed evidence of ritual murder in Prague. In 1115, the bodies of five children displayed evidence of torture and were found drained of blood in Magdeburg, Germany. Without much details, the Jews were investigated and ultimately executed. Unfortunately, the records for these incidents and many more were lost over time. But one can only imagine the number of ritual killings that were never reported or even noticed during the 11th century.

“Hidden Cult” (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).



“Hidden Cult” (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).


イングランド、NorwichのWilliam少年の殺害事件 1144年

In 1144, the body of a 12-year-old boy named Williams was found in a wooded area outside of Norwich, England. He was asked to be an apprentice by a man claiming to be a cook for the arch deacon of Norwich. After being given a generous sum of money, the mother agreed and allowed her boy to accompany the so-called cook to start his apprenticeship. When William’s aunt learned of his apprenticeship, she immediately became suspicious and had a girl follow William along with the so-called cook to a dwelling, and that was the last time the boy was seen alive. It turned out that dwelling belonged to a jew named Eleazar, who was considered a community leader in Norwich. The Jews were so eager to carry out this ritual killing that their planning was executed with utter sloppiness, which led to numerous witnesses. But these witnesses were reluctant to come forward.

By divine intervention, William had a prominent uncle, who was a well-known educated monk by the name of Thomas of Monmouth. When learning about the multiple puncture wounds on Williams body that was drained of blood, Thomas immediately knew it was the Jews and petition the local diocese to recognize the Jewish role behind this heinous crime. Because of Thomas’ immediate diligence, an awareness of these Jewish ritual murders began to spread like wild fire. Witnesses eventually came forward allowing Thomas to thoroughly document the cruel torture of the innocent boy.

The Catholic Church was so moved by the work of Thomas that it decided to canonize William so this heinous Jewish crime will not be forgotten. William became the second of many child victims of Jewish ritual murders to be sainted by the Church.

Toaff Pgs 166 - 168 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).





Toaff Pgs 166 - 168 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).

[…William continued]

William’s dedicated uncle, Thomas of Monmouth received the grace of the Lord in his quest to inform the world of these Jewish ritual killings of Christian children. Two witnesses came forward and provided damning testimonies that would expose, for history’s sake, Jewish ritual murders. A Christian woman, who was a servant of the jew Eleazar, witnessed William being taken to a secluded room where he was crucified. And she noted that it was out of pure religious zeal of the Jews to perform this heinous torture “in contempt of the passion of our Lord.”

A jew came forward and revealed the secret Jews did not want the gentile society to know. He told Thomas that Jews perform ritual killings of Christian children every year after a council of Jewish leaders from every community meet and decide the location where the sacrifice was to take place, and in the year of 1144, they decided the ritual crucifixion was to be held in Norwich. This jew, Theobald of Cambridge, eventually converted to Catholicism as he was clearly overwhelmed with utter grief and shame for hiding this secret for so long. What’s interesting is that he also revealed the existence of international jewry, which was made possible by decrees allowing Jews back into European society and hold high positions that would only benefit the monarchs but to the detriment of the people.

Toaff, Pgs 166 - 168 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).
Blood Magic (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m).





Toaff, Pgs 166 - 168 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).
Blood Magic (see https://tinyurl.com/y6z44t9m).


Because of the work of Thomas of Monmouth, people were conscious of the Jews and their barbaric ritual practices. Since then, more Jewish ritual murders were documented with a good amount of details. As you could see, there were a total of eleven documented ritual murders in the 12th century. But again, these are only the ritual murders that were known to the public. Who knows how many other ritual murders of White Christian children took place behind closed doors in secret locations. But the fact is that many Europeans became alert of this problem. And they were not only aware of these ritual killings but they also understood the purpose behind it.

Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Toaff, Pgs 169 - 173 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Leese, pgs 21 - 24 (see https://tinyurl.com/yc78zn6v ).



Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Toaff, Pgs 169 - 173 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Leese, pgs 21 - 24 (see https://tinyurl.com/yc78zn6v ).

41番目の投稿 世紀別の事件

When Jews were able to carry out these ritual murders of children in isolated locations with ample time, they would do so in the most blasphemous manner out of pure hatred for the Lord Jesus Christ. They would nail a gentile Christian child to a cross while torturing the child and performing the most heinous acts. Such heinous acts include whipping the child, laughing at the child, spitting on the child, and mocking the child’s cries as if the child was Christ being crucified.

A boy from the French city of Blois was crucified in 1179. In 1179, a boy from the French town of Pontoise was placed on a cross and bled to death after being repeatedly stabbed by Jews. In 1192, Jews in the French village of Braine placed a crown of thorns on a boy, dragged him through the streets with his hands tied behind his back, whipped him and then crucified him. In the English town of Northhampton, Jews placed a child on the cross as they tortured him in 1279. In 1305, Jews in Prague nailed a naked peasant servant boy on a cross and viciously whipped the lad until he bled to death. Another child was crucified in 1347 in the Italian city of Messina. In 1490, a boy in Guardia, Spain was stabbed and whipped before being nailed to a cross. In 1547, the son of a tailor was kidnapped in Rawa, Poland and nailed to a cross before being tortured to death.

But being crucified wasn’t just limited to boys. In 1468, a girl in the Spanish city of Sepulveda was nailed to a cross by a rabbi named Salomon Pecho before being stabbed all over. All these ritual killings by nailing children to a cross occurred around the time of Easter. It was done to not only imitate the mocking and torture of Christ Jesus at his crucifixion but also to celebrate it. The venomous hatred Jews have for the Lord Jesus Christ knows no bound.

Schramm, PgS 23 - 44 ( https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).




しかし、十字架にかけられるのは少年だけではなかった。1468年にはスペインのSepulvedaで、Salomon Pechoというラビによって少女が全身を刺される前に十字架に釘で打ち付けられた。このような、子供を十字架に釘で打ちつける儀式的な殺害は、すべて復活祭(イースター)の頃に起こった。キリスト・イエスの十字架刑での嘲笑や拷問を模倣するだけでなく、それを祝うためにも行われた。ユダヤ人が主イエス・キリストに対して抱いている激しい憎悪には限りがない。

Schramm, PgS 23 - 44 ( https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).

And in the 13th century, the number of Jewish ritual murders that were documented more than quadrupled.

Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).



Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).

One of the most notable Jewish ritual killing was that of an 8-year-old boy by the name of Hugh in Lincoln, England in 1255. The boy was kidnapped and then taken to the home of a jew named Copinus. The child was tortured for 26 straight days. Jews from every city in England were invited to his crucifixion as they celebrated while one jew role played being Pilate condemning Hugh to be nailed to the cross. The innocent child eventually bled to death and was completely disemboweled. 91 Jews were arrested and 18 were executed. The property of almost every jew in England was confiscated and given to the treasury. One of the confessing Jews gave a very chilling admission stating that majority of these ritual killings up to the 13th century were not reported since Jews have been very successful in carry out these rituals secretly in undisclosed locations.

In 1290, there was another ritual killing which led to the expulsion of the Jews from England. Many of those Jews fled to Germany and other cities throughout Europe. Unfortunately, Jews will eventually come back to England in 1657 under the decree of Lord Cromwell.

Schramm, Pgs 25 - 26 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Leese, Pg 13 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).




Schramm, Pgs 25 - 26 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Leese, Pg 13 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).


Also in the 13th century, Jews started using their consolidated wealth to escape severe punishment by bribing those in high places of power. Such persons who were in the pockets of these Jews include King Henry III, Frederick II, Pope Innocent IV, and Emperor Rudolf I von Habsburg. Recall from the Book of Esther that Jews corrupt the highest officials and then work their way down (see post 23). It’s in the 13th century when Jews started repeatedly using this playbook. And as time goes on, Jews will start getting away with these ritual murders.

Schramm, Pgs 24 - 27 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).


また13世紀、ユダヤ人は強化された富を利用して、権力の高い地位にある者に賄賂を贈り、厳しい処罰から逃れるようになった。こうしたユダヤ人の懐に入っていた人物は、国王Henry 3世、Frederick2世、教皇Innocent4世、皇帝Rudolf I von Habsburgなどである。エステル記から、ユダヤ人は最高位の役人を堕落させた後、彼らの道を下っていくことを思い起こしてほしい (23番目の投稿を参照) 。ユダヤ人がこの戦略を繰り返し使い始めたのは13世紀のことである。時間が経つにつれ、ユダヤ人はこうした儀式殺人から逃れ始めるだろう。

Schramm, Pgs 24 - 27 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).

In the 14th century, it became well known that Jews sacrificed Christian children around Passover and Purim festivals, which coincides with Easter. Unfortunately, this created a black market for kidnapped children and an opportunity to make money for highly impoverished peasants. Even desperate nurses and nannies betrayed the trust of parents by robbing children for their own monetary gain. And Jews were willing to pay good sums as to avoid the high risk of luring children for their sacrificial purposes since much of the public was highly suspicious of their presence.

Toaff, Pg 176 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).



Toaff, Pg 176 (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).

Noticed that there wasn’t a single ritual murder in England during the 14th century. However, Jews were relentless in carrying out ritual murders in Germany, France, and Italy throughout the 14th century. But France joins England at the end of the century in expelling the Jews after a series of ritual murders. At the turn of the century, Jews are more concentrated in Germany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and Poland. And you’ll be seeing these countries mentioned for documented Jewish ritual killings in the 15th century.

Leese (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Toaff (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).



Leese (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Toaff (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).
Hidden Cult (see https://tinyurl.com/585fxjvc ).

By the beginning of the 15th century, most of Europe was well aware of the Jews and their brutal reputation. Yet, countries such as Germany, Spain, and Italy didn’t ban Jews and experienced a higher number of Jewish ritual murders. Notice that there wasn’t a single documented ritual killing in either France or England, the only two countries that prohibited the presence of Jews. But for those countries that permitted Jews, the knowledge of their ritual practices created an instinct of suspicion of Jews whenever a child went missing. Such instincts helped with information gathering in apprehending the Jews in these documented cases. Jews will end up being expelled from Austria and Spain at the end of the century. Three important cases in the 15th century are worth looking at in further details: Ursula Pöck, Anderl von Rinn, and Simon of Trent.

Leese (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Toaff (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).


15世紀の初めまでには、ヨーロッパの大部分はユダヤ人と彼らの残忍な評判をよく知っていた。しかし、ドイツ、スペイン、イタリアなどではユダヤ人の入国を禁止しておらず、ユダヤ人による儀式殺人が多発した。ユダヤ人の存在を禁じていたフランスとイギリスの2カ国では、儀式殺人は1件も記録されていないことに気づいてください。しかし、ユダヤ人を許可していた国々では、彼らの儀式の慣習を知っていると、子供が行方不明になるたびにユダヤ人を疑う本能が生まれた。こうした本能は、こうした文書化された事件でユダヤ人を逮捕するための情報収集に役立った。ユダヤ人は今世紀末にオーストリアとスペインから追放されることになるだろう。15世紀の3つの重要な事例は、さらに詳細に見る価値がある: Ursula Pöck、Anderl von Rinn、そしてTrentのSimonである。

Leese (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Toaff (see https://tinyurl.com/38yw5udj ).
Schramm (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).

Jews are rarely innovative but when they are, it is usually for a sick-twisted purpose. A certain torture method was created for those Jews in their old ages or in poor physical condition to execute a slaughter. It is unclear who devised this method but whoever it was had the most sadistic way of thinking. A rolling barrel with nails, knives, and other sharp instruments were attached to the interior lining. This barrel was used when there wasn’t a Schächter (a ritual slaughter or a butcher with an experience hand). A child would be placed inside this barrel and the Jews would roll the barrel until all of the child’s blood was collected.

This is what happened to the poor child who was abducted in Breslau, Poland in 1453. The Jews fatten up the child for some time and then when it came to extract blood for the Passover, they placed the poor lad into the barrel. The child was subjected to the most horrendous pain imaginable while being constantly pierced by multiple sharp objects at every part of the body while the barrel was rolling.

Schramm, Pgs 32 & 264 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).


ユダヤ人が革新的であることは滅多にないが、革新的である場合、それは通常、病的にひねくれた目的のためである。ある拷問方法は、老齢のユダヤ人や体調の悪いユダヤ人が虐殺を実行するために生み出された。誰がこの方法を考案したのかは不明だが、それが誰であれ、最もサディスティックな考え方を持っていた。転がる樽の内部の内張りには、釘やナイフなどの鋭利な器具取り付けられていた。この樽はSchächter (儀式的な屠殺や直に経験した肉屋) がいない時に使われた。子供はこの樽の中に入れられ、ユダヤ人は子供の血がすべて集められるまで樽を転がした。


Schramm, Pgs 32 & 264 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).
Satan’s Library (see https://archive.fo/DCOma).

Sometime between 1442 and 1443, Jews in Lienz, which is now part of Austria in the state of Tyrol, ritually murdered a 4-year-old girl by the name of Ursula Pöck, whose body appeared in the creek after many days of extensive search. Her body was completely drained of blood and riddled with puncture wounds. A christian woman by the name of Margareta Praitschedl kidnapped the child and delivered her to the Jews in exchange for a lavish amount of money.

The Jew named Samuel was crushed under a wheel for being the very hand that tortured the little girl. Another jew by the name of Joseph was publicly hung on the gallows. Two Jewish women were burned together along with Margareta Praitschedlin at the stake. Ursula Pöck would go on to be remembered. The 1496 expulsion of Jews from the Carinthia district in Southern Austria by the Edict of Emperor Maximilian I was motivated by the cruel ritual murders of Ursula Pöck and Andrl von Rinn (Andreas Oxner), whose tragic death will be covered in the next post.

Schramm, Pgs 31 - 32 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).


1442年と1443年の間に時々、現在はTyrol州のオーストリア領となっているLienzで、ユダヤ人たちはUrsula Pöckという名の4歳の少女を儀式的に殺害した、その遺体は、何日もかけて徹底的に捜索した後、小川に現れたのである。彼女の体は完全に血を抜かれ、刺し傷だらけだった。Margareta Praitschedlという名のキリスト教徒の女性が子供を誘拐し、過分な大金と引き換えにユダヤ人に引き渡した。

Samuelという名のユダヤ人は、少女を苦しめたまさにその手として、車輪の下で押し潰された。Josephという名のもう1人のユダヤ人が絞首台に掛けられていた。2人のユダヤ人女性がMargareta Praitschedlinと共に火あぶりにされた。Ursula Pöckは後に人々の記憶に残ることになる。1496年、皇帝Maximilian1世の勅令による南オーストリアのCarinthia地区からのユダヤ人追放は、Ursula PöckとAndrl von Rinn(Andreas Oxner) の残酷な儀式殺人が動機となっており、その悲劇的な死については次の投稿で扱う。

Schramm, Pgs 31 - 32 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).

Andreas Oxnerの事件 50番目の投稿

In 1462, a 3-year-old Andreas Oxner was under the guardianship of his uncle, Hans Mair. Andreas’ father had recently died and his poor widowed mother had to hire herself as a harvester at a farm two miles away from Hans’ dwelling. The Jews knew of the fatherless boy and the mother who could not attend to him while she was out working. So they seduced the uncle by offering him a hat of gold in the amount of 400-600 ducats, which was a lot back then. The greedy uncle happily took the gold and handed over the boy to the Jews. The Jews butchered the boy on a stone block in a forest. Then they hung the boy’s dead body upside down from a tree as to represent an upside cross.

Later on the day, the poor widowed mother had the most unfortunate discovery as she was the one who found her sweet baby boy hanging from the tree. People in the village and the surrounding regions immediately suspected the Jews. Their suspicion was corroborated by the disgraced uncle who admitted that he woke up the boy he was supposed to protect, dressed him up, and handed the lad over to the foreign men and a rabbi. By the time when the boy’s body was found, the Jews responsible for the crime had already fled the country and no one was brought to justice. However, Andreas now known as Andrl von Rinn became martyred by the Church with his brutal murder being well recorded in history. The very stone on which he was slaughtered was named the “jew stone” or “judenstien as to always remember this heinous Jewish crime. 34 years after the murder of Andreas, Jews will be expelled from Southern Austria by Emperor Maximillian I.

Leese, Pgs 18 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Schramm, Pgs 32-33 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).


1462年、3歳のAndreas Oxnerは叔父のHans Mairの後見を受けていた。Andreasの父親は最近亡くなり、貧しい未亡人の母親はHansの住居から2マイル離れた農場で収穫人として雇わなければならなかった。ユダヤ人たちは、父親のいない少年と、母親が働きに出ている間は付き添うことができないことを知っていた。そこで彼らは、当時としては大金だった、400から600ドゥカートの金の帽子を差し出して叔父を誘惑した。貪欲な叔父は喜んで金を受け取り、少年をユダヤ人に渡した。ユダヤ人たちは森の中の石塊の上で少年を屠殺した。それから彼らは逆さ十字架を表すために応じて少年の死体を逆さにして木に吊るした。

その日遅く、未亡人となった哀れな母親は、自分の可愛い赤ちゃんが木にぶら下がっているのを発見したのは彼女だったので、最も残念な発見をしました。村と周辺地域の人々はすぐにユダヤ人を疑った。彼らの疑いは、彼が保護すべき少年を起こして服を着せ、その少年を外国人男性とラビに引き渡したことを認めた不名誉な叔父によって裏付けられた。少年の遺体が発見された時には、犯行に及んだユダヤ人はすでに国外に脱出しており、誰も裁判にかけられなかった。しかし、現在Andrl von Rinnとして知られるAndreasは、彼の残忍な殺害が歴史によく記録され、教会によって殉教となった。彼が惨殺された石そのものが、ユダヤ人の凶悪犯罪を常に忘れないために「ユダヤの石」あるいは「judenstien」と名付けられた。Andreas殺害から34年後、皇帝Maximillian1世によってユダヤ人は南オーストリアから追放される。

Leese, Pgs 18 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).
Schramm, Pgs 32-33 (see https://tinyurl.com/2yuajtz7 ).

[…Andreas continued]

Andreas was sainted by the Church and will be forever known as Andrl von Rinn. The Diocese of Brixen continued to celebrate the life and soul of baby boy Andreas up until after world war 2. The church officially acknowledged the cruel murder of Andrl von Rinn at the hands of Jews to make sure that such a cruel inhumane acts by the Jews will never be erased from history. In the Bull Beautus Andreas declared on February 22, 1755, Pope Benedict XIV essentially declared that Andreas of the village of Rinn was butchered “by Jews out of hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ.”

Because of the irrefutable evidence of the murders of Andrl von Rinn and Simon of Trent (starting at next post), the Church was confronted with task of recognizing these heinous crimes knowing full well it was done by Jews. But as the Jewish money power in the medieval times began to grow, so did the number of their sympathizers in high places. One of those sympathizers, Cardinal Ganganelli was appointed to investigate these ritual murder charges in Poland where children started to go missing in the mid 18th century. He started his investigation to exonerate the Jews from all the accusations and he is quoted in saying “I endeavored to demonstrate the non-existence of the crime which was imputed to the Jewish nation in Poland.” Yet, after his investigation, he came to conclude in his report dated January 19, 1760 that Jews in fact have ritually murdered children and wrote “I admit the truth…the Blessed Andreas, a boy barbarously murdered by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ.” Cardinal Ganganelli would eventually be placed in the Papacy and be known as Pope Clement XIV.

Leese, Pgs 18, 45 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).



Andreasは教会によって聖人とされ、永遠にAndrl von Rinnとして知られる。Brixen教区では、第二次世界大戦後まで、少年Andreasの生涯と魂を祝い続けた。教会は、ユダヤ人によるこのような残酷で非人道的な行為が決して歴史から抹消されないようにするため、ユダヤ人によるAndrl von Rinnの残酷な殺害を公式に認めた。1755年2月22日に教皇Benedict14世が宣言したAndreasの勅書(Bull Beautus Andreas)の中で、Rinn村のAndreasが 「イエス・キリスト信仰への憎悪からユダヤ人によって」虐殺されたと原則的に宣言している。

Andrl von RinnとTrentのSimon (次の投稿から) の殺害に関する反論の余地のない証拠のために、教会はユダヤ人によって行われたことを十分に知った上でこれらの凶悪な犯罪を認めるという課題に直面した。しかし、中世のユダヤ人の金の力が大きくなり始めると、高い立場にいるユダヤ人の同調者の数も増え始めた。その同調者の1人であるGanganelli枢機卿は、18世紀半ばに子供たちが行方不明になり始めたポーランドにおける儀式殺人の容疑を調査するために任命された。彼はすべての告発からユダヤ人の潔白を証明するために調査を開始し、「私はポーランドにおけるユダヤ民族に転嫁させられた罪が存在しないことを証明しようと努めた」と語ったと伝えられている。しかし、彼の調査の結果、彼は1760年1月19日付けの報告書で、実際にユダヤ人が儀式的に子供を殺害したと結論付けて、「私は真実を認めます…福者Andreasは、イエス・キリストの信仰を憎んでユダヤ人に野蛮に殺害された少年です」と書いた。Ganganelli枢機卿は最終的に教皇領に入り、教皇Clement14世として知られることになる。

Leese, Pgs 18, 45 (see https://tinyurl.com/53vzcm3n ).

