
ファティマ事件(The Fatima Incident)


Below is an excerpt taken from an article detailing the appearance of the virgin bitch before 3 young poverty stricken children. The evidence of alien extra-terrestrial activity is beyond dispute. RightHandPath religions are an alien scam.

以下、貧困に苦しむ3人の幼い子供たちの前に処女のビッチが現れたことを詳述した記事からの抜粋です。異星人の地球外活動の証拠は議論の域を超えています。右道の宗教(RightHandPath religions、RHP)は異星人の詐欺です。


The famous apparition of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico was perhaps the first authenticated "miraculous" appearance on earth of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Since that date, December 9, 1531, a series of such appearances have occurred, all under strikingly similar physical and social conditions and all apparently for the same reasons: to warn mankind of the error of their ways and to set them back on God's pathway. With each appearance she has asked that a shrine be built at the spot and has promised to  reciprocate by performing miraculous healings at the site. Also, in most cases, she has foretold with alarming accuracy the coming of wars, pestilences and famines.

メキシコで有名なグアダルーペの聖母(Our Lady)の出現は、おそらく、イエスの母である聖母の地球上での最初の『奇跡的』な出現でした。その日、1531年12月9日以来、このような出現が相次いでいるが、いずれも物理的、社会的条件が驚くほど似通っており、その理由も明らかに同じである:それは人類に彼らの道の誤りを警告し、彼らを神の道に戻すためです。現れるたびに、彼女はその場所に神殿を建てることを依頼し、その場所で奇跡的な治癒を行うことで恩返しをすることを約束してきた。また、ほとんどの場合、彼女は戦争、疫病、飢饉の到来を驚くほど正確に予言している。

At La Salette she accurately predicated a great famine; to Saint Catherine Labouré she foretold the chaotic events of 1870 in France; and at Fatima she predicted World War II and the the spread of atheistic communism in Russia. At La Salette her warning was typical: "if my people will not obey, I shall be cmpelled to loose my son's arm. It is so heavy, so pressing, that I can no longer restrain it." The son, of course, is Jesus.

ラ・サレット(La Salette)で彼女は大飢饉を正確に予言した;聖カトリーヌ・ラブレ(Saint Catherine Labouré)で彼女は1870年のフランスでの混乱した出来事を予言した;そして、ファティマで彼女は第二次世界大戦とロシアの無神論的共産主義の蔓延を予言した。ラ・サレットでの彼女の警告は典型的なものであった:「もし私の民が従わないならば、私は息子の腕を緩めざるを得ないだろう。それはとても重く、とても迫っているので、私はもはやそれを抑えることができません。」この息子とは、もちろんイエスのことである。


If the Lady can predict great disasters why can she not predict whether her people will obey, and whether her son's arm will be loosed? Clairvoyance of this magnitude would conserve much time and effort. It seems obvious. therefore, that she is not supernatural. Wars, famines, etcetera, can be predicted and even generated to fulfill a prophecy, but whether millions of people will be convert to Christian living is impossible to foretell -even for God.

もし聖母が大災害を予言できるなら、なぜ民衆が従うかどうか、息子の腕が緩むかどうかを彼女は予言できないのでしょうか?これだけの透視能力があれば、多くの時間と労力を節約できる。明白な事である。したがって、彼女は超自然的な存在ではないのです。 戦争や飢饉などは予言することができますし、予言を実現するために発生させることもできます、しかし、何百万人もの人々がクリスチャンになるかどうかは、予言することは不可能なのですー神でさえも。

 All of about ten recognized apparitions of Our Lady have occurred in remote Catholic villages, and the contactees have always been children or childlike adults - illiterate, simple, naive. Aside from the fact that such witnesses would never question the how of an appearance, it is noteworthy that they are note likely to have been influenced to imagine the event by having read or heard of similar experiences.


Besides the similarity of the contactees, there is also a uniformity of characteristics discernible in all the apparitions: an intense, indescribable light on and surrounding the figure is always reported; most appearances occur during overcast weather or precipitation; and finally, a buzzing or similar sound is reported in several cases.




In the diocese of Grenoble in France on September 19, 1846, two children, Melaine Mathieu and Maximin Giraud, saw in a ravine a circle of light which grew more resplendent as "Our Lady of Tears" materialized at the center. She cried, and deplored mankind's not reserving the seventh day of each week for her. She predicted the coming famine (crying all the while), then, surrounded by the halo of light, rose gently into the air and slowly faded into the sky.

1846年9月19日、フランスのグルノーブル主教区で、Melaine MathieuとMaximin Giraudという二人の子供が、渓谷で光の輪を目撃し、それがさらに輝きを増し、中心部に『涙の聖母』が実体化するのを目撃した。彼女は泣きながら、人類が毎週7日目を自分のために予定を入れてくれないことを嘆いた。彼女は(泣きながら)飢饉の到来を予言し、そして、光輪に包まれながら、静かに空へ舞い上がり、ゆっくりと空へ消えていった。

Besides the fact that prophecies come true and unexplained healings occur at the sites, other circumstances attest to the actuality of these observations. For example, in the incident at Guadalupe, the robe of the Aztec Indian contactee was painted with a picture of the Madonna (who interestingly appeared as a Mexican). The picture survives to this day in colors more vivid than any yet known to man despite the act that even the material of the garment should long ago have decomposed. And there is no question that the apparition at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 really happened: it was observed by over seventy thousand witnesses.


 The question, then, is not Do the happen? But How do they happen? And the answer, as will be shown, is that they are manifestations of the same technology, which is responsible for the same technology, which is responsible for the prophecies and "miracles" of Old Testament writings, for the"miracles" of Christ and for present-day flying-saucer sightings.

では、問題は起こりませんか? しかし、それらはどのように起こりますか?そして答えは、示されるように、それらは同じ技術の現れであり、同じ技術に原因があり、旧約聖書の書物の予言と『奇跡』に原因があり、キリストとの『奇跡』と現在の空飛ぶ円盤の目撃に原因があるということです。

If it can be shown conclusively that one such apparition was the work of saucerians, then it will be senseless to try to explain the others as something different, The Lady of Fatima incident is a case so immersed in circumstantial evidence of flying-saucer origin that even that hardest-nosed skeptic, once familiar with the facts, must concede that saucerians were indeed responsible.



In the spring if 1916 in the remote little village of Fatima in Portugal three small children, Lucia dos Santos, aged nine, Francisco Marto, eight, and his sister, Jacinta, six, made the first contact with the luminous figure of a man who claimed to be an angel of God.

1916年の春、ポルトガルのファティマという人里離れた小さな村で、9歳のLucia dos Santos、8歳のFrancisco Marto、6歳の彼の妹Jacintaの3人の小さな子供たちが、神の天使と名乗る男の発光する姿に初めて接触しました。

It should be pointed out that from recent flying-saucer reports it appears that saucerians can also glow and appear luminous--probably by means of a sterilizing device build into their uniforms. In 1954 three creatures in luminous clothing were seen in Brazil examining the ground near a railroad track. When spotted, they dashed to an oval-shaped craft beside the tracks and quickly disappeared into the sky. On October 10, 1957, luminous occupants of a low, hovering saucer were reported by Miguel Español, a Spanish naval officer. He and a companion watched seven such creatures through an open hatchway in the craft. And in December of 1963 in Argentina, Cesar Tulio Gallardo, a railroad worker, reported that while he sat in a coach on a siding, a figure, luminous and surrounded by a dazzling light, entered the opposite end of the coach, grabbed a newspaper from his hands and tore it up. The figure then emptied the contents of an oilcan into a container, and left. Passengers on an incoming train reported later that they had witnessed a "glowing" figure of a man walking along the tracks.

最近の空飛ぶ円盤の報告から、宇宙人は蛍光を発したり、輝いているように見えることがあることを指摘しておく必要があるーおそらく制服に組み込まれた殺菌装置によって。1954年、ブラジルで光り輝く衣服を着た三匹の生き物が線路近くの地面を調査しているのが見られました。発見されると、彼らは線路脇にある楕円形の船に向かって疾走し、すぐに空に消えた。1957年10月10日、低空で空中静止する円盤の発光する乗員が、スペインの海軍士官Miguel Españolによって報告された。彼と仲間は、船の中の開いた小さな出入り口から、そのような7匹の生き物を見ました。そして、1963年12月にアルゼンチンで、鉄道労働者のCesar Tulio Gallardoは、彼が側線上の普通客車に座っている間、明るく、まぶしい光に囲まれた人物が普通客車の反対側に入り、彼の手から新聞を奪って引き裂いたと報告した。そして、その人物はオイル缶の中身を容器に入れて立ち去った。その後、乗ってきた列車の乗客たちは、線路を歩いている『光る』人物を目撃したと報告した。



Although this creature never tried to give the impression that he was an angel, the tearing of the newspaper can logically be interpreted as a gesture symbolic of his appraisal of world events at that time.


At Fatima it was different. The three youngsters, tending sheep on the barren, rock-strewn slopes above the village, had said their Rosary, eaten their dinner and started to play, when suddenly a strong wind swept along the hillside. a ball of light approaching. It came steadily toward them until they were enveloped in it, and then they saw the luminous figure of a man materialize in the glow. They were numb with fear, but then the being spoke to them, saying, "Don't be afraid. I am the Angel of Peace. Pray with me." And their fear was dispelled.

ファティマでは違っていました。村の上の岩だらけの不毛な斜面で羊の世話をしていた3人の子供が、ロザリオを唱え、夕食を食べ、遊び始めたとき、突然、山腹に強い風が吹き荒れた。近づく光の球。それは、彼らが包まれるまで、着実に彼らに向かってきた、そして、その光の中に一人の人間の輝く姿が実体化するのを見ました。彼らは恐れでぼうぜんとしました、しかしそれから話しかけられて、「恐れることはありません。私は平和の天使です。私と一緒に祈ってください。」と言われました。 そして彼らの恐れは払拭されました。

Meeting the prerequisites of contactees--young, illiterate, naive--the youngsters never thought to ask the angel where he came from or why he had to travel physical distances (obeying at least three of nature's laws) to get to them. Surely an angel coming from heaven (a supernatural place?) could have appeared instantaneously at the spot. And if he were observed traveling the last few miles of his journey, wouldn't it be reasonable to ask him the total length of his journey? At least, then we would know how far it is to heaven.

接触者の前提条件であるー若く、読み書きができず、世間知らずーという条件を満たした子供たちはその天使に、どこから来たのか、なぜ物理的な距離を移動しなければならないのか(少なくとも3つの自然法則に従わなければならない)尋ねようとは思わなかったのだ。きっと、天(超自然的な場所?)から来た天使がその場に瞬時に現れたのかもしれない。そして、もし彼が旅の最後の数マイルを旅しているところを観察されたとしたら、旅の総距離を尋ねるのが妥当ではないだろうか? 少なくとも、そうすれば天国までの距離がわかるだろう。


And what of the luminous globe of light? it was an airborne craft of some sort; and if obeying physical laws of space, time and distance, it would defy logic to claim fr it a supernatural essence. Indeed, if it were anything other than the same type of craft photographed at Salem, Massachusetts (mentioned earlier), it would be surprising.

では光の球体はどうでしょう?それはある種の航空機だった;もし空間、時間、距離の物理法則にしたがえば、それが超自然的な本質だと主張するのは論理に反します。実際に、もしそれがマサチューセッツ州セイラム (前述) で撮影されたものと同種の写真以外のものだとしたら、驚きだろう。

When the angel knelt to pray, the children felt compelled, "as if moved by an invisible force," to follow his example, and as they knelt with him he taught them the following prayer: "My God, I believe in Thee, I adore Thee, nor hope in Thee, nor love Thee." In these lines the form and the meter are such that it is inconceivable that illiterate children could have composed them. Rather, with its unmistakable flavor of true Christian prayer, it would be safe to guess that its author already had a bestseller here on earth.

天使が祈りのためにひざまずくと、子どもたちは、 『目に見えない力に動かされているかのように』、 彼の手本に従わざるをえないと感じ、そして彼らが彼とひざまずくと、彼は次の祈りを教えた:「我が神よ、わたしはあなたを信じます。わたしはあなたを愛します。あなたに望みをかけません。あなたを愛します。」 これらの短詩の決まり文句と韻律は、読み書きのできない子供たちが創作したとは考えられないほどである。むしろ、真のキリスト教の祈りのまぎれもない特色があるので、その著者はすでにこの地球上でベストセラーになっていたと推測して間違いないだろう。

Another safe guess, in view of the mysterious force compelling them to kneel and pray, was that the three children were in a hypnotic state. The boy Francisco, in this and eight subsequent incidents, always saw the apparitions but never heard the voices. Recall the mother at the drive-in who could not hear the buzzing UFO; if Francisco were alive today, tests would undoubtedly show that his sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation was very low, if not completely lacking.




In the summer the angel visited the children again, in much the same manner: riding his glowing chariot, his message again the same: "Pray for the forgiveness of sinners and offer scrifices." He informed them at this time that he was the Angel of Portugal; which, if true, would seem to indicate that each country has such an overseer. (Perhaps also each city and each person, as the scriptures preach, has a guardian angel.) As in the first visit, the youngsters felt compelled to do as he said, and once again they were dazed and physically exhausted for several hours after the ordeal. They even felt that they should no speak of the experience to anyone else. Here is evidence of posthypnotic suggestion, such as that which caused Betty and Barney Hill to forget their encounter with the space people in New Hampshire.) But no attempt was made to keep subsequent visits secret--and as we shall see, for a very good reason!

夏に、天使はほとんど同じ方法で再び子供たちを訪ねました:彼は輝く馬車に乗り、彼のメッセージは再び同じです:「罪人の許しを祈り、犠牲を捧げます。」 彼はこの時彼らに自分はポルトガルの天使であると知らせた;もしそれが本当なら、各国にそうした監督者がいることを示しているように思えます。(おそらく、それぞれの町や人にも、聖書が説いているように、守護天使がいます。)最初の訪問の時と同じように、子供たちは彼の言う通りにせざるを得ないと感じ、厳しい試練の後の数時間、再び彼らはぼうっとして肉体的に疲れ果てた。彼らはその経験を誰にも話してはいけないとさえ感じました。ニューハンプシャーでのベティとバーニー・ヒルに宇宙人との遭遇を忘れさせたような、後催眠暗示の証拠がここにあります。しかし、その後の訪問を秘密にしておこうという試みはなされていないーそしてこれから見るように、非常に良い理由があるのだ!

The implication of the events transpiring on the angel's third and last visit is both awesome and frightening. In October of the same year he came again and performed the sacramental ritual known in Christendom as Communion. With the following words he had Francisco and Jacinta (but not Lucia) drink from a chalice: "Take and drink of the body and blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their crimes and console your God."

天使の3度目、そして最後の訪問で起こる出来事の意味は、両方ともひどく恐ろしいものである。そして、同年10月に彼は再びやってきて、キリスト教ではCommunionと呼ばれる聖餐式の儀式を行った。次のような言葉を残して、彼はFranciscoとJacinta (Luciaではない) に聖杯から飲まさせた:「イエス・キリストの体と血を飲みなさい、恩知らずの人たちにひどく憤慨して。彼らの罪のために償いをし、あなたの神を慰めなさい。」


While they drank, they were suddenly engulfed by intense rays of light; and Lucia (who for some reason was spared) says that all three knew from that moment on that Jacinta and Francisco would soon be called away to the "kingdom of heaven." And as forecast by Our Lady of Fatima, who appeared to them six times the following year, the two children did die; only eighteen months after the last climactic visitation both fell victim to the deadly Spanish influenza which at that time was sweeping the world.


Francisco, the boy, died with comparative ease; but Jacinta, as Our Lady had prophesied, suffered immeasurable pain from a tumor which developed at the spot on her chest where the death ray had played. Today we know that radioactive radiation can cause cancerous tumors, and it kills and limits the production of leucocytes (white blood cells), which are the body's chief defense against infection. The treatment of recent heart-trans-plant patients has incorporated this principle to thwart the rejection of the new heart by the recipient.


It is a sobering thought that these two innocent children were summarily executed by being forced to ingest the virus of a contagious disease which would ultimately expose seventy thousand "miracle watchers" from all over the world to its ravaging toll. (During the last miracle which was promised and fulfilled at a given time and place, allowing observers from all over the world to congregate, there is strong evidence--as will be shown--that radiation was used to weaken the resistance of those attending. It would be enlightening to know how many of the people present that day in Fatima contracted Spanish influenza.)


Part 5


Adding one more bit of circumstantial evidence to the case against the angel and Our Lady is the fact that they failed to predict the influenza epidemic, for obviously doing so might have raised the question we raise here now. The agents of God did not want anyone to associate them with the disease.


In the past, however, God has not always been so secretive, for in the Bible we read: "So the Lord sent a pestilence upon Israel. And he sent an angel to Jerusalem, to strike it [Why sent an angel when as easily God--if supernatural--could have said, "Hocus-pocus, you are diseased"?]: and as he was striking it, the Lord beheld and took pity for the greatness of the evil: and said to the angel that destroyed: It is enough, now stop thy hand."


品師やマジシャンが観客の目をそらすために唱える呪文、「でたらめ」という意味が出る。オックスフォード英語辞書(OED)によると、17世紀の初め、中世の魔術師が唱えたニセのラテン語という。カトリックの儀式で、ワインとパンをキリストの血と肉体に見立て、“hoc est(enim)corpus(meum)”(これはわが肉体)とラテン語で唱えるそうだが、それがなまった、との説もある。

God does not take credit for the pestilence struck at Fatima because the method was not only deceptive but very ungodlike--and very unsupernatural. And if He had to send an angel to Israel to strike the pestilence, we can be certain that the method used there was equally unsupernatural. But all may not be as dark as it appears; for with their technology, the possibility that God and his angels can indeed offer life after death in heaven is not too remote. Perhaps--even likely--Jacinta and Francisco endure as some sort of entities in a state we call heaven.



At any rate, one must contemplate the possibility that much which we attribute to chance and nature may in reality be the result of intervention by God and His angels. Such things as floods, famines and wars may be part of the "grand plan," and since all these catastrophies kill unselectively, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that life and death are not used to reward or punish man for his conduct on earth.

いずれにせよ、私たちが偶然や自然に起因すると考えられることの多くが、実際には神や彼の天使の介入によるものである可能性を考えなければならないのである。洪水、飢饉、戦争のようなものは 「壮大な計画」 の一部であるかもしれないし、これらのすべての大惨事は非選択的に殺すので、導き出せる唯一の結論は、生と死は地上での行為に対する人間の報酬や処罰には使われないということだ。

It was int the spring of 1917 that the three children of Fatima had the first of a series of visits with Our Lady of Fatima; but unlike the visits of the angel, which were never announced and which, according to the plan as it unfolds, were meant to be seen by no one but the children, the Lady on her first visit announced that she would come again at the same time and place on the thirteenth of each succeeding month for six months. It seems more than coincidence that while the Communion was being given, plans were made to insure that there would be no audience, but that a definite attempt was made to have thousands of spectators at subsequent meetings.


Our Lady made her initial appearance much as the angel had, with flash of light and a roll of thunder, but she never came down to the ground, seeming always to float at the top the of a small holm oak. She was clothed in a white robe which shone so brightly it hurt the children's eyes to look at it.


She spoke to the children reassuringly, as the angel had, telling she meant them no harm. Lucia asked her many questions regarding who was destined to go to heaven.




"Will I go to heaven?" she asked.
The Lady answered, "Yes."
"Will Jacinta go too?"
"And Francisco?"
"Yes, but he must say many rosaries."


Then Lucia asked about two friends who had died. "Is Maria de Rosario in heaven?" Our Lady, apparently unprepared for such a question, answered affirmatively, and in so doing contradicted the biblical concept of Judgment Day, for according to the scriptures, no one goes to heaven until that time.


"And Amelia?" Lucia inquired of the other deceased friend.


"Poor child!" Our Lady answered, "she is still in purgatory." Then after a moment of silence, she spoke again. "Do you wish to offer up to God all the suffering He desires to send you, in reparation for the sins by which He is offended and in supplication for the conversion of sinners?"

「かわいそうな子!」聖母は答えました、「まだ煉獄の中にいる。」 しばらく沈黙した後、彼女は再び口を開いた。「あなたは、神が怒った罪の償いとして、また罪人の改心のために、神があなたに送りたがっているすべての苦しみを神に捧げたいと思いますか?」

Even for a supernatural god, such a request seems inconsistent with a just and merciful philosophy. Why not make the sinners suffer, and leave innocent children alone?



Needless to say, the children accepted the request (what would have befallen them had they not?), and the Lady continued, "Then you will have much to suffer, but the grace of God will be your comfort." With that she raised her hands, and from them streamed rays of light which the children reported seemed to penetrate their hearts; but the rays that fell on Lucia, she reports, were different from those which fell on Francisco and Jacinta. The rays on these two seemed to go up to heaven, while those on Lucia seemed to come down.


As promised, on the thirteenth of June the Lady came again. This time, however, the children were not alone: an audience of about fifty curious onlookers who had heard of the incident were also present. The children once again saw and talked with the apparition, but the crowd saw only a strange cloud that hovered over the holm oak for a few moments and then slowly drifted upward and finally disappeared in the east. This incident suggests that while the spacecraft was actually there, the Lady was really an induced hallucination.


At the third meeting, on July 13, the crowd of fifty had swollen to something over three thousand. The story of the incident had spread fast. The crowd was not disappointed: once again the same eerie, translucent cloud came and hovered over the holm oak, and those who were close to the three children reported that a strange buzzing or humming sound like that of a swarm of bees could be distinctly heard. One witness, still alive today, says it was like the sound of a giant blue bottle fly shut in an empty jar. Why a supernatural deity should be accompanied by the same sound which accompanies flying saucers is puzzling: surely no supernatural motor would make such noise.




At this meeting Our Lady, who as always was visible only to the three children, gave Lucia a secret message, the contents of which were not to be divulged until a later date. Also she promised to identify herself and to perform a "miracle" in October so that the people would believe that she really did appear to the children. Then she showed them a vision of the fires of hell with demons and anguished souls in torture, and she told the children that in order to save these souls, devotion to her Immaculate Heart must be established on earth. "If you do what I say," she said, "many souls will be saved, and you will have peace."

聖母との会合では、いつものように3人の子供たちにしか見えなかった聖母は、Luciaに秘密のメッセージを伝えました、その内容は後日まで漏れることはありませんでした。彼女が本当に子どもたちに姿を見せたと人々が信じるため、彼女はまた、10月に自分の身元を明かし『奇跡』を行うことを約束しました。そこで彼女は彼らに、悪魔や拷問で苦しむ魂のいる地獄の炎の幻を見せ、子供たちに、これらの魂を救うためには、彼女の穢れの無い心への献身が地上で確立されなければならないことを告げた。「もしあなたが私の言う通りにすれば、多くの魂が救われ、あなたは平和になるでしょう」 と彼女は言った。

She promised an end to World War I, which was raging then, but warned: "If men don't cease to offend God, another, worse war will begin in the pontificate of Pius the Eleventh." Thoughtful consideration of this warning reveals a puzzling quirk in God's nature: according to the prophecy, war will be the punishment, not the crime which offends Him. And we read in the Book of Job, chapter 35: "... If thou sin, what shalt thou do justly, what shalt thou give him, or what shall he receive of thy hand? Thy wickedness may hurt a man that is like thee: and thy justice may help the son of man"(verses 6-8).



It should be clear, then, that God is not truly concerned with man's treatment of man but rather with man's treatment of God; apparently the only way we can offend Him is not to believe in Him.


But then, continuing her prophetic dialogue, Our Lady contradicted herself; she said, "When you see a night lit up by a strange light, know that it is the great sign God is giving you that He is going to punish the world for its crimes of war and hunger and persecution of the church and the Holy Father. [She had just finished saying that if men didn't cease to offend God, another and worse war would begin, implying that the offenses and the war were two different things.] To prevent it, I shall come to ask for the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart ad the Communion of Reparation of the First Saturdays. If my desires are fulfilled, Russia will be converted and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecution of the church; the good will be martyred, and the Holy Father will have have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted and the world will enjoy a period of peace. In Portugal the dogmas of the faith will always be conserved. Don't tell this to anyone else, except Francisco."




Thus were the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II prophesied. And it can only be conjectured whether these events occurred naturally or whether they came about as the result of intervention. Is it another coincidence, for example, that the responsibility for World War II rests solely on the actions of one man, Adolf Hitler? Is it coincidence that Hitler, while confined in a prison cell (where electromagnetic signals could be beamed at him), wrote Mein Kampf outlining his plans for world conquest, in which the territory of communistic, atheistic Russia was the prime target? Is it also coincidence that much of the "divinely inspired" writing in the Bible was done by persons incarcerated or otherwise immobilized? Unquestionably the problem of beaming signals to a chosen target is simplified if the target remains fixed.


In Mein Kampf Hitler said, "The great empire in the east is ripe for collapse. And the end of Jewish rule in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state." These words, written in 1924, just seven years after the incident at Fatima, are too pat to be coincidence: they are a solid clue to the method Our Lady planed to use to convert Russia to her Immaculate Heart. But Hitler failed to overthrow the Russian Empire, and so Our Lady's desires were not fulfilled. Today, as foretold, Russia spreads her errors throughout the world. Only time will tell what the next step will be, but if the prophecy is to come true, Russia must soon become converted from atheism to a belief in God.



Regarding the wording of the prophecy of the "night lit up by a strange light," etcetera, one thing is clear: Our Lady did not mean that the three children would see this sign, nor did she mean there would be but one night and one light, for obviously she was speaking poetically. What she was really saying is, "When men see nights lit up with strange lights, it will be the sign that God is going to punish the world." Need I remind you that the time is now; that at this very moment reports of strange lights in the sky at night are coming in at the rate of one every twenty minutes? How many sightings are never reported can only be guessed, but conservatively we might estimate that combined reported and unreported minutes. As mentioned earlier, flying saucers make no attempt to avoid being seen. They know that even the skeptics on earth who deny the existence of flying saucers readily admit that strange lights in the sky at night are indeed a fact, and they know that they are fulfilling a prophecy. How the rest of the prophecy--the punishment of man--will be carried out is discussed in a later chapter.

『奇妙な光に照らされた夜』などの予言の文言について、一つはっきりしていることがある:聖母は、3人の子供たちにこのしるしが見えるとは言いませんでしたし、ただ一晩と一晩だけ明かりがあるとも言いませんでした、彼女は明らかに詩的に話していましたから。彼女が本当に言っていたのは、 「人々が奇妙な光で照らされた夜を見ると、それは神が世界を罰するというしるしになる」 ということだった。今がその時だということを忘れないでください;「この瞬間にも、夜空に奇妙な光が20分に一度の割合で現れているという報告が?」報告されていない目撃情報の数は推測するしかありませんが、控えめに言っても、報告された分と報告されていない分の合計を見積もることができます。前述したように、空飛ぶ円盤は人に見られることを避けようとはしません。彼らは、空飛ぶ円盤の存在を否定する地球上の懐疑論者でさえ、夜の空の奇妙な光が確かに事実であることを容易に認め、彼らが予言を成し遂げていることを知っています。残りの予言ー人間の罰ーがどのように実行されるかについては、後の章で議論します。

For reasons that are of no consequence to this account, the three children were not present on the thirteenth of the following month for the scheduled meeting with Our Lady, but the huge crowd which had gathered was rewarded by a "miraculous" display of strange colors. It was as if the whiteness of the sun had been split into its colors by a giant prism. The faces of the witnesses shone with all the colors of the rainbow, changing in a flash from person to person. The rocks, the shrubs, everything in the area, including the air itself, became a dazzling kaleidoscope of shimmering color. Systematically and with calculated precision, the trap was being baited--more flies would come to the honey next time. And we can be assured that, coupled with this display of colors, God's efficient agents introduced a few roentgens of radioactive radiation, thus insuring a lower resistance to the flu virus for those present at that time and also for those present on the last day, when the radiation was employed again.




The August meeting was uneventful: a request for the children to say more rosaries and to use the money being donated daily by eager pilgrims to build a shrine and erect a statue of Our Lady at the site.


But in September, to an audience of over twenty thousand, a characteristic typical of flying saucers accompanied the visit of Our Lady. This time the luminous globe moved in from the east and showered down on the curious onlookers a rain of angels' hair. It was described by those present as like a "soft rain of flower petals, drifting down like snowflakes and vanishing as they touched the ground." In every respect the substance is described exactly like that seen in Ohio at the football; at Puenye, California; in the San Fernando Valley, California; in Brazil; in Australia; and in almost every part of the earth. Is it really just coincidence that God and some flying saucers both appear as luminous globes, which sometimes emit a distinctive buzzing sound and exhibit the phenomenon of softly drifting angels' hair? Is it coincidence that the angels' hair from God's source sublimes when touching the ground, just like the angels' hair from flying saucers? If these facts are all coincidental, then it is indeed a remarkable string of coincidences!

しかし、9月、2万人を超える聴衆の前で、聖母の訪問には空飛ぶ円盤の典型的な特徴が伴って起こりました。今度は明るい球体が東から入ってきて、見物人たちに天使の髪の雨を降らせました。出席者はそれらの贈り物を、 「花びらの柔らかい雨が、雪の結晶のように降り注ぎ、地面に着くと消えていく」 と表現した。あらゆる点で、この物質はオハイオのフットボール、カリフォルニア州プエンテ、カリフォルニア州サンフェルナンド・バレー、ブラジル、オーストラリア、そして地球上のほとんどの場所で見られたものと全く同じように記述されています。神といくつかの空飛ぶ円盤両方が、光る球体として現れたり、時に独特のうなり音を発したり、天使の毛がふわふわと漂ったりする現象を見せるのは、本当に偶然なのだろうか?空飛ぶ円盤の天使の髪のように、神の源からの天使の髪が地面に触れると昇華するのは偶然ですか?これらの事実がすべて偶然である場合、それは確かに驚くべき一連の偶然です!


October 13, 1917, was the date of the promised miracle which was to prove to the world that Our Lady had really appeared to the three children. There could have been no ore convincing way of doing this, of course, than to appear to all seventy thousand, witnesses that day just as she always had to the three youngsters. But to create a mass hallucination over such a wide area is apparently still impossible, even as it was in the time of Christ, when only a handful of spectators saw Him rise four days after the crucifixion and be carried off in a cloud to heaven. Instead a "miracle" was performed which, while impressive, can be explained in terms of the flying-saucer technology discussed previously in these pages.


The morning of that day was overcast, and a steady drizzle continued through the early hours, drenching the gathering crowd and turning the red earth under their feet to sloshy, clinging mud as they milled around waiting for the promised miracle. Among the spectators that day were reporters, scientists, college professors and clergymen of all faiths, each with his own personal reason for being there, each with his eyes turned toward heaven.




At exactly noon the rain stopped, and the sun appeared through the overcast. Lucia cried out, "Silence, silence, Our Lady is coming!" And those who were near the three kneeling children heard Lucia, a look of rapture on her face, speaking softly to Our Lady, but only the children saw the apparition.

正午ちょうどに雨は止み、曇り空から太陽が顔を出した。Luciaは大声で叫んだ。 「静かに、静かに、聖母が来ます!」跪いている3人の子どもたちの近くにいた人たちは、Luciaがうっとりした表情で聖母にやさしく話しかけているのを聞いたのですが、その幻影を見ていたのは子どもたちだけでした。

Lucia asked Our Lady for curse and conversions for many who had petitioned her; and to this the apparition answered, "I will cure some but not others because the Lord does not trust them." This is truly a remarkable characteristic of God: having trust in some but not in others. What does He think those He does not trust would do if He cured them? If God's cure is not appreciated by anyone who remained a sinner, there is always Judgment Day. Does God trust Jacinta, whom He has promised to take to heaven after she has suffered a torturous death? for, by implication, He will cure those He trusts in order that they may not suffer further. Why, then, must Jacinta suffer? If the Lord were perfectly honest in this instance, He would admit that many of man's afflictions are not curable by His technology and that trust has nothing to do with it. It must be admitted, however, that many miraculous cures have indeed occurred at the site and still occur to this day. (A Geiger reading at this shrine and similar shrines throughout the world might give scientific evidence that radiation is used medically in some of these cures.)



Before Our Lady left, which her usual request for man to mend his ways and to say many rosaries, she created a vision in the sky for her chosen children. A huge likeness of St. Joseph, from the waist up, appeared in the sky to the right of the sun. (A picture on a movie screen often shows figures in this way. A telepathic vision device was most assuredly in use here, as it was when the children saw the apparition of the demons in hell and as it was in biblical times to project the visions of the prophets.) In his arms St. Joseph held the baby Jesus. At the left of the sun, as the children watched, the form of Our Lady materialized, full length. The show continued a few moments longer with visions of Jesus the man, Our Lady of Dolours and finally Our Lady, alone with a sepulcher in her hand and robed as Our Lady of Carmel. The children recognized the face: Our Lady of Carmel and Our Lady of Fatima were identical. Some four hundred years earlier Our Lady had appeared in Mexico as a Mexican; could this mean that the Mexican apparition, Our Lady of Guadalupe, is now dead? Or does Our Lady use makeup, changing her appearance to coincide with the nationality of the subjects she contacts?

聖母は、いつものように、人に自身のやり方を改め、たくさんのロザリオを言うよう求めて出発する前に、彼女が選んだ子供たちのために空に映像を作りました。太陽の右側の空に、上半身から聖ヨセフの巨大な肖像が現れました。 (映画のスクリーンに映っている絵は、このような形で描かれていることが多い。子供たちが地獄の悪魔の幻を見た時や聖書の時代に預言者たちの映像を映し出す時のように、テレパシー視覚装置がここで最も確実に使われていた。)聖ヨセフはイエスの赤子を抱いていた。子どもたちが見守る中、太陽の左に聖母の姿が全身で現れました。ショーは、男のイエス、悲しみの聖母、そして最後には手に聖遺物保管容器を持ち、カルメル山の聖母として着飾った聖母一人の姿の映像がもう少し長く続きました。子供たちはその顔に見覚えがあった:カルメル山の聖母とファティマの聖母は同じだった。約400年前、聖母はメキシコ人としてメキシコに登場していました;このことは、メキシコの亡霊、グアダルーペの聖母は今は死んでいるということを意味するのでしょうか?それとも聖母は、接触する対象者の国籍に合わせて容姿を変えて化粧をするのですか?

Suddenly, as the visions faded from the sky, Lucia cried out, "Look at the sun!"

突然、空から映像が消えたとき、Luciaは叫んだ。 「太陽を見て!」



And they could. Seventy thousand people turning their eyes skyward found that they could look directly at the sun without the least discomfort. It was like a huge, luminous disc, variously described as "like cooled steel, like an overbright moon, like a glowing silver disc," and "like something never seen before." And once again, as in the fourth meeting, the play of colored lights bathed the scene with indescribable rays of color. A murmur rose from the crowd. The murmur turned into a wail as suddenly the sun started to dance and to descend, rotating as it fell. It seemed that the world must certainly come to an end as the rotating motion of the sun evolved into a spiraling descent. Finally, when it seemed that it would surely crash into the earth, the sun stopped; then continuing to rotate, it climbed slowly back up into the sky, steadying as it rose, until once again it was the old familiar sun: blazing with the glare that made it impossible to look at.

そして、彼らはそうすることができました。7万人が空に向かって目を向けると、太陽を直接見ることができることをわかりました。それは巨大で輝く円盤のようなもので、「冷たい鋼鉄のように、明るい月のように、輝く銀の円盤のように。 」とか 「今までに見たことのないようなもの」 とか、さまざまに表現されている。そして再び、四回目の会合と同じように、色のついた光のきらめきが、言葉では言い表せないほどの色の光線で現場を照らした。観客からざわめきが起こった。太陽が突然踊りだし、回転しながら沈み始めるように、そのざわめきは嘆きに変わった。太陽の回転運動がらせん状の下降に発展したので、世界は確実に終わりを迎えるように見えた。ついに、地球に衝突しそうになったとき、太陽は止まりました;それから回転を続けながら、ゆっくりと空に戻って昇り、上昇するにつれて安定し、やがて再び見慣れた太陽になりました:それは見るのができないほどギラギラした輝きで燃えていた。

It had all happened in a matter of minutes, but strangely the drenching rain had stopped, and now everyone found that he was completely dry!


Thus ended the phenomenon of October 13, 1917, the last visit of Our Lady of Fatima. Needless to say, everyone present was convinced that he had witnessed a miracle, but it must be remembered that these people had never seen or heard of flying saucers. If they had, even the Catholic church might have moved more slowly before proclaiming the incident a miracle, for to explain the dancing sun in terms of flying-saucer technology is comparatively that God is supernatural. But if it were truly a miracle, we find ourselves facing the same old embarassing question: What was the stimulus for the human sense organs? How was it done? Where did the water go that



We can be assured that preparations for the illusion were begun the previous evening when one or more UFOs gathered water from the nearby ocean and seeded the atmosphere with moisture. The actual illusion was accomplished by having the glowing saucer break through the overcast in a direct line with the sun and the crowd on the ground, descending in order to evaporate the water in the air below the craft; then ascending, still in a direct line with the sun, and evaporating the moisture above. This maneuver, as well as drying the audience, would also have created a rainbow effect, and if the object spiraled, as reported, then the colors of the rainbow would have whirled also.


Without the rain to conceal the real sun, the effect of parallax would have allowed those viewers at the edge of the crowd to see the saucer and the sun separate as the craft descended, thus spoiling the whole effect.


The illusion ended, of course, when the saucer evaporated the water in the air, revealing the real sun, and then climbed out of sight into glare.
