サタニズムとヨルバ族のIfa-Orishaの伝統(Satanism and the Ifa-Orisha Tradition of the Yoruba)

by HPS Shannon Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:02 pm

When one looks further into the traditions and spiritual philosophies of the Yoruba, here we have the core beliefs of Satanism which is that of spiritual transformation, evolution and reaching one's own divinity. The Yoruba believe that we all have a destiny to achieve and becoming spiritually one with the the creator is expected. It is said the elders of the tradition deeply believe that they are still practicing humanity's original religion.


Lilith mentioned that all traditional African religions are es of Satanism.


In the Ifa-Orisha tradition, the followers strive to maintain proper alignment of one's self and to evolve themselves beyond the base and lower qualities, purify the human spirit and refine the psyche. The end result is union between the divine spiritual consciousness and the earthly self.

Ifa Orishaの伝統では、信者は自己の適切な整列を維持し、自分自身を根本や低い資質を超えて進化させ、人間の魂を浄化し、精神を洗練させようと努力します。最終的な結果は、神聖な霊的意識と地上の自己との結合である。

Social, mental and civic development are also of the teachings of the Yoruba as part of the Ifa Corpus, which is an oracular tradition passed down from each priesthood with each generation.

社会的、心的、市民的発展もまた、Ifa Corpusの一部としてヨルバ族の教えであり、これは各聖職者から各世代に伝えられる神託の伝統である。

Prayer ("calling on" to the ether), recitation, supplication, dance and meditation are part of developing the character or Iwa pele. This in turn develops and channels the Ashe (energy, chi, prana, etc) strengthens the consciousness and feeds the Orisha so that one can become as them.

祈り (エーテルへの 「呼びかけ」 ) 、朗読、祈願、ダンス、瞑想は、人格またはiwa peleを成長させる一部です。これにより、彼らのようになれるよう、Ashe(エネルギー、気、プラーナなど)が発達してチャネリングし、意識が強化され、Orishaに栄養を与えるようにします。

Ashe is believed to come from the the divine creator and is manifested through his other aspect Olorun- who rules the heavens and is symbolic of the sun, the life force. Devotees still face and bow to the morning sun and give libation.


Orisha is said to be a term from two Yoruba words: ori which is akin to the spark of human consciousness in humans and Sha which is the ultimate potentiality of the consciousness to enter into a divine state. I believe the 7 main Orishas are the 7 chakras but also the minor orishas are the forces that make up the human energy system and the earth. Many African traditional religions are earth centered and like that of shamanism. Some where along the lines, the Orishas are also representative of our gods who guide us.


The Orishas are said to exist within the self and so must be sought within. The Yorubas believe that through veneration of the orishas, the ashe will act unto them for the primary purpose of transformation and enlightenment. They are also purported to govern the elements and reflect the manifestations of the creator. They are known simply as forces of nature.


The Yoruba speak of the portion of the soul that holds one's destiny. This orisha is the Ori. It is located in the head , top/center, and is seen as the pinnacle of spiritual development. It is the individual's personal god and is intuitive knowledge. The highest level of existence.Prayer (adura) and supplication to one's ori is said to produce an immediate joy/bliss.

ヨルバ族は、自分の運命を握る魂の部分について語ります。このorishaがOriである。頭、頭頂/中央に位置し、霊的な発達の頂点とされる。それは個人の人格を持った神であり、直感的な知識である。存在の最高レベル。祈り (adura) と自分のoriへの祈願は、すぐに喜び/至福を生み出すと言われている。

This is the crown chakra. The seat of godhead.

これがクラウンチャクラです。 神の座。

The Orisha traditions have made its way to the Americas by means of the jewish trans-Atlantic slave trade and most of blacks in America are of Yoruba descent. They still held on to these traditions. This is seen in Candomble, Santeria, Obeah, etc. But as with many of our traditional African religions, they are corrupted, infiltrated and many lost, thanks to Xian invasion.


The Yoruba, from my research, are an advanced group in Africa. One can see from their art, culture, spiritual customs and cosmology. They also have ties to the Egyptian gods and their culture.


I do see similarities to Vodun in that the Yoruba acknowledge the orisha Elegba/Eshu who correlates to the Vodun Legba. Legba, as I have written, is an aspect of Satan and the chi Mercury energy.

ヨルバ族がVodun Legbaに関連するorisha Elegba/Eshuを認めているという点で、Vodunと似ていると私は思います。私が書いたように、Legbaはサタンと水星のエネルギーの一面である。

The Hand Book of Yoruba religious concepts, Baba Ife Karade, 1991
Yoruba culture: A philosophical Account, Abimbola Kola, 2005
The religion of the Yorubas, J. Olumide Lucas, 1996

Hail Satan!

by Rook » Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:33 am

Well this is quite the intrigue, for the longest time since I was a kid, I had thought that obeah was a slang term for black magic, I only found out that it was a real thing, when someone mentioned it to me, and I searched here for it. however it is used in a very derogatory term as it is equated with preforming magic acts of great depravity like blood sacrifices and such.


I never actually meet or saw this being practiced, there was 1 person in my school who was rumored to preformed obeah, as one guy said he bathe in a bathtub filled with chicken blood, yes that is the kind of stuff that obeah is equated with.


I’m not black, however if anyone were to find out that I’m SS, they’d label me as an ‘obeah man’ and for the most part i'll be shunned from society because they’re simply triggered by the name Satan, as my islands’ filled with mostly xians, islam and hindism are present here as well, most of my family are hindus however they mix it together with xianity, causing all sorts of delusions in regards to morals and such.

私は黒人ではありませんが、もし私がSSであることが誰かに知られたら、彼らは私を「obeah man」とレッテルを貼るでしょうし、ほとんどの場合、彼らは単にサタンという名前で引き起こされているだけで、私は社会から疎まれるでしょう、私の島々はほとんどがキリスト教で満たされていて、イスラム教やヒンズー教もここに存在しているからです、私の家族のほとんどはヒンズー教徒ですが、キリスト教とそれを混ぜ合わしており、道徳などに関してあらゆる妄想を引き起こしています。

Doing a quick search of my Island followed by Orisha, shows that it is indeed present on my island, again this is quite the intrigue, as I never crossed someone with this religion, which is most likely as you say, it is infiltrated and corrupted by xianity,
As the wiki article i was reading said it’s mixed in with several sects of xianity.


by Shannon » Tue Jan 09, 2018 2:36 am

The blood sacrifice is definitely part of the enemy. They do this with Vodun/Voodoo as well.

血の生贄は間違いなく敵の一部です。奴らは、Vodun/Voodoo でもこれを行います。

by BlackCherokeeChi » Wed Jan 10, 2018 9:28 pm

Read the story' The Clever Frog. From aligning chakras ansuz aum and G- what the boys name makes out to be. Aand twin serpent meditation. Its a nice story which males a reference to the Magum opus as well.

「賢いカエル(The Clever Frog)」という物語を読んでください。 チャクラ、ansuz、aumと G- を整列させることから、少年たちの名前が何であるかわかります。 そして双子の蛇の瞑想(twin serpent meditation)。Magum opusへの言及もある素晴らしい話です。