29. 最初のユダヤの演劇信託の台頭(The Rise of the First Jewish Theatrical Trust)
by Henry Ford
なぜ予約代行システムがそこまで力を持つことになったかは下記の記事p 173の最後の段落移行を読んでおくと、より理解しやすいです。
It has long been known among dramatic critics that the reason for the maintenance of "Ben Hur" in the theater for nineteen years is this: it is the most successful of all the vehicles for pro-Semitism now on the stage. That will appear to be a prejudicial statement in the minds of the thousands who have seen and enjoyed "Ben Hur," but there is truth in it. The point which should not be overlooked, however, is that if "Ben Hur" is useful in framing the public mind favorable toward the Jews, it is not because of a pro-Semitic intention in the story. That may be the intention of the producers, Messrs. Klaw and Erlanger, but it was not the intention of General Lew Wallace.
演劇評論家の間では、「Ben Hur」が19年間も劇場に残っているのは、次のような理由からであることが昔から知られている:現在舞台上で親ユダヤ主義のための全ての伝達媒体の中で最も成功している。「Ben Hur」を見て楽しんだ何千人もの人々の心にはそれが偏見に満ちた発言に見えるだろうが、そこには真実がある。しかしながら、見過ごしてはならない点は、「Ben Hur」がユダヤ人に好意的な世論形成に役立ったとしても、それは物語に親ユダヤ的な意図があったからではないということである。それは生産者であるKlaw夫人とErlangerの意図かもしれないが、それはLew Wallace将軍の意図ではなかった。
It would seem that art and fate conspire against the propagandist play, for in no other way can the failure of avowedly pro-Semitic drama be explained. Perhaps there was never such a serious and even strenuous attempt made to force the Jewish controlled theater into the service of pro-Semitism as has been made in recent months. And the attempts, with one possible exception, have been failures. Lavishly produced, heralded by an unbroken clacque of press announcement, swathed in an initial chorus of praise, sponsored by officialdom which had been dragged out to stand godfather to the productions, they nevertheless have failed.
Be it said to the credit of the American Jew that he has been one of the causes of the failure. A most significant and hopeful sign was the reaction of the intelligent Jewish community against the attempt to utilize the stage as a hustings to boost the Jew into an unreal eminence and desirability. Certain competent Jews wrote their opinions about this with much freedom and wisdom. And they evinced a spirit, which, if it could be made to permeate all Jewish activities, would quickly dispose of the Jewish Question under whatever phase it may be considered. It is this spirit of judging Jewish interests in the light of the whole which promises a helpful and lasting solution of all the differences which unfortunately have been permitted to arise between the people of Judah and the others.
The fact of Jewish control of the theater is not of itself a ground for complaint. If certain Jews, working separately or in groups, have succeeded in wrenching this rich business from its former Gentile control, that is purely a matter of commercial interest. It is precisely on the same footing as if one group of Gentiles won the control from another group of Gentiles. It may be regarded as a business matter. In this, as in other business matters, however, there is the ethical test of how the control was gained and how it is used. Society is usually willing to receive the fact of control with equanimity, providing the control is not used for anti-social purposes.
The fact that old-time Gentile producing managers usually died poor -- Augustin Daly being about the only exception -- while Jewish producing managers wax immensely wealthy (there being on this side the exception of the late Charles Frohman), would indicate that the Gentile managers were better artists and poorer business men than the Jewish managers. At least poorer business men, perhaps; and in any case working on a system whose chief object was to produce plays and not profits.
昔の異邦人の興行主はたいてい貧乏で亡くなった -- Augustin Dalyが唯一の例外である -- 一方、ユダヤ人の興行主は非常に裕福であった(こちら側には故Charles Frohmanの例外がある)という事実は、異邦人の経営者がユダヤ人の経営者よりも優れた芸術家であり、貧しい実業家であったことを示しているだろう。少なくともより貧乏な実業家はそうかもしれない;いずれにしても、利益ではなく演劇を生み出すことを主目的としたシステムに取り組んでいました。
The advent of Jewish control put the theater on a more commercialized basis than it had previously known. It really represented applying the Trust Idea to the theater before it had been largely applied to industry. As early as the year 1896 the Theatrical Trust controlled 37 theaters in strategic cities. The men composing this alliance were Klaw and Erlanger, Nixon and Zimmerman, and Hayman and Frohman. All but Zimmerman were Jews, and his racial origin was a subject of dispute. This group was later joined by Rich and Harris, of Boston, and Joseph Brookes, all known as Jews.
ユダヤ支配の出現により、劇場はそれまで知られていたよりも商業化された基盤に置かれた。それは、信託のアイデアが産業に大規模に適用される前に、それを劇場に適用することを実際に表していました。1896年には早くも、劇場信託は戦略都市の37の劇場を管理していました。この同盟を構成していたのは、KlawとErlanger、NixonとZimmerman、HaymanとFrohmanだった。Zimmerman以外はユダヤ人であり、彼の人種的出自は論争の的であった。このグループには後に、全員ユダヤ人として知られている、ボストンのRichとHarris、そしてJoseph Brookesが加わった。
Controlling these theaters, the Trust was able to assure a long season to both managers and playing companies. Outside the Trust, the managers and companies were left to make arrangements between each other, which resembled a species of barnstorming.
The effect on the independent theaters and managers was disastrous. The Trust boosted royalties on plays from $50 to $450 and eventually to $1,000 a week. This of itself cut off the material of the stock companies with which the independent managers endeavored to keep open their houses.
The running out of the stock companies by excessive charges for the use of plays that had already been used in the regular theaters of the Trust, really served Jewish interests in another way. The motion picture industry was coming to the front. It was a Jewish enterprise from the first. There never was any need to drive Gentiles out of that, because the Gentiles never had a chance to get in. Thus, the driving out of the stock companies threw the empty theaters over to the "movies," and the benefit was again confined to a particular racial group.
This will answer the question so frequently asked by people who wonder why the theaters they formerly saw offering plays at all seasons, are not devoting the larger part of the year to "movies."
It was not to be expected that this sort of thing could be put through without a struggle. There was a struggle and a severe one, but it is ended with what the public can see today.
The opposition offered by the artists was prolonged and dignified. Francis Wilson, Nat C. Goodwin, James A. Herne, James O'Neil, Richard Mansfield, Mrs. Fiske and James K. Hackett stood out for a time, all of them with the exception of Goodwin bound by a forfeit of $1,000 if they deserted the cause of a free theater.
芸能人俳優たちの反対は長引き、威厳があった。Francis Wilson、Nat C. Goodwin、James A. Herne、James O'Neil、Richard Mansfield、Fiske夫人、そしてJames K. Hackettは一時期、目立ったが、Goodwinを除いて全員が、自由な劇場の大義を放棄した場合、1,000ドルの没収金が課せられた。
Joseph Jefferson was always with the actors in this opposition and continued of the same mind to the end, playing in both Trust and anti-Trust houses.
Joseph Jeffersonは、この反対派の俳優たちと常に一緒にいて、最後まで同じ考えを持ち続け、信託と反信託の両方の劇場で上演しました。
It is a matter of record that Nat Goodwin was the first to give in. He was the head and front of the opposition, but he had his weaknesses which were well known to the Trust, and upon which they played. One of his weaknesses was for New York engagements, and he was offered a long engagement at the Knickerbocker Theater. He was also given the promise of dates wherever and whenever he wanted them. Goodwin thereupon deserted the alliance of stars and became the henchman of the Trust. (The "Trust" was the name by which the new control was known in these days. The racial name was not given although the racial nature was plainly discerned.)
Nat Goodwinが最初に屈服したことは記録に残っている。彼は反対派の先頭に立っていたが、彼には弱点があり、それは信託によく知られており、彼らはそれを利用していた。彼の弱点の1個はニューヨークでの婚約で、Knickerbocker劇場での長期の雇用を提示された。彼はまた、いつでもどこでも欲しい時にデートの約束を与えられました。Goodwinはスター同盟を捨て、信託の子分となった。(「信託(Trust)」は、この時代に知られていた新しい支配の名前でした。人種的性質は明白であったが、人種名は与えられませんでした。)
Nat Goodwin's star began to decline from that day. He made a final essay as Shylock, and with that he was practically ushered out as a headliner of the serious stage.
その日からNat Goodwinの星は衰え始めた。彼はShylockとしての最後のエッセイを書き、それによって彼は厳粛な舞台の大スターとして実質的に連れ出された。
※headliner 意味
Richard Mansfield and Francis Wilson were delivering nightly curtain speeches against the Trust wherever they appeared, and although the public was sympathetic it was very much like the present state of affairs -- what could the public do? What can an unorganized public ever do against a small organized, determined minority? The public hardly ever appears as a party in any of the movements that concern itself; the public is the prize for which the parties strive.
Richard MansfieldとFrancis Wilsonは毎晩、どこに現れても信託に反対するカーテンスピーチを行っていた、大衆は同情的だったが、それは現在の状況と非常によく似ていた -- 大衆は何ができるのか?組織化されていない大衆が、組織化された少数派に対して何ができるというのだろうか?大衆は、自分自身に関係するいかなる運動にも当事者として現れることはほとんどない;大衆は当事者が努力する賞である。
The Trust dealt strongly with Wilson. His dates were canceled. Neither his status nor his ability was of any avail to him. One of the Trust made an open statement: "Mr. Wilson is a shining mark, and we determined to make an example of him for the benefit of the lesser offenders."
Wilson's strong spirit was finally subdued to see "reason." In 1898 the Philadelphia members of the Trust offered him $50,000 for his business, and he took it.
In due time Richard Mansfield also surrendered, and Mrs. Fiske was left alone to carry on the fight.
やがてRichard Mansfieldも降伏し、Fiske夫人は1人残されて戦いを続けた。
The Theatrical Trust, which must be described as Jewish, because it was that, was at the beginning of the new century in full control of the field. It had reduced what was essentially an art to a time-clock, cash-register system, working with the mechanical precision of a well-managed factory. It suppressed individuality and initiative, killed off competition, drove out the independent manager and star, excluded all but foreign playwrights of established reputation, fostered the popularity of inferior talent which was predominantly Jewish, sought to debase the service of the dramatic critics of the public press, foisted countless "stars" of mushroom growth upon a helpless public while driving real stars into obscurity; it handled plays, theaters and actors like factory products, and not began a process of vulgarizing and commercializing everything connected with the theater.
If space permitted, a number of opinions could be presented here from men like William Dean Howells, Norman Hapgood and Thomas Bailey Aldrich, whose concern was for the theater, but who voiced no other observation as to the racial influences at work.
もし余白が許せば、William Dean Howells、Norman Hapgood、Thomas Bailey Aldrichなど、劇場に関心を持っていたが、職場での人種的影響については他に意見を述べなかった人たちから、多くの意見をここで述べることができた。
Their concern was justified. It is quite possible that many who read this article are not interested in the theater, and are, in fact, convinced that the theater is a menace. Very well. What principally makes it a menace? This -- that the stage today represents the principal cultural element of 50 per cent of the people. What the average young person absorbs as to good form, proper deportment, refinement as contrasted with coarseness, correctness of speech or choice of words, customs and feelings of other nations, even fashions of clothes, as well as ideas of religion and law, are derived from what he sees and hears at the theater. The masses' sole idea of the homes and the life of the rich is derived from the stage and the movies. More wrong notions are given, more prejudices created by the Jewish controlled theater in one week, than can be charged against a serious study of the Jewish Question in a century. People sometimes wonder where the ideas of the younger generation come from. This is the answer.
彼らの懸念は正当化されました。この記事を読んでいる人の多くは、劇場に興味がなく、それどころか、劇場が脅威であると確信している可能性がすごく高い。わかりました。何が主にそれを脅威にしているのか?これは -- 今日の舞台は50%の人々の主要な文化的要素を代表しています。平均的な若者が吸収する外見の良さ、適切な立ち居振る舞い、粗野さとは対照的な洗練さ、話し方や言葉の選び方の正しさ、他国の習慣や感情、さらに服装の流行、宗教や法律の考え方までもが、劇場で見聞きしたものに由来する。家庭や金持ちの生活についての大衆の唯一の考えは、舞台や映画から由来しています。1週間でユダヤ人が支配する劇場によって作られた誤った概念、偏見は、1世紀かけてユダヤ人問題の真剣な研究に対して告発できるよりも多い。若い世代の考えはどこから来るのかと疑問に思うことがある。これが答えです。
As we just said, all the original opposers of this new control of the theater surrendered and left Mrs. Fiske to fight alone. She had, however, an ally in her husband, Harrison Grey Fiske, who was editor of the New York Dramatic Mirror.
私たちが今言ったように、劇場のこの新しい支配の最初の反対者はすべて降伏し、Fiske夫人を1人で戦うよう残しました。しかし、彼女には、New York Dramatic Mirrorの編集者であった夫のHarrison Grey Fiskeという協力者がいました。
Mrs. Fiske herself had said: "The incompetent men who have seized upon the affairs of the stage in this country have all but killed art, ambition and decency."
Her husband wrote in his paper: "What then should be expected of a band of adventurers of infamous origin, of no breeding and utterly without artistic taste? * * * Let it be kept in mind that the ruling number of these men who compose the Theatrical Trust are absolutely unfit to serve in any but the most subordinate places in the economy of the stage and that they ought not to be tolerated even in these places except under a discipline, active, vigorous and uncompromising. Their records are disreputable and in some cases criminal, and their methods are in keeping with their records." (First printed in the Dramatic Mirror, December 25, 1897; reprinted March 19, 1898.)
彼女の夫は新聞にこう書いている:「それでは、悪名高き出自で、品種改良もせず、芸術的センスも全くない冒険家の一団に何を期待すべきでしょうか?***劇場信託を構成するこれらの支配者の人数は、舞台経済の中で最も従属的な場所以外で奉仕するには絶対に適しておらず、規律の下で、活発で、精力的で、妥協のない場合を除いて、これらの場所でさえ容認されるべきではないことを心に留めておきましょう。彼らの記録は評判の悪い、場合によっては犯罪であり、彼らの手法は彼らの記録に沿っている。」(Dramatic Mirror、1897年12月25日号初版;1898年3月19日に再版された。)
This attack was regarded, foolishly and wrongfully of course, as an attack on the whole House of Israel and, as is always the case when one Jew is censured for wrongdoing, all the Jews in the United States came to the rescue. Pressure was brought to bear on a famous news company which handled the circulation of the most important magazines in the United States. Leading hotels were induced to withdraw the Dramatic Mirror from their news stands. Mirror correspondents were refused admittance to theaters controlled by the Trust. Any number of underground influences were set in operation to "get" Fiske and his business.
この攻撃は、もちろん愚かにも不当にも、イスラエル家全体への攻撃とみなされ、1人のユダヤ人が悪事を咎められるといつもそうであるように、合衆国の全てのユダヤ人が助けに来た。合衆国で最も重要な雑誌の流通を扱っていた有名なニュース会社に圧力がかかった。大手ホテルはニューススタンドからDramatic Mirror誌を撤去するよう誘導された。Mirrorの特派員は、信託が管理する劇場への入場を拒否された。 Fiskeと彼のビジネスを「手に入れる」ために、あらゆる数の地下勢力が活動していた。
Suit was brought against Fiske for $10,000 damages for the strictures he had printed upon the personal character of certain members of the Trust. Fiske replied in his answer, setting up various facts against specific members of the Trust, their records, actions, and so on. One he accused of carrying on business under a fictitious name ("cover name," as it is known in Jewish circles). Another he accused of charging managers for advertising expenses that were never incurred. Another he accused of issuing "complimentary" tickets in which he did a private speculative business of his own, selling them and pocketing the proceeds. Another he accused of specific crime for which he had been arrested and convicted.
He charged that the Trust as a whole advertised in various cities that "the original New York company" would play, charging exorbitant admission fees strength of this advertisement, when in truth these were secondary companies and not the one advertised.
A strange court hearing was held in which the magistrate did not wish to hear any of Fiske's testimony, even forbidding him to enter official records of the criminal proceedings had against a certain member of the Trust. The magistrate did not seem to want to hear what Fiske based his statements upon. There was a serious shooting scrape involving a woman, but the magistrate did not want to hear about it. There was even considerable difficulty on the part of Fiske's lawyer in procuring the attendance of Abraham L. Erlanger at court, although he was one of the complainants.
奇妙な法廷審問が行われ、判事はFiskeの証言を一切聞くことを望まず、信託の特定のメンバーに対する刑事訴訟の公式記録に彼が入ることさえ禁じた。判事はFiskeが何に基づいて発言したのか聞きたくないようだった。女性を巻き込んだ深刻な銃撃事件があったが、判事はそれについて聞きたくなかった。Fiskeの弁護士は、Abraham L. Erlangerが原告の1人であったにもかかわらず、彼の法廷への出席を得ることにかなりの困難さえあった。
All the important questions asked of Klaw were overruled.
As to Al Hayman, the court overruled all questions relating to his real name and the circumstances under which he left Australia. The facts were not brought out in this hearing, but the whole character of the hearing was made known to the public. Fiske was bound over to the Grand Jury, with $300 bail in every allegation of libel.
Al Haymanについては、裁判所は彼の本名と彼がオーストラリアを離れた状況に関するすべての質問を却下した。この公聴会では事実は明らかにされなかったが、公聴会の全貌は大衆に知られた。Fiskeは大陪審に拘束され、名誉毀損のすべての申し立てに300ドルの保釈金が支払われた。
The Grand Jury lost no time in dismissing all the complaints against Fiske. The Trust members had come off badly because of their evident unwillingness to meet the case. They were revealed to be a much lower type of men than the American public had supposed was in charge of the American theater. They were shown to be a type that would not even stop at demanding the discharge of a local newspaper reporter whose critique of their plays did not please them.
The fight of the dramatic critics first against the bribery and then against the bludgeoning of the Theatrical Trust makes a story of which echoes have frequently come to the American public through the press. Conciliatory at first, with managers, actors, playwrights and critics, the Trust, as soon as it gained power, showed the claws beneath the velvet. It had the millions of dollars of the public coming its way, why should it care?
Whenever a critic opposed its methods or pointed out the inferior, coarse and degrading character of the Trust productions, he was ordered barred from the Trust's theaters, and local managers were instructed to demand his discharge from his newspaper. It is with mingled feelings that an American is compelled to relate that in many, many cases the demand was complied with, the papers being threatened with the loss of Sunday advertising! But here and there courageous writers on the Stage held to the honor of their profession and refused to be bribed or intimidated.
Writers like James S. Metcalfe, of Life; Hillery Bell, of the New York Press; Frederick F. Schrader, of the Washington Post; Norman Hapgood, on the New York Evening Globe; James O'Donnell Bennett, of the Chicago Record-Herald, stood out against the Trust and made their fight. Metcalfe went so far as to bring suit against the Trust for unlawful exclusion from a place of public amusement. The courts were kind to the Trust. They decided that a theater may pick its patrons. Even in very recent years the Trust has followed blacklisted dramatic critics in an effort to prevent their employment by newspapers.
LifeのJames S. Metcalfeのような作家;New York PressのHillery Bell;Washington PostのFrederick F. Schrader;Norman HapgoodがNew York Evening Glob紙で;Chicago Record-HeraldのJames O'Donnell Bennettは、信託に対抗して戦いを挑んだ。Metcalfeは、公共の娯楽の場からの不法な排除のために信託に対して訴訟を提起するところまで行った。裁判所は信託に親切だった。彼らは劇場が客を選ぶことを決めた。ごく最近でも、信託はドラマチックな批評家をブラックリストに載せ、新聞による雇用を阻止しようとしている。
The Theatrical Trust does not exist in the form it did ten years ago. It grew arrogant and bred secret enemies among its own people. A new force arose, but it also was Jewish, as it originated in the Shubert brothers with David Belasco. Instead of one, the American have now a dual dictatorship of the stage. The rage of the day is not plays, but playhouses. With not three plays of any character to distinguish them from the dregs of the stage, there are now building in New York alone a dozen new playhouses. The theatrical business has entered upon its real estate phase. There is money in renting chairs at the rate of $1 to $3 an hour. The renting of the chairs is a reality. The Stage is rapidly becoming an illusion.
劇団信託は10年前のような形では存在しない。それは傲慢になり、自国民の間に秘密の敵を産みました。新しい勢力が生まれましたが、それはユダヤ人でもありました、なぜならDavid BelascoのShubert兄弟に端を発していたからです。1勢力の代わりに、アメリカは現在、舞台の二重の独裁を持っています。今日の流行は演劇ではなく劇場です。舞台の残骸と区別できるような特徴のある芝居が3公演もないにも関わらず、ニューヨークだけでも10数軒の新しい芝居小屋を建設しています。演劇ビジネスは不動産の段階に入った。1時間1ドルから3ドルの料金で椅子を借りることができる。椅子の貸し出しは現実です。舞台は急速に幻想になりつつある。
[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 8 January 1921]