45. ユダヤ人ギャンブラーがアメリカ野球を腐敗させる(Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Baseball)
by Henry Ford
"This clannishness would eventually break down were it not for the deliberate efforts of Jewish leaders who are determined that Israel shall remain an imperium in imperio. If the Jews persist in maintaining a distinct ethnic consciousness and an exclusive community life, anti-Semitism will thrive in America as it has thrived in Europe. The American nation, itself the result of fusion, will not tolerate without protest a foreign element in it."
-- Herbert Adams Gibbons in the Century, September. Page 789.
-- Herbert Adams Gibbons in the Century, September。789ページより。
There are men in the United States who say that baseball has received its death wound and is slowly dying out of the list of respectable sports. There are other men who say that American baseball can be saved if a clean sweep is made of the Jewish influence which has just dragged it through period of bitter shame and demoralization.
Whether baseball as a first-class sport is killed and will survive only as a cheap-jack entertainment; or whether baseball possesses sufficient intrinsic character to rise in righteous wrath and cast out the danger that menaces it, will remain a matter of various opinion. But there is one certainty, namely, that the last and most dangerous blow dealt baseball was curiously notable for its Jewish character.
Yet only lesser Jews were indicted. Inevitably the names of other Jews appeared in the press accounts, and people wondered who they were. A Jewish judge presided. Jewish lawyers were prominent on both sides of the cases. Numerous strange things occurred.
But strangest of all is the fact that although American fans felt that something epochal had happened in baseball, few really know what it is.
There has been time enough for others to tell the truth if they were so disposed. Many sport editors have come as near telling it as their newspapers would permit them. But it becomes daily more evident that if the whole matter is to be laid bare, so that Americans may know where to look for danger, The Dearborn Independent will have to do it.
他人がその気になれば、真実を語るのに十分な時間があった。多くのスポーツ紙の編集者は、新聞が許す限りのことを言ってきた。しかし、アメリカ人がどこに危険があるかを知るために、すべての問題を明らかにするのであれば、Dearborn Independent紙がそれをしなければならないことは、日々明らかになっています。
And this is not of our own choosing. Baseball is a trivial matter compared to some of the facts that are awaiting publication. Yet it is possible to see the operation of the Jewish Idea in baseball as clearly as in any other field. The process is the same, whether in war or politics, in finance or in sports.
To begin with, Jews are not sportsmen. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. It may be a defect in their character, or it may not; it is nevertheless a fact which discriminating Jews unhesitatingly acknowledge. Whether this is due to their physical lethargy, their dislike for unnecessary physical action, or their serious cast of mind, others may decide; the Jew is not naturally an out-of-door sportsman; if he takes up golf it is because his station in society calls for it, not that he really likes it; and if he goes in for collegiate athletics, as some of the younger Jews are doing, it is because so much attention has been called to their neglect of the sports that the younger generation thinks it necessary to remove that occasion of remark.
And yet, the bane of American sports today is the presence of a certain type of Jew, not as a participant, but as an exploiter and corrupter. If he had been a sportsman for the love of sport he might have been saved from becoming an exploiter and corrupter, for there is no mind to which the corrupting of a sport is more illogical and even unexplainable than the mind of the man who participates in it.
There will be a very full case made out in justification of the use of the above terms "exploiter" and "corrupter" with regard to baseball. But it would be just as easy to make out the same sort of case with regard to wrestling and horse-racing. Wrestling is so completely ruled by Jews as to have become an outlawed sport. The story of wrestling is not only the story of the demoralization of a sport, but also the story of the wholesale bunkoing of the public.
The same is true of horse-racing. The whole atmosphere of this sport has been tinged with dishonesty. The horses remain almost the only well-bred creatures connected with it. Yet why should the art of breeding and training and testing fine horses be debasing? Only because a certain class saw in it a chance to play upon the weaknesses of men for the sake of gain.
That, indeed, explains the presence of the Jew in modern sports and it also explains why the Jewish Idea in sport, instead of being preservative, is corruptive. The Jew saw money where the sportsman saw fun and skill. The Jew set out to capitalize rivalry and to commercialize contestant zeal.
This is not necessarily the only course the Jew could have taken with regard to sports, but it is the course that he most notably has taken, and as scandal follows scandal it would seem to be high time that organized Jewry should undertake to control or repudiate those Jews who have been most instrumental in corrupting and nearly destroying our cleanest, most manly public sports.
It is worth noting that in Chicago, where the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has its headquarters, there was not a word of reproof sent out from Jews to the Jewish culprits, chiding them for their activities. Not a word. But at the same time the pressure of the Anti-Defamation League was heavy on the whole American newspaper press to prevent the public statement that the whole baseball scandal was a Jewish performance from end to end.
Baseball had a close call for its life back in 1875. Rowdyism, gambling, drinking and general disorderliness on the baseball fields brought the sport very low in public estimation, so low that attendance at the games fell heavily.
In this year 1921 there is another public rebuke being administered baseball by the same means -- a very heavy reduction of public support in attendance at the games.
今年1921年には、同じ手段で野球が運営されている別の公共の非難があります -- 試合への観客の支持が非常に大きく減少しています。
The storm began to be heard as far back as 1919. The Cincinnati Nationals had defeated the Chicago Americans in the World Series of that year, and immediately thereafter the country became a whispering gallery wherein were heard mysterious rumors of crooked dealing. The names of Jews were heard then, but it meant nothing to the average man. The rumors dealt with shady financial gains for a number of Jew gamblers of decidedly shady reputation.
嵐は1919年まで遡って聞こえ始めた。Cincinnati Nationalsはその年のワールドシリーズでChicago Americansを破ったが、その直後から、この国はうわさ話のギャラリーとなり、そこでは不正取引の謎の噂が聞こえてきた。その時ユダヤ人の名前が聞こえたが、普通の人には何の意味もなかった。その噂は、明らかにいかがわしい評判を持つ多くのユダヤ人ギャンブラーのいかがわしい金銭的利益を扱っていた。
But "they got away with it," in the parlance of the field. There was not enough public indignation to force a show-down, and too many interests were involved to prevent baseball being given a black eye in full view of an adoring public.
However, not everyone forgot the incident. Some who had the interest of honest sport at heart, and a regard for facts as well, kept on the trail -- long after the trail grew cold, long after the principal wrongdoers forgot their early caution. Where money had once been taken successfully, the gang would be sure to return.
しかしながら、誰もがその事件を忘れていたわけではない。心で誠実なスポーツに興味を持ち、事実にも関心を持っている人たちは、痕跡を歩き続けた -- 痕跡が冷たくなってからも、主な加害者たちが初期の注意を忘れてからずっと。一度お金を首尾よく奪ったところで、ギャングは必ず戻ってくるだろう。
Time went on until the 1920 season began to wane. One day when the Chicago and Philadelphia National League teams were engaged in a series at Chicago, strange messages began to reach the office of the Chicago club. The messages were dated from Detroit and informed the Chicago club and management that several "well-known" Jews were betting heavily on Philadelphia. The bets involved large sums of money, and as the contest was only the ordinary run of daily game, not an important contest at all, the unusual interest of Jewish plungers attracted attention. At the same time it was observed that money began rolling into the pool rooms in Philadelphia.
Chicago club officials called a hasty conference on receipt of the messages. They called in Grover Cleveland Alexander, explained the situation to him, and told him it was up to him to save the game. It was not Alexander's turn to pitch, Claude R. Hendryx having been chosen for that day; neither was Alexander in training to pitch that day. However, he did go to the box, and although he hurled his heart out to beat Philadelphia and thwart the Jew gamblers, he failed.
シカゴクラブ関係者は、メッセージを受け取って急遽会見を開いた。彼らはGrover Cleveland Alexanderを呼び、彼に状況を説明し、試合を救うのは彼次第だと言った。Alexanderの番ではなく、Claude R. Hendryxがその日のために選ばれた。Alexanderもその日は投球練習をしていなかった。しかし、彼はボックスに行き、フィラデルフィアを打ち負かし、ユダヤ人のギャンブラーを妨害するために胸の内を投げ出したが、彼は失敗した。
Then came the big scandal. A Cook County grand jury was called into session at Chicago and asked to investigate. When the grand jury had completed its labors, eight members of the Chicago American League team were under indictment for throwing the World Series of 1919, the previous year, to the Cincinnati Reds. And all along the line of investigation the names of Jews were plentifully sprinkled.
それから大きなスキャンダルが起こった。Cook郡の大陪審がシカゴで開かれ、調査を依頼された。大陪審が審理を終えたとき、前年の1919年ワールドシリーズをCincinnati Redsに投げたとして、Chicago American Leagueチームの8人が起訴された。調査の過程にはユダヤ人の名前がたくさんちりばめられていた。
It was discovered that the indictments brought by the first grand jury were faulty; a second one was called and it was under the second group of indictments that the famous trial at Chicago was held.
One difference in the work of the two grand juries was that the second indicted five Jews who had escaped the first one. Two of these men were Carl Zork and Benny Franklin, who were just as much implicated at the time of the first grand jury as the second, but the prosecutor's office did not try to secure their indictment. Why? Because Replogle, the attorney representing the prosecution, said there were enough men indicted without Zork and Franklin. These two St. Louis Jews were represented by Alfred S. Austrian, a Jewish lawyer, of Chicago.
2グループの大陪審の仕事の違いの1つは、2番目の陪審が最初の陪審を逃れた5人のユダヤ人を起訴したことです。これらの2人はCarl ZorkとBenny Franklinで、第1大陪審の時も第2大陪審の時も同様に関与していたが、検察局は彼らの起訴を確保しようとしなかった。なぜ?なぜなら検察側の弁護士Replogleは、ZorkとFranklinがいなくても十分な人数の人たちが起訴されたと言っていたからだ。これら2人のセントルイスのユダヤ人は、シカゴのユダヤ人弁護士Alfred S. Austrianによって代理人を務められた。
This second grand jury also indicted Ben and Louis Levi and their brother-in-law, D. A. Zelser, gamblers from Des Moines. Their indictment was not secured at the first grand jury investigation directed by Replogle, assistant to Hoyne, who was then acting for the state of Illinois. Between the first and second grand juries a political change had occurred, and the public interests in the second grand jury were in the care of a new prosecuting attorney, Robert Crowe, a former judge.
この第2大陪審はまた、Des Moines出身のギャンブラーであるBen LeviとLouis Levi、そして彼らの義理の兄弟であるD. A. Zelserを起訴した。彼らの起訴は、当時イリノイ州のために行動していたHoyneの補佐であるReplogleが指揮した最初の大陪審の調査では確保されなかった。第1大陪審と第2大陪審の間に政治的変化が起こり、第2大陪審の公共の利益は、元裁判官のRobert Croweという新しい検事の世話になった。
It becomes necessary at this point in the narrative to give a brief "Who's Who" of the baseball scandal, omitting from the list the names of the baseball players, who are sufficiently known to the public. This list will comprise only those who have been in the background of baseball and whom it is necessary to know in order to understand what has been happening behind the scenes in recent years.
物語のこの時点では、野球スキャンダルの「Who's Who」を簡潔に説明する必要があり、リストからは、国民に十分に知られている野球選手の名前を省略します。このリストは、野球界の背景にいて、近年の舞台裏で何が起こっているのかを理解するために知る必要がある人だけで構成されています。
※Who's Who
For the first name let us take Albert D. Lasker. He is a member of the American Jewish Committee, was recently appointed by President Harding to be chairman of the United States Shipping Board, and is known as the author of the "Lasker Plan," a widely heralded plan for the reorganization of baseball, which practically took the sport out of non-Jewish control. He is reputed to be the second richest Jew in Chicago and was head of the advertising agency which became famous under the Gentile names of Lord & Thomas. Moreover he is a heavy stockholder in the Chicago Cubs -- the Chicago Nationals.
最初の名前としてAlbert D. Laskerを挙げましょう。彼はアメリカユダヤ人委員会のメンバーであり、最近Harding大統領によって合衆国海運委員会の委員長に任命され、野球を非ユダヤ人の支配から事実上奪った野球再編のための計画として広く知られている「Lasker Plan」の起草者として知られています。彼はシカゴで2番目に裕福なユダヤ人と言われ、Lord & Thomasという異邦人の名前で有名になった広告代理店の社長だった。さらに、彼はChicago Cubs、つまりChicago Nationalsの大株主である。
The so-called "Lasker Plan" has been attributed to Mr. Lasker, although it is not here intimated that he has specifically claimed to be its originator. The intimation is not made for the reason that to do so might be putting Mr. Lasker in the position of claiming what is not true. Until he makes the claim, the term "Lasker Plan" must remain merely a designation, and not a description of its origin.
いわゆる「Lasker Plan」はLasker氏のものとされているが、彼がその発案者であると特に主張していることはここではほのめかされていない。そのようにすることは、Lasker氏を真実でないことを主張する立場に置くことになるかもしれないという理由で、そのような暗示は行われない。彼が主張するまでは、「Lasker Plan」という用語は、その起源の説明ではなく、単なる呼称のままでなければならない。
This matter brings us to the name of Alfred S. Austrian, a Jewish lawyer of Chicago, who is a warm friend both of Mr. Lasker and of the Replogle aforementioned. It is said that Mr. Austrian was really the originator of the "Lasker Plan" which for certain reasons was handed to Mr. Lasker, who was not averse to publicity and who knew the art of self-advertising. Now, it appears that Austrian was also the legal representative of Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago Americans, and that he was also, if he is not now, the legal adviser of William Veeck, president of the Chicago National League Club, in which it has just been said that Lasker is a heavy stockholder. It was this club which was touched by the questionable game of August, 1920, and which afterward released Hendryx, the pitcher chosen for and withdrawn from that game. The Chicago National League Club has never explained why it released Hendryx and he has never demanded redress.
この問題は、Lasker氏と前述のReplogleの両方の温かい友人であるシカゴのユダヤ人弁護士、Alfred S. Austrianの名前を私たちにもたらします。「Lasker Plan」の発案者は実はAustrian氏だったと言われているが、それはある理由から、宣伝を嫌いではなく、自己宣伝の技術を知っていたLasker氏に手渡された。さて、AustrianはChicago AmericansのオーナーであるCharles A. Comiskeyの法定代理人でもあったようで、今はいないとしても、Laskerが大株主であると言われているChicago National League Clubの会長であるWilliam Veeckの法律顧問でもあったようです。1920年8月の問題のある試合に胸を打たれ、その後、その試合のために選ばれて辞退したHendryx投手を放出したのはこのクラブだった。Chicago National League ClubはHendryxを放出した理由を説明しておらず、彼は補償を要求していない。
Mr. Austrian's further activities will appear when the narrative of the investigation and trial is resumed.
Then there is Arnold Rothstein, a Jew, who describes himself as being in the real estate business, but who is known to be a wealthy gambler, owner of a notorious gambling house at Saratoga, a race track owner, and is reputed to be financially interested in the New York National League Club.
それから、ユダヤ人のArnold Rothsteinは、不動産業に従事していると自称しているが、裕福なギャンブラーであり、Saratogaの悪名高い賭博場のオーナーであり、競馬場のオーナーであることが知られており、New York National League Clubに金銭的な関心を持っていると言われている。
Rothstein was usually referred to during the baseball scandal as "the man higher up." It is stated that in some manner unknown he received the secret testimony given before the grand jury and offered it to a New York newspaper. However, the fact is this: the grand jury testimony disappeared from the prosecuting attorney's safe-keeping. It is stated that, when Rothstein found out it did not incriminate him, he then offered it for publicity purposes. The price which it is said to have cost is also stated. It is further stated that the New York paper to whom the secret stolen testimony was offered, in turn offered its use for a larger sum to a Chicago newspaper, and that the Chicago newspaper, to protect itself, called up Robert Crowe, the new prosecutor, who advised that, in printing it, the newspaper would incur an unpleasant risk. Other Chicago editors were warned, and the testimony was not printed. Even the New York newspaper thought better of it, and did not print it.
野球スキャンダルの間、Rothsteinは通常「上役の人」と呼ばれていた。彼は大陪審の前で行われた秘密の証言を何らかの方法で受け取り、ニューヨークの新聞に提供したと述べられている。しかしながら、事実はこうである:大陪審の証言は検察側弁護士の金庫から消えた。Rothsteinは、それが自分を有罪にしないことを知ったとき、彼は宣伝のためにそれを提供したと述べられている。かかったとされる価格も記載されています。さらに、秘密裏に盗まれた証言が提供されたニューヨークの新聞社は、今度はシカゴの新聞社にその使用をより大きな金額で売り出し、シカゴの新聞社は自分自身を守るために、新しい検察官Robert Croweに電話をかけ、新聞社はそれを印刷する際に不快なリスクを負うことになると助言したと述べられています。シカゴの他の編集者は警告を受け、証言は掲載されなかった。ニューヨークの新聞でさえ、それをよく考えて、それを印刷しなかった。
In this connection, Rothstein threatened suit against Ban Johnson. of the National Commission, the big-bodied, big-minded, honest director and protector of straight baseball -- but the suit, like other of the kind, has not been brought.
これに関連して、RothsteinはBan Johnsonを告訴すると脅した。全米委員会の、体が大きく、気が大きく、正直な監督であり、ストレートな野球の保護者である -- しかし、他の種類のように、訴訟は提起されていません。
Rothstein is known on Broadway as "a slick Jew." That he is powerful with the authorities has been often demonstrated. His operations on the turf have led to suggestions that he be ruled off.
Alfred S. Austrian, herinbefore mentioned, was the legal adviser of Rothstein during the baseball scandal.
前述のAlfred S. Austrianは、野球スキャンダルの間、Rothsteinの法律顧問であった。
Hugh S. Fullerton, the able sport writer of the New York Evening Mail, writing on July 28, 1921, made a plea that "a person guilty of crooked work on a race track should be expelled not only from the race track but from ball parks, tennis courts, football fields and every place where sport is promoted. These sport spoilers must be barred from every sport."
New York Evening Mail紙の有能なスポーツライターであるHugh S. Fullertonは、1921年7月28日に執筆し、「競馬場で悪事を働いた者は、競馬場だけでなく、球場、テニスコート、サッカー場、そしてスポーツが促進されるあらゆる場所から追放されるべきである。これらのスポーツスポイラーは、あらゆるスポーツから禁止されなければならない」と訴えた。
And in the same paper, referring specifically to Rothstein, Mr. Fullerton writes:
"There is in New York a gambler named Rothstein who is much feared and much accused. His name has been used in connection with almost every big thieving, crooked deal on the race track, and he is openly named in this baseball scandal. There has been no legal proof advanced against him beyond the fact that he is the only man in the entire crowd who had money enough to handle such a deal. At least $200,000 was used in actual cash, and no one concerned could command that much money excepting Rothstein, who is either the vilest crook or the most abused man in America.
"Rothstein sits in the box with the owner of the New York Giants. He has the entrÈe to the exclusive clubhouses on race tracks; he is prominent at fights."
「RothsteinはNew York Giantsのオーナーとボックス席に座っている。彼は競馬場の高級クラブハウスの入場許可を持っています;彼は戦いで目立ちます。」
Then, after naming Abe Attell and Bennie Kauff, who also enjoy exceptional privileges around the New York club, Mr. Fullerton makes his plea for the exclusion of "sport spoilers" from every ground where sport is promoted.
それから、ニューヨークのクラブで特別な特権を享受しているAbe AttellとBennie Kauffの名前を挙げた後、Fullerton氏は、スポーツが促進されるあらゆる場所から「スポーツスポイラー」を排除するよう訴えた。
Then there is Charles A. Comiskey, who is one of the most impressive examples in the country today of a good Irishman being entirely eclipsed by a Jew. Comiskey was one of the staunchest supporters of honest baseball in this country and he gave great assistance in erecting the major league game to the position it occupied just before the scandal. He used his best endeavors, also, to get the truth about the "throwing" of the World Series by his men. But his efforts were thwarted and even he, perhaps, has not the ghost of suspicion how it was done.
それからCharles A. Comiskeyは、今日の国内でユダヤ人によって完全に失墜している善良なアイルランド人の最も印象的な例の1人です。Comiskeyは、この国の誠実な野球の最も熱心な支持者の1人であり、彼はスキャンダルの直前にメジャーリーグの試合が占めていた地位を築くのに多大な協力をした。彼はまた、彼の部下によるワールドシリーズの「投げ」の真実を知るために最善の努力を尽くした。しかし、彼の努力は妨害され、おそらく彼でさえ、それがどのように行われたかを疑うかすかな面影を持っていません。
So that, instead of Mr. Comiskey, we look at the Jew behind him who is Harry Grabiner. With Comiskey in failing health, Grabiner is in charge at Comiskey Park. More than that, he appears to be in charge of Comiskey himself, preventing him from making public statements and otherwise dictating to him -- pushing himself forward in a manner that has indelibly and unpleasantly impressed nearly every sport writer in America.
Comiskey氏の代わりに彼の後ろにいるHarry Grabinerというユダヤ人を見てみましょう。Comiskeyが健康を害しているため、GrabinerはComiskey Parkを担当しています。それ以上に、彼自身がComiskeyを担当しているように見受けられ、公の場での発言を妨げたり、そうでなければ彼に命令したりする -- アメリカのほぼすべてのスポーツライターに消えないように不快な印象を与えた方法で自分自身を前進させている。
Chicago's support of the White Sox began to slump even before the scandal and it was helped on by the unpopularity of Grabiner's methods which were wholly characteristic of what the Americanized Jew calls the "kikes." As secretary of the club, Grabiner has grabbed the headship and if Comiskey had power enough to unseat him he would do more than the courts have done to purge the White Sox from its most serious remaining blemish.
シカゴのWhite Soxの支持は、スキャンダルの前から低迷し始め、アメリカ化されたユダヤ人が「kike」と呼ぶものに完全に特徴的なGrabinerの手法の不人気に助けられた。クラブの書記として、Grabinerは会長職を掌握しており、もしComiskeyが彼の座を奪うのに十分な権力を持っていたら、彼はWhite Soxを最も深刻な汚点から除去するために裁判所が行った以上のことをするだろう。
There are shady spots at Chicago that neither the grand jury nor the court trial brought out, one of which is now related:
At all ball parks in the American League, and in the National, for that matter, officials of the "home club" -- that is, of the club in whose home city the game is being played -- "take the gate." To "take the gate" is to collect the tickets and render a report of the attendance. Tickets are designed and numbered for the different gates -- box gate, pass gate, grandstand gate, bleacher gate, and the rest. The accounts are made up showing the number of people who passed through each gate. When all the reports are in, it can be seen at a glance what the paid attendance is, and the shares of the contesting clubs.
In former times it was the custom for the visiting club to assign a secretary to watch the gates and thus insure an honest count, but years ago the "honor system" was adopted, leaving the entire accounting to the "home club," and this "honor system" was strictly observed. No one suspected cheating. The count was made during the sixth and seventh innings of each day's game, the officials of the home club visiting all the gates, taking the turnstile count, and making the record. Three slips were then prepared showing the home club's share, the visiting club's share, and the grand total.
かつては訪問クラブが幹事を立てて入り口を監視し、このように正確なカウントを保証するのが慣例であったが、数年前から「ホームクラブ」に会計を一任する「自主管理制度(honor system)」が採用され、この「自主管理制度」が厳格に守られるようになった。誰も浮気を疑っていなかった。カウントは、毎日の試合の6回と7回に行われ、ホームクラブの関係者がすべてのゲートを訪問し、改札口のカウントを取り、記録を作成しました。次に、ホームクラブの分担金、ビジタークラブの分担金、総計を示す3枚の伝票が準備されました。
※honor system
Under Grabiner's régime the "honor system" as practiced at the Chicago park began to be suspected. It began to be mysteriously suggested that visiting teams were not getting their full share. Through a system of false accounting, it was said, money was being held out. Naturally, with all the other secret investigations that were proceeding in baseball, this clue was not left untouched. Detectives were hired. Watchers were stationed. Secret counts were made. Not only one club nor only two clubs adopted secret methods of finding out what was occurring under Grabiner's secretaryship. They discovered that the "honor system" was not in vogue at that park. Their suspicions were confirmed, the mysterious rumors were verified. It would probably be highly objectionable to pro-Jewish persons to mention the Jewish management with these methods -- but there are the facts.
Grabiner政権下では、シカゴ野球場で行われていた「自主管理制度」が疑われ始めた。不思議なことに、訪問チームが十分な分配を得られていないことが示唆され始めた。不正会計のシステムによって、お金がだまし取られていたと言われています。当然のことながら、野球界で進行していた他のすべての秘密の調査で、この手がかりは手付かずにはならなかった。探偵が雇われた。監視員が配置された。秘密のカウントが行われた。1つのクラブだけでなく、2つのクラブだけでなく、Grabinerの秘書の下で何が起こっているかを見つけるための秘密の方法を採用しました。彼らはその野球場が「自主管理制度」が流行していないことを発見した。彼らの疑惑が確認され、不可解な噂が検証された。このような方法でユダヤ人経営に言及することは、おそらく親ユダヤ人には非常に不快なことでしょう -- しかし、事実があります。
The White Sox of Comiskey's palmy days have certainly ridden to a sorry finish under the Jewish control that has been foisted upon it. And it is typical; for there is no surer clue by which to trace a certain type of Jew than by the near certainty that even with honest money rolling in upon him, he will try to increase the flow by petty dishonesty which, once discovered, declasses him forever. It is typical. There is a lure in trickery that appeals to some men more than sound and satisfying achievement does. Think of a world-famous baseball club allowing a system that cheated the guest club of a few hundred admission fees!
Comiskeyの全盛時代のWhite Soxは、それに押し付けられたユダヤ人の支配の下で、確かに残念な結末に乗っています。そして、それは典型的である;というのは、ある種のユダヤ人を追跡するためのより確実な手がかりは、たとえ誠実な金が自分のところに転がり込んできたとしても、ひとたび発見されれば永遠に自分を貶めるような些細な不誠実さによって彼は流れを増やそうとすることがほぼ確実であること以外にないからです。それは典型的です。トリックには、一部の人たちにとって健全で満足のいく成果よりも魅力的な誘因力があります。世界的に有名な野球クラブが、ゲストクラブから数百の入場料を騙し取るシステムを許していることを考えてみてください。
Then next in this gallery of notables in the background of baseball is the Jew gambler, Abe Attell, whose connection with sports has been of questionable character ever since his dethronement from his pugilistic pedestal. Attell is known as the "king bee" of the scheme to "throw the games" in the World Series. He knows all about underhanded "throwing" of contests, because he has "thrown" his own fights, now feigning to be beaten when it involved gambling bets and easily winning when the same reasons prompted. Attell is of such a character that he ought to be barred from the grounds of any sport, as Mr. Fullerton suggests. He is the Morris Gest of sport, without Gest's success. All the players named Attell as the "fixer." Even Rothstein named Attell as the "fixer." It seemed unanimous -- with perhaps Attell's own consent -- that he should be regarded as the "fixer": it made it so much more comfortable for others. Attell went so far as to say that he approached Rothstein with the proposition to raise a pool to bribe the players to "throw the games," but Rothstein declined. And yet Maharg, another Jew, whose name spelled backward is "Graham," says that a telegram came through signed "A. R." which promised $20,000. The "A. R." was supposed by some to mean Arnold Rothstein, but others say he is too shrewd even to sign his initials. However, it was asserted that 10 gamblers, all Jews, cleaned up $250,000 on the games and that nearly as much money was used to manage it.
そして、野球の背景にある著名人のこのギャラリーの次は、ユダヤ人のギャンブラー、Abe Attellであり、彼のボクシングの台座から彼の廃位以来、スポーツとの関係は疑わしい性格を持っています。Attellはワールドシリーズで 「試合を投げる」計画の「王蜂」として知られている。彼は、自分自身の戦いを「投げた」ことがあり、今では、それがギャンブルの賭けに関係しているときに殴られたふりをし、同じ理由が促されたときに簡単に勝ったため、彼はコンテストの陰険な「投げ」についてすべてを知っています。Fullerton氏が言うように、Atellはいかなるスポーツの陸上競技場からも締め出されるべき人格である。彼はスポーツのMorris Gestだが、Gestの成功がなくても。すべての選手がAttellを「フィクサー」として指名した。Rothsteinでさえ、Attellを「フィクサー」として指名した。彼が「フィクサー」とみなされるべきであることは -- おそらくAtell自身の同意を得て -- 満場一致のようであった:それは他の人にとって非常に快適になった。Attellは、「試合を投げる」ために選手を買収するためにプールを立ち上げる提案をRothsteinに持ちかけたが、Rothsteinは断ったとまで言った。しかし、もう1人のユダヤ人Mahargは、名前を逆につづると「Graham」という名前で、2万ドルを約束する「A. R.」という署名入りの電報が届いたと言う。「A. R.」とはArnold Rothsteinのことだと考える人もいたが、彼は自分のイニシャルにサインすることさえできないほど抜け目がないという人もいる。しかし、全員がユダヤ人である10人のギャンブラーがゲームで25万ドルを大儲けし、それを運営するためにほぼ同じ金額が使用されたと主張された。
Attell was the "goat," the unanimity being rather startling. It has been shown, of course, that men have been so deep in sin that they have been chosen to bear the sins also of their friends on promise that "influence" would be exerted, or on threat that if they didn't stand as "goat" certain past indiscretions would be advertised. Whatever Attell's case might have been, he stood the gaff.
Attell told the ball players that Rothstein was putting up the money.
And Attell was never brought to book. It was even testified that Abe Attell was not Abe Attell at all. Certain moneys lost in a bet had been repaid and the expected testimony in a certain matter turned out to be other than expected. Attell was held in New York for an extradition hearing. Sammy Pass, a Jew, was one of the witnesses. So was Johnny Seys. The hearing resulted in New York refusing the extradition of Abe Attell.
そして、Atellは本に載せられることはなかった。Abe Attellは全くAbe Attellではないとまで証言された。賭けで失ったお金の一部が返済され、ある問題で予想されていた証言が予想外のものであることが判明した。Attellは身柄引き渡しの審問のためにニューヨークで拘束された。ユダヤ人のSammy Passは目撃者の1人だった。Johnny Seysもそうだった。公聴会の結果、ニューヨークはAbe Attellの引き渡しを拒否した。
Then came the Dempsey-Carpentier fight, in Jersey, which Attell attended. Chicago officers were in attendance, too, with extradition papers signed by the governor of New Jersey. They intended to take Attell back with them, though without passing through New York. Attell attended the fight, but the underground wires, so active in this entire case, were working, and Attell eluded the western officers.
The next name in the roster will be that of Barney Dreyfuss, a Jew, owner of the Pittsburgh National League Club. Mr. Dreyfuss appeared in the public eye during the conduct of the grand jury inquiry into the shady games, with an insistent demand that the National Commission, the ruling body in baseball, of which Ban B. Johnson is the acknowledged leader, should be abolished, and another plan, the "Lasker Plan," substituted. It was intended to discredit the National Commission under cover of rottenness that had been discovered between the Jew gamblers and the venial Chicago players. It was primarily an anti-Johnson move and nothing else, and it was led by a Jew whose principal followers were the rapidly increasing group of Jewish controllers of American baseball. What they have against Ban B. Johnson, impartial investigators have been unable to discover. Mr. Johnson's chief characteristic, with reference to the Jewish side, has been his implacable enmity to crookedness of any kind. That ought not to be a disqualification if baseball is to be saved. Yet the Jew-conceived, Jew-named and Jew-advocated "Lasker Plan" won out.
名簿の次の名前は、Pittsburgh National League Clubのオーナーであるユダヤ人のBarney Dreyfussの名前になります。Dreyfuss氏は、Ban B. Johnson氏が代表を務める、野球界の支配機関であるNational Commissionを廃止し、別の案である「Lasker Plan」を代替するよう強く要求して、怪しげな試合に関する大陪審の調査の間、公衆の目に現れた。それは、ユダヤ人ギャンブラーと邪悪なシカゴの選手の間で発見された腐敗に隠れて、国家委員会の信用を失墜させることを意図していた。それは主に反Johnsonの動きであり、それ以外の何ものでもなく、主な信者が急増しているアメリカ野球のユダヤ人支配者のグループであるユダヤ人によって主導されていました。彼らがBan B. Johnsonに対して何を持っているのか、公平な調査員は発見することができませんでした。Johnson氏の主な特徴は、ユダヤ人側に関しては、どんな種類の不正に対しても執念深い敵意を持っていることである。野球が救われるなら、それは失格ではないはずだ。しかし、ユダヤ人が考案し、ユダヤ人が名付け、ユダヤ人が提唱した「Lasker Plan」が勝利した。
Carl Zork, the St. Louis Jew who was indicted, is variously described as a shirt-maker and a silk-broker. There are no variations, however, in his description as a gambler. He is part of the Jewish national net of gamblers which acts nationally and makes "killings" on a national scale.
起訴されたセントルイスのユダヤ人Carl Zorkは、シャツ職人やシルク仲介業者として様々に表現されている。しかしながら、ギャンブラーとしての彼の描写には変化が何もありません。彼は、全国的に行動し、全国規模で「殺人」を行うユダヤ人の全国的なギャンブラー網の一部です。
It should be observed that the principal Jewish abuses are nation-wide. This was shown in the United States Government's investigation of the white slave traffic; the bootlegging business is nation-wide; so is race-track gambling; baseball pools also are a national network for the catching of "suckers." There is, therefore, nothing unusual that a shirt-maker from St. Louis and a horse-trader from East St. Louis, and a bootlegger from Albany -- together with clever high-ups and hopelessly declassed low-downs -- should all be involved in a baseball scandal that breaks in Chicago. They are all really part of a national group.
主なユダヤ人の虐待は、国全体で行われていることに注意すべきである。これは、合衆国政府による白人奴隷の往来に関する調査で示された;密売ビジネスは全国規模である;競馬場のギャンブルもそうです;野球プールはまた、「カモ」を捕まえるための全国ネットワークでもある。したがって、セントルイスのシャツ職人とイーストセントルイスの馬承認、そしてAlbanyの密売人が -- 巧妙な上層部と絶望的なまでに社会的地位を落とされた下層部とともに -- シカゴで勃発した野球スキャンダルに巻き込まれることは、何も珍しいことではない。彼らは皆、本当に民族グループの一員です。
Carl Zork, for example staged the fight between Attell and a third-class boxer in which Attell welched in the sixth round in order to "throw" the fight, because his friends had all bet on the third-rate man, getting tremendous odds. His friends would never have made the bet, or having made it, could never have won it, without Attell's deliberate quitting and feigned whimpering. It was one of the rawest of many raw deals witnessed in Jew-controlled sports, but Attell is that kind of man. He is a servant for that kind of scheme. It was not by accident that Zork, the silk-broker, and Attell, an ex-prize fighter, should be linked together in the baseball scandal. They had been linked in crooked work before. They are part of the national machinery organized and operated for the purpose of separating "Gentile boobs" from their money.
例えば、Carl Zorkは、Attellと三流ボクサーの戦いを演出した、なぜなら彼の友人たちは皆、三流の男に賭け、途方もないオッズを得ていたので、Attellは戦いを「投げる」ために第6ラウンドで歓迎した。Attellがわざとやめて泣き言を言うふりをしなければ、彼の友人たちは決して賭けをしなかっただろうし、賭けをしても勝つことはできなかっただろう。それはユダヤ人が支配するスポーツで目撃された多くの生々しい取引の中で最も生々しいものの1例だったが、Attellはそのような男だ。彼はその種の構想の下僕だ。シルク仲買人のZorkと元賞金稼ぎのAttellが野球スキャンダルで一緒になるのは偶然ではなかった。彼らは以前、不正な仕事でつながっていた。彼らは、「異邦人の間抜け」を彼らのお金から切り離す目的で組織され、運営されている民族機構の一部である。
If there were no "Gentle boobs," or if the "Gentile boob" would only take a square look at the man behind the nation-wide spider web, the gamblers and the Jewish sport purveyors would be in another kind of business, with perhaps less money to flaunt in the faces of honest people.
If fans wish to know the trouble with American baseball, they have it in three words -- too much Jew. Gentiles may rant out their parrot-like pro-Jewish propaganda, the fact is that a sport is clean and helpful until it begins to attract Jewish investors and exploiters and then it goes bad. The two facts have occurred in pairs too frequently and under to many dissimilar circumstances to have their relationship doubted.
ファンがアメリカ野球の問題点を知りたければ、彼らは3つの言葉でそれを知っている -- too much Jew(あまりにもユダヤ人が多すぎる)。異邦人はオウムのような親ユダヤ人プロパガンダをわめき散らすかもしれませんが、スポーツはユダヤ人の投資家や搾取者を惹きつけ始めてからダメになるまでは清潔で有益であるというのが事実です。2つの事実は、あまりにも頻繁に、そして多くの異なる状況下で1組で発生しているため、その関係が疑われています。
When you contrast the grand stands full of Americans supposing they are witnessing "the only clean sport," with the sinister groups playing with the players and the managers to introduce a serpent's trail of unnecessary crookedness, you get a contrast that is rather startling. And the sinister influence is Jewish. So patent was this that even newspapers could not cover the facts this time.
Years before this public scandal broke, involving a whole team, it was noticed that certain Jewish gamblers formed the habit of rooming with certain baseball players. It worried the managers. The fact that the gamblers coddled in among the players was fraught with a suggestion of disturbing unusualness. Managers tried the experiment of trading such players, getting them out of their teams as quickly as possible. However, the snuggling game was continued until it honey-combed the whole of baseball, with the result that it was with no trepidation at all that the Jewish gamblers could walk up and suggest to players that a game be thrown for a price. The occurrence which formed the basis of the investigation was not the first of the kind -- far from it; the approach of the gamblers was too easy, the reception given them by the players was far too casual, to warrant that view. Nor were the men whose names were given to the public the only men involved.
チーム全体を巻き込んだこの公のスキャンダルが発覚する何年も前に、特定のユダヤ人ギャンブラーが特定の野球選手と同室になる習慣を形成していることが注目されていました。それは監督たちを心配させました。ギャンブラーが選手たちの間で大事に扱い過ぎたという事実は、不穏な異常性の兆候と一緒に緊張をはらんでいた。監督たちは、そのような選手をトレードして、できるだけ早くチームから追い出すという実験を試みた。しかしながら、擦り寄るゲームは、それが野球全体を蜂の巣状になるまで続けられ、その結果、何の恐怖もなくユダヤ人ギャンブラーが歩み寄って、対価を払って試合を投げることを選手に提案することができました。調査の基礎となった出来事は、この種の最初のものではなかった -- それとは程遠い;ギャンブラーのアプローチはあまりにも簡単で、選手が彼らに与えた歓迎は、その見解を正当化するにはあまりにも不用意でした。また、名前が公表された人物だけが関与していたわけでもない。
The only fact of value brought out of all the trouble is that American baseball has passed into the hands of the Jews. If it is to be saved, it must be taken out of their hands until they have shown themselves capable of promoting sports for sports' sake. If it is not taken out of their hands, let it be widely announced that baseball is another Jewish monopoly, and that its patrons may know what to expect.
[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 3 September 1921]