第3章 ハイチのブードゥー(Chapter III VOODOO IN HAITI)


Page 57

The Report of the Lords of the Committee of Council appointed for the consideration of all matters relating to trade and foreign plantations, published in London, in 1789, states, "Mr. Dalzell supposes that the number of slaves exported from the Dominions of the King of Dahomey amounts to 10,000 or 12,000 in a year. Of these, the English may export 700 to 800, the Portuguese about 3,000, and the French the remainder." This will explain how the Dahomans with their serpent cult became so centred in the French islands of the West Indies, and especially in Haiti.

1789年にロンドンで発行された、貿易と外国の植民地に関するすべての事項を検討するために任命された評議会委員会の領主の報告書には、こう述べられています、「Dalzell氏は、Dahomey王の自治領から輸出された奴隷の数は年間1万人から1万2千人に上ると推定されている。そのうちイギリスは700から800、ポルトガルは約3,000、残りはフランスに輸出されるだろう。」 これは、蛇崇拝を持つDahoman族がどのようにして西インド諸島のフランス領諸島、特にハイチに集中するようになったのかを説明するでしょう。

William Snelgrave who, as we have seen, was the first to visit Whydah, after the conquest by the Dahomans, says of the slavery there: "And this trade was so very considerable, that it is computed, while it was in a flourishing state, there were above twenty thousand Negroes yearly exported thence, and the neighbouring places, by the English, French, Dutch, and Portuguese."[1] As he was in the trade himself, he may be regarded as speaking with authority.

すでに見たように、Dahoman人による征服後、最初にWhydahを訪れたWilliam Snelgraveは、この地の奴隷制度について次のように述べている:「そしてこの交易は非常に相当なもので、繁栄した状態であった間は、計算されたところでは、そこや近隣の場所に、イギリス人、フランス人、オランダ人、ポルトガル人によって、毎年2万人以上の黒人が輸出されていた。」[1] 彼自身が取引に参加していたので、権威を持って話しているとみなされるかもしれない。

[1. Snelgrave, A New Account of some parts of Guinea and the Slave-Trade, p. 2. Note:--On p. 159 of the same book, Snelgrave states that from the entire Guinea Coast, the Europeans of all nations "have in some years, exported at least seventy thousand."

[1.Snelgrave, A New Account of some parts of Guinea and the Slave-Trade, 2ページ。注釈:--同書の159ページでSnelgraveはギニア海岸全体から、あらゆる国のヨーロッパ人が「ここ数年で少なくとも7万人を輸出した」と述べている。

Cfr. also, W. D. Weatherford, The Negro from Africa to America, New York, 1924, p. 33: "Dahomey, a small kingdom on the Slave Coast, has sufficient open country, to allow of cooperation and aggressive military operations. It is said that this state at one time had an army of 50,000 mien and its terrible fighting Amazons of 3,000 women were no inconsiderable military force. . . . This Dahomey kingdom flourished for centuries and was one of the most powerful allies of the slave traders during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It is supposed that this country alone, at the height of the slave trade, delivered an annual quota of fifteen thousand slaves, most of which were captured from neighbouring tribes."]

W. D. Weatherford, The Negro from Africa to America, New York, 1924, p. 33も参照:「奴隷海岸にある小さな王国Dahomeyには、協力と積極的な軍事作戦を可能にするだけの十分な開かれた国を持つ。この国家は一時5万の兵を擁し、3,000人の女性からなる凄惨な戦いを繰り広げたアマゾンも決して無視できない軍事力ではなかったと言われている。…このDahomey王国は何世紀にもわたって繁栄し、17世紀から18世紀にかけて奴隷商人の最も強力な同盟国の一つであった。奴隷貿易の最盛期には、この国だけで年間15000人の奴隷を納入し、そのほとんどは近隣の部族から捕らえられていたと考えられている。]

Page 58

It is with good reason, then, that Colonel Ellis states: "In the southeastern portions of the Ewe territory, the python deity is worshipped, and this vodu cult, with its adoration of the snake god was carried to Haiti by slaves from Ardra and Whydah, where the faith still remains today. In 1724 the Dahomies invaded Ardra and subjugated it; three years later Whydah was conquered by the same foe. This period is beyond question that in which Haiti first received the vodu of the Africans. Thousands of Negroes from these serpent-worshipping tribes were at the time sold into slavery, and were carried across the Atlantic to the eastern island. They bore with them their cult of the snake. At the same period, Ewe-speaking slaves were taken to Louisiana."[2]

pp 57 ~ 58

Ellis大佐は次のように述べている:「Eweの領土の南東部では、ニシキヘビの神が崇拝されており、蛇神を崇拝するこのvodu信仰は、ArdraやWhydahからの奴隷によってハイチに運ばれ、現在もそこに信仰が残っている。1724年、Dahomey族がArdraに侵入し、これを服属させた;3年後、Whydahは同じ敵に征服された。この時代は、ハイチが初めてアフリカ人のvoduを受けたことは疑いようがない。当時、これらの蛇崇拝部族から数千人の黒人が奴隷として売られ、大西洋を渡って東の島に連れて行かれた。彼らは蛇の崇拝を持っていた。同時期に、Ewe語を話す奴隷がルイジアナに連行された。」 [2]

Elsewhere Ellis remarks: "That the term vodu should survive in Haiti and Louisiana, and not in the British West India Islands, will surprise no one who is acquainted with the history of the slave trade. The Tshi-speaking slaves (the Ashanti and kindred tribes) called Coromantees in the slave-dealer's jargon, and who were exported from the European fort on the Gold Coast, were not admitted into French and Spanish colonies on account of their dispositions to rebel and consequently they found their way into the British colonies, the only market open to them, while the French and Spanish colonies drew their chief supply from the Ewe-speaking slaves exported from Whydah and Badogry."[3]

他の箇所では、Ellisは次のように述べている:「voduという言葉が、英領西インド諸島ではなく、ハイチとルイジアナで生き残るべきだということは、奴隷貿易の歴史を知る者なら誰も驚かないだろう。Tshi語を話す奴隷 (Ashanti族と同族の部族) は、奴隷商人の隠語でCoromanteeと呼ばれ、ゴールドコーストのヨーロッパの砦から輸出されたが、反乱を起こす素質があるという理由でフランスとスペインの植民地に入ることを許されず、その結果、彼らに開かれた唯一の市場であるイギリスの植民地に辿り着いた、一方、フランスとスペインの植民地は、WhydahとBadogryから輸出されたEwe語を話す奴隷から主な供給を引き出した。」 [3]

Richard F. Burton had already asserted positively: "I may observe that from the Slave-Coast 'Vodun' or Fetish we may derive the 'Vaudoux' or small green snake of the Haitian Negroes, so well known by the abominable orgies enacted before the (Vaudoux King and Queen) and the 'King Snake' is still revered at S'a Leone."[4] He had previously stated: "Vodun is Fetish in general. I hardly know whether to write it Vodun or Fodun, the sound of the two labials is so similar."[5]

Richard F. Burtonはすでに肯定的な主張をしていた:「私は、奴隷海岸の『Vodun』または呪物から、ハイチの黒人の『Vaudoux』または小さな緑色の蛇を派生させるかもしれないと観察するかもしれない、これは、 (Vaudouxの王と女王) の前に制定された忌まわしい乱交でよく知られており、『王蛇』は今でもS'a Leoneで崇拝されている。」[4] 彼は以前次のように述べていた:「Vodunは一般的に呪物である。Vodunと書いてもFodunと書いても、2つの唇音の音はとても似ている。」 [5]

[2. A. B. Ellis, On Vodu-Worship, POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY, Vol. XXXVIII (1891), p. 651 ff.
3. A. B. Ellis, The Ewe-Speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, London, 1890, p. 29. Note:--The body-guard of Christophe was known as the "Royal Dehomays."--Cfr. Blair Niles, Black Hayti, New York, 1926, p. 289.

[2. A. B. Ellis, On Vodu-Worship, POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY、38巻 (1891年)、651ページと次ページ。
3. A. B. Ellis, The Ewe-Speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa, London, 1890、29ページ。 注目:--Christopheのボディーガードは「王室のDehomay人」として知られていました。--参照、Blair Niles, Black Hayti, New York, 1926、289ページ。

4. Burton, A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome, Vol. I, p. 98.
5. Ditto, Vol. I. p. 79. Note:--In the opening number of the JOURNAL OF AMERICAN, FOLK-LORE issued in 1888, William W. Newell, under the caption Myths of Voodoo Worship and Child Sacrifice in Haiti, strives to annihilate the whole question of Voodoo in Haiti. He thus enunciates his purpose, p. 17 f.: "Although all the {footnote p. 58} writers who have alluded to these superstitions have assumed that they are an inheritance from Africa, I shall be able to make it appear first, that the Vaudoux, or Voodoo, is derived from a European source; secondly,, that the beliefs which the word denotes are equally imported from Europe; thirdly that the alleged sect and its supposed rites, have in all probability, no real existence, but are a product of popular imagination."

4. Burton, A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome, Vol. I, 98ページ。
5. 同上、Vol. I. 79ページ。注目:--1888年に発行されたJOURNAL OF AMERICAN, FOLK-LOREの巻頭番号で、William W. Newellは、Myths of Voodoo Worship and Child Sacrifice in Haitiというキャプションの下で、ハイチにおけるブードゥー教の問題全体を消滅させようと努めている。彼はこのように自分の目的を述べています、17ページと次ページ:「これらの迷信に言及した{脚注58ページ}作家は皆、それがアフリカからの遺伝だと思い込んでいるが、私は最初に、ヴォードゥー教、あるいはヴードゥー教がヨーロッパの起源から来ていることを示すことができるだろう;第2に、、、その言葉が示す信念は同じようにヨーロッパから輸入されているということ;第3に、主張されている宗派とその想定されている儀式は、十中八九で、現実の存在を持っていないが、大衆の想像の産物であること。」

His own conjecture is even more fantastic than the most extreme tenets of his adversaries. He would have us believe that the word itself as used in Haiti was derived from the followers of Peter of Lyons who was condemned by the Council of Verona in 1184, and who came to be known as Waldenses or Vaudois. According to his theory, "the word vaudois, feminine vaudoise, had in fact come to mean a witch, as its abstract vauderie or vauldoverie signified sorcery," and was brought to Haiti in the seventeenth century when the rule of the island passed from Spain to France. He continues: "To establish my second proposition, that the characteristic practices ascribed to the alleged Haitian sect, as well as the name, are of European origin, it will only be necessary to compare the charges now made against the Vaudoux of Haiti with those which in the fifteenth century were made against the Vaudois of France and Switzerland." And as both accusations were groundless, according to his theory, although three centuries apart, the one must be the source of the other. It is difficult to see logic in such deductions. In fact in a subsequent issue of the JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLK-LORE, Vol. II, 1889, p. 41, Mr. Newell makes the suggestive confession: "A few days before the publication of the article in question appeared the third volume of a history of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages by Mr. H. C. Lee in which a like derivation of the name Voodoo is incidentally set forth." "Incidentally," too, Mr. Newell makes the further admission, p. 45: "Whatever opinion may be entertained about the worship, which I consider as probably imaginary, there can be no doubt concerning the habitual practice, even at the present day in the United States, of sorcery under the name of Voodooism." Further while quoting Mr. B. F. Whidden, United States Minister to Haiti, as saying that the trial and conviction of certain Voodooists at Port-au-Prince in 1864, was unfair, since the "evidence was extracted by torture," p. 41; he adds, seemingly with approval: "Mr. Whidden is of opinion that, if the truth were ascertained, there would be found no more cannibalism in Haiti than in Jamaica. On the other hand he thinks that there is no doubt concerning the existence of a Vaudoux worship and dance, which latter he has frequently seen and heard."]

彼自身の推測は、彼の敵対者の最も極端な信条よりもさらに幻想的である。彼は、ハイチで使われている言葉自体が、1184年にVerona公会議で非難されたLiyonのPeterの信奉者に由来し、ワルド派またはVaudoisとして知られるようになったと私たちに信じさせるだろう。彼の説によれば、「Vaudoisという言葉は、つまり女性的なVaudoisは、その抽象的なvauderieやvauldoverieが魔術を意味するように、実際には魔女を意味するようになった。」であり、17世紀にハイチの統治がスペインからフランスに移ったときに持ち込まれた。彼はこう続けます:「私の第2の命題を確立するために、申し立てられたハイチの宗派と名前に起因する特徴的な慣行は、ヨーロッパ起源であることを証明するには、ハイチのヴォードゥーに対して現在行われている告発を、15世紀にフランスとスイスのヴォードゥーに対して行われたものと比較するだけでよいでしょう。」 そして、彼の理論によると、どちらの告発も根拠がなかったので、3世紀離れていますが、一方が他方の源であるに違いありません。このような推論に論理性を見出すのは困難です。実際に、JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLK-LOREの続刊、Vol.II、1889、41ページで、Newell氏は思わせぶりな告白をする:「私が想像上のものと考えている崇拝についてどのような意見があったとしても、ブードゥー教の名の下に魔術が習慣的に行われていることに、現在でも合衆国でさえ、疑いの余地はありません。」さらに、ハイチのアメリカ公使B. F. Whiden氏が、1864年にPort-au-Princeで行われた特定のブードゥー教徒の裁判と有罪判決は、「証拠は拷問によって引き出された」ため、不当であると述べたことを引用しながら、41ページ;彼は、一見承認を得たようにこう付け加えた:「もし真実が確認されれば、ハイチではジャマイカほどの共食いは見られないだろうというのがWhidden氏の意見だ。その一方で、彼はヴォードゥー教の崇拝と踊りの存在に疑いの余地はないと考えており、後者は彼が頻繁に見たり聞いたりしている。」]

Page 59

There is extent but one detailed account of Haitian Voodoo as it existed in the days of slavery, but that description, being by an experienced eye witness is invaluable for our present purpose. In fact it would be difficult to find a man better qualified than Moreau de Saint-Méry to place before us the true picture of the period. His youth in Martinique, his years as a legal practitioner and later as a Magistrate in Haiti, his executive and administrative ability as shown in the most trying days of the outbreak of the Revolution in France, all mark him out as a witness of the utmost reliability.[6]

奴隷制の時代に存在したハイチのブードゥーの詳細な説明は1つしかありませんが、経験豊富な目撃者によるその記述は、私たちの現在の目的にとって非常に貴重です。実際、Moreau de Saint-Méryほど、この時代の真の姿を私たちの前に置くのに適した人物を見つけるのは難しいでしょう。マルティニークでの彼の若かりし頃、法律実務家としての彼の数年間、そして後にハイチでの治安判事としての彼の数年間、フランスでの革命勃発の最も困難な日々に示された彼の行政と管理能力、すべてが彼を最も信頼できる証人として示しています。

[6. Note:--We must crave pardon if we seem discursive in giving a brief outline of the principal events in the life of our witness on the difficult question of Voodoo as it existed in Haiti immediately before the slave insurrection.

[6. 注目:--奴隷暴動の直前にハイチに存在していたブードゥーの困難な問題について、私たちの証人の人生の主要な出来事の簡潔な概要を説明することが推論的であるように見えるならば、私たちは許しを請わなければならない。

Médéric Louis Élie Moreau de Saint-Méry was a West Indian by birth and through marriage a distant relative of the Empress Josephine of France. Born {footnote p. 59} in Martinique, January 13, 1750, he came to Paris at the age of nineteen to enlist in the King's Gendarmes. During his three years of service he continued his studies and qualified as a barrister. To recoup financial losses, he took up the practice of law at Le Cap in Haiti about 1772, and some eight years later he entered the Superior Council of the Island. Thenceforth he devoted the hours of leisure afforded by his office of magistrate, to classify and arrange the laws of the French Colonies. In 1780 the fruits of his earlier labours had appeared in Paris as a five volume work, which immediately attracted much attention. Louis XVI called him to Paris to assist in the colonial administration and he was received with acclaim by the learned world and was honoured by men of letters.

Médéric Louis Élie Moreau de Saint-Méryは、生粋の西インド人であり、結婚を通じてフランスの皇后Josephineの遠縁にあたる。1750年1月13日マルティニークに生まれ{脚注59ページ}、19歳でパリに来て憲兵団に入隊した。3年間の勤務の間、彼は勉強を続け、法廷弁護士の資格を得た。経済的損失を回復するために、彼は1772年頃にハイチのLe Capで法律の実務を始め、約8年後に島の上級評議会に入った。その時以来彼は、フランス植民地の法律を分類し整理するために、彼の治安判事の事務所によって与えられた余暇の時間を費やした。1780年、彼の初期の努力の成果が全5巻の作品としてパリで現れ、たちまち大きな注目を集めた。ルイ16世は植民地統治を支援するために彼をパリに呼び、彼は学会から称賛を受け、文人たちから尊敬されました。

With the outbreak of the French Revolution, Moreau de Saint-Méry took a leading part in the political life of Paris. As President of the electors assembled there, he was twice called upon to address the King, and, it is said, it was he who prevailed upon his colleagues to place Lafayette at the head of the National Guard. The appreciation of his efforts was shown when the Assembly unanimously voted him a medal.

フランス革命の勃発とともに、Moreau de Saint-Méryはパリの政治生活の主役となった。そこに集まった選挙人の議長として、彼は二度、国王に演説するように呼び出された、そして、Lafayetteを州兵の長に据えるように同僚に説得したのは、彼だったと言われている。議会が満場一致で彼にメダルを投票したとき、彼の努力の評価が示された。

In 1790, he represented Martinique in the Constitutional Convention where he made the affairs of the colonies his chief concern, and in the following year he was a member of the Judicial Council established by the Minister of Justice.


While a partisan of liberty, he was the uncompromising adversary of licence, and as such he incurred the enmity of Robespierre. A few days before the fatal August 10th, the latter's partisans attacked and seriously wounded Moreau de Saint-Méry, who was thus forced to retire to a seaport town in Normandy. This accident probably saved his life, as on the dissolution of the Constitutional Assembly, he was immediately proscribed, but escaped the scaffold through the devotion of one of the local guard to whom he had done some favour in the past. Making his escape to the United States, he remained there until 1799, when he returned to France, and held several state and diplomatic posts until in 1806 he fell into disfavour with Napoleon. Thereafter until his death at the age of sixty-nine, he scarcely kept body and soul together, and even that: was made possible solely through the charity of the Empress Josephine, and later through the bounty of Louis XVIII. He died at Paris on January 28, 1819.--Cfr. Nouvelle Biographie Générale, Paris, 1861, Vol. XXVI, p. 498; F. X. doe Filler, Dictionaire Historique, Lyon, 1822, Vol. CII, p. 546.]

彼は自由の党員であったが、許可証の妥協のない対抗者であったので、Robespierreの敵意を買った。死亡した8月10日の数日前に、後者の擁護者たちはMoreau de Saint-Méryを攻撃し、重傷を負わせた、彼はノルマンディーの港町に隠退することを余儀なくされた。この不幸な出来事はおそらく彼の命を救った、憲法制定議会が解散されたとき、彼はすぐに排斥されたが、彼が過去に何らかの好意を寄せていた地元の警備員の1人の献身によって処刑台から逃れた。アメリカに逃亡した彼は、1799年にフランスに戻るまでそこに留まり、1806年にナポレオンの不興を買うまで、いくつかの国家および外交官の職に就いた。その時以来、69歳で亡くなるまで、彼は身も心もほとんど保つことができませんでした、そしてあれさえも:皇后Josephineの慈善と、後にルイ18世の恩恵を通じて可能になりました。彼は1819年1月28日、パリで亡くなりました。--Nouvelle Biographie Générale, Paris, 1861, Vol. XXVI, p. 498;F. X. doe Filler, Dictionaire Historique, Lyon, 1822, Vol. CII, p. 546を参照。]


Page 60

Moreau de Saint-Méry classified Voodoo among the various dances of Haiti which he thus describes.[7] "What enraptures the Negroes, whether they were born in Africa or America was their cradle, is the dance. There is no amount of fatigue which can make them abandon going to very great distances, and some times even during the dead of night, to satisfy this passion.[8]

Moreau de Saint-Méryはハイチの様々な踊りの中にブードゥー教を分類し、それをこのように説明する。[7] 「黒人の心を虜にするのは、黒人がアフリカで生まれたかアメリカで生まれたかにかかわらず、彼らのゆりかごであったかどうかにかかわらず、ダンスである。この情熱を満たすために、非常に遠くまで、時には真夜中にでも行くことを放棄させるほどの疲労はない。[8]

[7. Note:--As the work that we are quoting is extremely rare, we feel justified in giving the entire passage especially as the description will enable us later in the final' analysis, to distinguish the other dances that are today so often mixed in with Voodoo in a most confusing manner. The full title of the work is: Description topographique, physique, civile, politique, et historique de la partie Française de l'isle Saint-Domingue. Avec des observations générales sur la population, sur le caractère et les mœurs de ses divers habitants; sur son climat, sa culture, ses productions, son administration, &c. &c. Accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l'état de cette Colonie à l'époque du Octobre 1789; et d'une nouvelle carte de la totalité de l'isle. Par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry, Philadelphia, 1797-98. Our quotation is from Vol. I, pages 44 to 51.

[7. 注目:--私たちが引用しようとしている作品は非常に珍しいので、私たちは一節全体を与えることに正当性を感じています、特にその説明は、後で最後の分析で、今日非常に混乱した方法でブードゥーと混同されている他のダンスを区別することができます。作品の正式なタイトルは次の通りです:Description topographique, physique, civil, politique, et historique de la party Française de l'isle Saint-Domingue. Avec des observations générales sur la population, sur le caractère et les mœurs de ses divers habitants; sur son climat, sa culture, ses productions, son administration, &c. &c. Accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l'état de cette Colonie à l'époque du Octobre 1789; et d'une nouvelle carte de la totalité de l'isle. Par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry, Philadelphia, 1797-98。私たちの引用は第1巻44ページから51ページ。

地形、体格、民間、政治、およびサン・ドマング島フランセーズの歴史の説明。人口、カラクテル及びダイバーの居住者に関する一般的な観測を行う。人口、さまざまな住民の性格と道徳に関する一般的な観察;その気候、文化、生産物、行政などについて。1789 年 10 月当時のこの植民地の状態を知らせるのに最も適切な詳細が添付されています;そして島全体の新しい地図。Par M. L. E. Moreau de Saint-Méry, Philadelphia, 1797-98。

8. Cfr. also Pierre de Vaissière, Saint Domingue: La Société et la vie Créoles sous l'Ancien Régime (1629-1789), Paris, 1909, p. 177. In reference to the only rest days of the slaves, namely Sunday and Feast-days, he remarks how "some {footnote p. 60} spent them in a complete stupor, stretched out before their doors," while the greater number "passed their leisure in drinking and dancing, the only distraction from work with which they were familiar. The dance especially is with them a real passion!"]

8. Pierre deVaissière, Saint Domingue:LaSociétéet la vieCréolessous l'AncienRégime (1629-1789) , Paris, 1909, 177ページ参照。奴隷たちの唯一の休息日、すなわち日曜日と祝祭日について、「ある者{脚注60ページ}は、ドアの前で手足を伸ばして、完全に茫然自失の状態で過ごした」、一方より多くの人々は「彼らが慣れ親しんだ仕事からの唯一の気晴らしである酒と踊りで余暇を過ごした様子」を彼は述べる。特にダンスは彼らと一緒で本当に情熱的です!」]

Page 61

"One Negro dance has come with them from Africa to San Domingo, and for that very reason it is common also to those who are born in the colony, and these latter practice it almost from birth, they call it the Calenda.


"To dance the Calenda, the Negroes have two drums made, when possible from the hollow trunk of a tree in a single piece. One end is open and they stretch over the other a skin of sheep or nanny-goat. The shorter of these drums is named Bamboula, because it is sometimes formed out of a very thick bamboo. Astride of each drum is a Negro who strikes it with wrist and fingers, but slowly for one and rapidly for the other. To this monotone and hollow sound, is joined that of a number, more or less great, of little calabashes half-filled with small stones, or with grains of corn, and which they shake by striking them on one of the hands by means of a long haft which crosses them. When they wish to make the orchestra more complete, they add the Banza, a kind of Bass viol with four strings which they pluck. The Negresses arranged in a circle regulate the tempo by clapping their hands, and they reply in chorus to one or two chanters whose piercing voice repeats or improvises ditties. For the Negroes possess the talent of improvising, and it gives them an opportunity for displaying especially their tendency to banter.

「Calendaを踊るために、黒人は2つの作られた太鼓を持っています、可能であれば、木の中空の幹から単一の部品に作っています。一方の端は開いていて、もう一方には羊や乳母のヤギの皮が張られています。これらの太鼓のうち短いものは、非常に太い竹から形成されることがあるため、Bamboulaと呼ばれています。それぞれの太鼓にまたがっているのは黒人で、手首と指で叩くが、片方はゆっくりと、もう片方は素早く叩く。この単調でうつろな音に、小さな石やトウモロコシの粒で半分埋め尽くされた小さな瓢箪のたくさんの音が、多かれ少なかれ加わっていて、彼らはそれらを横切っている長い柄でそれらを片手の上に叩いて振ります。オーケストラをより完成度の高いものにしたいときには、4本の弦を弾くBass violの一種であるBanzaを加えます。円形に配置された黒人たちは手を叩いてテンポを調整し、鋭い声が歌詞を繰り返したり、即興で歌ったりする1、2人の詠唱者に合唱で答えます。というのは黒人は即興演奏の才能を持っているので、それが彼らに特に冗談を言う傾向を示す機会を与えてくれます

"The dancers male and female, always equal in number, come to the middle of a circle (which is formed on even ground and in the open air) and they begin to dance. Each appropriates a partner to cut a figure before her. This dance which has its origin on Mt. Atlas, and which offers little variation, consists in a movement where each foot is raised and lowered successively, striking with force, sometimes the toe and sometimes the heel, on the ground, in a way quite similar to the English step. The dancer turns on himself or around his partner who turns also, and changes place, waving the two ends of a handkerchief which they hold.

「ダンサーの男性と女性は、常に同数で、円陣 (平らな地面と野外に作られる) の中央に来て踊り始めます。それぞれが彼女の前で人目を引くためにパートナーを割り当てます。アトラス山に起源を持つこの踊りは、ほとんど変化がなく、それぞれの足を連続的に上げ下げして、力を入れて、時にはつま先を、時にはかかとを地面に叩きつけ、イギリスのステップに非常に似た方法で構成されています。ダンサーは自分自身やパートナーの周りで向き変え、パートナーも向きを変えて、持っているハンカチの両端を振って場所を変えます。

Page 62

The dancer lowers and raises alternately his arms, while keeping the elbows near the body, and the hand almost closed. This dance in which the play of the eyes is nothing less than extraordinary, is lively and animated, and an exact timing lends it real grace. The dancers follow one another with emulation, and it is often necessary to put an end to the ball, which the Negroes never abandon without regret.[9]

pp 62 ~ 63


"Another Negro dance at San Domingo, which is also of African origin, is the Chica, called simply Calenda in the Windward Isle, Congo at Cayenne, Fandango in Spanish, &c. This dance has an air which is especially consecrated to it and wherein the measure is strongly marked.

pp 63 ~ 64


[9. Père Labat, Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amérique, Vol. II, p. 51 f., writing of the year 1698, devotes a lengthy chapter to the West Indian slaves. While resident in Martinique at the time, his remarks are general. He says of the Negroes: "The dance is their favourite passion. I don't think that there is a people on the face of the earth who are more attached to it than they. When the Master will not allow them to dance on the Estate, they will travel three and four leagues, as soon as they knock off work at the sugar-works on Saturday, and betake themselves to some place where they know that there will be a dance.

[9. PèreLabat, Nouveau Voyage aux Isles de l'Amérique, Vol.II, 51ページと次ページ、1698年の著作で、西インドの奴隷について長い章を割いています。当時マルティニークに住んでいたが、彼の発言は一般的だ。彼は黒人について次のように述べています:踊りは彼らのお気に入りの情熱です。彼らほど地球に愛着を持っている民族はいないと私は思います。主人が彼らに屋敷で踊ることを許可しないとき、彼らは土曜日に砂糖工場での仕事を終わらせるとすぐに、3~4リーグを渡り、踊りがあることを知っているいくつかの場所に自分自身を連れて行きます。


"The one in which they take the greatest pleasure and which is the usual one is the Calenda. It came from the Guinea Coast and to all appearance from Ardra. The Spaniards have learned it from the Negroes and throughout America dance it in the same way as do the Negroes.


"As the postures and movements of this dance are most indecent the Masters who live in an orderly way, forbid it to theirs, and take care that they do not dance it; and this is no small matter; for it is so to their liking, that the very children who are as yet scarcely strong enough to stand up, strive to imitate their fathers and mothers whom they see dancing, and will spend entire days at this exercise." He then describes the two drums used as accompaniment in the Calenda, the larger to beat the time and direct the dance, while the smaller is beaten much more rapidly as all undertone with a higher pitch. Seemingly the one really directs the dance, the other arouses the passions. The dance itself is thus described by Père Labat. "The dancers are drawn up in two lines, one before the other, the men on the one side and the women on the other. Those who are waiting their turns and the spectators make a circle around the dancers and the drums. The more adept chants a song which he composes on the spur of the moment, on some subject which he deems appropriate, the refrain of which, chanted by all the spectators, is accompanied by a great clapping of hands. As regards the dancers, they hold their arms a little after the manner of those who dance while playing the castanets. They skip, make a turn right and left, approach within two or three feet of each other, draw back in cadence until the sound of the drum directs them to draw together, striking the thighs one against the other, that is to say the man against the woman. To all appearances it seems that the stomachs are hitting, while as a matter of fact it is the thighs that carries the blows. They retire at once in a pirouette, to begin again the same movement with altogether lascivious gestures, as often as the drum gives the signal, as it often does several times in succession. From time to time they interlock arms and make two or three turns always striking the thighs and kissing. One easily sees from this abbreviated description how the dance is opposed to decency." It will be noticed that this is not the real Calenda but rather a modified form of the Chica which as stated by Saint-Méry in the next paragraph of the text, was called Calenda in Martinique as one of the Windward Islands.]

「この踊りの姿勢と動きは、整然とした生活をしている主人たちには非常に破廉恥なものなので、主人たちは彼らにそれを禁止して、彼らがそれを踊らないように気をつけてください;そして、これは小さな問題ではありません;というのは、まだ立ち上がるのに十分な力を持っていない子供たちが、踊っているのを見て父親や母親の真似をしようと努力し、丸一日をこの訓練に費やすのは、彼らの好みによるものだからです。」次に彼はCalendaの伴奏として使用される2つの太鼓について説明します、大きい方の太鼓は時間を叩き、踊りを演出するために使用され、小さい方の太鼓はより高いピッチですべてのアンダートーンとしてはるかに速く叩かれます。1個は本当に踊りを指揮しているように見えますが、もう1個は情熱をかき立てています。この踊り自体はPère Labatによって記述されています。「踊り手たちは2列に並んでいて、一方は男性、もう一方は女性です。順番を待っている人や観客は、踊り手や太鼓の周りに円を作ります。彼が適当だと判断したいくつかのテーマについて、彼がその場の思いつきで作った歌を詠唱すればするほど、その歌のリフレインはすべての観客によって歌われ、盛大な拍手で伴奏される。踊り手については、カスタネットを弾きながら踊る人の作法に少し倣って腕を構えます。彼らはスキップし、右と左に旋回し、お互いの距離2、3フィート以内に近づき、太ももをお互いに、つまり男性と女性をぶつけながら、太鼓の音が彼らを引き寄せるように指示するまで足拍子で後ずさりします。どう見てもお腹が当たっているように見えますが、実際には太ももが当たっています。彼らはつま先旋回ですぐに引き下がって、太鼓が合図をするのと同じくらいの頻度で、何度か連続して同じ動きをするように、まったく淫らな仕草で再び同じ動きを始める。時々、彼らは腕を組んで、2、3回転して、いつも太ももを打ち、キスをする。この省略された記述から、ダンスがいかに良識に反しているかが容易にわかる。」 。これは本物のCalendaではなく、本文の次の段落でSaint-Méryが述べているように、マルティニークでWindward島の1つとしてCalendaと呼ばれていたChicaの修正された形であることに注意してください。

Page 63

The proficiency in the dance consists in the perfection with which she can move her hips and lower part of the back while preserving the rest of the body in a kind of immobility, that even the slightest movement of the arms which balance the two ends of a handkerchief or her petticoat does not make her lose. A dancer approaches her, all of a sudden he leaps into the air, and lands in measured time so as almost to touch her. He draws back, he jumps again, and excites her by the most seductive play. The dance becomes enlivened and soon it presents a tableau, of which the entire action at first voluptuous afterwards becomes lascivious. It would be impossible to depict the Chica in its true character, and I will limit myself to saying that the impression which it produces is so strong, that the African or Creole, it does not matter of what shade, who comes to dance it without emotion, is considered to have lost the last spark of vitality.

p 63


"The Calenda and the Chica are not the only dances in the Colony derived from Africa. There is also another which has been long known there especially in the western part, and it is called Voodoo.


"But it is not merely as a dance that Voodoo deserves consideration, or at least it is accompanied by circumstances which ranks it among those institutions where superstition and bizarre practices have a considerable part.


"According to the Negro Aradas,[10] who are the real devotees of Voodoo in the Colony, and who keep up its principles; and rules, Voodoo signifies an all powerful and supernatural being on whom depends whatever goes on in the world. But this being is the nonpoisonous serpent, or a kind of adder, and it is under its auspices that all those assemble who profess the same doctrine.

p 63


[10. Saint-Méry, Vol. I, p. 29, explains that the word Arada is a corruption of the pronunciation of Ardra, the name of a kingdom on the Slave Coast, which was prior to its conquest by the Dahomans located between Dahomey and Whydah. The term Aradas, then, applies specifically to the people of Ardra, but generically to any tribes from the Gold or Slave Coasts. Here it seems to signifiy {sic} Dahomans, including those from Ardra proper and Whydah.]

[10. Saint-Méry, Vol. I, 29ページによると、 Aradaという言葉は、DahomeyとWhydahの間に位置するダホマン人によって征服される前の奴隷海岸の王国の名前であるArdraの発音が訛ったものであると説明されています。したがって、「Aradas」という用語は、特にArdraの人々に適用されるが、一般的にはゴールドコーストや奴隷海岸のあらゆる部族に適用される。ここでは、Ardraや特有のWhydahのものを含む{原文まま}ダホマン人を意味しているようです。

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'Knowledge of the past, realization of the present, foreknowledge of the future, all pertain to this adder, which, however, agrees to communicate its power, and make known its wishes, only through the medium of a high priest whom its devotees select, and even more so through that of the Negress, whom the love of the other has raised to the rank of high priestess.

pp 63 ~ 64


"These two ministers who claim themselves inspired by their god, or in whom the gift of inspiration is really manifested for the devotees bear the pompous names of King and Queen, or the despotic ones of master and mistress, or finally the touching titles of papa and mama. They are, for life, the chiefs of the grand family of Voodoo, and they have the right to the limitless respect of those who compose it. It is they who determine if the adder approves of the admission of a candidate into the society, it is they who prescribe the obligations, the duties which he must fulfil; it is they who receive the gifts and presents which the god expects as a just homage; to disobey them, to resist them, is to resist God himself, and expose oneself to the greatest misfortunes.


"This system of domination on the one side, and of blind obedience on the other, once well established, they meet at fixed intervals at gatherings where King and Queen Voodoo preside, according to those usages which they may have brought from Africa, and to which Creole customs have added many variants and traits which disclose European ideas; for example, the scarf or the rich belt which the Queen wears in this assembly, and which she sometimes varies.


"The reunion for the true Voodoo, that which has least lost its primitive purity, never takes place except secretly, when the night casts its shadows, and in a secure place, and under cover from every profane eye. There each initiated puts on a pair of sandals and fastens around the body a more or less considerable number of red handkerchiefs or at least of handkerchiefs in which this colour is strongly predominant. The Voodoo King has more beautiful handkerchiefs and in greater numbers and one which is entirely red and which he binds around his brow is his crown. A girdle, usually blue, puts the finishing touch to display his striking dignity.

p 64


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"The Queen clad with a simple luxury, shows also her predilection for the colour red, which is most frequently that of her sash or belt.


"The King and Queen take their place at one end of the room near a kind of altar on which is a box where the serpent is kept and where each member can see it through the bars.


"When they have made sure that no busy-body has gained admission to the enclosure, they begin the ceremony with the adoration of the adder, by protestations to be faithful to its cult and submissive to whatever it may prescribe. With hands placed in those of the King and Queen, they renew the promise of secrecy which is the foundation of the association, and it is accompanied by everything horrible that delirium has been able to devise to make it more impressive.


"When the devotees of Voodoo are thus disposed to receive the impressions which the King and Queen desire to make them feel, they finally take the affectionate tone of compassionate father and mother, boasting to them of the good-fortune which is attached to whoever is devoted to the Voodoo; they urge them to confidence in it, and to give proof of this by following their advice as to the way they are to conduct themselves in the most important circumstances.


"Then the crowd scatters, and each according to his needs, and following the order of seniority in the sect, come to implore the Voodoo. For the most part they, ask of it talent to direct the mind of their masters; but this is not enough. One asks for more money, another the gift to please an unresponsive one; this one wishes to recall a faithless mistress; that one desires a speedy cure, or a long life. After these, an old hag comes to conjure the god to end the disdain of him whose happy youth she wishes to captivate. A maid solicits eternal love, or she repeats the malediction with which hate inspires her against a preferred rival. There is no passion which does not utter a vow, and even a crime does not always disguise those who have for object its success.


"At each of these invocations, the Voodoo King is wrapped in thought; the spirit is working in him. All of a sudden he takes the box wherein the adder is, places it on the ground and makes the Voodoo Queen stand upon it.

pp 65 ~ 66


Page 66

As soon as the sacred ark is under her feet, the new pythoness is possessed by the god. She shivers, her entire body is in a convulsive state, and the oracle speaks by her lips. At times she flatters and promises happiness, again she inveighs and breaks out in reproaches; and according to her heart's desire, or her own interests, or her caprice, she dictates as obligatory without appeal whatever it pleases her to prescribe, in the name of the adder, to the imbecile crowd which opposes not even the smallest doubt to the monstrous absurdity, and which only knows to obey all that is despotically prescribed.

p 66


"After all the questions have received some sort of an ambiguous answer from the oracle, they form. a circle, and the adder is replaced on the altar. This is the time when they bring to it a tribute, which each one has tried to make most worthy of it, and which they place in a covered hat, that a jealous curiosity may not cause anyone to blush. The King and Queen promise to make this acceptable to it. It is by the profits of these offerings that they pay the expenses of the assembly, that they obtain help for members absent or present, who are in need, or from whom the society expects something for its glory or its renown. Suggestions are made, measures are determined, actions are prescribed which the Voodoo Queen always declares to be the will of god, and which have not as invariably good order and public tranquillity as an object. A new oath, as execrable as the first, engages each one to silence as regards all that has passed, to give assistance to whatever has been determined, and sometimes a vessel wherein is the blood of a goat, still warm, goes to seal on the lips of the congregation the promise to suffer death rather than reveal anything, and even to inflict it on anyone who forgets that he is thus solemnly bound to secrecy.


"After that, there begins the dance of the Voodoo.


"If there is a candidate to be received, it is with his admission that the ceremony begins. The Voodoo King traces a large circle with some substance that blackens, and places therein the one who wishes to be initiated, and in his hands he puts a packet of herbs, horse-hair, pieces of horn, and also other disgusting objects.

pp 66 ~ 67


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Tapping him lightly, then, on the head with a little wooden wand, he intones an African chant which those who surround the circle repeat in chorus; then the candidate begins to tremble and to dance; this is what is termed to 'make Voodoo.' If by mischance the excess of his transport makes him leave the circle, the chant ceases at once, the Voodoo King and Queen turn their backs on him to avert misfortune. The dancer recovers himself, reenters the circle, begins anew, drinks, and finally becomes convulsive. Whereupon the Voodoo King orders him to stop by tapping him lightly on the head with his wand, or stirring stick, or even with a blow of the voodooistic whip if he judges it fitting. He is conducted to the altar to take the oath, and from that moment he belongs to the sect.

それから、小さな木の棒で彼の頭を軽くたたいて、彼は円を囲む人々が合唱して繰り返すアフリカの聖歌を口ずさむ;候補者は震えて踊り始める;これは「ブードゥーを作る。 」と呼ばれているものです。もし運悪く、彼の移動が多すぎて彼が輪の外に出てしまうと、詠唱はすぐに止まり、ブードゥーの王と女王は不幸を避けるために彼に背を向けます。ダンサーは気を取り直し、再び輪に入り、新たに始め、酒を飲み、最後には痙攣する。そこでブードゥー教の王は、杖や棒で彼の頭を軽く叩いたり、ブードゥー教の鞭がふさわしいと判断した場合には、それを打ったりして止めるように命じます。彼は誓いを立てるために祭壇に連れて行かれ、その瞬間から彼は宗派に属しています。

"The ceremonial finished, the King places his hand or his foot on the box wherein is the adder, and soon he becomes agitated. This condition he communicates to the Queen, and by her the commotion is spread around, and each one goes into contortions in which the upper part of the body, the head and the shoulders seem to be dislocated themselves. The Queen above all is a prey to the most violent agitations; she goes from time to time to seek new frenzy from the Voodoo serpent; she shakes the box, and the little bells with which it is decorated produce the effect of a fool's bauble. The delirium increases. It is even further aroused by the use of spiritous liquors which in the intoxication of their imagination the devotees do not spare, and which in turn keeps them up. Fainting fits, swoonings follow for some, and a kind of madness for others; but with them all there is a nervous trembling which they seem unable to control. They ceaselessly whirl around. And finally it comes about that in this sort of Bacchanalia, they tear their clothes and bite their own flesh; others who become senseless and fall to the floor, are carried, without interrupting the dance, to a nearby room, where in the darkness a disgusting prostitution holds the most horrible sway. Finally, weariness puts an end to those demoralizing scenes, but for a renewal of which they have taken good care to fix a time in advance.


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"it is most natural to believe that Voodoo owes its origin to the serpent cult, to which are particularly addicted the inhabitants of Juida (Whydah), who it is said come originally from the Kingdom of Ardra, of the same Slave Coast, and when one has read to what an extreme these Africans carry the superstition for this animal, it is easy to recognize it in what I am about to relate.

「ブードゥー教はその起源についてヘビ教団のおかげであると信じるのが最も自然で、特に同じ奴隷海岸のArdra王国から来たと言われているJuida(Whydah) の住民はヘビ教団に病みつきになっており、これらのアフリカ人がこの動物のための迷信をどれほど極端に持っているかを読めば、私がこれから関わろうとしていることでそれを認識するのは簡単です。

"What is unquestionably true, and at the same time most remarkable in Voodoo, is that sort of magnetism which prompts those who are assembled to dance to insensibility. The prepossession in this regard is so strong that even the Whites found spying on the mysteries of this sect, and touched by one of the members who have discovered them, are sometimes set to dancing, and have agreed to pay the Queen Voodoo, to put an end to this punishment. Nevertheless, I cannot refrain from remarking that never has any man of the constabulary who has sworn to fight Voodoo, felt the power which forces one to dance, and which has doubtlessly preserved the dancers themselves from the necessity of taking flight.


"Without doubt, to assuage the fears which this mysterious cult of Voodoo causes in the Colony, they pretend to dance it in public, to the sound of drums and with the clapping of hands; they even have it follow a repast where they eat nothing but poultry. But I affirm that this is nothing more nor less than a scheme to escape the vigilance of the magistrates, and the better to assure the success of these dark conventicles which are not a place of amusement and pleasure, but rather a school where feeble souls go to deliver themselves to a domination which a thousand circumstances can render baneful.


"One cannot believe to what an excess extends the dependence in which the Chiefs of the Voodoo hold the other members of the sect. There is not one of these latter who would not choose anything in preference to the misfortune with which he is threatened if he does not go regularly to the assemblies, if he does not blindly obey whatever the Voodoo commands him. One has seen that the fear of it has been sufficiently aroused to deprive them of the use of reason, and those who, in a fit of frenzy, have uttered shrieks, shun the gaze of men and excite pity.

pp 68 ~ 69


死の踊り:Don Pédro

Page 69

In a word, nothing is more dangerous, by all accounts, than this cult of the Voodoo, founded on this extravagant idea; but of which one can make a truly terrible force where the 'ministers of being' whom they have honoured with the name, know and can do everything.

p 69


"Who will believe that Voodoo gives place to something further, which also goes by the name of dance? In 1768, a negro of Petit-Goave, of Spanish origin, abusing the credulity of the Negroes, by superstitious practices, gave them an idea of a dance, analagous to that of the Voodoo, but where the movements are more hurried. To make it even more effective the Negroes place in the rum, which they drink while dancing, well crushed gun-powder. One has seen this dance called Dance to Don Pédro, or simply Don Pédro, induce death on the Negroes; and the spectators themselves, electrified by the spectacle of this convulsive exercise, share the drunkenness of the actors, and hasten by their chant and a quickened measure, a crisis which is in some way common to them. It has been necessary to forbid dancing Don Pédro under grave penalty, but sometimes ineffectually."[11]

p 69

「ブードゥー教がさらに何かに取って代わり、それもまたダンスの名で呼ばれると誰が信じるだろうか?1768年、スペイン起源のPetit-Goaveの黒人が、迷信的な慣習によって黒人の軽信性を悪用し、ブードゥー教に似ているが、動きがより急ぎ足のダンスのアイデアを彼らに与えた。それをさらに効果的にするために、黒人は踊りながら飲むラム酒によく砕いた火薬を入れます。Dance to Don Pédro、または単にDon Pédroと呼ばれるこのダンスは、黒人の死を誘発するのを見たことがあります;そして観客自身も、このけいれん的な運動の光景に興奮して、役者たちの酩酊を分かち合い、彼らの掛け声と素早い措置によって急ぎ足になり、それはある意味で彼らに共通する危機である。Don Pédroを踊ることを禁止することは、重大な刑罰の下で必要とされてきたが、時には効果的ではなかった。」[11]

[11. Moreau de Saint-Méry, l. c., Vol. I, p. 44 ff. Note:--Moreau de Saint-Méry, Loix et Constitutions des Colonies Françoises de l'Amérique sous le Vent, Paris, 1780, Vol. I, p. 4,5, shows that the Code Noir, published in March, 1685, by Article II prescribes that slaves must within a reasonable time be instructed and baptized as Catholics. By Article III, Masters who permit their slaves to gather for religious purposes other than Catholic service are as liable as if they took part themselves in such gatherings. By Article XVI, Gatherings of slaves belonging to different masters are forbidden "either by day or night, under pretence of weddings or otherwise, either on the premises of one of the masters or elsewhere, and even more so if on the public highway or in hidden places." Corporal punishment is prescribed for the first offence, with the death penalty for repeated infractions. By the next Article, Masters who permit such gatherings are liable to fines, etc.--Cfr. also: Vol. V, p. 384: Official Orders for the Police of Port-au-Prince, issued May 23, 1772. Article II forbids all kinds of assemblies and gatherings of slaves under pain of corporal punishment. And Article VI forbids even free Negroes and persons of color from holding night-dances or the Calenda. Even the dances that are allowed to them must stop at 9 P. M. Vol. IV, p. 234: On August 5, 1758, Sieur Lebrun, manager of the Carbon Estate at Bois de L'Anse is fined 200 pounds "for having permitted an assembly of Negroes, and a Calenda on the 23rd of July preceding, on the said Estate." Vol. IV, p. 829: Order of the Governor General dated January 15, 1765, for the formation of a Corps of Light Troops, to be known as the "First Legion of San Domingo." It assigns as one of their duties: "To break up the assemblies and Calendas of the Negroes."

「11. Moreau de Saint-Méry, 上記引用文中、Vol.I、44ページと次ページ。注:-- Moreau de Saint-Méry, Loix et Constitutions des ColoniesFrançoisesde l'Amériquesous le Vent, Paris, 1780, Vol.I、4、5ページは、1685年3月に出版されたCode Noir第2条が、奴隷は合理的な期間内にカトリック教徒として指導され、洗礼を受けなければならないと規定していることを示している。第3条により、カトリック礼拝以外の宗教的目的のために奴隷が集まることを許可した主人は、そのような集会に自ら参加したのと同様の責任を負う。第16条により、異なる主人に属する奴隷の集会は、「昼でも夜でも、結婚式のふりをしてでも、そうでなくても、ある主人の1カ所の敷地内でも他の場所でも、そして公道や隠れた場所ではなおさら」禁止されている。体罰は初犯に対して規定され、繰り返された違反に対しては死刑が適用される。次条までに、そのような集会を許可した主人は、罰金などの責任を負う。 -- 。Vol. V、384ページも参照:Port-au-Prince警察のための公式命令、1772年5月23日発行。第2条は、体罰の苦痛の下でのあらゆる種類の奴隷の集会や集まりを禁止している。そして第6条は、自由な黒人や有色人種でさえ、夜の踊りやCalendaを開催する事を禁じている。彼らに許された踊りでさえ、午後9時で止めなければならない。Vol. IV、234ページ:1758年8月5日、Bois de L'Anseの炭素私有地の管理者であるSieur Lebrunは、「同私有地での黒人の集会とその前の7月23日のCalendaを許可したとして」200ポンドの罰金を科された。Vol. IV、829ページ: 「San Domingo第一軍団」 として知られる軽部隊の編成に関する1765年1月15日付の総督命令。それは彼らの任務の1つとして、「黒人の集会とCalendaを解散すること」を課しています。

That the Calenda was danced despite all legal restrictions, we have ample evidence. Thus for example, the Baron Wimpffen, who spent two years in the island during the period of unrest that immediately preceded the actual uprising of the slaves, records in his diary in August, 1789, that the day of the {footnote p. 69} arrival of the French mail was celebrated as a festival for the Negroes who were dispensed from work, feasted and allowed to dance a Calenda. In the same entry of the diary we read that baptism meant practically nothing for the Negroes generally except a change of name, which was frequently thereafter ignored--the sole motive being to please the master and nothing else.--Cfr. Albert Savine, Saint-Domingue à la Veille de la Révolution, Paris, 191I, p. 93.]

すべての法的制限にもかかわらずCalendaが踊られたことは、十分な証拠があります。したがって例えば、奴隷たちが実際に蜂起する直前の騒乱の時期に2年間島で過ごしたWimpffen男爵は、1789年8月の日記に、フランス郵便が到着した{脚注69ページ}日は、黒人たちのための祭りとして祝われ、彼らは仕事から解放され、ごちそうを食べ、Calendaを踊ることを許されたと記録しています。日記の同じ項目で、洗礼は一般的に黒人にとっては名前の変更を除いて実質的に何の意味も持たなかったが、それはその後頻繁に無視された -- 唯一の動機は主人を喜ばせることであり、他には何もなかった、と私たちは読んだ -- Albert Savine, Saint-Domingueàla Veille de la Revolution, Paris, 191 I, 93ページ参照。]

Page 70

According to Moreau de Saint-Méry, then, four kinds of dances were indulged in by the Haitian slaves before the insurrection. The Calenda and the Chica have accompaniments of drums, etc. and the Voodoo and Don Pédro in which there is no mention of such instruments. In fact, drums and the clapping of hands are actually introduced at the pretended Voodoo which was invented as "a scheme to escape the vigilance of the Magistrates and the better to assure the success of these dark conventicles which are not a place of amusement and pleasure," as we are expressly told. Here we have the first main distinction-the presence or absence of drums.

p 70

Moreau de Saint-Méryによると、反乱の前、ハイチの奴隷たちは4種類の踊りに興じていた。CalendaとChicaには太鼓などの伴奏があり、ブードゥー教とDon Pédroにはそのような楽器についての記述はない。実際には、私たちが明示的に言われている通り、太鼓や拍手は、「治安判事の警戒を逃れ、娯楽や楽しみの場ではないこれらの暗い集会の成功をより保証するためのスキーム」として考案されたうわべだけのブードゥーで実際に導入されています。ここでは、太鼓の有無という最初の大きな違いがあります。

Don Pédro, being an outgrowth from Voodoo with even the year of its origin, 1768, clearly defined, may be passed over for the present with the single remark that in place of the goat of Voodoo, the pig becomes the particular animal of sacrifice.

Don Pédroは、その起源の年、1768年さえも明確に定義されているブードゥーからの派生物であり、ブードゥーのヤギの代わりに、ブタが犠牲の特定の動物になるという一言で、現在には見過ごされるかもしれません。

Voodoo itself as described by Moreau de Saint-Méry bears a close resemblance to its prototype of Whydah, making due allowance for local conditions, and it clearly satisfies all our requisites to be classed as worship in the strict sense of the word, as distinct from a mere Cult.[12]

p 70

Moreau de Saint-Méryによって記述されたブードゥー自体は、地域の状況を十分に考慮すると、その原型であるWhydahに非常によく似ており、それは単なるカルトとは異なる、言葉の厳密な意味での崇拝に分類されるためのすべての要件を明らかに満たしている。[12]

[12. Dr. Price-Mars, in setting out to prove that Voodoo is a religion, accepts as his definition of the word religion, that adopted by the "sociological school of Durkheim."--Ainsi Parla L'Oncle, Compeigne, 1928, p. 30. Then follows a quotation from J. Bricourt, Où en est l'Histoire des Religions, Paris, 1912, p. 15, which is ultimately taken from Durkheim's chapter on "Definition of Religions Phenomena and of Religion"--Emile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, London, 1926, p. 37. The words quoted really form no part of Durkheim's definition which is only formulated towards the end of the chapter, where it runs as follows: "A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden--beliefs, and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them."--p. 47. However the two are perfectly compatible and Voodoo satisfies them both as well as most of the other definitions of religion, enunciated by standard authors. Thus for example, "Religion may be defined subjectively and objectively. Subjectively, it is the knowledge and consciousness of dependence upon one or more transcendental personal Powers, to which man stands in a reciprocal relation. Objectively, it is the sum of the outward actions in which it is expressed and made manifest, as prayer, sacrifice, sacraments, {footnote p. 70} liturgy, ascetic practices, ethical prescriptions, and so on."--W. Schmidt, The Origin and Growth of Religion, New York, 1931, p. 2.

[12.Dr.Price-Marsは、Voodooが宗教であることを証明しようとする際に、「Durkheimの社会学的学派」によって採用された宗教という言葉の定義を受け入れている。--Ainsi Parla L'Oncle、Compeigne、1928年、30ページ。次に、J.Bricourt,Oúnest l'Histoire des Religions, Paris, 1912, 15ページからの引用に続きますが、最終的にDurkheimの「宗教現象と宗教の定義」に関する章から引用されている。--Emile Durkheim、The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life、ロンドン、1926年、37ページ。引用されている言葉は、実際にはDurkheimの定義の一部を形成していません、それは章の最後の方でのみ定式化されており、そこでは次のように続報として続きます:「宗教とは、神聖なもの、つまり分離されて禁止されているもの -- 信仰と実践は、教会と呼ばれる単一の道徳的共同体に統合され、それらに従うすべての人々 -- に関連した信仰と実践の統一されたシステムです。」--47ページ。しかし、この2つは完全に互換性があり、Voodooは標準的な著者によって明示された他の宗教の定義のほとんどと同様に、この2つを満たしています。したがって、例えば 「宗教は主観的にも客観的にも定義される。主観的には、人間が相互関係の中で立っている、1つ以上の超越的な個人的な力への依存の知識と意識である。客観的には、祈り、犠牲、秘跡、{脚注70ページ}典礼、修行、倫理規定などとしてそれが表現され、明らかにされる外向きの行為の総和である。」--W. Schmidt、The Origin and Growth of Religion、ニューヨーク、1931年、2ページ。

Dr. Price-Mars, Ainsi Parla l'Oncle, p. 32, advances his claim as follows: "Voodoo is a religion because all the adepts believe in the existence of spiritual beings who live in part in the universe in close touch with human beings Whose activity they control. These invisible beings constitute a numerous Olympus of gods, of whom the highest among them bear the title of Papa or Great Master and have the right to special homage.

Dr.Price-Mars、Ainsi Parla l'Oncle、32ページでは、彼の主張を次のように進めています:「ブードゥー教は宗教です、なぜなら、すべての信者は、人間と密接に接触して宇宙の一部に生き、その活動を彼らが制御している霊的存在の存在を信じているからです。これらの目に見えない存在は、多数の神々のオリュンポスを構成しており、その中で最高位のものはパパまたは偉大なマスターの称号を持ち、特別な敬意を払う権利を持っています。

"Voodoo is a religion because the cult developed to its god, demands a hierarchical sacerdotal body, a congregation of faithful, temples, altars, ceremonies, and in fine, altogether an oral tradition which certainly has not come down to us unchanged, but thanks for it, has transmitted the essential part of the cult.


"Voodoo is a religion because through the medley of legends and the corruption of fables one can disentangle a theology, a system of representations, thanks to which, primitively, our African ancestors had an explanation for the natural phenomena and which in a hidden way lays the foundation of the anarchistic beliefs on which rests the hybrid Catholicism of the masses of the people."


Then after considering the other side of Voodoo which consists of magic or witchcraft, concludes, p. 37: "And now, if we summarize the results of this he brief discussion, we may draw a first conclusion, to wit, that Voodoo is a very primitive religion, founded partially on the beliefs in all powerful spiritual beings--gods, demons, disincarnated souls--partially on the beliefs in witchcraft and magic. If we evaluate this double character we will disclose in proportion to our researches the state more or less pure in its country of origin, and on our soil, modified by its more than a century of juxtaposition to the Catholic religion adapted to the conditions of life of our rural masses, fighting against legal statute of the nation which wished to free itself of all contact with this form of beliefs, from which it has nothing else to expect. And there you have in brief the position which Voodoo occupies in our social status."]

その後、魔法や魔術で構成されているVoodooの反対側を考慮した後、37ページ:「そして今、この彼の短い議論の結果を要約すると、ブードゥー教は非常に原始的な宗教であり、部分的にはすべての強力な霊的存在 -- 神、悪魔、化身した魂 -- の信仰に基づいており、部分的には魔術や魔法の信仰に基づいているという最初の結論を導き出せるかもしれません。もし私たちがこの二重の性格を評価するならば、私たちの研究に比例して、私たちの田舎の大衆の生活条件に適応したカトリック宗教との並置の1世紀以上によって修正された、その起源の国で、そして私たちの土壌で、他に何も期待するものがないこの信仰の形式とのすべての接触から自分自身を解放することを望んでいた国の法制定と戦うことによって、多かれ少なかれ純粋な国家を明らかにするでしょう。簡単に言えば、ブードゥー教が私たちの社会的地位の中で占めている位置です。」

Page 71

Furthermore, despite the rankling controversy concerning modern Voodoo in Haiti, all disputants seemingly accept Moreau de Saint-Méry's account, at least substantially. We are safe, then, in making this our starting point in our study of Haitian Voodoo.

pp 71 ~ 72

さらに、ハイチにおける現代のブードゥー教に関する論争にもかかわらず、すべての論争者は、少なくとも実質的には、Moreau de Saint-Méryの説明を受け入れているように見える。これをハイチのブードゥー教の研究の出発点にしても大丈夫です。

It is also generally agreed, that the slave insurrection was fostered and made possible by nocturnal assemblies that have been commonly ascribed to Voodoo.


This uprising of the slaves which resulted in the first massacre of the Whites in Haiti, in 1791, is thus described by Dr. Dorsainvil: "It was then that Boukman entered on the scene and determined to arouse the imagination and the senses. Born in Jamaica, Boukman was a N'Gan or priest of Voodoo, the principal religion of the Dahomans. His tall statue, his herculean strength, had attracted the attention of the Master of the Plantation, Turpin, who had him appointed successively an overseer and a coachman. Over all the slaves who came in contact with him he exercised an ascendancy which became extraordinary.

1791年にハイチで白人の最初の虐殺をもたらしたこの奴隷の蜂起は、このようにDr. Dorsainvilによって詳述されている:「それはその時、Boukmanが現場に入り、想像力と感覚を喚起することを決意した。ジャマイカ生まれのBoukman、ダホマン人の主要な宗教であるブードゥー教のN'Ganまたは司祭であった。彼の背の高い像、彼の壮絶な強さは、プランテーションの主人であるTurpinの注目を集め、彼は監督と御者に相次いで任命された。彼は彼に接したすべての奴隷に対して、並外れた優位性を発揮した。

Page 72

"To put an end to all hesitation and to arouse complete devotion, he gathered together on the night of August 14, 179I, a large number of slaves in a clearing in the Caiman woods, near Morne-Rouge. All were assembled when a tempest broke. The jagged flashes of lightning illuminating a sky of low and sombre clouds. In a few minutes a torrential rain flooded the ground; at length under the repeated assaults of a violent wind, the trees of the forest writhed, moaned, and even their heavy branches, torn away, fell with a crash.

p 72


"In the midst of this impressive setting, the bystanders, motionless, seized with holy terror, saw an old Negress arise, her body shaking with prolonged shivers; she chants, spins around, and whirls a large cutlass above her head. Rigid stance, gasping breath, silence, blazing eyes fixed on the Negress, the audience is fascinated. Then is brought in a black pig, whose grunting is lost in the uproar of the storm. With a quick movement, the inspired priestess plunges her cutlass into the throat of the animal. The blood gurgles forth, it is collected foaming, and distributed round about to the slaves, all drink of it, all swear to carry out the orders of Boukman."[13]


Since Boukman was a Jamaican it would be reasonable to suppose that he introduced Jamaican features into the cult as he practiced it.

pp 72 ~ 73


[13. J. C. Dorsainvil, Manuel d'Histoire d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince, 1925, p. 81 f. Note:--Cfr. also Thomas Madiou, Histoire d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince, 1922, vol. I, p. 102, who states briefly: "On the night of August 14, 179I, 200 delegates from the ateliers of the northern province assembled in the Lenormand plantation. There a coloured man harangued them about a pretended decree whereby the King granted them three days of freedom each week. It was decided then the 22nd of the same month the insurrection should be general."

[13.J. C. Dorsainvil, Manuel d'Histoire d'Haïti, Port-au-Prince, 1925, 81ページと次ページ。注目:--Thomas Madiou, Histoire d'Haíti, Port-au-Prince, 1922, vol.I, 102ページも参照、簡潔に述べている:「1791年8月14日の夜、北部州のアトリエから200人の代表者がLenormand農園に集まった。そこで有色人種の男が、王が彼らに毎週3日間の自由を与えるという見せかけの法令について、彼らに熱弁した。同月22日、反乱は全面的なものとなることが決定された。」

Concerning the originator of the Don Pédro, Dorsainvil asserts, Vodou et Névrose, Port-au-Prince, 1931, p. 46: "Popular tradition, well after Independence, speaks among others of a certain Don Pédro, a being of flesh and bone, who, at a certain time, had come from the Dominican Republic to take up his abode in the mountains of the Commune of Petit-Goave. This Don Pédro was the introducer of that violent dance which by corruption the people call: the Pétro. At his death, Don Pédro did not delay in taking all honourable place in the Voodooistic pantheon, drawing in his train an entire progeny, such as Jean Philippe Pétro, Criminel Pétro, etc."--Cfr. also, D. Trouillot, Esquisse Ethnographique: Le Vaudoux, Port-au-Prince, 1885, p. 28: "It was from the Dominican Republic, at the time a Spanish Colony, that there came to Haiti in the last century, the famous Don Pédro, an African who founded at Petit-Goave the infernal sect, known under the same name as its author. The Don Pédro is a dance of Vaudoux where the most unbelievable orgies are perpetrated; this sect, diminishing daily, is only found in the hills of the place of origin."]

Don Pédroの創始者に関して、Dorsainvillは次のように主張しています、Vodou etNévrose, Portau-Prince, 1931, 46ページ:「独立のかなり後の民間の言い伝えは、ある時期にドミニカ共和国からPetit-Goaveのコミューンの山中に住居を構えるために来た、肉と骨の存在である、例のDon Pédroのことを他の人々の間で語っている。このDon Pédroは、人々が堕落してPédroと呼ぶあの激しい踊りの導入者だった。彼の死に際して、Don Pédroは遅れずにブードゥー教の神々の中で名誉ある地位を獲得し、Jean Philippe Pétro、Criminel Pétroなどの跡継ぎ全員を引き入れた。また、D.Trouillo、Esquisse Ethnographique: Le Vaudoux、Port-au-Prince、1885、28ページも参照:「前世紀に、当時スペインの植民地であったドミニカ共和国からハイチにやってきたのは、Petit-Goaveで地獄の教団を創設したアフリカ人の有名なDon Pédroで、その作者と同じ名前で知られています。Don Pédroは、信じられないような乱交パーティーが行われるヴォードゥー教の踊りです;この宗派は、日々減少していますが、発祥地の丘でのみ見られます。」]

Page 73

In all probability he had been banished from Jamaica for complicity in previous unrest there. His administering of the solemn fetish oath bears resemblance to the Myalistic ceremonial that will be discussed in a later chapter. In any case the sacrificial victim was a pig, the rite strictly speaking belonged to the Don Pédro and not to Voodoo proper. This fact alone suggests that Don Pédro, which had started only twenty-three years previously, in its very origin, may have been devised precisely in preparation for such an uprising.

おそらく、彼はジャマイカでの以前の騒乱に加担したとして、ジャマイカから追放されていた。彼が厳粛な祭儀の誓いを執り行うことは、後の章で述べるMyalな儀式に似ている。いずれにしても犠牲者は豚であり、厳密に言えば儀式はDon Pédroのものであり、ブードゥー固有のものではなかった。この事実だけでも、わずか23年前に始まったDon Pédroが、まさしくその起源は、このような反乱に備えて正確に考案された可能性があることを示唆しています。


Very little notice was paid to Haitian Voodoo by the outside world until 1884, when there appeared a book which has caused no end of controversy from that day to this. It was entitled Hayti or the Black Republic, and the author was Sir Spencer St. John. His claim to credibility was based on the following facts. Before becoming her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Mexico, he had been England's Resident and Consul-General in Haiti for more than two decades. Secondly, as he says himself, he had personally known "the Haitian Republic above twenty-five years."[14] Again writing from. Mexico, November 13, 1888, in the introduction to his Second Edition, he says of his original work: "The most difficult chapter to write was that on 'Vaudoux-worship and Cannibalism.' I have endeavoured to paint them in the least sombre colours, and no one who knows the country will think that I have exaggerated: in fact, had I listened to the testimony of many experienced residents, I should have described rites at which dozens of human victims were sacrificed at a time. Everything I have related has been founded on evidence collected in Haiti, from Haitian official documents, the press of Port-au-Prince, from trustworthy officers of the Haitian Government, my foreign colleagues, and from residents long established in the country,--principally, however, from Haitian sources."[15]

その日から今日まで論争を終わらせない本が登場したとき、ハイチのVoodooには1884年まで外部からほとんど注目が払われていなかった。タイトルはHayti or the Black Republicで、著者はSpencer St. John卿でした。信頼性に対する彼の主張は以下の事実に基づいている。メキシコへの陛下の特派使節で全権公使になる前は、20年以上にわたりハイチのイギリスの総督代理で総領事でした。第2に、彼自身が言っているように、彼は個人的に「25年以上のハイチ共和国」を知っていました。[14] 再び1888年11月13日にメキシコから執筆し、彼の第2版の序文で、彼は元の作品について次のように述べている:「書くのが最も難しい章は、『Vaudoux-worship and Cannibalism』について関する章でした。私はそれらをできるだけ陰鬱な色で描こうと努力しました、そしてこの国を知っている人は誰も私が誇張したとは思わないでしょう:実際、私が多くの経験豊富な住民の証言を聞いていれば、一度に数十人もの犠牲者が犠牲になった儀式について私は説明すべきだった。私がこれまで関連してきたことはすべて、ハイチで収集された証拠、ハイチの公式文書、Port-au-Princeの報道機関、ハイチ政府の信頼できる役人、私の外国人同僚、そして国内で長く定評のある住民から集めた証拠に基づいて創立されています--しかしながら、主にハイチの情報源からです。」[15]

[14. Spencer St. John, Hayti or the Black Republic, London, 1889, Introduction, p. vii.
15. Ditto, p. xi.]

Page 74

And: "As my chapter on Vadoux-worship and Cannibalism excited considerable attention both in Europe and the United States, and unmitigated abuse in Haiti, I decided again to look into the question with the greatest care. The result has been to convince me that I underrated the fearful manifestations; I have therefore rewritten these chapters, and introduced many new facts which have come to my knowledge."[16] In view of this last statement all our quotations will be taken from this Second Edition of the work.

pp 73 ~74

そして:「Vadoux-worship and Cannibalismに関する私の章は、ヨーロッパとアメリカの両方で大きな注目を集め、ハイチでは紛れもない虐待、私は再びその問題を最大の注意を払って調べることにしました。その結果、私は恐怖の示威運動を過小評価していたと私を納得させました;したがって私はこれらの章を書き直し、私の知るところとなった多くの新しい事実を紹介しました。」[16] この最後の声明を考慮して、私たちの引用はすべてこの第2版から引用されます。

Let us, then, carefully weigh the testimony of Sir Spencer St. John. At the very outset, he states: "I must notice that there are two sects which follow the Vaudoux-worship--those who only delight in the flesh and blood of white cocks and spotless white goats at their ceremonies, and those who are not only devoted to these, but on great occasions call for the flesh and blood of 'the goat without horns,' or of human victims. It is a curious trait of human nature that these cannibals must use a euphemistic term when speaking of their victims, as the Pacific Islanders have the expression of 'long pig.'"[17]

それではSpencer St. Johnの証言を慎重に検討しましょう。彼は冒頭で次のように述べている:「ヴォードゥー教には2つの宗派があることに注意しなければなりません -- すなわち、儀式の際に白い鶏や汚れのない白い山羊の肉と血を喜ぶだけの宗派と、これらだけに専念するだけではなく、『角のない山羊』や人間の犠牲者の肉と血を求める宗派です。太平洋諸島の人々が『長い豚』という表現を持っているように、これらの人食いが犠牲者を語るときに婉曲的な用語を使わなければならないのは、人間の本性の奇妙な特徴である。」[17]

We must here remark the careful distinction between the cults in Haiti, and while the author does not also distinguish them by name, the legitimate cult, if we may so term it, is Voodoo proper, while the cannibalistic element belongs to Don Pédro. Further, it should be noted that while the human sacrifice is called the "goat without horns" it is really substituted, not for the goat of Voodoo, but for the pig of Don Pédro: just as in those Pacific Islands that are referred to, where the term "long pig" is used.

私たちはここでハイチのカルト教団を慎重に区別しなければならないが、著者はそれらを名前で区別していないが、合法的なカルト教団は、私たちがそう呼んでよいのであれば、ブードゥー教固有であり、食人主義的な要素はDon Pédroに属します。さらに、人身御供は「角のない山羊」と呼ばれているが、実際にはブードゥーの山羊ではなく、Don Pédroの豚に置き換えられていることに注目されなければならない。これは、「長い豚」という用語が使われている太平洋諸島で言及されているのと同じである。

But to resume St. John's narrative: "When Haiti was still a French Colony, Vaudoux-worship flourished, but there is no distinct mention of human sacrifice in the accounts transmitted to us. In Moreau de Saint-Méry's excellent description of the island, from whose truthful pages it is a pleasure to seek for information, he gives us a very graphic account of fetishism. as it existed in his day, that is, towards the close of the last century." He means of course the eighteenth century. Then follows a lengthy citation from the very passage that we have already quoted.

p 74

しかし、St. Johnの物語を再開する:「ハイチがまだフランスの植民地だった頃、ヴォードゥー崇拝は盛んだったが、私たちに伝えられた記録には、人身御供についての明確な言及はありません。Moreau de Saint-Méryの島についての優れた記述では、その真実のページから情報を探すのが楽しいのですが、彼は呪物崇拝について非常に生々しい説明を私たちに与えます。それは彼の時代に存在していたように、つまり前世紀の終わり頃に存在していた。」彼はもちろん18世紀のことです。次に、私たちがすでに引用したまさにその一節からの長い引用が続きます。

[16. Ditto, p. xiii.
17. Ditto, p. 192.]

Page 75

At the close of the quotation, St. John observes: "In studying this account, freely taken from Moreau de Saint-Méry, I have been struck how little change, except for the worse, has taken place during the last century. Though the sect continues to meet in secret, they do not appear to object to the presence of their countrymen who are not yet initiated. In fact, the necessity of so much mystery is not recognized, since there are no longer any French magistrates to send these assassins to the scaffold."[18]

引用文の最後でSt. Johnは次のように観察します:「Moreau de Saint-Méryから自由に取り上げられたこの記述を研究する中で、私は前世紀の間に、最悪のことを除いて、ほとんど変化が起こっていないことに驚いた。その宗派は秘密裏に会合を続けているが、まだ入会していない同胞の出席に反対しているようには見えない。実際には、処刑台にこれらの暗殺者を送るフランスの治安判事がもはやいないので、これほど多くの謎の必要性は認識されていません。」[18]

A few pages further on, we read: "After studying the history of Haiti, one is not astonished that the fetish worship continues to flourish. The Negroes imported from the west coast of Africa naturally brought their religion with them, and the worship of the serpent was one of its most distinguishing features. Saint-Méry writes of the slaves arriving with a strange mixture of Mohammedanism and idolatry, to which they soon added a little Catholicism. Of Mohammedanism I have not myself observed the faintest trace. When the Negroes found the large, almost harmless serpent in Haiti, they welcomed it as their god, and their fetish priests soon collected their followers around them. The French authorities tried to put down all meetings of the Vaudoux, partly because they looked upon them as political, but they did not succeed. Many of the tribes in Africa are to this day cannibals, and their ancestors no doubt imported this taste into the French colony."[19]


Sir Spencer St. John had already remarked, "I have been informed on trustworthy testimony that in 1887 cannibalism was more rampant than ever,"[20] and now in the body of his work he writes: "There are in Haiti, as I have before noticed, two sects of Vaudoux-worshippers; one, perhaps the least numerous, that indulges in human sacrifices;-the other, that holds such practices in horror, and is content with the blood of the white goat, and the white cock. . . .

p 75

Spencer St. John卿はすでに、「1887年にはかつてないほど人肉食が蔓延していたという信頼できる証言について私は情報を得られました」と述べていた[20]、 そして今、彼はその著作の本文で次のように書いている:「ハイチには、私が以前に気づいたように、ヴォードゥー崇拝者の2つの宗派があります;1つは、人身御供に耽る、おそらく最も数の少ないもの;もう一方は、そのような習慣を恐ろしいことにしていて、白いヤギと白い雄鶏の血で満足しています。…

[18. Ditto, p. 199.
19. Ditto, p. 229.
20. Ditto, Introduction, p. xii.]

Page 76

In the country districts the Catholic priests say these fetish-worshippers call themselves 'Les Mystères,' and that they mix Catholic and Vaudoux ceremonies in a singular manner; the name probably refers to the rites they practice."[21] And, "I have been informed that, besides the goat and cock, the Vaudoux priests occasionally sacrifice a lamb. . . . It is carefully washed, combed, and ornamented with bunches of blue ribands before being sacrificed."[22]

pp 75 ~ 76

田舎の地区では、カトリック司祭たちは、これらの呪物崇拝者たちは自分たちのことを『Les Mystères』と呼び、カトリックとヴォードゥーの儀式を独特の方法で混合していると言います;名前はおそらく彼らが行う儀式を指しています。」[21] そして、「私は、山羊と鶏の他に、ヴォードゥー教の司祭が時々子羊を犠牲にすると情報を得られました。…犠牲になる前に、それは慎重に洗浄され、櫛でとかされ、青いリボンの束で装飾されています。」[22]

Let us come now to a spectacle that is even more revolting than any of those already described-one, in fact, where we are told that the rites actually included human sacrifice. The following letter appeared in the NEW YORK WORLD of December 5, 1886. The writer of it is personally vouched for by Sir Spencer St. John who quotes the letter in full.

ここで、これまで説明してきたものよりもさらに衝撃的な光景を見てみましょう、実のところ、儀式には実際に人間の犠牲が含まれていたと言われています。次の手紙は1886年12月5日のNEW YORK WORLDに掲載されました。それの作家は手紙の全文を引用しているSpencer St. John卿によって個人的に保証されています。

"I spent some weeks in Cap Haitien, one of the largest and most important cities in Haiti, and while there I met a number of Dominican gentlemen, who for various reasons had been compelled to spend a long time in the sister republic. These gentlemen talked a great deal about the existence of cannibalism, and insisted that its existence was not, as all Haitians claim, merely in the minds of the writers who desire to publish sensational stories. I had shut my eyes and ears to the customs of the country people, and moreover I never allowed myself to think it possible that such horrible practices, as these gentlemen assured me were common, existed. Therefore I tried in every way to disabuse them of the illusions which I thought they entertained. Among these Dominicans was one who, irritated by my constant denials, determined to prove to me that his assertions were true. In April (1886) the workers on one of the coffee-plantations near Le Cap intended to have some kind of demonstration in honour of one of their superstitious observances, and my friend learned that, incidental to the Vaudoux-worship (which by the way, unaccompanied by human sacrifices no Haitian will deny exists), there would be a human sacrifice. In some manner my friend had ingratiated himself with certain of the Negro labourers who were to attend the sacrifices, and induced them to allow him and me to be present, also.

p 76

「私はハイチで最も大きく重要な都市の1つであるCap Haitienに数週間滞在しました、そしてそこにいる間、様々な理由で姉妹共和国で長い時間を過ごさざるを得なかったドミニカの紳士たちに会いました。これらの紳士たちは、食人の存在について多くを語り、その存在は、すべてのハイチ人が主張しているように、単に世間をあっと言わせる物語を出版したい作家たちの頭の中にあるだけではないと主張した。私は田舎の人々の習慣には目も耳も閉ざしていたし、その上、これらの紳士たちが私に一般的であると保証したように、そのような恐ろしい習慣が存在する可能性があるとは思うことは決して許さなかった。したがって、私はあらゆる方法で、彼らが楽しませたと思っていた幻想を否定しようとした。これらのドミニカ人の中には、私の絶え間ない否定に苛立って、自分の主張が正しいことを私に証明しようと決意した人がいました。(1886年)4月、Le Capの近くのコーヒー農園の労働者たちは、彼らの迷信的な行事の1つに敬意を表して、ある種の実演しようとしました、そして私の友人は、ヴォードゥー崇拝(ちなみに、人間の犠牲を伴わずに、ハイチ人は存在することを否定しない)に付随する、人身御供があることを知った。何らかの方法で私の友人は犠牲祭に参加することになっていた黒人労働者の特定の人に取り入り、彼と私もその場にいることを許可するよう彼らを誘導した。

[21. Ditto, p. 130.
22. Ditto, p. 231.]

Page 77

On the evening of April 19 he came to my house, where both of us dressed ourselves in the ordinary country working-man's costume, and then had our hands and faces well blacked by the Negro who was to conduct us to the Vaudoux temple. To reach the temple we rode out over the smooth wagon-road which runs to and through the place called Haut-du-Cap, and when we had gotten about three miles beyond the little tavern on that place, where everybody stops for refreshments, our conductor suddenly left the highway, and by a little winding bridle-path led us up the big mountain to a spot about half-way up the side.

pp 76 ~ 77


"Here the Negroes had constructed a rude wooden shanty among the trees and where it could be hardly noticed by any passer-by, if such there might be in that lonely quarter. Into this miserable hut we were ushered by our guide, who to obtain admittance, uttered some signal words to the two brawny Negroes who stood guard at the entrance, and who closely interrogated every person who entered. We were apparently a little late. In the single room there was a motley crowd of Negroes, men and women, congregated round a sort of wooden throne erected in the centre of the room. On this throne arranged in many coloured long gowns and adorned with tawdry finery, there sat on chairs draped with flaming red cloth, a mail and a woman. They were the Papaloi and Mamanloi, or priest and priestess, of the order of the Vaudoux. At their feet was the box which contained the 'holy serpent,' which was being worshipped by this ungodly assemblage. Behind the throne was stretched across from wall to wall a red cloth partition, which divided the room, or rather which made another and smaller apartment behind it. As we entered the people were singing a chant low and monotonous, and at a sign from our mentor, we, my friend and I, joined it. When this chant had been finished, there succeeded an interval of deathly quiet during which the worshippers appeared to be engaged in prayer. Suddenly the silence was broken by the priest, who with violent gestures, and almost shrieking his words, harangued his audience for ten or fifteen minutes.


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He told them there was but one thing to do by which they might obtain spiritual as well as temporal reward, to adore the serpent and obey implicitly and without question its slightest order. The attitude of the people showed that they comprehended the injunction and would obey. When he had wrought the crowd to a sufficiently high pitch of enthusiasm, the priest suddenly dropped his talk, and bursting into a chant again, was immediately joined by the others. A weird dance followed, the people singing as they danced, and gradually becoming almost delirious in their fervour. The place was soon in ail awful tumult, some of the women, who especially seemed to have lost all control over themselves, even climbing up to the rafters, wriggling their bodies, hissing, and trying in every way to imitate the movements of the snake.

pp 77 ~ 78


"This ghastly dance was continued for two hours more, when silence was again produced by the appearance from behind the red curtain of two men leading by the hand a little trembling Negro boy in white robes. The child was led to the throne, and mounting it, he prostrated himself twice before the man and woman seated there. The Papaloi, holding his hands over the boy's head, blessed him in the name of the sacred serpent, and then asked him in pompous language what he most desired in the world. The little fellow, glancing up into the faces of his two conductors, replied (and the reply had evidently been taught him), 'That object above all other objects in the world which I most desire is the possession of a little virgin.' Hardly had he spoken when from the encurtained apartment came two women leading a Negro girl of four or five years, also dressed in the purest white. The second child was led to the throne and stood confronting the boy. Again the boy was asked what he most desired, and when he had repeated his former answer, both he and the girl were at once thrown down on their backs and bound band and foot.

「この不気味な踊りはさらに2時間続いたが、そのとき、赤いカーテンの向こうから、白衣を着た小刻みに震える黒人の少年の手を引いた2人の男が現れ、再び静寂が訪れた。子供は玉座に導かれ、それに乗って、そこに座っている男女の前に2度ひれ伏した。Papaloiは両手を少年の頭の上にかざし、聖なる蛇の名のもとに彼を祝福し、それから尊大な言葉で彼がこの世で一番望んでいることを尋ねた。その小さな男は、2人の車掌の顔を見上げながら、『この世のどんな物よりも私が最も望む物は、小さな処女の所有です。 』と答えた(そしてその答えは明らかに彼に教えられていたようだ)。彼はほとんど口をきかないうちに、囲いのあるアパートから、4~5歳の黒人の少女を連れた2人の女が出てきた。彼女も純白の服を着ていた。2番目の子供は王座に導かれ、少年と対峙して立っていた。男の子はもう一度、一番欲しいものは何かと尋ねられ、前の答えを繰り返すと、男の子も女の子もすぐに仰向けに投げ倒され、手足を縛られました。

"A burly Negro, knife in hand, separated himself from the crowd, who had been watching the proceedings with breathless interest, and mounted the throne. Reaching the boy, he said something to the men, who with their hands over his mouth was trying to stop the little fellow's cries, and they held their victim by the feet up in the air.

pp 78 ~ 79


Page 79

With a single slash across the little throat, the brutal executioner killed the child, and the others held him whilst the life-blood gushed into the receptacle placed below to receive it.

p 79


"At this moment an involuntary exclamation of horror escaped me, and immediately all eyes were turned towards me, looking with distrust and suspicion. The horrible proceedings on the throne were suspended, and a hasty consultation was held among the people on it. Fearing for my life, and obeying a slight signal from our guide, I somehow got out of the door, mounted my horse and rode as hard as I could to the town. The worshippers did not suspect that I was a white man. They assumed probably that I was a novice and not yet hardened to the sight. At any rate I was not pursued, and my friend was not interfered with. He remained until the end, joined me that night, or rather morning, and told me that the little girl had been killed in the same manner as the boy, and that then the bodies had been cut up, cooked, and eaten by the wretches. The whole awful orgy was ended only when every person present had become helplessly intoxicated."[23]


[23. Ditto, p. 203 ff. Note:--St. John further quotes p. 243 from THE EVENING POST Of New York, for February 25, 1888: "Port-au-Prince, February, 1888. Recently the body of a child was found near this city; an arm and a leg had been eaten by the Vaudoux. During Christmas week a man was caught in the streets here with a child cut up in quarters for sale. Cannibalism still prevails, despite all the forced statements to the contrary. President Salomon, to please the masses, the Negro element, allows them to dance a Vaudoux dance formerly prohibited."

[23.同前、203ページと次ページ。注目:--St. Johnはさらに、1888年2月25日のニューヨークのTHE EVENING POSTから243ページを引用している:「Port-au-Prince、1888年2月。最近、この街の近くで子供の遺体が発見された。腕と脚がヴォードゥーに食われていた。クリスマス週間中に、ここの通りで1人の男が子供を4分割に切って売っているところを捕らえられた。反対のすべての強制的な声明にもかかわらず、カニバリズムは依然として蔓延している。Salomon大統領は、黒人の要素である、大衆を喜ばせるために、以前は禁止されていたヴォードゥー教のダンスを踊ることを彼らに許可します。

He also cites many "fully-authenticated" cases, some of them falling under his own observation, of the administering of drugs to induce apparent death. Subsequently the victims were brought back to consciousness, not infrequently after burial and disinterment, that they might be murdered and certain portions of them at least used in the ungodly sacrifices of Don Pédro. He concludes: "It was by these means that the Papalois probably were enabled to obtain their victims during the French colonial period."-1. c., p. 241.

彼はまた、多くの「完全に認証された」事例を引用しており、そのいくつかは彼自身の観察に該当し、見かけの死を誘発するために薬物を投与している。その後、犠牲者たちは、埋葬と解体の後、彼らが殺害され、彼らの一部が少なくともDon Pédroのとんでもない犠牲に使われるかもしれないという意識に戻されることが少なくなかった。彼はこう結論付けます:「これらの手段によって、Papaloisはおそらくフランス植民地時代に犠牲者を得ることができたのでしょう。」-1. およそ241ページ。

The following quotation from St. John, p. 232, should also be noted: "Moreau de Saint-Méry, in naming the different tribes imported into Haiti during the last century, says:--'Never had any a disposition more hideous than the last (the Mondongoes) whose depravity has reached the most execrable of excesses, that of eating their fellow creatures. They bring also to Santo Domingo those butchers of human flesh, for in their country there are slaughter-houses where they Sell slaves as they would calves, and they are here, as in Africa, the horror of the other Negroes.'" Here we have additional evidence that whatever cannibalism may have existed in Haiti in connection with the Don Pédro rites, must not be {footnote p. 79} ascribed to Voodoo, but rather to other agencies, even as it was noticed in the decadent cult of the serpent at Grand Popo.]

St. John、232ページからの次の引用も注目すべきである:「Moreau de Saint-Méryは、前世紀の間にハイチに輸入された様々な部族の名前を挙げて、次のように言っています。:--『最後の (Mondongo族) ほど恐ろしい気質はありませんでした、彼らの堕落は、仲間の生き物を食べるという、最も忌まわしい行き過ぎた行為に達している。彼らはまた、Santo Domingoに人肉の肉屋を連れてきます、というのは彼らの国には子牛を産むのと同じように奴隷を売る屠殺場があり、彼らはここで、アフリカのように、他の黒人の恐怖です。』」ここで私たちは、Don Pédroの儀式に関連してハイチに存在したかもしれないどんな食人行為も、ブードゥーに帰するべきではなく{脚注79ページ}、むしろ他の機関に帰するべきであるという追加的な証拠を持っています、たとえそれがGrand Popoでの蛇の退廃的な崇拝で注目されていたとしても。]

Page 80

James Anthony Froude, writing in 1888, refers to Sir Spencer St. John's account, "Which," he says, "they cry out against with a degree of anger which is the surest evidence of its truth."[24]

p 80

James Anthony Froudeは、1888年に執筆し、Spencer St. John卿の記事に言及し、「それは、」と彼は言います、「彼らは、その真実の最も確かな証拠である、程度の怒りで反対を叫んでいる。」

Of his own visit to Port-au-Prince, he writes:--"Immorality is so universal that it almost ceases to be a fault, for a fault implies an exception, and in Haiti it is the rule. . . . So far they are no worse than in our own English islands, where the custom is equally general; but behind the immorality, behind the religiosity, there lies active and alive the horrible revival of the West African superstitions; the serpent worship, and the child sacrifice, and the cannibalism. There is no room to doubt it. A missionary assured me that an instance of it occurred only a year ago within his own personal knowledge. The facts are notorious; a full account was published in one of the local newspapers, and the only result was that the president imprisoned the editor for exposing his country. A few years ago persons guilty of these infamies were tried and punished, now they are left alone, because to prosecute and convict them would be to acknowledge the truth of the indictment."[25]

Port-au-Princeへの彼自身の訪問について、彼は次のように書いている:-- 「不道徳は非常に普遍的なので、ほとんど欠点ではなくなります、というのは欠点は例外を意味し、ハイチではそれがルールです。…今のところ、彼らは同じように一般的な習慣がある私たちのイギリスの島々よりも悪くありません。しかし、不道徳の背後、宗教性の背後には、西アフリカの迷信の恐ろしい復活が活発で生き生きしたままです;蛇崇拝、子供のいけにえ、人肉食。疑う余地はない。ある宣教師は、自分の個人的な知識の範囲内で、それがほんの1年前に起こったと私に断言した。事実は悪名高い;地元の新聞の1紙に完全な記事が掲載され、唯一の結果は、大統領が彼の国を暴露したために編集者を投獄したということでした。数年前、これらの名誉毀損で有罪となった人々は裁判にかけられ、処罰されたが、今では彼らは放置されている、なぜなら彼らを起訴し有罪とすることは、起訴の真実を認めることになるからである。」[25]

Two years later the accusation was renewed by Hesketh Prichard in the following words: "Vaudoux, according to its more elect disciples, is an all-powerful deity, but the idea of the masses does not rise above the serpent, which represents to them their god and which presides, in its box, over all their services . . . Vaudoux is cannibalism in the second stage, In the first instance a savage eats human flesh as an extreme form of triumph over an enemy; so the appetite grows until this food is preferred to any other. The next stage follows naturally. The man, wishing to propitiate his god, offers him that which he himself most prizes. Add to this sacrifice the mysteries and traditions of the ages, and you have the Vaudoux of today. . . .

2年後、Hesketh Prichardは次のような言葉で非難が再び始められた:「ヴォードゥー教は、より選ばれた弟子たちによれば、全能の神であるが、大衆の考えは蛇を超えるものではない、それは彼らにとって彼らの神を表し、その箱の中で彼らのすべての奉仕を司ります…ヴォードゥー教は2段階目のカニバリズムであり、まず第1では野蛮人が敵に対する勝利の極端な形態として人肉を食べる。そのため、この食べ物が他の食べ物よりも好まれるようになるまで食欲が増します。次の段階は自然に続きます。その人は、自分の神を喜ばせようと思って、自分が最も大切にしているものを神にささげます。この犠牲に、時代の神秘と伝統を加えれば、今日のヴォードゥーがあります…

[24. James Anthony Froude, The English in the West Indies; or, the Bow of Ulysses, London, 1888, p. 343.
25. Ditto, p. 344.]

Page 81

Cannibalism has been brought as a very general accusation against the Haitians, but although there is no doubt that the child sacrificed in the worst Vaudoux rites is afterwards dismembered, cooked, and eaten, I do not think of recent years the practice of cannibalism, unconnected with sacrifice, is in any degree prevalent, although it is equally certain that scattered instances do still come to light. Haiti is the sole country with any pretence to civilization where a superstition contaminated by such active horrors exists."[26]

pp 80 ~ 81


Such scathing accusations, whether true or false, could not fail to attract the notice of friends of Haiti, and many official and unofficial answers or rather refutations have been attempted. Notable among these defenders of the reputation of the Black Republic may be cited J. N. Léger, who, while Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Haiti to the United States, in 1907 published simultaneously in French and English a work entitled Hayti. Her History and Her Detractors.[27] However, his partisan and exaggerated view is betrayed by his statement: "The island which is now called Haiti is the only one in the West Indies where cannibalism has never prevailed."[28] No doubt his ire has been provoked by the assertion of Prichard, "Haiti is the sole country with any pretence to civilization where a superstition contaminated by such active horrors exists," which we have recently quoted. But in any case, the very aspersion which he so indignantly repudiates in the case of his native island, he gratuitously cast against all the rest of the West Indies. This in itself might well make us cautious about accepting his reliability as a witness. And further on the very page where we find this bald accusation, he admits on the authority of Moreau de Saint-Méry[29] that of the Blacks imported to the Island of Haiti as slaves, one tribe at least was anthropophagous. This he terms "the small tribe of the Mondongues," but seeks to show that the gentle influence of the Congo Negroes entirely tamed this unnatural instinct and blotted out the practice.

pp 81 ~ 82

このような痛烈な非難は、真実であれ虚偽であれ、ハイチの友人たちの注目を集めることに失敗することはできず、多くの公式および非公式の回答、あるいはむしろ反論が試みられてきた。黒人共和国の評判を擁護するこれらの人々の中で特筆すべきは、J. N. Légerを挙げるられるかもしれません、Légerは、アメリカ合衆国駐在ハイチ特使兼全権公使として、1907年にフランス語と英語で同時にHaytiと題する著作を出版した。彼女の歴史と彼女の中傷者。[27] しかしながら、彼の党派的で誇張された見解は、彼の発言によって裏切られた:「現在ハイチと呼ばれている島は、西インド諸島で人肉食が蔓延したことのない唯一の島です。」[28] 彼の怒りは、私たちが最近引用した、「ハイチは、そのような活発な恐怖に汚染された迷信が存在する文明へのいかなる見せかけを持つ唯一の国である」というPrichardの主張によって引き起こされたことは疑いありません。しかしいずれにしても、彼の故郷の島の場合には、彼が憤慨して否認している侮辱そのものを、彼は他のすべての西インド諸島に対して不当に投げつけた。このこと自体が、彼の証人としての信頼性を受け入れることに慎重になるかもしれない。さらに、この禿げた非難を見つけたまさにそのページで、彼はMoreau de Saint-Méry[29]の権威について、奴隷としてハイチ島に輸入された黒人のうち、少なくとも1つの部族は人間食であったことを認めている。これを彼は「Mondonguesの小さな部族」と呼んでいるが、コンゴ黒人の穏やかな影響がこの不自然な本能を完全に抑え、慣習を消し去ったことを示そうとしている。

[26. Hesketh-Prichard, Where Black Rules White: A Journey across and about Hayti, Westminster, 1900, p. 76 ff.
27. French Edition; Haïti. Son Histoire et ses Détracteurs, New York, 1907.
28. English Edition, p. 346; French Edition, p. 345.
29. Moreau de Saint-Méry, Description de la Partie Française de Saint-Domingue, Vol. I, p. 33.]

Page 82

But where has it been recorded of savages, that those of gentler traits prevailed over the warlike and the blood-thirsty?

p 82


To Sir Harry H. Johnston more attention must be paid when he comes forward as a defender of Haiti's fair name and reputation. He writes: "At least two out of the three millions of Haitian Negroes are only Christians in the loose statistics of geographers. They are still African pagans, with a vague recognition of the Cross as an unexplained but potent symbol. They believe in a far off scarcely heeding Deity and a multitude of spirits, ancestral and demiurgic. Magic or empirical medicine ('Wanga') is, of course, believed in; and ranges in scope from genuine therapeutics to sorcery, mesmerism, and poisonings. As to Vuduism, much exaggeration and untruth have been committed to paper on this subject, so far as it affects Haiti. Snake worship is of doubtful occurrence, owing to the rarity of snakes in Haiti.[30] Such harmless snakes as do exist are tolerated in some villages or fetish temples for their rat-killing propensities. The idea has therefore got abroad that they are 'kept' as sacred animals by the Vudu priests or priestesses. Sacrifices of eggs, rum, fowls, possibly goats (white fowls or white goats preferred) are offered to ancestors or minor deities presiding over the fertility of crops, rainfall (nature forces in fact), and various small animals (perhaps even human remains) are deemed useful in sorcery. . . . Isolated instances--about four or five--of cannibalism (the killing and eating of children) have occurred in the criminal records of Haiti during the last twenty years, but the convicted were, in nearly all cases, punished with death; the one or two not executed had been proved to be mad, and were confined in prison or asylum.

pp 82 ~ 83

Harry H. Johnston卿には、ハイチの公正な名前と評判の擁護者として名乗り出たときに、より多くの注意が払われなければならない。彼はこう書いている:「ハイチの黒人300万人のうち少なくとも2人は、地理学者のゆるい統計ではキリスト教徒にすぎない。彼らは依然としてアフリカの異教徒であり、十字架を説明されていないが強力なシンボルであるという漠然とした認識を持っている。彼らは遠く離れたところにいるほとんど聞き入れない神と、先祖や強烈な影響力を持っている人のような多くの霊を信じている。魔法や経験医学(『Wanga』)は、もちろん信じられています;そしてその範囲は、本物の治療法から魔術、メスメリズム、毒薬まで多岐にわたっています。ヴードゥーに関しては、ハイチに影響を及ぼす限り、この問題に関する論文には多くの誇張と虚偽がある。ハイチではヘビが珍しいため、ヘビ崇拝は疑わしい。[30] 実際に存在するような無害なヘビは、ネズミを殺す性癖のために一部の村や呪物寺院では容認されている。そのため、ヴードゥーの神官や巫女によって神聖な動物として『飼われている』という考えが海外に伝わった。卵、ラム、鳥、場合によっては山羊(白い鳥または白い山羊が好まれる)の生贄は、祖先または作物の豊穣、降雨(実際には自然の力)を司る目立たない神に捧げられ、さまざまな小動物(おそらく人間の遺体も)は魔術に役立つと考えられている。…ハイチの過去20年間の犯罪記録の中で、人肉食 (子どもを殺して食べること) の類を見ない事例 -- 約4、5件 -- は発生しているが、有罪判決を受けた者は、ほぼすべてのケースで死刑に処せられた;処刑されなかった1人か2人は、狂っていることが証明され、刑務所や精神病院に監禁されていました。

[30. Note:--Wilfrid D. Hambly here takes exception as follows, Serpent Worship in Africa, p. 59: "Johnston (1910) says that snake worship in Haiti is of doubtful occurrence owing to the rarity of the snakes there. Such harmless snakes as do exist are tolerated in some villages and fetish temples for their rat-killing propensities. The idea has therefore got abroad that they are kept as sacred animals by the voodoo priests and priestesses. Those seeking scientific truth on voodooism should doubt much of what has been written on this subject. Johnston rather negatives his own cautionary remarks by stating that the python worship of Africa was no doubt introduced by slaves into Haiti, Cuba, Louisiana, Carolina, Jamaica, the Guianas, and Brazil. If this is admissible, it is difficult to understand why the evidences of St. John respecting the survival of snake cults in Haiti (1889) should be discountenanced. Furthermore, Johnston's idea that snakes are rare in Haiti is a misconception, as snakes are both abundant and conspicuous oil the island, though there are only a few species, and Haiti, like the rest of the Greater Antilles, has no poisonous snakes. There are boas, blind snakes, and also some Colubrine snakes."]

[30. 注目:--Wilfrid D. Hamblyはここで次のように例外を取り挙げます、Serpent Worship in Africa、59ページ:「Johnston (1910) は、ハイチでの蛇崇拝は、そこでの蛇の希少性のために疑わしいと述べている。実際に存在するような無害なヘビは、ネズミを殺す習性があるため、一部の村や呪物寺院では容認されている。そのため、ブードゥー教の司祭や巫女によって神聖な動物として飼われているという考えが海外に広まった。ブードゥー教に関する科学的真実を求める人は、この問題について書かれたことの多くを疑うべきである。Johnstonはむしろ、アフリカのニシキヘビ崇拝は間違いなく奴隷によってハイチ、キューバ、ルイジアナ、カロライナ、ジャマイカ、ギアナ、ブラジルに導入されたと述べ、彼自身の警告的な発言を否定している。もしこれが認められるのであれば、ハイチにおける蛇カルトの生存を尊重するSt. Johnの証拠 (1889年) がなぜ反対されなければならないのかを理解するのは困難である。その上、ハイチにヘビが少ないというJohnstonの考えは誤解であり、ヘビは島に豊富で目立つ油であるが、2~3種類だけあるけれども、ハイチには他の大アンティル諸島と同様に毒ヘビはいない。ボア、メクラヘビ、そしていくつかのナミヘビ亜科ヘビもいます。]

Page 83

These acts of cannibalism were mostly examples of mad religious exaltation. Haiti 'Vuduism' has absorbed elements of Freemasonry and Christianity. It predicts the future, investigates crime, arranges love affairs. . . . The 2,500,000 Haitian peasants are passionately fond of dancing, will even sometimes dance almost or quite naked. And following on this choreographic exercise is much immorality. It is for these dances and not for mystic 'Vudu' purposes that the drums may be heard tapping, tapping, booming, rattling at night. No secret is made, nor is any shame felt about these village dances, in which many young people take part."[31] Of the neighboring island of Cuba, Johnston writes: "The white Cubans charge the Negroes with still maintaining in their midst the dark Vudu or Hudu mysteries of West Africa. There seems to be no doubt that the black people of Cuba (not the mulattoes) do belong, to a number of secret or Masonic societies, the most widely-heard-of being the NYANNEGO; and it is possible that these confraternities or clubs are associated with immoral purposes. They originated in a league of defence against the tyranny of the masters in the old slavery days. Several of them (as described to me) sounded as harmless as our United Order of Buffaloes. But those seeking after scientific truth should discount much that may be read on Vuduism. This supposed Dahomean or Niger cult of the python or big serpent (Monitor, lizard, crocodile or leopard), with which are associated frenzied dancing, mesmerism, gross immorality, cannibalism or corpse eating, really exists (or existed) all over West Africa, from Sierra Leone to Tanganyika, and no doubt was introduced by Inner Congo, Niger Delta or Dahomey slaves into Haiti, Cuba, Louisiana, South Carolina, Jamaica, the Guianas and Brazil.

pp 83 ~ 84

これらの食人行為は、ほとんどが狂った宗教的高揚の例であった。ハイチの『ブードゥー主義』はフリーメーソンとキリスト教の要素を吸収した。未来を予測し、犯罪を捜査し、恋愛状況を手配する。…250万人のハイチの農民は踊りが大好きで、時にはほとんど、あるいは全裸で踊ることさえあります。そして、この振り付けの練習に従うことは、非常に不道徳です。夜に太鼓がトントン、叩トントン、ドーン、と音を立てて走るのは、これらの踊りのためであり、神秘的な『ブードゥー』のためではない。多くの若者が参加するこの村の踊りには、秘密もなければ、恥じることもありません。」[31] キューバの隣の島について、Johnstonは次のように書いています:「白人のキューバ人は、西アフリカの暗いヴドまたはフドゥの神秘をまだ彼らの中に維持している黒人を告発します。キューバの黒人(ムラートではない)は、いくつかの秘密結社またはメイソン結社に属していることは疑いが全くないようで、その中でも最も広く知られているのがNYANNEGOである;そして、これらの交友関係やクラブが不道徳な目的と結びついている可能性があります。彼らは、昔の奴隷時代の主人の横暴に対する防衛同盟に起源があった。そのうちのいくつかは(私に説明したように)私たちのバッファロー連合騎士団のように無害に聞こえた。しかし、科学的真理を追求する者は、ヴドゥイズムについて書かれている多くのことを軽視すべきである。熱狂的な踊り、メスメリズム、ひどい不道徳、人肉食、死体食などを連想させるニシキヘビや大蛇(オオトカゲ、トカゲ、ワニまたはヒョウ)のダホメ人カルトやニジェールカルトと思われていたものは、シエラレオネからTanganyikaまで、西アフリカ全域に実際に存在しており(または存在していた)、間違いなく内コンゴ、ニジェールデルタ、ダホメ奴隷によってハイチ、キューバ、ルイジアナ、サウスカロライナ、ジャマイカ、ギアナ、ブラジルに持ち込まれた。

[31. Harry H. Johnston, The Negro in the New World, London, 1910, p. 193 f. Note:--He is giving the "official" explanation for the sound of the drums. As we have noted there should be no drumming at real Voodoo or Don Pédro rites, although in practice a dance usually precedes the Voodoo function to "disguise" the purpose of the gathering, as an alibi for the local authorities who may have given tacit permission for the meeting which officially they should contravene.--Cfr. Seabrook, Magic Island, p. 54: "There was no reason to suppose that we might be disturbed, but as an extra precaution a gay danse Congo was immediately organized to cover the real purpose of our congregation."]

[31. Harry H. Johnston, The Negro in the New World, London, 1910, 193ページと次ページ。注目:--彼は太鼓の音について「公式の」説明をしている。私たちが指摘したように、本当のブードゥー教やDon Pédroの儀式では太鼓を叩くべきではありません、とはいえ実際のところ、公式には違反すべき会合のために暗黙の許可を与えたかもしれない地元当局のアリバイとして、踊りがブードゥー教の行事の前に通常行われ、集会の目的を「偽装」します。-- Seabrook、Magic Island、54ページ参照:「私たちが動揺するかもしれないと考える理由は全くなかったが、特別な予防措置として、私たちの集会の本当の目的を隠すために、ゲイの踊りCongoがすぐに組織された。」

Page 84

Where Christianity of a modern type has obtained little or no influence over the Negro slaves and ex-slaves, these wild dances and witchcraft persist.[32] They are fast becoming a past phase in the life-condition of the American Negro, and much of the evidence to the contrary is out of date, or is manufactured by sensation-mongers for the compilation of magazine articles."[33]

p 84

現代型のキリスト教が黒人奴隷や元奴隷にほとんど、あるいはまったく影響を与えていないところでは、このような野性的な踊りや魔術が残っている。[32] それらはアメリカの黒人の生活条件で急速に過去の段階になりつつあり、その反対の証拠の多くは時代遅れであるか、雑誌記事の編集のために世間を沸かせるものを商売にする人たちによってでっち上げられている。」[33]

Of the kindred cult in Cuba, Johnston further states: "The last vestige of noxious witchcraft lingering among the Cuban Negroes is (said to be) the belief that the heart's blood of the heart of a white child will cure certain terrible diseases if consumed by the sufferer. The black practitioners who endeavour to procure this wonderful remedy are known as 'Brujos' or 'Brujas' (i. e. male or female sorcerers). At the time I was in Cuba (December, 1908), there were four or five Negroes awaiting trial on this charge at Havana. Other cases--said to have been proved beyond a doubt--have occurred in Eastern Cuba within the last two or three years. But all these stories and charges are vague hearsay, and during the short time at my disposal I was not able to get proof of one. There is little doubt that occasionally in the low quarters of the old Spanish towns little white girls do disappear. It is too readily assumed that the Negro is at fault."[34]

キューバの同族カルトについて、Johnstonはさらに次のように述べています:「キューバの黒人の間に残っている有害な魔術の最後の名残は、白人の子供の心臓の血液を飲めば、ある種の恐ろしい病気を治すことができるという信念(と言われる)です。この素晴らしい治療薬を手に入れようと努力する黒人の実行者たちは、『Brujos』あるいは『Brujas』(つまり男性または女性の魔術師)として知られている。私がキューバにいたとき(1908年12月)、ハバナでは4、5人の黒人がこの容疑で裁判を待っていた。他の事件 -- 疑いの余地なく証明されたと言われている -- は、過去2~3年の間に東キューバで発生した。しかし、これらの話や容疑はすべて曖昧な伝聞であり、私が自由に使える短い時間の間に、私はその証拠を得ることができませんでした。スペインの古い町の下層地区では、時々小さな白人の女の子が姿を消すことにほとんど疑いがありません。黒人に過失があると推測するのはあまりにも安易だ。」[34]

Scarcely had these words of Johnston in defence of Haiti been written before a new attack was launched. Stephen Bonsal asserts without hesitation: "The truth is, that while you need have no fear whatever of eating human flesh in Haiti disguised as roast or as a round of beef, there is no place in the world where you could so easily satisfy a cannibalistic craving as in this land. . . .

ハイチを擁護するJohnstonのこの言葉は、新たな攻撃が開始される前にはほとんど書かれていなかった。Stephen Bonsalはためらうことなくこう断言しています:「真実は、ハイチでローストや牛肉の丸焼きに見せかけた人間の肉を食べることを全く恐れる必要はないが、この国ほど簡単に人食いの欲求を満たすことができる場所は世界にないということです。…

"Voodoo is not a written creed over which a house of bishops presides publicly, a fact which should account for the many and extremely varied versions of its practices which are in circulation through the world.

pp 84 ~ 85


[32. Note:--Is not this condition verified, then, in Haiti, where Johnston's own estimate was, as noted above, The Negro in the New World, p. 193: "At least two out of the three millions of Haitian Negroes are only Christians in the loose statistics of geographers. They are still African pagans, etc." It really looks as if Johnston had done more harm than good to Haiti's cause.

[32. 注目:--それではハイチで、この条件は立証されていないのだろうか、上に述べたように、Johnston自身の推定は、The Negro in the New World、193ページである:「地理学者のゆるい統計によると、ハイチの黒人300万人のうち少なくとも2人はキリスト教徒にすぎない。彼らはまだアフリカの異教徒などです。」あたかもJohnstonはハイチの大義に善よりも害を与えたように見えます。

33. Johnston, l. c., p. 64 f.
34. Ditto, p. 66 f.]

Page 85

It is certainly not a mere veneer or an old garment from the Congo days of the black race which has not yet been cast away. But it is a substantial edifice of West African superstition, serpent worship, and child sacrifice which exists in Haiti today, and which undoubtedly would become rampant throughout the island were it not for the check and control upon native practices which the foreign residents exercise.


"Several Roman Catholic priests, who have long resided in the heart of Haiti, told me that one of the hardships and difficulties of the combat against African darkness upon which they are engaged, is the extreme reticence not only of the active Voodooists themselves, but of all blacks in regard to the fetish-worshipping rites.



"A Haitian is often absolutely lacking in that form of self-respect which is the last to depart from the most ignoble white. 'All will confess the most despicable crimes,' said my priestly informant, 'and admit having sunk to the lowest form of human degradation, but even should you see him at the dance under the sablier tree at night, all smeared with the blood which may have flowed in the veins of a cock, or goat, or even a human child, he will deny having anything in common with the Voodoo sectaries."[35]


Again: "Of course, the real charge against Haitian civilization is not that children are frequently stolen from their parents and are often put to death with torture, and subsequently eaten with pomp at a Voodoo ceremony, but that Haitians officials, often the highest in the land, not only protect the kidnappers, but frequently take part in the cannibalistic rites which they make possible. This is the charge which I bring and which I am prepared to substantiate in every particular upon evidence which appears to me, and to many others to whom I have submitted it, to be absolutely unimpeachable."[36]


Finally: "Every moonlight night in Haiti you hear in the woods the tom-toming of the Voodoo drums and you know that the devil's priests are astir. On the horizon burns a great campfire, and around it dance weird and shadowy forms.

pp 85 ~ 86


[35. Stephen Bonsal, The American Mediterranean, New York, 1912, p. 88 f.
36. Ditto, p. 90.]

Page 86

Now and again a piercing shriek rends the air, whether of joy or pain or uttered at the sight of death, you know not, and your friend and mentor, acclimated by twenty years of residence and sophisticated by much study of this strange people, takes you by the hand and says, at least so did mine; 'It is time, high time, to go now.'


"So I never saw the dark frenzy of the African rites descend to the level of the cannibalistic feast which, at least in the last generation, became so frequently a matter of court record, and I believe that today there is only one white man in Haiti, a French priest, who has seen the Voodoo rites carried out to their ghastly conclusion. The little green serpent, the ruling spirit of the abject Guinea coast sect, is often worshipped and the feast terminates in scenes of the most vile debauchery, the 'goat without horns,' however, is not always being sacrificed.


"The cannibalistic feed is only indulged in on rare occasions and at long intervals, and is always shrouded in mystery, and hedged about with every precaution against interlopers; for, be their African ignorance ever so dense, their carnal fury ever so unbridled, the papalois and mamalois, the head men and head women of the serpent worshippers never seem to forget that in these vile excesses there should perhaps be found excuse enough for the interference of the civilized world to save the people of the Black Republic from the further degradation which awaits them.


"Within the last fifteen years human victims have been sacrificed to the great god Voodoo in the national palace of Haiti. Last February there was assembled in the national palace what might justly be called a congress of serpent worshippers. During the life of Mme. Nord, which came to an end in October, 1908, not a week passed but what a meeting of the Voodoo practitioners was held in the executive mansion, and her deathbed was surrounded by at least a score of these witch doctors.


"General Antoine Simon, who recently achieved the presidency, may be the intelligent man he is represented to be by not a few White residents who have come in close contact with him during the years of his government of the southern arrondissements of the island.

pp 86 ~ 87

「最近大統領に就任したAntoine Simon将軍は、島の南郡の彼の統治の年の間に彼と密接に接触した少なからぬ白人住民によって、彼が代表されている知的な男かもしれません。

Page 87

But one thing is quite sure: if he wishes to remain in the Black House and rule, he must share his sovereignty with the Voodoo priests. If he should exclude them from power and banish them from his presence, his term of office will be of short duration." This prophecy was only too well verified. President Simon ruled about two years and a half, from December 17, 1908 to August 2, 1908, when he made his escape to Jamaica.

p 87


Bonsal continues: "There is generally, in fact invariably, much diversity of opinion in Haiti about things Haitian and a host of contradictory counsellors, but upon this point there is practical unanimity. No government can stand in Haiti unless it is upheld by the Voodoo priests or by foreign bayonets. At least two governments in the last fifty years, that of Geffrard and that of Boisrond-Canal, have tried to dispense with the priestly poisoners of men's minds and bodies without at the same time inviting the active support of the civilized world, and in each instance these governments ended in disaster and in bloodshed which lasted for years.


"But while few, if any, of the white men who are at present residents of the island have witnessed the sacrifice of the 'goat without horns,' it is the easiest thing in the world to assist at the preliminaries at least of a Voodoo feast. While my two visits to Haiti, taken altogether, do not cover quite a month, I have without great difficulty attended Voodoo feasts in town and country, in the open air under the moonlit heavens, and in the slums of the capital under the, pallid glare of the electric light."[37]


This would almost indicate that even as visitors to Chinatown are said at times, to be allowed to visit some stage-set opium dive, where the actors for the occasion play up to the part with grewsome reality, so too, perchance the Haitian brethren of the cult may not be averse to turn an honest penny by staging, in the hopes of a small consideration, a Voodoo spectacle to satisfy the demands of tourists who in all good faith fancy that they have been admitted to the most secret mysteries. This would explain much that Seabrook has reported.


[37. Ditto, p. 101 f.]

Page 88

Bruce W. Merwin, Assistant Curator at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, writes in THE MUSEUM JOURNAL,[38] under the caption "A Voodoo Drum from Hayti" as follows: "During the first three centuries of colonization of the New World many of the native customs and beliefs of West Africa were introduced and retained by the slaves. Of these fetish worship with considerable development or modification survives even to the present time. In Haiti, as the Voodoo cult with its human sacrifices, this worship is the most primitive and degraded in the two Americas. Attention was drawn to the cult recently by a Voodoo priest's drum presented to the University Museum by Mr. J. Maxwell Bullock, who had received it from 'Major Alexander Williams of the United States Marines. During the insurrection in 1916 in Haiti it had been confiscated and its head punctured because the beating of a drum was the signal to assemble the Voodoo devotees and to incite them to a religious race war." This statement must be accepted with restrictions. The term Voodoo is here employed not technically but in its broadest possible sense. Moreover, anyone familiar with the famous talking drums of Africa might suspect here that during the Haitian troubles messages were actually transmitted through the island by drum language. While I have never found among West Indies the slightest vestige of what must now be a lost art among them, certainly their ancestors were most proficient in this regard and it is still actively practiced in Africa. This much, however, is certain; that the average drummer of the West Indies is as proficient as any army bugler in the conveying of conventional calls and commands.

pp 87 ~ 88

ペンシルバニア大学博物館の副学芸員であるBruce W. Merwinンは、THE MUSEUM JOURNAL [38] の中で、「A Voodoo Drum from Hayti」という表題の下に、次のように書いている:「新世界の植民地化の最初の3世紀の間に、西アフリカの土着の習慣や信仰の多くが奴隷によって導入され、保持された。これらの呪物崇拝の中には、かなりの発展や修正を加えたものが現代にも残っている。ハイチでは、人間の犠牲を伴うブードゥー教として、この崇拝は2つアメリカ大陸で最も原始的で劣化しています。最近、アメリカ海兵隊のAlexander Williams少佐から受け取ったJ. Maxwell Bullock氏が大学博物館に贈ったブードゥー教の司祭の太鼓によって、この教団に注目が集まった。1916年のハイチでの暴動の間、太鼓の鼓動がブードゥー教の信者を集め、宗教的な人種戦争に彼らを扇動するための信号だったので、それは没収され、頭部に穴が開いていた。」この声明は制限付きで受け入れる必要があります。Voodooという用語は、ここでは技術的な意味ではなく、可能な限り広い意味で使われている。さらに、アフリカの有名なトーキングドラムに詳しい人なら誰でも、ハイチの紛争の間に、実際には太鼓の言語によってメッセージが島を伝わったのではないかと疑うかもしれません。私は西インド諸島の間で、今では失われた芸術に違いないもののわずかな痕跡を見つけたことはありませんが、確かに彼らの祖先はこの点で最も優れており、アフリカではそれが今でも盛んに行われています。しかし、これだけは確かである。西インド諸島の平均的なドラマーは、通常の呼びかけや命令を伝えることにおいて、軍隊のラッパ吹きと同じくらい熟練しているということです。

Merwin further states: "The incessant booming of the drum, the sight and taste of blood, and the great amount of rum drunk cause a religious form of hysteria to sweep over the audience. At the close of the sacrificial ceremony the worshippers begin a dance called the 'loiloichi,' or stomach dance, which is well known in West Africa. The dance gets wilder and. wilder and more degraded until it ends in an orgy of the worst description which lasts until daylight. . . .


[38. Vol. VIII (1917), p. 123 f.]


Page 89

In Haiti the basis of Voodooism is the frank worship of the sacred green snake that must be propitiated in order to keep off the evil duppies."[29]

pp 88 ~ 89



We have here to all appearances the Chica dance of slave days with a title that combines the old name with the Voodoo "loi." Hence we may conclude that it was presumably a Voodoo feast at which the Chica was danced.


George Mannington, in 1925 published a work on the West Indies in which he tries to sum up the whole question dispassionately. His book boasts a Foreword by the Rt. Hon. Baron Olivier, a former Governor of Jamaica. The following statement is of interest: "Voodooism or serpent worship, is a degraded form of religion commonly practiced by the ancestors of the present Negroes in the forests of Africa, and was the only religion known to the slaves in the early days. It is said to be followed still in the remoter parts of some of the islands-especially Haiti. It is only fair to say, however, that the more self-respecting of the people indignantly deny that such practices are now followed even among the most backward of the race. But reports to the contrary still persist. It is certain that the Haitian Negroes still assemble in groves or clearing in the forests and dance until they are exhausted to the accompaniment of tom-toms and wild chantings; rum-drinking adds zest to the proceedings. These scenes are occasionally witnessed by spectators concealed from view; it would not be safe to show themselves openly. Whether or not the more degraded forms of Voodooism are associated with these gatherings cannot be positively stated, though such an assertion is made by many. The belief of the Voodoo (or Vaudoux) votaries appears to be that an all-powerful non-venomous serpent controls all human events, knows all things past, present and future, and communicates his power and will to the priest and priestess who administer the rites, and who are called Papaloi and Mamaloi, loi being the equivalent of the French roi and stands in the Negro terminology--which is without gender--for both king and queen. This 'deity' is supposed to require the sacrifice of 'a goat without horns.'

George Manningtonは1925年に西インド諸島に関する著作を発表し、その中でこの問題全体を冷静に要約しようとしています。彼の本には、ジャマイカの元知事であるRt. Hon. Olivier男爵による序文がある。次の記述は興味深いものです:「ブードゥー教またはヘビ崇拝は、現在の黒人の祖先によってアフリカの森で一般的に行われていた宗教の劣化した形態であり、初期の時代に奴隷たちに知られていた唯一の宗教であった。一部の島の遠隔地、特にハイチでは、今でも守られていると言われています。しかしながら、より自尊心の高い人々は、そのような慣習が人種の最も後進的な人々の間でさえも今守られていることを憤慨して否定していると言っても過言ではない。しかし、それとは反対の報告は依然として存続します。ハイチの黒人たちは、今でも森の中の林や空き地に集まり、トムトムや野性的な掛け声に合わせて疲れ果てるまで踊っていることは確かです;ラム酒を飲むと進行に活気を追加する。これらの光景は、時折、視界から隠れた観客によって目撃される;堂々と姿を見せるのは安全ではないだろう。ブードゥー教のより劣化した形態がこれらの集会と関連しているかどうかは、多くの人がそのような主張をしているが、肯定的に述べることはできなません。ヴードゥー (またはヴォードゥー) の信者の信念は、全能な無毒のヘビが人間のすべての出来事を制御し、過去、現在、未来のすべてのことを知っていて、儀式を執り行う司祭と巫女に自分の力と意志を伝えるということのようである。彼らはPapaloiとMamaloiと呼ばれ、loiはフランス語のroiに相当し、黒人の専門用語 -- これには性別はない -- では、王と王妃の両方を意味します。この『神』には『角のない山羊』の生贄が必要とされる。

[39. Ditto, p. 125.]

Page 90

Accordingly the sacrifice of goats accompanied by incantations was the common practice, the animals being afterwards cooked and eaten. It is alleged that the phrase 'goat without horns' was also interpreted to mean a child, that small children were killed and eaten in secret groves, and that the mothers were proud that their children should be chosen for sacrifice. The victim's blood was mixed with rum and drunk."[40]

pp 89 ~ 90


Dr. Price-Mars, whom we quoted at length when considering Seabrook's Magic Island, gives us an extended view of Voodoo as be sees it. Being a devoted and loyal son of the little isle that was once so glorious as the proudest boast of Colonial France, he may be partial in his views at times, but his sincerity cannot be questioned.

SeabrookのMagic Islandを考察する際に私たちが長々と引用したPrice-Mars博士は、ありのままでVoodooの全体像を示してくれている。かつては植民地時代のフランスの最も誇らしい自慢話のように輝かしい小さな島の献身的で忠実な息子である彼は、時には自分の意見を偏愛することもあるかもしれませんが、彼の誠実さは疑うことができません。

Of the rise of the Haitian community, he tells us: "We know, it is true, what elements have made up the Haitian community. We know that a drove of slaves, imported to San Domingo from the far-stretched western coast of Africa, presented in its entirety a microcosm of all the black races of the continent. We know how from the promiscuous intercourse of the white with his black concubine, and from the artificial conditions of a society governed by the law of castes, there developed a group intermediate between the master and the body of slaves. We know further how the clash of interests and passions, how the confronting of egoisms, and how the principles evoked by the strange revolution, all brought about the insurrection which led the erstwhile slaves to found a nation. Such in a few words is the origin of our people."[41]

ハイチ人コミュニティの台頭について、彼は次のように語っています:「ハイチ人社会をどのような要素が構成してきたのかを私たちが知っていることは真実です。私たちは、アフリカのはるか西海岸からSan Domingoに輸入されたた奴隷の群衆が、アフリカ大陸のすべての黒人人種の縮図を完全に示したことを知っています。私たちは、白人と黒人の愛人との乱交や、カースト法に支配された社会の人為的な条件から、どのように主人と奴隷の間に中間的な集団が生まれたことを知っています。私たちはさらに、どのような利害と情熱の衝突、どのようなエゴイズムとの対決、そして奇妙な革命によって引き起こされた原則が、どのようにかつての奴隷たちを建国に導いた反乱をもたらしたのかを知っています。一言で言えば、これが私たちの民族の起源です。」[41]

Concerning the days that preceded the slave uprising, Dr. Price-Mars writes: "We have at hand two documents whence we may gather valuable information. The first is entitled L'Essai sur l'Esclavage et Observations sur l'État Présent des Colonies. It treats of the anxiety which was aroused among the whites by the frequent nocturnal gatherings of the slaves, where they fomented their plots, against the colonial regime.

奴隷蜂起に先立つ日々について、Price-Mars博士は次のように書いている:「貴重な情報を収集できる2冊の文書が手元にある。第1冊目は、L'Essai sur l'Esclavage et Observations sur l'ÉtatPresent des Coloniesと題されています。それは、植民地政権に対する陰謀を煽る奴隷たちの頻繁な夜間の集会によって白人の間に喚起された不安を扱っている。

[40. George Mannington, The West Indies with British Guiana and British Honduras, New York, 1925, p. 267 f.
41. Dr. Price-Mars, Ainsi Parla l'Oncle, p. 107.]

Page 91

In this connection, the author makes the following remark: 'Their designs would have been undiscoverable if they had not been betrayed by the women concubines of the whites to whom they were generally very much attached. The dance called at Surinan, Water Mama, and in our Colony the Mere de l'eau, is rigidly forbidden. They make it a great mystery and all that can be said of it is this, that it greatly excites the imagination. They work themselves up to debauchery when they keep the mind fixed on evil purposes. The leader of the conspiracy goes into an ecstasy so as to lose all consciousness; on returning to his senses, he pretends that his god has spoken to him and has commanded some undertaking, but, as they do not adore the same god, they hate him and they spy one on another,--and their projects are nearly always denounced.'

pp 90 ~ 91

これに関連して、著者は次のように述べている:『彼らが一般的に非常に愛着を持っていた白人女性の愛人に裏切られなければ、彼らの陰謀は発見されなかっただろう。Surinan、Water Mama、そして私たちの植民地ではMere de l'eauと呼ばれる踊りは固く禁じられています彼らはそれを偉大な謎にし、それについて言えることは、それが想像力を大いに刺激するということだけです。邪悪な目的に心を固定していると、彼らは放蕩の限りを尽くす。陰謀の首謀者は、すべての意識を失うように恍惚状態に入る;正気に戻ると、彼は自分の神が自分に話しかけてきて、何かの仕事を命じたように装いますが、彼らは同じ神を敬っていないので、彼を憎み、互いにスパイし合っています、-- 彼らの計画はほとんどいつも非難されます。』

"From this curious document may be drawn an important conclusion. It is that at the period to which it makes reference, probably about 1760, the religion of the slaves had not yet been unified, and without questioning the fact, the author of the Essay gives the reason when he informs us that the Negroes do not adore the same god."[42]


Dr. Price-Mars goes on to state that while at this time, probably about 1760, there could have been no uniformity of religious cult among the Negro slaves, yet "less than thirty years later, we find under the name of 'Voodoo' a religious establishment of which Moreau de Saint-Méry was the first to give a detailed analysis and which has remained famous, and has become the theme, enlarged and borrowed, of most of the accounts which have been given of the cultural ceremonies of Voodoo by writers who have not themselves had the occasion of observing them."[43]

Price-Mars博士は、この時期、おそらく1760年頃には、黒人奴隷の間に宗教的カルトの統一性はなかったかもしれない、しかし「30年も経たないうちに、『ブードゥー』の名前の下に、Moreau de Saint-Méryが最初に詳細な分析を行い、有名なままであり、それを観察したことのない作家たちによって、ブードゥーの文化的儀式について与えられたほとんどの記述の、拡大され借用されたテーマとなっている宗教的施設を発見した」と続けて述べている。[43]

Dr. Price-Mars remarks elsewhere: "The great mass of Negroes gathered from different parts of Africa and brought to San Domingo were from pious races attached to Mohammedanism, Dahoman religion, and a few Catholics."[44]

Price-Mars博士は別の場所で次のように述べている:「アフリカのさまざまな地域から集められ、San Domingに連れてこられた大多数の黒人は、ムハンマド教、ダホマン教、少数のカトリック教徒に属する敬虔な人種であった。」[44]

However, "With many of the slaves Christianity was little more than an external formality to be observed during the hours of the day.


[42. Ditto, p. 113f.
43. Ditto, p. 114.
44. Dr. Price-Mars, Une Étape de l'Évolution Haïtienne, p. 127.]

Page 92

By night they met in small groups to practice surreptitiously their old tribal Customs."[45] Gradually "These nocturnal meetings became regular occurrences under the indomitable influence of tile Aradas, the Ibos and the Dahomans."[46]

夜になると、彼らは小さなグループに集まって、古い部族の習慣をこっそりと実践していた。」[45] 次第に「これらの夜の会議は、タイルアラダ人、イボ人、ダホマン人の不屈の影響の下で定期的に行われるようになりました。」[46]

Showing that during the long formation period there steadily developed a composite religious cult by a process of assimilating the various animistic beliefs of Africa, Islamism included, he observes: "But there was only one religion which retained a solid framework of disciplinary traditions, a sacredotal hierarchy, capable of imposing some of its rites upon the composite beliefs, and this was the Dahoman."[47]


In connection with his criticism of Seabrook's Magic Island, Dr. Price-Mars asks a question and then answers it: "Is there a Voodoo initiation whereby a neophyte, it matters not who he is, thanks to the good will of the hougan,[48] may be admitted to the congregation? It seems not. Listen, however. If anyone believes in the rites of Voodoo and he desires actually to take part in some ceremony, rites of exorcism, of annual commemoration, expiatory rites, etc., be he white or black, he has only to address himself to the first hougan met, who will give him the mode of procedure. As a general rule, the one officiating will not trouble himself to find out how far the applicant is sincere. His mere application is sufficient guarantee of good faith.

pp 92 ~ 93

SeabrookのMagic Islandへの批判に関連して、Price-Mars博士は質問し、それに答えている:「ホーガン(hougan) [48] の善意のおかげで、彼が誰であるかは問題ではなく、初心者が会衆に入ることができるブードゥー教の加入儀式はありますか?そうではないようです。しかしながら、聞いてください。もしブードゥー教の儀式を信じている人がいて、実際に何かの儀式、悪魔祓いの儀式、毎年の記念行事、罪滅ぼしの儀式などに参加したいと望むなら、白人であれ黒人であれ、最初に会ったhouganに自分の名前を言えばいいのです。そうすれば、手続きのやり方を教えてくれます。原則として、申請者がどこまで誠実であるかを解明するために、審判を行う者が自ら手を煩わせることはない。彼の申請だけで十分な信義の保証となる。

[45. Ditto, p. 139.
46. Ditto, p. 141.

47. Ditto, p. 142 f. Note:--After observing that the Dahoman rites have undergone great chances and adaptations in the process of absorption, he adds, p. 144: "One may remark, in passing the ritual gesture of the Mohammedan in the habitual salaam of the official who holds his hands towards the east before beginning each Voodoo ceremony. One finds there, too, taboo of the forbidden foods and the unlucky days." And he sums it all up on the next page, p. 145: "It is nothing less than a syncretism of beliefs."

47. 同上、142ページと次ページ。注釈:--ダホマンの儀式が吸収の過程で大きな機会と適応を経験したことを観察した後、彼は付け加えます、144ページ:「ブードゥー教の儀式を始める前に手を東に向ける役人の習慣的なサラームで、イスラム教の儀式的な手ぶりを渡すときに、人は気づくかもしれません。そこにも禁断の食べ物や不吉な日のタブーがあることを人は見つけます。」そして、彼は次のページでそれ全てを纏めています。145ページ:「それは信仰の習合にほかならない。

Cfr. also, D. Trouillot, Esquisse Ethnographique: Le Vaudoux, p. 28: "The Creole Vaudoux is a syncretism of the different sects of the primordial Vaudoux and of the superstitions as well African as Aryan mingled together by slavery. It is certain that if an old Guinean was to return, he would not know what to do in the midst of the dance and Vaudoux ceremonies of today."

D. Trouillot, Esquisse Ethnographiqueも参照:Le Vaudoux、28ページ:「The Creole Vaudouxは、原始ヴォードゥー教の異なる宗派と、奴隷制によって混じり合ったアフリカ人やアーリア人の迷信の習合である。もし昔のギニア人が戻ってきたら、今日のダンスやヴォードゥーの儀式の真っ只中で何をしていいかわからないのは確かだ。」

※Creole クレオール

48. Note:--Dr. Price-Mars tells us that the word Hougan signifies fire or the warmth of fire, p. 144. It is derived from the Habbes of the Central Nigerian Plateau so well described by Louis Desplagnes.--Cfr. La Plateau Central Nigérien, Paris, 1907. Referring to the Hougans as "magico-religious leaders of our rural population of the north and southwest," he continues: "These leaders are constrained by the ceremonies of initiation to a life of austerity which bespeaks the great moral authority which they enjoy."--Cfr. Dr. Price-Mars, l. c., p. 130.]

48. 注目:--Price-Mars博士によると、Hoganという単語は火または火の暖かさを意味する、144ページ。これは、Louis Desplagnesによってよく記述されている中央ナイジェリア高原のHabbesに由来しています。-- 参照、 La Plateau Central Nigérien、パリ、1907年。ホーガンを「北部と南西部の田舎住民の魔術的宗教指導者」と呼び、彼はこう続けます:「これらの指導者は、彼らが享受している偉大な道徳的権威を示す質素な生活への入門の儀式によって抑制されている。」-- 参照。Price-Mars博士、上記引用文中130ページ。

Page 93

Seabrook was in a position to make such an application, and I believe that nothing more unusual was done for the sake of making sport.


"On the contrary, is the individual a menial who is ignorant of his own prerogatives? I mean to say supposing that he is an individual, who thus far has been shut out from all participation in the ritual obligations of the Voodoo, and who has suddenly become aware of them, and has been inspired by 'the mysteries.' He may wish 'to renounce,' to wit, to make up the arrears due to the gods, and take a more intimate part in the congregation. Then the hougan proceeds to those ceremonies which are more or less the rites of initiation-baptism of 'loi bossales,' and of the 'hounsis' and of the 'hougainikons.'

「それどころか、その個人は自分の特権を知らない下卑た人間なのでしょうか?私が言いたいことは、彼がこれまでブードゥー教の儀式的義務へのすべての参加から締め出されていて、突然それらに気づき、『神秘』に触発された個人であると仮定した場合です。彼は『放棄』し、機転を利かせ、神々のために滞納分を埋め合わせたり、会衆の中でより親密な役割を果たすことを望むかもしれません。そして、ホーガンは、多かれ少なかれ、『loi bossales』や『hounsis』や『hougainikons』の入会・洗礼の儀式である式典に進みます。

"But these initiations are all esoteric. They are accomplished only by degrees. In the case suggested, the first order of the hougan to the neophyte, is a severe penance, sexual and dietary abstinence, penance as regards clothing; then there is the rigorous retreat and the fast, followed by the ceremony of initiation and finally the trials.


"As regards this part of the rite, the initiation is in every way secret. Moreover the ceremony allows variations. Sometimes the hougan keeps himself in a darkened room where he has a pool, the candidates, clothed in white, are stretched on couches in the adjacent room, having each a wide-mouthed pitcher full of water which is supposedly ready to receive the 'Mystery' with which the hougan is going to converse. In fact, the congregation outside the enclosure can hear at a given moment a kind of conversation between the one officiating and the pretended 'Mystery' which, having come at his call, may converse with the subject whom he has honoured with a fellow-feeling towards him, the 'Mystery.' To my mind, this conversation--a probable effect of ventriloquism---is the boldest of trickeries and it is on that account that there is so much need of obscurity and of solitude as is claimed by the hougan.

p 93

「儀式のこの部分に関しては、入会はあらゆる点で秘密である。さらに、この儀式にはバリエーションを許します。時々、ホーガンはプールのある暗い部屋に身を置き、白い服を着た候補者たちは隣の部屋の長椅子の上で体を伸ばされ、ホーガンが会話しようとしている『神秘』を受け取る準備ができていると思われる水でいっぱいの大きな口の水差しをそれぞれ持っています。実際、囲いの外の会衆は、ある瞬間に、司宰者と見せかけの『神秘』との間の会話のようなものを聞くことができます、その神秘は、司宰者の呼びかけに応じて、司宰者が自分に対して仲間意識を持って敬意を払っている対象者、つまり『神秘』と会話することかもしれません。私の考えでは、この会話 -- おそらく腹話術の効果 -- は最も大胆なトリックであり、ホーガンが主張するように曖昧さと孤独が非常に必要であるのはそのためです。

Page 94

When, at last, the 'Mysteries' have taken possession of the elect, these come forth from the enclosure in procession, carrying their pitchers on head and shoulder, make the round of the arbour where the bulk of the congregation is gathered, taking part in the feverish ecstasy of the dances and submitting to the ordeal of the 'Canzo' which consists in plunging the hand into a boiling pot of mess intended for the cult meal. The aroused congregation cries out at this moment: 'Aie Bobo! Aie Bobo!'

pp 93 ~ 94

最後に、『神秘』が選ばれた人たちを魅了していると、彼らは水差しを頭と肩の上で運んで、列をなして囲いから出てきて、会衆の大部分が集まっているあずま屋をぐるりと回り、踊りの熱狂的な恍惚感に参加し、カルトの食事のために意図されたゴチャゴチャの沸騰した鍋に手を突っ込むことで構成される『Canzo』の試練に服従する。興奮した会衆はこの瞬間に叫んだ:『Aie Bobo!Aie Bobo!』

"At other times, it is at a spring, or occasionally on the bank of a river, or, if in a locality where there is neither water course nor Spring, it is beside a large cistern, or even a half-cask that the hougan establishes a 'shrine,' made of a trellis of reed, on which are spread large white cloths. There the gods are thought to establish their temporary domicile. The one officiating enters alone. By his interpretation, the gods, whom certain ones who have died 'serve,' constrain the voice of the dead to converse with their kindred, their friends among the congregation which is kept at a respectful distance. In this variant, the rite assumes a character, half-expiatory, half -initiatory, as it is assumed that the hougan can transfer to the living 'the Mystery' of his departed parent."[49]


Throughout these initiation functions, we notice in clothing and draperies the entire absence of red, which is the characteristic colour of Voodoo. If the rites described really belong to present-day Voodoo, then a marked change has been effected in the whole cultural ritual. As a matter of fact, the entire ceremony as described by Dr. Price-Mars suggests Ashanti origin rather than Dahoman or Whydah.


After a lengthy quotation from Moreau de Saint-Méry, Dr. Price-Mars observed in his earlier book: "This page of Moreau de Saint-Méry assumes in our eyes an importance of the very first order, not only because it is the only authentic document which contains serious facts on the religious manifestations of the Negroes of San Domingo, but on account of the fulness of details, the precision of delineation, the character of the whole work, one recognises at once the evidence of the truth. Well does the author tell us that the sect was secret--and it is still so in our day--his relation actually gives us the impression of a deposition of an eye-witness.

Moreau de Saint-Méryからの長い引用の後、Price-Mars博士は以前の著書の中で次のように述べています:「Moreau de Saint-Méryのこのページは、私たちの目には、San Domingoの黒人の宗教的兆候に関する重大な事実を含む唯一の真正な文書であるという理由だけでなく、細部の充実度、描写の正確さ、作品全体の特徴を考慮すると、人はすぐに真実の証拠を認識するために、第1級の重要性を想定しています。さて、著者は教団が秘密であったと私たちに語っていますが、それは現代でもそうですが、彼の関係は実際に目撃者の証言のような印象を私たちに与えます。

[49. Dr. Price-Mars, l. c., p. 172 f.]

Page 95

However, if as we believe, and as we shall prove later, the ritual of cult is sensibly modified since the colonial epoch, many of the distinctive details in the celebrated description have remained unchanged even today. They help us to establish the primordial elements of Voodoo."[50]

pp 94 ~ 95


Dr. Price-Mars now makes a very serious mistake by assuming that Voodoo, as he sees fit to portray it at the present day, is substantially unchanged in one hundred and fifty years, and that it is specifically the same rite as it was in slave times. Rather, since he admits that Moreau de Saint-Méry has described accurately the real Voodoo of Colonial times, it would be more profitable to us if he had simply pointed out the present variants; perhaps, however, it would be more accurate to say that it has been so radically changed that the term Voodoo can be applied to it only by an extension, if not distortion, of its meaning. That is, of course, providing that Dr. Price-Mars is actually describing present-day Voodoo to us and not some kindred rite, when he says: "Of these traits the most characteristic is the state of trance in which the individual possessed by the god finds himself enthralled." This is certainly more like an Ashanti function than one from Whydah as noted previously. "The second trait," we are told, "which gives its tone to the ceremony is the dance, a rhythmic dance, to the sound of a trio of long drums to the cadence of the 'assons,' executed on the syncopated airs which a leader improvises, his voice being echoed multifold by the enthusiastic congregation." Drums at a Voodoo ceremony! And what of his assertion that "the initiation is in every way secret." And: "Well does the author tell us that the sect was secret--and it is still so in our day." What secrecy, or even privacy can be had with the blatant summoning of the drums?

Price-Mars博士は、Voodooが現在のVoodooを描写するのに適していると考えているように、Voodooは150年前から実質的に変化しておらず、特に奴隷時代と同じ儀式であると仮定して、非常に重大な間違いを犯しています。むしろ、Moreau de Saint-Méryが植民地時代の本当のブードゥー教を正確に記述したことを認めているのだから、現在の変種を指摘した方が、我々にとってはより有益だろう;しかしながら、ブードゥー教という用語が、その意味の歪曲ではないにしても、その延長によってのみブードゥー教に適用されるほど、非常に根本的に変化したと言った方が正確かもしれません。それはもちろん、Price-Mars博士が次のように言ったときに、現在のブードゥー教を私たちに説明しているのであって、何か同類の儀式ではないということを前提としています:「これらの特徴の中で最も特徴的なのは、神に憑依された個人が自分自身を夢中にさせるトランス状態である。」これは確かに、前に述べたWhydahの催し物よりもAshantiの催し物に似ています。「式典に雰囲気を与える第2の特徴は、」と 私たちは言われます、「踊りです、『assons』の歩調に合わせて、3人組の長い太鼓の音に合わせたリズミカルな踊りで、指導者が即興で行うシンコペーションの雰囲気の中で行われ、その声は熱狂的な会衆によって何倍にもこだまされる。」ブードゥー教の儀式で太鼓!そして、「入門儀式はあらゆる点で秘密である」という彼の主張はどうだろうか。そして: 「さて、著者は私たちに、その宗派は秘密だったと言っています -- そして、それは私たちの時代でもいまだにそうです。」太鼓をあからさまに呼び出すことで、どんな秘密やプライバシーが得られるのでしょうか?

"As regards the rest," he continues, "what seems to be the essential of the belief--we speak of the adoration of the adder--this part of the rite has been eliminated from Voodoo or relegated altogether to the background of the ceremonial. We believe it is almost abolished. On this point we may be permitted to give our personal testimony. In the course of our investigations, we have had occasion to assist at numerous Voodoo ceremonies-a hundred at least--of which some were celebrated in the most remote districts, we have never seen, not even once, homage rendered to the adder.

pp 95 ~ 96

「残りの部分については、」と彼は続けます、「信仰の本質であると思われるもの -- 私たちはクサリヘビを崇拝について話します -- 儀式のこの部分はブードゥー教から排除されたか、儀式の背景に完全に追いやられています。ほぼ廃止されていると私たちは信じます。この点に関して、私たちは私たちの個人的な証言をすることを許されるかもしれない。私たちの調査の過程で、われわれは数多くのブードゥー教の儀式を手伝う機会(少なくとも100回)があった -- そのうちのいくつかは最も遠く離れたの地域で祝われたが、私たちはクサリヘビに敬意を表したものは決して、一度も見たことがありません

[50. Dr. Price-Mars, Ainsi Parla l'Oncle, p. 117 f.]

Page 96

And, a remarkable coincidence, the writers either Haitians or foreigners, who have seriously devoted themselves to the question, are unanimous in remarking the same, whether they say it explicitly or they fail to make mention of such a ceremony."[51] With all due respect to the experience of Dr. Price-Mars, one cannot refrain from making the reflection:--Either he was fully initiated into the cult, or he was not. If he was, then he has taken the oath to conceal the true facts; if he was not, then from his own statements, being an uninitiated, he would never be admitted to the full ceremonies.[52]

そして驚くべき偶然に、ハイチ人であれ外国人であれ、この問題に真剣に取り組んできた作家たちは、はっきりと言っているにせよ、そのような儀式について言及していないにせよ、一致して同じことを述べている。」 [51] Price-Mars博士の経験には敬意を表しますが、非難の言葉を言うことを控えることはできません:-- 彼が完全にカルトに入門したか、そうではなかったかのどちらかです。もし彼がそうなら、彼は真の事実を隠すことを宣誓した;もし彼がそうでなければ、彼自身の発言から、彼は初心者であるため、完全な儀式に参加することは決して認められないでしょう。[52]

Furthermore, if the present state of Voodoo in Haiti, is precisely as Dr. Price-Mars describes it, with the serpent eliminated, there must have been a very radical change quite recently. Some twenty years ago, I was assured personally by Haitians in Jamaica, whom I certainly considered worthy of credence, that to their own knowledge, the mixture of Voodoo and Catholicism in Haiti had given rise to many altars with regular tabernacles, such as are commonly found in Catholic churches, but in each case the tabernacle was reserved by the owner for the use of the serpent.


[51. Ditto, p. 118 f.
52. Note:--Prichard is not far wrong in his conclusions, Where Black Rules White, p. 81: "Vaudoux is so inextricably woven in with every side of the Haitian's life, his politics, his religion, his outlook upon the world, his social and family relations, his prejudices and peculiarities that he cannot be judged apart from them."

[51. 同前、118ページと次ページ。
52. 注釈:-- Prichardは彼の結論でそれほど間違っていない、Where Black Rules White、p .81ページ:「ヴォードゥーは、ハイチ人の生活、政治、宗教、世界観、社会的、家族的関係、偏見、特殊性のあらゆる側面に密接に織り込まれており、それらを切り離して判断することはできない。」

Arthur W. Holly, Les Daïmons du Culte Voudu, Port-au-Prince, 1918, starts his Preface with a blatant profession of faith: "Without vanity or false shame, or cowardice, I declare that I am an esoterist--that is to say one initiated to the sciences whose roots are deep set in Ethiopic-Egyptian antiquity--sciences which allow one to recognize in the priestly writings the cosmogonic beginnings, to disengage from a symbol, a sign, a given letter the value of the idea, its metaphysical sense or its true scientific character." The work itself is merely an esoteric pretence of the most amateur type and of practically no real value. However, Dr. Holly stresses one point that may be significant, Preface, p. x: "Definitively I have good reason for asserting that the Negro initiated in the true Voodoo cult, in conformity with pure traditions, enters into no relations whatever with Satan. The demons to whom they accuse him of sacrificing are not tile spirits of darkness, and therefore malevolent. They are rather the Daimons according to the Greek concept, that is to say 'bright spirits.' Witchcraft, sordid magic, is incompatible with the great principles preconized {sic} by Voodoo morale."]

Arthur W. Holly、Port-au-Princ、Les Daïmons du Culte Voudu、1918年では、あからさまな信仰告白で序文を始めている:「虚栄心や偽りの羞恥心や臆病さもなく、私は自分が秘教主義者であることを宣言します -- つまり、エチオピア・エジプトの古代に深く根ざした科学に入門した者であることを宣言します -- 聖職者の著作の中で宇宙の始まりを認識し、象徴や記号、与えられた文字から、その思想の価値や形而上学的な意味、あるいはその真の科学的性質を切り離すことを可能にする科学です。」この作品自体は、もっともアマチュア的なタイプの難解なふりをしているだけで、実際には何の価値もありません。しかし、Dr. Hollyは重要と思われる1点を強調している、序文、xページ:「確かに、真のブードゥー教で始まった黒人は、純粋な伝統に従って、サタンとは何の関係も結ばないと断言する正当な理由があります。彼らが彼を生贄にしたと非難する悪魔は、暗黒のタイル精霊ではない、そしてそれ故に悪意である。彼らはどちらかというと、ギリシャの概念に従ったダイモンである、つまり、『輝く精霊』ということである。魔術、下劣な魔法は、ブードゥー教の道徳によって公に宣言された偉大な原則{原文まま}とは相容れない。]

Page 97

This view is further confirmed by the personal experience of one who spent many years in Haiti and Jamaica. While not free to disclose the name of the party in question, whom we may refer to as Madam X., the writer can unreservedly attest her honesty and sincerity. She was a lady of education and refinement, and the exemplary mother of a family. Of her stay in Haiti she subsequently told a missionary in Jamaica: "When I first moved there, I was told that I must be very careful about my baby, because the natives often stole babies, white babies especially, to use them in their obi rites or services." By obi is here meant witchcraft in its generic form; though, of course, Voodooism would be specifically more correct. Madam X. continues: "Soon after I arrived, a woman living next door, whose husband had been a notorious Obeah man and had died just a short time before, came to visit me. She was very friendly, and when she saw my chapel, she said; 'You know I have a chapel, you must come over and see me and see my chapel which I have for my services; my husband was a great Obeah man and all the great people came to him.' When I went to see her, she showed me a room generously fixed up like a chapel; there was a box corresponding to our tabernacle, an altar and two statues. . . . There was a white goat there which was used in Obeah rites, she used to dress up this goat in the most costly robes; there was a barrel in which was a large snake which was dressed in ribbons. She showed me lots of costly presents which had been given her by rich people, costly robes for the goat, wine, jewels, etc. After her husband's death she had kept up his work. She said that all the people from the president down, even practical Catholics, went to the ignorant Obeah men and women. She added, that in order to get sacred particles the Obeah men and women used to go to communion, keep the Hosts dry in their month, and bring them home to their Obeah chapel and keep them in their tabernacles."[53]

pp 96 ~ 97


Despite his perfervid descriptions, Seabrook has much of real value and particularly as already noted in the second portion of his book. Thus for example: "Voodoo in Haiti is a profound and vitally alive religion . . . . Voodoo is primarily and basically a form of worship, and . . .


[53. A. J. Emerick, Obeah and Duppyism in Jamaica, Woodstock, 1915, p. 192 f.]

Page 98

its magic, its sorcery, its witchcraft (I am speaking technically now), is only a secondary, collateral, sometimes sinisterly twisted by-product of Voodoo as a faith."[54] And "Voodoo is not a secret cult or society in the sense that Freemasonry or the Rosicrucian cult is secret; it is a religion, and secret only as Christianity was secret in the catacombs, through fear of persecution. Like every living religion it has its inner mysteries, but that is secretness in a different sense. It is a religion toward which whites generally have been either scoffers, spyers, or active enemies, and whose adherents, therefore, have been forced to practice secrecy, above all where whites were concerned. But there is no fixed rule of their religion pledging them to secrecy, and Maman Célie was abrogating nothing more than a protective custom when she gave me her confidence."[55]

pp 97 ~ 98

その魔法、妖術、魔術 (ここでは技術的な話をしている) は、信仰としてのブードゥー教の2次的で、付随的な、時には邪悪に捻じ曲げられた副産物にすぎない。」[54]そして、「ブードゥー教は、フリーメーソンやバラ十字教が秘密であるという意味では、秘密のカルトや社会ではありません;それは宗教であり、キリスト教が迫害を恐れて地下墓地で秘密にされていたように、秘密である。全ての現存する宗教のように、それは内部の神秘を持っていますが、それは別の意味での秘密です。それは、白人が一般的に嘲笑者、スパイ、または積極的な敵であった宗教であり、したがって、その信奉者たちは、特に白人が関係しているところでは、秘密を実践することを余儀なくされてきました。しかし、彼らの宗教には秘密を守るという一定の規則はありませんし、Maman Célieは私に自信を与えたとき、保護のための習慣以外の何物でもないことを廃止していました。」[55]

Again he says: "Although Damballa, the ancient African serpent god remains enthroned as its central figure, this Voodoo ceremony is not the old traditional ritual brought over from Africa, but rather a gradually formalized new ritual which sprang from the merging in earliest slave days of the African tradition with the Roman Catholic ritual, into which the slaves were all baptized by law, and whose teachings and ceremonials they willingly embraced, without any element of intended blasphemy or diabolism, incorporating modified parts of Catholic ritual--as for instance the vestments and the processional--into their Voodoo ceremonials, just as they incorporated its Father, Son, Virgin, and saints in their pantheistic theology."[56]

再び彼は言う:「古代アフリカの蛇神Damballaがその中心人物として即位しているが、このブードゥーの儀式はアフリカからもたらされた古い伝統的な儀式ではなく、むしろアフリカの伝統の初期の奴隷時代にローマ・カトリックの儀式と融合したことから生まれた、徐々に形式化された新しい儀式である。奴隷たちは皆、法律によって洗礼を受け、その教えや儀式を、意図された冒涜や悪魔主義の要素一切なしに、喜んで受け入れ、カトリックの儀式 -- 例えば祭服や行列など -- の修正された部分をブードゥーの儀式に取り入れている。ちょうど彼らの汎神論的神学に父、子、聖母、聖人を取り入れているのと同じである。」

[54 Seabrook, Magic Island, p. 12.
55. Ditto, p. 3 1.

56. Ditto, p. 34. Note:--Gr. also Seabrook, p. 89: "In America the word Voodoo has come to mean indiscriminately any Negro sorcery, secret ceremony, or old African witch-doctor practice. In Haiti the word is similarly loosely used sometimes even by natives, so that when they wish to distinguish sharply they are likely to use the word Rada as the name of their religion, and Service Petro, or Service Legba for their ceremonial religious rites." P. 295: "Petro or Service Petro is the name given to the blood-sacrificial Voodoo ceremony. It derives from the name of a slave who was a famous papaloi in colonial times." p. 308: The following literally translated, is one of the formulas pronounced by the sorcerer over a death ouanga before hiding it in the secret place where it is to lie rotting: "Old master, now is the time to keep the promise you made. Curse him as I curse him and spoil him as I spoil him. By the fire at night, by the dead black hen, by the bloods, throat, by the goat, by the ruin on the ground, this ouanga be upon him. May he have no peace in bed, nor at his food, nor can he hide. Waste {footnote p. 98} him and wear him and rot him as these rot." But this is not Voodoo, it is undiluted witchcraft.]

56.同前34ページ、注目:--Gr. Seabrook、89ページ:「アメリカでは、ブードゥーという言葉は、黒人の魔術、秘密の儀式、アフリカの古い魔術医者の慣習を無差別に意味するようになった。ハイチでも同じように、この言葉は現地の人によっても時々ゆるく使われているので、はっきり区別したいときには、彼らは自分たちの宗教の名前としてRadaという言葉を使い、儀式的な宗教儀式にService PetroまたはService Legbaという言葉を使うようです。」295ページ:「PetroまたはService Petroは、血を犠牲にするブードゥー教の儀式に付けられた名前です。植民地時代に有名なpapaloiであった奴隷の名前に由来する。 」308ページ:次の直訳は、ouangaが腐って横たわる秘密の場所にそれを隠す前に、死のouangaの上に魔術師によって発音される公式の1つです:「老師、今こそあなたがした約束を守る時です。私が彼を呪うように彼を呪い、私が彼を甘やかすように彼を甘やかす。夜の火によって、死んだ黒い雌鶏によって、血によって、喉によって、やぎによって、地の廃墟によって、このouangaは彼の上にある。寝ても、食事をしても、身を隠すことができませんように。彼を粗末にし{脚注98ページ}、かれを着させ、これらが朽ちるように、彼を腐らせる。」しかし、これはブードゥーではなく、魔法の原液です。

Page 99

We rather suspect that the following passage is, partially at least, ascribable to Dr. Price-Mars from whom much of Seabrook's technical information was gathered. "The worship of the snake in Haiti," he declares, "is by no means so literal as commentators have supposed. It is true that on every Petro altar in Haiti there is a serpent symbol, sometimes painted on the wall, sometimes carved of wood and elevated on a staff. It is true also that living snakes are regarded as sacred objects, not to be injured or molested. One of the commonest and handsomest is a harmless green tree snake which grows to three or four feet in length, but all snakes are held sacred. But the serpent is worshipped symbolically, and not because they believe he has any power of his own; he represents the great god Damballa. . . . So far as I am aware no living serpent is kept 'in a box' or otherwise on any Voodoo altar to-day in Haiti. A negro friend has told me, however, of an Obeah ceremony which he had seen in Cuba in which a living snake was the central object. He said that a large, non-poisonous snake was kept in a big earthern jar on an altar, that some ten or fifteen negroes made a sort of circular endless chain beginning and ending at the rim of the jar by lacing their arms around each others shoulders: that the snake was then drawn from the jar and induced to crawl over their shoulders, making the circuit and returning to the jar."[57]


Finally Seabrook tells us: "It is not my intention to gloss over the fact that actual human sacrifice is also an occasional integral part of the Voodoo ritual in Haiti. . . . That human sacrifice in Voodoo today may seem strange and to many persons horrible, but only, I think, because they consider it in terms of 'time.' . . . I have described no human sacrifices on the pages of this book solely for the reason that I never saw one. If I had lived for many years instead of months with Maman Célie in the mountains, it is probable that I should have seen one. Such sacrifices, however, Maman Célie tells me, are rare and performed only under stress of seeming necessity.

pp 99 ~ 100

最後にSeabrook氏は次のように語っています:「実際の人間の生贄も、ハイチのブードゥー教の儀式の一部であるという事実をごまかすつもりはありません。…今日のブードゥーにおける人間の生贄は、多くの人にとって奇妙で恐ろしいものに見えるかもしれないが、それは彼らがそれを『時間』の観点から考えているからだと私は思います…私はこの本のページで、私が見たことがないという理由だけで、人身御供について述べていない。もし私がMaman Célieと山で数ヶ月ではなく何年も一緒に暮らしていたら、私は1回見ていたかもしれない。しかし、Maman Célieによると、このような犠牲はまれで、必要と思われるストレスの下でのみ行われるという。

[57. Ditto, p. 311.]

Page 100

That they never reach the courts or public notice is due to the fact that when they are pure authentic Voodoo, the sacrificial victim is never kidnapped, stolen, or procured by other criminal means, but always voluntarily offered from within tile religious group. Occasionally also, however, occurs some extraordinary criminal abuse of this practice, followed by denunciation and prosecution. In this category was the case of Cadeus Bellegarde which occurred in 1920. He was a papaloi turned criminal, a pathological monster."[58]

それらが裁判所や公告に到達しないことは、彼らが純粋な本物のVoodooである場合、生贄的な犠牲者は誘拐されたり、盗まれたり、他の犯罪手段によって調達されたりすることはありませんが、常にタイル宗教グループ内から自発的に提供されているという事実によるものです。しかし、時には、この慣行のいくつかの異常な犯罪的悪用が発生し、その後、非難と起訴が行われます。この分類には、1920年に発生したCadeus Bellegarde事件がある。彼はpapaloiから犯罪者になった病的な怪物だった。」[58]

Dr. J. C. Dorsainvil, a Haitian physician of standing, in an address to the Historical and Geographical Society of Haiti stated in 1924: "Ten years ago, in a study published by the review HAITI MEDICALE, we asserted that Voodoo in its psycho-physiological effects consists in this, it is a racial psycho-nervous disorder, of a religious character bordering on paranoia. Our opinion has in no way changed. But as you see the question was then viewed from a medical standpoint.[59]

ハイチの常任医師であるJ. C. Dorsainvil博士は、1924年にハイチ歴史地理学会への講演で次のように述べています:「10年前、HAITI MEDICALE誌の再調査によって発表された研究で、私たちは、ブードゥーの精神生理学的影響は、パラノイアに近い宗教的性質の人種的精神神経障害であると主張しました。私たちの意見は少しも変わっていません。しかし、ご覧のように、その質問はその後、医学的な観点から見られました。」[59]

"We are permitted today to present to you the same question under another aspect, the philological viewpoint. This will be nothing else but a study chapter wherein we trace our origins.


"As much if not more than our revolution, Voodoo has tended to destroy the reputation of our country. The imagination of well-meaning chroniclers, such as St. John our latest visitor, to pass over Alaux, Texier and others, who does his utmost to discover in the frequently inoffensive ceremonies of this cult, the most repugnant scenes of cannibalism and orgies.

pp 100 ~ 101

「私たちの革命ほどではないにしても、ブードゥーは私たちの国の評判を破壊する傾向があります。私たちの最新の訪問者であるSt. Johnのような、悪気のない記録者の想像力は、このカルトの頻繁に当たり障りのない儀式、食人と乱交の最も嫌悪すべきシーンを発見するために全力を尽くしているAlaux、Texierや他の人を見送ること。

[58. Ditto, p. 319 f.
59. Cr. also, J. C. Dorsainvil, Vodou et Névrose, p. 48: "We affirm that Voodooism satisfies a nervous racial habit firmly established by the belief in secular practices among many Haitian families. The proofs of such a condition are plentiful, if one will only take the trouble to observe well the facts." However, we cannot endorse Dr. Dorsainvil's explanation of a "dual personality" even in the broad sense in which he uses the term.

[58. 同前、319ページと次ページ
59. J. C. Dorsainvil、Vodou et Névrose、48ページも参照:「私たちは、ブードゥー教が、多くのハイチ人家族の間で世俗的慣習の信念によってしっかりと確立された神経質な人種的習慣を満たしていることを断言します。そのような状態の証拠は、事実をよく観察するだけの手間をかければ、いくらでもあります。」しかし、Dr. Dorsainvilが「二重人格」という用語を使用している広義の意味においても、私たちは「二重人格」の説明を支持することはできません。

Trouillot, Esquisse Ethnographique: Le Vaudoux, p. 10, thinks that excessive alcoholism and feverish excitement induces a sort of hypnotic effect at the Voodoo dances so that it makes the participant insensible to pain as when he plunges his hand into the boiling caldron. He further observes, p. 10 f.: "It is a fact that the financial return of a dance and the orgiastic pleasures which it furnishes to dancers and spectators are the only and real perpetuation of Vaudoux. It is no longer a religion with its dogmas and rites, it is only a gross indulgence having preserved the empty form of a vanished belief." And it was as far back as 1885 that these words were written!]

Trouillot, Esquisse Ethnographique:Le Vaudoux、10ページは、過度のアルコール依存症と熱中した興奮は、ブードゥーの踊りで一種の催眠効果を引き起こし、沸騰している釜に手を突っ込むときのように、参加者を痛みに気づかせないようにすると考えています。彼はさらに次のように観察します、10ページと次ページ:「踊りの金銭的な利益と、それがダンサーや観客に提供する乱痴気騒ぎの楽しみが、ヴォードゥーの唯一かつ真の永続性であることは事実です。それはもはや教義と儀式を伴う宗教ではなく、消えた信仰の空虚な形を維持してきた粗末な道楽にすぎない。」そして、これらの言葉が書かれたのは、1885年までさかのぼります!]

Page 101

Some of our journalists even speak of it with that inconsideration and absence of study, with which one can too frequently reproach them.


"We have then a deep interest in shedding the clearest light on the origins of this mysterious cult. This work is easy today, for the activity of investigators has left unturned no corner of the vast moral world of humanity."[60]


Taking up the meaning of the word, Dr. Dorsainvil asserts: "Voodoo . . . is simply a generic term of the fongbe dialect. . . It is the most important word of the dialect since it includes nearly the whole moral and religious life of the Fons and is the origin, or rather it is the invariable root, of an entire family of words. What is the precise meaning of the world in fongbe? It designates the spirits, good or evil, subordinate to Mawu and, by extension, the statue of one of these spirits, or every object that symbolizes their cult or their power, protective or malevolent."[61] Again, "The most celebrated expression of the religion of the Voodoo is the cult of the serpent or of the adder Da, pronounced Dan, incarnating the spirit Dagbe, pronounced Dangbe." He is writing as a Frenchman. "The two principal sanctuaries of this cult were found in the sacred woods of Somorne near Allada and at Whydah. Among us by contraction, the Dahoman expression Dangbe Allada has become the loa (a Congo word) Damballah, of which the symbol still remains an adder."[62]

この言葉の意味を取り上げて、Dorsainvil博士は次のように主張します:ブードゥー…は単にfongbe方言の総称です…フォン族の道徳的および宗教的生活のほぼ全体を含み、単語の語族全体の起源、むしろ不変の根源であるため、方言の最も重要な語である。fongbeの世界の正確な意味は何ですか?それは、善であれ悪であれ、Mawuに従属する政令を指し、ひいてはこれらの精霊の1体の像、または保護または悪意である、彼らのカルトまたは彼らの力を象徴するすべての物体を指します。」[61] 繰り返しになりますが、 「ブードゥー教の宗教の最も有名な表現は、Dangbeと発音される精神Dagbeを具現化した、Danと発音されるヘビまたはクサリヘビDaの崇拝です。」彼はフランス人として書いている。「このカルトの2カ所の主要な聖域は、Alladaの近くのSomorneの聖なる森と、Whydahの森にありました。収縮によって私たちの間で、Dangbe Alladaというダホマンの表現は、シンボルがまだクサリヘビのままであるloa (コンゴ語の単語) Damballahになっています。」[62]

Of the establishment of the cult in Haiti, Dr. Dorsainvil has this to say: "By comparison with other African tribes, the Aradas, Congos, Nagos, etc. the Fons have been very much in the minority in San Domingo. How, then, explain the strong religious impress with which they have marked the people? It is here that shows forth all the importance of the Voodoo cult in San Domingo. Whether it is pleasing or not, Voodoo is a great social factor in our history. The colonials tolerated all the noisy dances of the slaves, but feared the Voodooistic ceremonies.

ハイチでの教団の設立について、Dorsainvil博士は次のように述べています:「他のアフリカの部族、アラダ族、コンゴ人、ナゴ族などと比較すると、フォン族はSan Domingoでは非常に少数派です。では、彼らが人々に強い宗教的印象を与えてきたことは、どのように説明されるのでしょうか?San Domingoのブードゥー教の重要性を示しているのはここです。それが喜ばしいことかどうかにかかわらず、ブードゥー教は私たちの歴史の中で大きな社会的要因となっています。植民地の人々は、奴隷たちの騒々しい踊りをすべて容認したが、ブードゥー教の儀式を恐れた。

[60. J. C. Dorsainvil, Une Explication Philologique du Vòdú, Port-au-Prince, 1924, p. 14 f.
61. Ditto, p. 18 f.
62. Ditto, p. 20.]

Page 102

They instinctively dreaded this cult with its mystical movements, and felt in a confused way that it could become a powerful element of cohesion for the slaves. They were not mistaken, for it was from the heart of these Voodooistic ceremonies that the great revolt of the slaves of San Domingo developed. Toussaint himself knew this so well that when he became the first authority of the colony, he no longer tolerated this kind cult"[63] He adds later: "Religion so hierarchic, so enshrouded in mystery, should, it is clear, exercise a powerful attraction in the other African tribes represented in San Domingo. It offered them a body of religious beliefs which were not in the least to be found in the superstitions practiced by themselves. But in branching out, Voodoo divested itself of its original characteristics. It overburdened itself with parasitic beliefs, Aradean, Congoleon, etc."[64]

pp 101 ~ 102

彼らは神秘的な動きをするこの教団を本能的に恐れ、それが奴隷たちにとって結束の強力な要素になり得ることを混乱した方法で感じていた。San Domingoの奴隷たちの大反乱が発展したのは、こうしたブードゥー教の儀式の中心からだったので、彼らは間違っていなかった。Toussaint自身はこのことをよく知っていたので、彼が植民地の最初の権威になったとき、彼はもはやこの種のカルトを容認しませんでした、」[63] 彼は後にこう付け加えます:「宗教は非常に階層的で、謎に覆い隠されているので、それは明らかに、San Domingoに代表される他のアフリカの部族で強力な魅力を発揮する必要があります。それは彼らに、彼ら自身が行っている迷信には少しも見られない宗教的信念の塊を提供しました。しかし、ブードゥー教は枝分かれすることで、本来の特徴を捨てました。それは、Aradean、Congoleonなどの寄生的な信念を過剰に負担しました。」[64]

Dr. Parsons thus begins her article on the Spirit Cult of Haiti, "During a recent folk-tale collecting tour to the south coast of Haiti, I had opportunities to observe combinations in cult of African paganism and French Catholicism of much interest to the student of acculturation, as well as to West Indian folklorist or historian. That this cult has heretofore passed undescribed in Haiti is probably due to the diversion of interest to one of its reputed features, ritual cannibalism or, in journalistic term, voodoo human sacrifice, the folklore of which is wide-spread among all foreigners, white and coloured, in Haiti, as well as among Caribbean neighbours. Some St. Lucia boys shipwrecked in San Domingo told me there that they had become afraid of going on to Haiti, as they once thought of doing, since they had heard how they killed and ate people in Haiti. It was the same story I had heard fifteen years before from the French wife of a Syrian merchant at the Haitian town of Ganaives. This lady felt outraged against the Island 'sauvages.' . . .

Parsons博士はこのように、ハイチの精霊カルトについての論文を始めている:「ハイチの南海岸への最近の民話収集旅行の間、西インドの民俗学者や歴史家だけでなく、文化変容の学生にとっても非常に興味深いアフリカの異教とフランスのカトリックのカルトの組み合わせを私は観察する機会がありました。このカルトがこれまでハイチで説明されてこなかったのは、おそらく、その評判の特徴の1つである、儀式的な人食い、あるいはジャーナリズム用語で言えばブードゥーの人身御供に関心が移ったためであり、その民間伝承は、カリブ海の近隣諸国の間だけでなく、ハイチの白人と有色人種のすべての外国人の間で広く広がっている。San Domingoで遭難したSt. Luciaの少年たちの中には、ハイチで人々を殺して食べたという話を聞いて、ハイチに行くのが怖くなったと私に伝えました。それは15年前にハイチの町Ganaivesでシリア人商人のフランス人の妻から聞いた話と同じだった。この婦人は島の『未開人』に対して憤慨を感じた。…

[63. Ditto, p. 29.
64. Ditto, p. 37.]

Page 103

If human sacrifice occur or has ever occurred in Haiti, it is in connection with the Taureau Criminel, the Criminal Bull, one of the spirits or loi of which there is a large number, both Catholic and African. Between patron saint and West Indian fetish no distinction is made in the cult which may be described as a theory and practice of possession by spirits. There is little or no philosophic or religious expression of the theory to be heard in Haiti, but descriptive details of the practice abound."[65]

pp 102 ~ 103

もしハイチで人間の犠牲が発生した場合、またはこれまでに発生したことがある場合は、それはカトリックとアフリカの両方の大規模な数が存在する精霊またはloiの1体である犯罪的な雄牛、Taureau Criminelに関連しています。守護聖人と西インドの呪物の間には、精霊による憑依の理論と実践として記述されるような教団では区別がありません。ハイチで聞くべき理論の哲学的または宗教的表現はほとんどまたは全くないが、実践の説明的な詳細が豊富にある。」

※Taureau Criminel

Perhaps the most dispassioned account of Voodoo comes from the pen of one who had lived for years in Haiti towards the close of the last century and had sought to study the question scientifically. Eugène Aubin, in giving the results of his researches, dissociates himself from the partisans of every phase of sentiment. His narrative is simple and to the point."[66] Thus: "In the settlement as in the home, Negro life is dominated by old African superstitions, that is to say by the Voodoo cult. Although they point out many traces of it in the United States and in certain islands of the Antilles, it is nowhere more prevalent than in Haiti where its development remains unimpeded. Elsewhere it restricts itself to the exploitation of witchcraft for the profit of some shrewd individuals, which they call Obeah in the English colonies. The historic development of San Domingo is sole cause for the difference in Haiti. Whereas in the other islands fetishism tends, if not to disappear, at least to disguise itself under the influence of Christianity, supported by external force; the independence of Haiti encourages parallel progress, even the confusion of the two beliefs. . . .

おそらく、ブードゥーの最も冷静な記述は、前世紀の終わり頃にハイチに何年も住んでいて、この問題を科学的に研究しようとしていた人のペンから来ています。Eugène Aubinは、研究の結果を発表する際に、感情のあらゆる段階の党派から自分自身を切り離している。彼の話は単純で的を射ています。」 [66] したがって:「故郷として入植地では、黒人の生活は古いアフリカの迷信、つまりブードゥー教によって支配されている。彼らは、アメリカやアンティル諸島の特定の島に多くの痕跡があると指摘しているが、開発が妨げられていないハイチほど蔓延している場所はない。他の場所では、イギリスの植民地ではObeahと呼ばれている、一部の抜け目のない個人の利益のための魔術の悪用に制限されています。San Domingoの歴史的発展は、ハイチの違いの唯一の原因である。一方他の島では呪物崇拝は、消滅しないまでも、少なくともキリスト教の影響下で、外部の力に支えられて、それ自体を偽装する傾向がある;ハイチの独立は、2つの信念の混乱さえも、同時に起きる進歩を促します。…

"The study of Haitian fetishism is not easy. Those who treat of the subject do so with prejudice or inaccurately. The Fathers Du Terte and Labat scarcely touch on it. The latter restricts himself to a mere expression of distrust. 'The Negroes,' he writes, 'do without scruple what the Philistines attempted; they associate the ark with Dagon and secretly preserve all their old idolatrous worship, with the ceremonies of the Christian religion.'

pp 103 ~ 104

「ハイチの呪物崇拝の研究は簡単ではない。その主題を扱う者は、偏見を持ったり、不正確に扱ったりする。Du Terte神父とLabat神父は、そのことにほとんど触れていない。後者は単なる不信感の表明にとどまっている。『黒人はペリシテ人が試みたことを平気で行う』と彼は書いている。彼らは箱舟をダゴンと結びつけ、キリスト教の儀式とともに、古い偶像崇拝を秘密裏に保存しています。」

[65. Elsie Clews Parsons, Spirit Cult in Hayti, Paris, 1928, p. 1.
66. Note:--Cfr. Seabrook, The Magic Island, p. 316 f.: "Eugène Aubin, a French writer who lived in Haiti for a number of years prior to 1898, interested himself in the study of Voodoo without ever apparently having wished to witness or participate in its sacrificial ceremonies. It is possible that he was restrained by moral scruples. He wrote, however, an excellent book called En Haïti, published in Paris in 1910, which shows he was on the friendliest terms with the leading papalois and hougans of that period. He discussed sympathetically and at length with the more intelligent ones the nature of their creed and was admitted to a number of their temples."]

[65. Elsie Clews Parsons, Spirit Cult in Hayti, Paris, 1928, 1ページ。
66. 注釈:-- Seabrook, The Magic Island、316ページと次ページ参照:「1898年以前の数年間ハイチに住んでいたフランスの作家Eugène Aubinは、ブードゥー教の研究に興味を持っていたが、その生贄的な儀式を目撃したり参加したりしたいとは望んでいなかったようだ。おそらく彼は道徳的良心の呵責によって抑制された可能性がある。しかし、1910年にパリで出版されたEn Haïtiという優れた本を書いており、当時の有力なpapaloisやホーガンと最も友好的な関係にあったことを示します。彼は、より知的な人たちと彼らの信条の性質について同情的かつ詳細に議論し、彼らの多くの寺院に入ることを許可されました。」

Page 104

A 'trusty and intelligent Negress' understood little of anything at Descourtelz. As ever Moreau de Saint-Méry was the best informed of colonial writers. The educated creoles pretend complete ignorance of things so gross; unconsciously there survives in them the old prejudices of times when the planter felt himself insecure in his isolation among the Negroes, dreaded their mysterious cult, their secret meetings, their witchcraft and their poisons. For his part, the Negro remains attached to his practices, observant of his initiations.--Z'affe mouton pas z'affe cabrite.--The affairs of the sheep are not those of the nanny-goat, says the creole proverb; the things of the blacks do not concern the whites.

『信頼できる知的な黒人女性』は、Descourtelzではほとんど何も理解していなかった。Moreau de Saint-Méryは、植民地時代の作家について最もよく知っていた。教育を受けたクレオール人は、とても気持ち悪いことを完全に知らないふりをしています;彼らの中に無意識のうちに、農園主が黒人の中で孤立していることに不安を感じ、彼らの神秘的なカルト、彼らの秘密の会合、彼らの魔術や毒を恐れていた時代の古い偏見が残っています。彼の部分では、黒人は彼の習慣に固執したままで、彼の入門を観察しています。-- Z'affe mouton pas z'affe cabrite. --羊の問題は乳母ヤギのものではない、とクレオールの諺は言います;黒人のことは白人には関係ない。

"However uncouth may seem the cult sprung from Haitian fetishism the fault is in no way due to the fundamental principle of their beliefs, which restrict themselves to seeking out the manifestations of the Divinity in the forces of nature. It is a pantheism, as any other, classified by the same standard as ancient paganism or the religions of India. The great wrong of the Negroes was to overindulge life, in exaggerating the evil character of the supernatural world and in conceiving the universe as peopled with predominantly evil spirits, among which the lois and the ancestors freely enjoyed an aggressive rôle as regards suffering humanity. They came to the conclusion that it was necessary to conjure these evil influences by witchcraft, gifts and sacrifices; to the papalois or sorcerers, people well versed in the mysteries, fell the charge and the profit of these conjurations. . . .


"According to the tribe, the rites and the traditions differ. just as the Negroes of San Domingo came in great numbers from all coasts of Africa, Haitian Voodoo results from the confusion of all the African beliefs. However, there stands out two principal rites, each constituting a distinct cult, the rite of Guinea and the 'Congo rite.' Although the blacks of this colony came in greater numbers from Congo than from Guinea, the followers are divided about equally, according to the origin or the convenience of the families. But, nevertheless, the superstitions of Guinea exercise a prepondering influence on the actual doctrines of Voodoo.

「部族によって儀式や伝統が違います。San Domingoの黒人がアフリカの全海岸から大量に来たように、ハイチのブードゥー教はアフリカのすべての信仰の混乱の結果である。しかし、2個の主要な儀式があり、ギニアの儀式と『コンゴの儀式 』という、それぞれが別個のカルトを構成している。この植民地の黒人はギニアよりコンゴから来た人の方が多かったが、信者は出自や家族の都合によってほぼ均等に分かれている。しかし、それにもかかわらず、ギニアの迷信はブードゥー教の実際の教義に圧倒的な影響を与えている。

Page 105

In each of the two rites, experts remark a series of subdivisions, corresponding to the different tribes of the north and of the middle coast of Africa. Arada, Nago, Ibo belong to the rite of Guinea; it seems that the north coast has had more agreeable fetishism and freely admits good spirits. The Arada would be the simplest and purest cult of all, knowing nothing whatever of witchcraft. The spirits venerated on the southern coast are more frequently wicked: these latter frequent the subdivision of the Congo rite, the Congo Franc, the Petro, and the Caplaou.

pp 104 ~ 105


"The scenes of cannibalism which occur even now at times (an example of this kind was tried in 1904 by the criminal court of Port-au-Prince) would be the work of the adherents, fortunately few in number, of the particular divisions of the Petro and the Caplaou; some may be ascribed to the Mondongue, of which the character is a little out of the ordinary, although belonging to the Congo rite.

「今でも時々起こる人食いの光景 (この種の例は1904年にPort-au-Princeの刑事裁判所で裁判にかけられた) は、幸いなことに数は少ないが、ペトロとカプラウの特定の部門の支持者の仕業であろう;コンゴの儀式に属しているとはいえ、その性格は少し普通とは違うMondongue族に起因するものもあるかもしれません。

"The paraphernalia of all these rites have created a veritable mythology in Haitian Voodoo. The lois, saints, the mysteries found in nature, have received the names of ancient African kings or indeed of the localities where they have been deified. They add the title of Master, Papa or Mister. Legba, Dambala, Aguay, Guede, derived from the rite of Guinea, are the object of an almost universal cult; Master Ogoun, Loco, Saugo, Papa Badère . . . and they have also no end of others. The King of Engole (Angola) and the King Louange (Loango) belong to the Congo rite. . . .

「これらすべての儀式の道具一式は、ハイチのブードゥー教に真の神話を生み出した。loi、聖人、自然の中で発見された神秘は、古代アフリカの王や、実際に彼らが神格化された地域の名前を授与されています。巨匠、パパ、ご主人様という肩書きを加えます。ギニアの儀式に由来するLegba、Dambala、Aguay、Guedeは、ほぼ普遍的なカルトの対象である;Master Ogoun, Loco, Saugo, Papa Badère…そして、彼らはまた、他にも終わりがありません。Engole(Angola)王とLouange王 (Loango) はコンゴの儀式に属する。…

"All the lois wish to be 'served'; and their service belongs to the papalois. Do these ministers restrict themselves to the good lois, namely to the rite of Guinea and to those elements of the Congo, as they say 'who serve with one hand alone'? 'To serve with two hands' implies no less the cult of the evil lois, pitiless deities, craving for blood and vengeance. The houmforts, sanctuaries of these multiple spirits, are on every hand in the plains, where the people, better circumstanced, take care to surround their fetishism with elaborate ceremonies, unknown in the uplands.


hounfour (also called oufo, hounfor, oum'phor, or houmfort)

"The papaloi is a man versed in the rites, by heredity or study, who has gradually risen in the Voodoo hierarchy.



Page 106

He has sometimes attended the famous houmforts of the plains of Leogane and Arcahaye, received the most secret initiations and undergone the ordeal of an ordination. When these final ceremonies are concluded, the new papaloi presents himself to the faithful, and possessed by the spirit, he intones the chant proper to the loi who, during his life, will be the Maître-caye, the Maître-tête, and to whom will be consecrated the houmfort which he is about to enter.

pp 105 ~ 106


"The foundation of the Voodoo cult is found in the family. Each familyhead, clothed with a family priesthood, honors the spirit of the ancestors and their protecting lois."[67]


To our way of thinking, then, Voodoo as first found in Haiti was substantially the serpent worship of Whydah; and in the beginning at least, it was but slightly modified by local conditions.


As the children of the African "bush" were ruthlessly torn away from their native haunts, they naturally carried with them the practices and superstitions that served as cherished memories of the past, and thus introduced to their new surroundings the diverse forms of perverted worship or sorcery, as the case might be, and for a time at least clung to their own peculiar customs.


Those who had practiced Ophiolatry in Africa, had a great advantage over the rest. Seemingly they had not lost their deity after all. For the non-poisonous python was waiting their arrival in Haiti. It was the one familiar object to meet their gaze. It was the one connection with the past. Naturally any of the priests and priestesses who were among them would not be slow to put the incident to good account.


In any case, Voodoo quickly became the dominant form of worship among the slaves, but as was to be expected it gradually suffered modifications and even split tip into various sects according to the whim and fancy of some new leader who gained influence among the general body of the slaves.


Thus in 1768, Don Pédro came into being, as seems probable, directly as a means of stirring up the slaves to insurrection. At Whydah the serpent was consulted about the undertaking of war, and in a sense represented the god of war.

このようにして1768年、Don Pédroは、奴隷たちを反乱に駆り立てる直接的な手段として発足した。Whydahでは、蛇は戦争の企てについて相談され、ある意味では戦争の神を表していた。

[67. Eugène Aubin, En Haiti, Paris, 1910, pp. 43-51.]

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But now something more aggressive and emotional was required. The serpent naturally was retained, but in the ritual not only were the dances quickened in their tempo, but the pig was substituted for the goat as the sacrificial animal.


With the arrival of Broukman from Jamaica, the Don Pédro cult in Haiti developed further, as it began to take on more and more the form of sorcery. Its religious element is gradually transferred from the service of the good spirits to that of evil spirits, and in course of time it becomes the cult of blood par excellence and finds its climax, at least on rare occasions, in human sacrifice and cannibalistic orgies.

ジャマイカからBroukmanが到着すると、ハイチのDon Pédro教団はさらに発展し、ますます魔術の形をとり始めた。その宗教的要素は、善霊への奉仕から悪霊への奉仕へと徐々に移行していき、時が経つにつれて血のずばぬけて優秀なカルトになり、少なくともまれに、人身御供や人食いの乱交でその頂点を見出します。

As regards Voodoo proper, the account of Moreau de Saint-Méry, it must be admitted, might seem to indicate that the cult had become formal idolatry. But we should remember that the atheistic tendencies of that day would probably influence the point of view of one who subsequently was to take such an active part in the events that led up to the French Revolution.

Voodoo固有に関しては、Moreau de Saint-Méryの説明は、認めなければならないが、教団が正式な偶像崇拝になったことを示しているように見えるかもしれない。しかし、その日の無神論的傾向は、その後、フランス革命につながる出来事に積極的に参加することになった人の視点におそらく影響を与えたことを覚えておくべきです。

There are equally strong indications from the testimony of later observers, that Voodoo in the nineteenth century could still be classed as formal worship, substantially unchanged though modified in many details.


However, it appears that the religious element in the cult was gradually yielding to social influences. Voodoo feasts are introduced, probably at first as a disguise for the secret session that will follow later. But in time, more and more is made of the accompanying dance, with the consequences that Voodoo in the strict sense of the word begins to wane. And unless Dr. Price-Mars is entirely wrong in his estimate of conditions, the present century finds the cult so modified and changed that it is now Voodoo in name only.


Meanwhile we have a general conglomeration of all the old cults, combined with dances of every description, all imbued with every form of witchcraft and sorcery, posing under the generic term of Voodoo. The religion of the Whydahs has become the witchcraft of the Haitians!


Page 108

As regards the much resented accusation of human sacrifice and cannibalism, the weight of evidence would indicate that while these abuses are by no means common in Haiti, nevertheless, at times there are sporadic outbreaks. And it would be strange if the orgies of nerve-racking debauchery and dissipation so peculiar to tropical dances when the strong arm of the law does not intervene, did not at times evolve a paranoiac state of irrational craving, and subsequent surreptitious gratification of the lowest instincts in degraded human nature-the animal-like gratification of the "goat without horns" in Haiti and the "long pig" in the distant Pacific Islands.

pp 107 ~ 108


It must not be supposed, however, that these disgusting orgies are countenanced by the present Government authorities, or that they are of frequent occurrence. Certainly within the coastal districts which are watched over by the American Marines, public Voodoo is non-existent. But back in the hills there must still be many a secret gathering as in the days of slavery, where Voodoo and even Don Pédro at times find outlets for pent-up energy and orgiastic excesses.

しかし、これらの不快な乱交が現在の政府当局によって支持されているとか、頻繁に発生していると仮定してはならない。確かにアメリカ海兵隊に監視されている沿岸地域では、公共のブードゥー教は存在しません。しかし、丘に戻れば、奴隷時代のように秘密の集会がたくさんあって、そこではブードゥーやDon Pédroでさえも、時には鬱積したエネルギーや乱痴気騒ぎの余剰分のはけ口を見つけているに違いありません。

Nor on the other hand must this abnormality on the part of a few be held as a reflection on the Haitians as a people. The chapters of recent crimes in our own country, which may bespeak degeneracy and moronism on the part of individuals, would not ascribe these reproaches to the entire nation.
