
64. 邪悪の密造におけるユダヤ人の要素(The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil)

by Henry Ford

'Prohibition' Tells Changing Story of Jews in America

低品質の酒、メタノール飲料(wood alcohol)

For Centuries, Jews Ruled Poland’s Liquor Trade. Why Was That Legacy Forgotten?

"Let Them Drink and Forget OurPoverty" : Orthodox Rabbis React to

1924年の数字は全国で約300万ガロンに達し、これはアメリカ内のユダヤ人男性、女性、子供1人あたり約1ガロンに相当します。ニューヨークだけでも、聖餐の目的で配布されたワインの量は 1925年に180万ガロンに達し、1922年以来3倍に増加しました


A student of the liquor history of the United States is left wondering, not that Prohibition came, but that the authorities ever allowed matters to go so far as to compel the people to take the issue into their own hands. That is the point where those who believe in "personal liberty" and those who believe in "public safety" ought to meet each other. It cannot be contended that every believer in Prohibition is a crank, nor can it be contended that every believer in "personal liberty" is a drunkard or a liquor guzzler; each of them stands for a principle that is a principle of right. But the Prohibitionist has been able to command victory over the "personal liberty" advocate because the stuff that the Prohibitionist is against ought not to be sold nor used under any circumstances, whereas the stuff the "personal liberty" advocate thinks he favors is not the stuff he thinks it is at all.

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If the element in question were poisoned tooth paste, or opium, or any other concededly dangerous substance, both the Prohibitionist and the "personal liberty" advocate would agree. What the honest "personal liberty" advocate needs to learn is that the liquor which caused the adoption of Prohibition was most dangerous to the individual and society. The question was not one of "liberty" but of safety.


It is scarcely to be hoped that all the "personal liberty" groups will come to agree with this, because most of them are formed of the very men who made and profited by the drugged and chemicalized substances which were sold over the bar and in bottles.


Liquor men themselves must agree with the facts. Even Bonfort's Wine and Spirits Circular admitted years ago that "the bulk of spirits sold today in glass under well-known brands is not what it is represented to be." "The truth of the matter is (we dislike to say it) the wine and spirit trade of this country is honey-combed with fraud, and the most radical measure should be applied and applied vigorously." "Many a dealer prominent socially, morally, religiously and in philanthropic circles will take a lot of neutral spirits, only a few days old, flavor them with a little heavy-bodied whisky, and brand them on the label or glass with the name of any state or county desired, and with any age, and this he will do with all smiles and glee and inward delight that is said to characterize the bold buccaneer when he cuts a throat and scuttles a ship."

酒家自身が事実に同意しなければなりません。Bonfortのワインと蒸留酒の案内状でさえ、何年も前に「今日、有名なブランドでガラス容器で売られている蒸留酒の大部分は、表されているようなものではない」と認めている。「事の真相は、(私たちは言いたくはないが) この国のワインと蒸留酒の取引は詐欺だらけであり、最も抜本的な対策を精力的に実施すべきである。」「社会的にも、道徳的にも、宗教的にも、慈善活動のサークルでも著名な取引業者の多くは、わずか数日しか経っていない中性蒸留酒を大量に手に入れ、少量の濃厚なウイスキーで風味をつけ、ラベルやガラス容器に好きな州や郡の名前や年齢の焼印を押す。そして、彼は、大胆な海賊が喉を切り裂いて船を転覆させるときの特徴と言われている満面の笑みと喜びと内面的な歓喜をもってこれを行います。」

These excerpts show how near the official publications of the liquor trade could come to describing the practice and indicating the Jew. The last quotation was a direct hit at Louisville liquor Jews, one of which compounders furnished a room at the Y.M.C.A. of that city, another of whom adorned the town with public gifts, all of whom are Kentucky "Colonels"; though their ancestry is not exactly Kentuckian, nor even American.


The wine companies of Ohio, whose vineyards on Kelleys Island and elsewhere had built up a standard business, joined in the protest. They pointed out that counterfeit wines were flowing out of factories in Cleveland and Cincinnati, while the legitimate wine districts of Sandusky and Put-in-Bay were being saddled with the stigma of poisoned goods. As all the counterfeit business was in the hands of Jews, the statement is unavoidable that the whole movement of the degradation of liquor was Jewish.


Then came Prohibition. The Constitution of the United States was amended, the amendment being ratified by 45 states. The issue had been actively before the nation longer than any other issue except the slavery question, so that the people's action on it must be regarded as deliberate. And the liquor business was legally ended. BUT --


What was the Jewish attitude toward Prohibition while it was being argued before the nation? What has been the Jewish attitude toward Prohibition since it has been adopted?

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Both questions can be answered the same way. There are, of course, Kentuckians and others who have convinced themselves that the Jewish compounders foresaw Prohibition and welcomed it, because they saw that it would increase their profits 1,000 per cent. But whatever the truth of that may be, there are no available records to support it. The Jews destroyed the business -- that is true; but whether intentionally, for greater illegitimate profits, we cannot say. There are, however, records of Jewish activity during the reform agitation. The Jews were against Prohibition. Their press and pulpit were against it. Their whole influence in politics and finance were against it. They were the backbone of the entire "wet" propaganda, and are today. The great temperance organizations will tell you that Jews did not contribute to their work. One national Prohibition organization admits a gift of $5 in many years. Will Irwin, investigating the early Prohibition movement in the South for Collier's in 1901, found that The Modern Voice, a Jewish religious weekly which is still published, was engaged in carrying the "wet" propaganda into the southern states. The Modern Voice lost more votes than it made for its lack of taste in printing a halftone picture of Christ endorsing the liquor traffic. J. K. Baer, one of the editors of this Jewish paper, explained his activity in this direction by saying, "We are a Jewish weekly, and the Jews are opposed on moral grounds to prohibition." Mr. Rosenthal was associated in the work. This was typical of the Jewish press everywhere. The Jewish stage was enlisted, every man and every girl, just as it is now, to deride those who protested against the destruction of the American people by counterfeit whisky and wine. Jazz music, the movies, fake medical "experts" -- every agency under Jewish control was mobilized to assist the fight for a continuance of the privilege of drugging the people's drink.

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どちらの質問にも同じように答えることができます。もちろん、ユダヤ人は禁酒法を予見し、それを歓迎したと確信しているケンタッキー州民やその他の人々がいます、なぜなら彼らは禁酒法が利益を1,000%増加させると分かっていたからである。しかし、その真実がどうであれ、それを裏付ける記録はありません。ユダヤ人はビジネスを破壊した -- それは真実です;しかし、意図的に、より大きな違法な利益のためにかどうかは、私たちは言うことできません。しかしながら、改革運動中のユダヤ人の活動の記録があります。ユダヤ人は禁酒法に反対した。彼らの報道機関と説教壇はそれに反対した。政治と財政における彼らの全影響力はそれに反対した。彼らは「禁酒反対者」プロパガンダ全体の支柱であり、今日もそうです。偉大な禁酒組織は、ユダヤ人は彼らの仕事に貢献しなかったと言うでしょう。ある全国的な禁酒法組織は、長年にわたり5ドルの贈り物を認めています。1901年にCollier'sのために南部の初期の禁酒運動を調査していたWill Irwinは、今も発行されているユダヤ教の宗教週刊誌Modern Voiceが南部の州に「禁酒反対者」プロパガンダを伝えていたことを突き止めた。Modern Voice紙は、キリストが酒類取引を支持しているというハーフトーンの写真を掲載したセンスのなさで、得た票よりも多くの票を失った、このユダヤ人新聞の編集者の1人であるJ. K. Baerは、「我々はユダヤ人週刊誌であり、ユダヤ人は道徳的な根拠から禁酒法に反対している」と言って、この方向での彼の活動を説明した。Rosenthal氏はその仕事に関わっていた。これはどこにでもあるユダヤ人報道機関の典型だった。偽造ウイスキーと偽造ワインによるアメリカの人々の破壊に抗議する人々を嘲笑するために、ユダヤ人の舞台は、今と同じように、あらゆる男と少女を動員した。ジャズ音楽、映画、偽の医療「専門家」-- ユダヤ人の支配下にあるあらゆる機関が動員され、人々の飲み物に薬を入れる特権の存続を求める戦いを支援した。

This will scarcely be denied, at least by Jews. Some "Gentile fronts" may feel obliged to rush to the defense of the Jews by denying it, but their work is unnecessary. Jews themselves make no bones about it. They did not favor Prohibition, but they did not fear it; they knew that they would be exempt, they knew that it would bring certain illegitimate commercial advantages; they would be winners either way. Jewish luck!


It is not surprising, therefore, that violation and evasion of the Prohibition law has had a deep Jewish complexion from the very beginning. The Dearborn Independent would be glad to be excused from making the raw statement that bootlegging is a 95 per cent controlled Jewish industry in which a certain class of rabbis have been active; we, therefore, avail ourselves of the report of an address of Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, of Detroit, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, as given before that body at Washington in April, 1921, confirming the general fact:

したがって、禁酒法の違反と脱法が最初からユダヤ人の深い様相を持っていたことは驚くにあたらない。Dearborn Independent紙は、密造は95%管理されたユダヤ人産業であり、ラビの特定階級が活動しているという生々しい声明を出すことを許されてうれしいだろう;そこで、私たちは、アメリカラビ中央会議の議長であるデトロイト出身のラビLeo M. Franklinが1921年4月にワシントンで同会議に対して行った演説の報告を利用し、次の一般的事実を確認する:

"In making the recommendation I gave you in my message in regard to this matter, and in going to the extreme in suggesting that we appeal to the government to rescind that part of the Prohibition law which gives rabbis permission to issue permits for the purchase and distribution of wine for ritual purposes, I did so after very mature consideration. I am sure that after (his successor) shall have been in the chair of the conference for any length of time, he will come to exactly the same conclusions as I did.


"You gentlemen, members of the conference, who have dealt with this situation as a local question have had, here and there, some small question to solve; but when you become president of the conference and have letters from every part of the country, almost day by day, asking you as president of the conference to give the necessary authority to all sorts of men in all sorts of conditions, to purchase and distribute wine for ritual purposes, then you will take a different angle on this whole situation.


"I pointed out to one of my colleagues, next to whom I was just now sitting, that within the past month I have received requests from three different men calling themselves rabbis in their communities, for authorization to purchase and distribute wine. I know that I am not exaggerating when I say that during this last year I received requests from not less than 150 men in all parts of the country for permits to distribute wine. ... I had the applicants investigated, and I may say to you that in nine cases out of ten we found those who were attempting to use this conference, through its executive officers, for the obtaining of this authority, were men who had not the slightest right to stand before their communities as rabbis.

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"What were they for the most part? They were men without the slightest pretense at rabbinical training or position who, for the purpose of getting into the wholesale liquor business, if you will, organized congregations. Nothing on God's earth could prevent them from doing so. They simply gathered around them little companies of men; they called them congregations; and then, under the law as it now exists, they were privileged to purchase and distribute wine to these people. And I call your attention to the fact that many of the so-called members of these congregations were not members of one congregation only! (Laughter.) This is not a laughing matter. They were not only members of one congregation, but members of two, three, four and upward. Why, you don't know what good Jews many have become since this law has gone into effect!

pp 394 ~ 395

「彼らの大半は何者でしたか?彼らはラビの訓練や地位を最もほんのわずかでも見せかけもしない人たちで、酒類の大領販売ビジネスに参入する目的のために、言ってみれば、信徒団を組織した。神の大地には、彼らがそうすることを妨げることができるものは何もありませんでした。彼らは単に彼らの周りに人たちの小さな仲間を集めた;彼らはそれらを信徒団と呼んだ;それから、現在の法律の下で、彼らはワインを購入し、これらの人々に配布する特権を与えられました。そして、これらの信徒団のいわゆるメンバーの多くが、1団の信徒団だけのメンバーではなかったという事実に注目してください!(笑) これは笑い事ではありません。彼らは1団の信徒団だけでなく、2団、3団、4団以上の信徒団のメンバーでした。なぜ、この法律が施行されて以来、多くのユダヤ人がどんなに良いユダヤ人になったか、あなたは知らないのですか!

"What is more, gentlemen, perhaps some of you don't realize what popularity has come to the -- sermon, and how many Jews have suddenly come to realize the beauty and the duty of the Kiddush on Friday night. I tell you it is a mighty serious problem, and say what you will, our conference, under present conditions, is being used as a medium by unscrupulous men by the dozens and by the hundreds to carry on a bootlegging business in the name of religion. ...

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"Now you say there have been just small scandals here and there. A wine company in New York was raided last week and a quarter of a million dollars' worth of wine was taken away by the authorities, supposed to be for ritual purposes. Don't forget that rabbi after rabbi last week in New York, a few of whom I happen to know, and in Rochester, Buffalo, Flint, Michigan, and Port Huron, Michigan -- in any number of small towns throughout the country, if you have read your papers carefully, you will find that Rabbi So-and-So has been arrested as a bootlegger."

「今、あなたたちはちょうどあちこちで小さなスキャンダルがあったと言います。先週、ニューヨークのワイン会社が家宅捜索を受け、儀式用と思われる25万ドル相当のワインが当局によって没収されました。忘れてはならないのは、先週ニューヨークでラビが次から次へと逮捕されたことです、彼らのうち何人かはたまたま私は知っています、そしてRochester、Buffalo、Flint、Michigan、Port Huron, Michiganでも逮捕されました -- 国中の幾つもの小さな町で、新聞を注意深く読めば、ラビの誰々が酒の密造者として逮捕されたことがわかります。

The discussion of this subject by the other rabbis present was very interesting. There was a request that "personal experiences be debarred," but some crept in. Rabbi Cohen, for example, was quite explicit. "Being one of those who opposed the whole Prohibition law, I am not in sympathy with the whole Prohibition law. ... It seems to me that we rabbis ought not to stand in the way of our own members in their legitimate ways of getting wine for their homes. ... If a member wants the wine, I would like to be in a position that he may have the wine, even though he may not absolutely have to have it."


Rabbi Cohen pronounced the typical Jewish view. If the Gentiles want to prohibit themselves from having liquor, let them do it, but if there is a loophole for the Jews such as the rabbinical permit offers, it should be used generously for any "member," "even though he may not absolutely have to have it."


The pre-Prohibition Jewish liquor business is also the post-Prohibition Jewish liquor business. That fact is established by mountainous evidence. This does not mean, of course, that every bootlegger you meet is a Jew, nor that you will ever meet a Jew serving as an itinerant bootlegger. Unless you live in Chicago, New York or other large cities, an actual meeting with the Jew in this minor capacity will not be frequent. The Jew is the possessor of the wholesale stocks; he is the director of the underground railways that convey the stuff surreptitiously to the public; seldom does he risk his own safety in being the last man to hand the goods to the consumer and to take the money.


But notwithstanding all the carefulness, the bulk of the arrests made in the United States have been among the Jews. The bulk of the liquor permits -- a guess at 95 per cent would not be too high -- are in the hands of Jews. More and more the Jews are being appointed as Prohibition enforcement officers at the central points of distribution. It is a fact, as Rabbi Franklin showed, that part of the trouble arises over the abuse of what has been called "rabbinical wine," but big as it seems by itself, it is really a small part in comparison with the whole. Numbers of lesser rabbis have profited from the sale of liquor, no doubt of that. And not only among their own people, but from any people making the demand. "If you sign a Jewish name you can get it," is the watchword. Newspaper offices have been kept "wet" in some cases by "rabbinical wine," which accounts for the dribble of "wet" propaganda in the so-called humorous and other columns of the evening journals.

しかし、あらゆる慎重さにもかかわらず、合衆国で行われた逮捕の大部分はユダヤ人の間であった。酒類販売許可の大部分 -- 推定95%はそれほど高くない -- はユダヤ人の手中にある。流通の中心地では、ますます多くのユダヤ人が禁酒法執行官に任命されている。ラビFranklinが示したように、問題の一部は「ラビのワイン」と呼ばれるものの乱用から生じているのは事実である、しかしそれ自体では大きいように見えるが、実際には全体に比べれば小さな部分である。多数の下級ラビが酒の販売から利益を得ていることは、全く疑う余地がありません。そして、彼ら自身の民の間だけでなく、要求をしているすべての人々から。「もしユダヤ人の名前に署名すれば、それを手に入れることができる」が合言葉である。新聞社は、場合によっては「ラビのワイン」によって「禁酒反対者」のままにされてきた、それは、夕刊のいわゆるユーモラ欄やその他の欄に「禁酒反対者」プロパガンダを垂れ流す主な原因となっている。

It happens that "rabbinical wine" is a euphemism for whisky, gin, Scotch, champagne, vermouth, absinthe, or any other kind of hard liquor. The stocks that existed when Prohibition went into force have not only not deceased, but have actually increased, because of the increase in the "doctoring" of the stuff. It has been cheapened, its bulk has been increased and it has been made, if anything, more deadly than before. "As fatal as bootleg whisky" is a saying founded on thousands of deaths.

p 395

「ラビのワイン」はウイスキー、ジン、スコッチ、シャンパン、ベルモット、アブサン、その他あらゆる種類の強い酒の婉曲表現である。がらくたの「改ざん」の増加が原因で、禁酒法が施行されたときに存在していた在庫は、消滅していないだけでなく、実際に増加しています。それは安くなり、量が増え、どちらかといえば、以前よりも致命的に作られています。「As fatal as bootleg whisky(密造ウイスキーと同じくらい致命的)」というのは、何千人もの死に基づいた諺である


The wholesale stocks of compounded liquor remained in the hands of the men who owned them, while the retail stocks in stores and saloons had to be disposed of. That was one of the first big mistakes -- that the little fellow was compelled to get rid of his stock, while the big fellow was permitted to keep his. The so-called rabbis who had advance information of the special privileges which the Jews were to enjoy under the Prohibition law, were very active in buying up the smaller stocks and storing them away. Of course, no one could prevent them. Was it not "ritual wine"? -- Even though it was any kind of liquor, it went under the "cover name" of "ritual wine," and of course, as everybody knows, great scandal resulted. Protests like that of Rabbi Franklin indicate that a part of Jewish public opinion resents the policy of exempting Jews from the Prohibition law, but this is minority opinion. What the Central Conference of American Rabbis may think is of little consequence to the mass of Jews in America. The people to scrutinize with regard to this is not the Rabbi Franklins, who are amenable to the significance of American opinion, but those Jews who do not consult with Americanized rabbis but run the political end of Jewry as they choose.

pp 395 ~ 396

調合酒の卸売在庫は、それらを所有する人たちの手に残ったが、店や酒場の小売在庫は処分されなければならなかった。これが最初の大きな間違いの1つだった -- 小さな仲間は在庫を処分せざるを得なかったが、大きな仲間は在庫を保持することが許されていた。ユダヤ人が禁酒法の下で享受することになっていた特別な特権についての事前情報を持っていたいわゆるラビたちは、小さな在庫を買い集めて保管することに非常に積極的であった。もちろん、誰も彼らを阻止することはできませんでした。それは「儀式のワイン」ではなかったのか?-- どんな種類の酒であっても、「儀式用のワインと」という「秘匿名」で販売され、もちろん、皆さんご存知のように、大スキャンダルの結果となりました。ラビFranklinのような抗議行動は、ユダヤ人世論の一部がユダヤ人を禁酒法から除外する政策に憤慨することを示しているが、これは少数意見である。アメリカラビ中央会議が考えていることは、アメリカのユダヤ人の大衆にとってはほとんど重要ではありません。これに関して精査すべき人々は、アメリカの意見の重要性に従順なラビFranklinたちではなく、アメリカ化されたラビに相談せず、自分たちが選択するようにユダヤの政治的末端を運営するユダヤ人である。

There is no reason why the Jews should be exempt from the operation of the Constitution of the United States at all, yet the Constitution is suspended in their favor when the Ten-Gallon Permit is given.

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But it would be a great mistake to suppose that there is or could be any objection to the Jews' ritualistic use of wine, or that the present scandal with regard to law violation rises from that. It is not a religious question at all. It is purely a commercial question. The people who are breaking the Prohibition law are the same people who broke the Pure Food law with regard to the ingredients of whisky. They are essentially a lawbreaking class.


The "Gentile boobs" who patronize bootleggers today are being sold a liquor that is never what it is represented to be, in spite of names blown in the bottles, in spite of seals and in spite of labels. The most conscienceless fraud is being perpetrated on gullible people at an increase in profit from 400 to 1,000 per cent. The stuff brought from Havana is Jew whisky shipped there, "doctored" still more and shipped back at increased prices -- the "Gentile boobs" fancying they are getting something extra special "just brought in from Havana."

今日、密造酒業者をひいきにしている「異邦人の間抜け」たちは、瓶に吹き込まれた名前にもかかわらず、シールにもラベルにもかかわらず、それが決して何であるか表されていない酒を売られている。最も誠実さのない詐欺は、騙されやすい人々に対して、利益は400%から1,000%に増加して行われている。ハバナからもたらされるがらくたはそこに輸送されたユダヤ産ウイスキーで、そこではさらに「改ざん」され、値上げされて送り返されてくる --「異邦人の間抜け」たちは、「ハバナからもたらされたばかり」の特別な何かを手に入れていると空想している。

Twenty years ago Jewish liquor dealers of Chicago were using genuine James E. Pepper bottles refilled with vile ingredients compounded in back rooms. Twenty years ago there were counterfeit whiskies sold in the United States bearing forged Canadian Government stamps. The forgers of the labels were Jewish liquor houses. Twenty years ago there was unlimited faking of liquor labels, a Chicago printing house furnishing Jewish liquor houses with clever imitations of any reputable label in use. Foreign, American and Canadian labels were unscrupulously adopted and brazenly advertised everywhere.

20年前、シカゴのユダヤ人の酒類販売業者は、秘密の部屋で調合された卑劣な成分を詰め替えた本物のJames E. Pepperの瓶を使っていた。20年前、カナダ政府の偽造切手を貼った偽造ウイスキーが合衆国で売られていた。ラベルの偽造者はユダヤ人の酒屋だった。20年前、酒のラベルの無制限の偽造があり、シカゴの印刷所がユダヤの酒屋に、使用されているあらゆる評判のよいラベルの巧妙な模造品を供給していた。外国、アメリカ、カナダのラベルが無節操に採用され、あらゆる場所で厚かましく宣伝された。

These abuses did not wait for Prohibition; they were daily Jewish practices twenty years ago.


The only difference now is that the stuff which is sold is still worse.


The enforcement of the Prohibition law ought to be rigidly complete, for the same reason that the enforcement of the Pure Food law should have been complete years ago -- it is necessary to prevent the wholesale harming of an ignorant public.

禁酒法の施行は厳格に完全でなければならない、というのは純粋食物法の施行が何年も前に完全でなければならなかったのと同じ理由である -- それは無知な大衆の大規模な害を防ぐために必要である。

The maintenance of the idea of drink in the minds of the people is due to Jewish propaganda. There is not a dialog on the stage today that does not drip with whisky patter. As all the plays making much noise this year are not only Jew-written, Jew-produced, and Jew-controlled, but also Jew-played (the stage swarms with Jewish countenances this year), the drip of whisky patter is constant. If theatergoers were at all observant they would see that most of their money goes to support pro-Jewish propaganda in one form or another, which, is of course, a tribute to Jewish business genius -- what other people could embark on a pro-racial propaganda and make the opposite race pay for it.

人々の心の中に酒の考えが維持されているのは、ユダヤ人のプロパガンダのおかげである。今日の舞台では、ウイスキーの早口の口上が垂れないセリフはありません。今年騒がれている芝居はすべて、ユダヤ人が脚本を書き、ユダヤ人が製作し、ユダヤ人が支配しているだけでなく、ユダヤ人が演じている (今年、舞台がユダヤ人の顔つきでごった返す) ので、ウイスキーのごった返すの滴りは絶えず続く。もし芝居好きが少しでも観察力を持っていれば、彼らのお金のほとんどが何らかの形で親ユダヤのプロパガンダを支援するために使われていることが分かるでしょう、もちろん、それはユダヤ人のビジネスの天才への賛辞である -- 親人種のプロパガンダに着手して反対人種にその費用を払わせることができるのは、他のどの人々なのか。

This idea of drink will be maintained by means of the Jewish stage, Jewish jazz and the Jewish comics until somebody comes down hard upon it as being incentive of treason to the Constitution. When a Jewish comedian can indulge in a 15-minute monologue "panning" the United States, defaming Liberty, heaping contempt upon the Pilgrims, and openly praising a violation of a portion of the Constitution of the United States -- and when choruses sing this sort of thing, and slap-stick artists take it up, and it becomes evident that the country is being ringed around every week by repeated attacks upon what the people have established -- it is certain not to be very long before a heavy hand will be laid on the whole business.

この酒の考えは、ユダヤ人の舞台、ユダヤ人のジャズ、ユダヤ人のコメディアンによって、憲法への反逆の誘因であるとして誰かが厳しく非難するまで維持されるだろう。ユダヤ人コメディアンが、合衆国を「酷評し」、自由を中傷し、巡礼者に軽蔑を積み上げて、合衆国憲法の一部に違反したことを公然と賞賛するという15分間の独白に没頭するとき -- そして合唱団がこの種のことを歌い、ドタバタ喜劇の役者がそれを取り上げ、人々が確立したものに対する度重なる攻撃によってこの国が毎週取り囲まれていることが歴然にななるとき -- この業界全体に厳しい締め付けが加えられるまで、そう長くはかからないことは確実である。

ドタバタ喜劇。身体的暴力をベースにしたコメディの一種で、登場人物が傷つくのを見て笑いを取る喜劇。 日本で言うリアクション芸人やトム&ジェリーのような漫画など

The Department of Justice should pay some attention to the treason nightly spouted on the legitimate stage before Americans who pay as high as $5 each in support of the propaganda.

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First and last, the illicit liquor business in all its phases, both before and after Prohibition, has always been Jewish. Before Prohibition it was morally illicit, after Prohibition it became both morally and legally illicit.

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And it is not a cause for shame among the majority of the Jews, sad to say; it is rather a cause for boast. The Yiddish newspapers are fruitful of jocular references to the fact, and they even carry large wine company advertisements week after week.


As before Prohibition the key to the steady degeneration of the liquor business was the fact of Jewish domination, so now the key to the organized and lawless rebellion against a recently enacted article of the Constitution is also Jewish. Prohibition enforcement officers will find a short-cut to successful enforcement along this line. And if law-abiding Jews would help with what they know, the work could be soon accomplished.

p 397


[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 31 December 1921]
