ブラックキューブ:ユダヤの神の住処(Black Cube: the residence of jewish god)

The residence of jewish god: quran is a grimoire; “allah” is a servitor


“Satan will come to each one of you and he will say: Who created this and that? He says this until he asks: Who created your lord? When he comes to this, you should seek refuge in allah and abandon such thoughts.”
Source: Sahih Muslim 134

「サタンはあなた方一人一人のところに来て、こう言います:誰がこれとあれを作成しましたか? 彼は尋ねるまでこれを言います:誰があなたの主を創造しましたか? 彼がこういうことになると、あなたはアッラーに避難を求め、そのような考えを捨てるべきです。」
出典:サヒーフ・ムスリム 134


I recently was opening Exposing the lie of islam website and found this comment, that made me see Black Stone in some different way. While this giant stone tradition was completely stolen from Megalithic Gentile Culture, examples being: Arabian Baetyle, also Egyptian Stone of Osiris, also Fallic stones; same as the Black Stone itself being a complete fake and man-made crap based on stolen idea only – it is just proved by how it “disappears” from the place in some photoes as if it were some kind of light material or plastic; it still serves as some kind of portal, puppet or “jinn lamp” for the energies directed by kikes.


“Recently I’ve noticed a few things about this so-called religion, Islam.


I want to begin with Kaaba. It is obviously a tool of the enemy’s, if you ask me, it has been built to absorb energy from the people. The cube has been built with a stone that came from “heavens”(ET origin- YHWH aka Allah is of the greys btw-), and it has been built upon one of the telluric current lines. In case you dont know what are the telluric currents: “There are things called the telluric currents. Those are the “naturally” produced EM currents circulating within the earth. They are based on the absorption of energy from space, our spin and geometry, dispersion of material, and the path of least resistance.” (quoted from the link I provided below)
For example, you can amplify your power for magical workings using those currents. And, I’m assuming that the encircling of that cube, in anti-clockwise direction is related to that because the Earth’s orbit, other planets’orbits in the solar system, are anti-clockwise. Not just that, im quoting again, “All objects in the universe, atoms, moon, stars, electrical current, galaxies, etc. are rotating in the same way”

カアバ神殿から始めたいと思います。それは明らかに敵の道具であり、私に言わせれば、国民のエネルギーを吸収するために作られたものです。立方体は 『天』 (ET起源ー因みにYHWH、別名アッラーはグレイである) から来た石で作られており、1つの地電流の線上に作られています。地電流とは何か、ご存知でない方のために:地電流と呼ばれる物があります。それは、地球の中を循環する『自然に』作り出された電磁電流です。それらは、宇宙からのエネルギー吸収、自転と幾何学、物質の分散、最小抵抗の経路に基づいている。」

The word Kaaba itself is not even Arabian, but have Sumerian origins, and Ka’aba in Sumerian is being translated as gate of the father, or gate of divine beings- this part is from this website which I recommend you to check out https://warlockasylum.wordpress.com/category/alchemy/page/2/
Also, this:
“The number of idols in the Ka’aba is invariably given as 360, which is suggestive of a Gnostic influence to say the least, if not a Sumerian and Babylonian influence, for 360 is a number derived from Sumerian mythology…That the seven circuits around the Ka’aba are representative of the seven Gates and the seven stages of the Sumerian ziggurats is confirmed by the simple fact that all of these result in communion with ineffable forces and bring the aspirant into contact with the Divine.”


I think it is clear that the cube has, as the “religion” itself, has ET origins as well.


It absorbs energy, and possibly storing it, which reminds me of Greys harvesting human souls, and feeding of human energies. Not so surprisingly, in Quran, the “God” calls this cube “my home”, which, makes me consider the possibility of the cube might be some sort of a powerhouse of these annoying creatures- parasite greys. By the way, the Islamic prayer’s purpose could be directing energy to this powerhouse-kind of a thing. 5 times a day- as High Priestess Zildar Raasi mentioned in your website (Islam: Doctrine of submission and slavery) when energy work is the most powerful, this prayer is being performed. Think about the energy one creates and directs, I don’t think those positions are not stolen from yoga for no reason.

それはエネルギーを吸収し、貯蔵する可能性があります、これは、グレイが人間の魂を収穫し、人間のエネルギーを供給していることを思い起こさせます。それほど驚くことではありませんが、コーランの中で、『神』はこのキューブを『私の家』と呼んでいる、このことから、キューブの可能性は、この厄介な生き物ー寄生虫グレイのある種のパワーハウスであるかもしれないと私に考えさせます。ちなみに、イスラムの祈りの目的は、このパワーハウスのようなものにエネルギーを向けることかもしれません。1日5回ーHPS Zildar Raasiがあなたのウェブサイト(イスラム教:服従と隷属の教義)で述べているように、エネルギーワークが最も強力なときに、この祈りは行われています。1人が生み出し、方向づけするエネルギーについて考えてみてください、これらの姿勢は、理由もなくヨガから盗まれたものではないと私は思います。

Because of the telluric currents, it might be possible for the cube to effect Earth’s magnetic fields as well, and surely, not in the best way. I’ve even considered performing a group ritual against this thing, to at least protect the Earth from being damaged from the cube’s negative effects. Our planet is sacred, and we should cleanse it of the enemy.”


– ScientificDeduction (Lisa on wordpress)
comment on January 5, 2015 at 2:41 pm
to Introduction to Exposing Islam

ーScientificDeduction(Lisa on wordpress)より
コメント 2015年1月5日 2:41 PM}


The seven contours around the Kaaba stone, are symbolic, and refer to the Chakras of the human soul, which means that the “stone” must visit all the electromagnetic centers of man or that all centers must become a “stone” for man to become immortal. That is, the “home” is the home of the human Gentile Soul. And the Jews want to turn this into the “home of the Jewish God.” The following will show how.


It has been proven many times on the website/in the book The White Death of islam that the so called Jewish “one god”, i.e. all the various words like yahweh / jehovah / allah / eloah / eloahim (this is to the question of oneness) and all the others in this collection of 42, 72, 99 and however many other Jews, are in fact power words, stolen, twisted and used in this manner to redirect the power of our original Gentile religion against it:

いわゆるユダヤ人の『唯一神』、つまりyahweh/jehovah/allah/eloah/eloahim (これは一体性の問題である) のようなさまざまな言葉や、42、72、99のこの収集物に含まれる他のすべての言葉や他の多くのユダヤの言葉は、実際にはパワーワードであり、盗まれ、ねじ曲げられ、私たちのも本来の異邦宗教の力をそれに対して向けるために、このような方法で使われているということがウェブサイト/書籍のWhite Death of Islamで何回も証明されています:

Jehovah —-> Jova (Jupiter) also Yahveh (fluid in Veda);
allah / eloah / eloahim —-> El (light, power), name of Sumerian Pagan God, also local Arabian Pagan God Eloh worshipped in Syrian city of Emesa;
HaShem / Shem —-> Soma, Sanskrit God of the Moon, Lunar Elixir; etc.

allah / eloah / eloahim → El (光、力) 、シュメールの異教徒の名前、またシリアの都市Emesaで崇拝されたアラビアの現地神Eloh;
HaShem / Shem→Soma、サンスクリット語の月の神、月の仙薬;など。

There are some quotes from quran and other islamic sources that describe Kaaba as some sort of portal for the above mentioned jewish hive; also a “house”, a local “kingdom of heaven”, a place where they reside.


“The building is called by many names in the Quran and Hadith, such as Bait (House), Bait ul Haram (Sacred House), Bait Ullah (House of Allah), Bait al-Ateeq (Ancient House), and Awal ul Bait (First House). The Arabic word Bait is cognate to the Hebrew Bait, also meaning “House”. (The Hebrew word “Beit” means “House of”, as used in for example Beit HaMikdash (the House of the Holy) and Beit El/Bethel (the House of God).). The Arabic word Kaaba means square or cube. The Quran also mentions Bait al-Ma’mur,[Quran 52:4] the House of God in Heavens which the Kaaba symbolizes, where according to Hadith the Angels perform Tawaf and Prayers.”

「この建物は、コーランやハディースで、Bait(家)、Bait ul Haram(聖なる家)、Bait Ullah(アッラーの家)、Bait al-Ateeq(古代の家)、Awal ul Bait(最初の家)など、多くの名前で呼ばれています。アラビア語のBaitはヘブライ語のBaitと同義語であり、同じ『家』を意味する。(ヘブライ語の『Beit』は『~の家』を意味し、 Beit HaMikdash(聖人の家)やBeit El/Bethel(神の家)などで使用されている。)アラビア語のカアバは正方形または立方体を意味します。コーランはまた、Bait al-Ma’murについても言及しています。[コーラン52:4]カアバが象徴する天国の神の家で、ハディースによれば、そこで天使たちがタワーフと祈りを行います。」

The Quran 52:4-7 mentioned above in wikipedia:


And [by] the frequented House
And [by] the heaven raised high
And [by] the sea filled [with fire],
Indeed, the punishment of your Lord will occur.


5+2+4 (initial verse) = 11
4+7 (numbers of verses) = also 11, number of destruction


The Messenger of Allah (crap and lice be upon him) said narrating about the journey of ‘Isra wal Miraaj:
“Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e. Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”

アッラーの使徒(クソとシラミが彼の上にいる)は、Isra wal Miraajの旅について語ったとき、次のように述べた:
「それから私はAl-Bait-al-Ma’mur(つまり、アッラーの家)を見せられました。私がガブリエルにそのことについて尋ねると、彼はこう言った;これはAl Bait-ul-Ma’murです。7万人の天使が毎日祈りをささげていますが、去っても彼らは決して戻って来ません (ただし、いつも新しい群れが毎日そこに入ってきます) 。」

Mudslimes pray every day in the direction of the Black Cube…
  …”angels” dwell in Black Cube and also perform prayers…
    …angels need daily “update”, because their lifespan is one day…

  …天使の寿命は1日なので、 毎日『更新』が必要…

Now the whole picture emerges: “angels” are not real entities, they are people’s prayers – they are CREATED by prayers! That’s why they need daily “update”. They don’t live more than a day, hence new protion of them is being done on regular basis. Your god is your own prayer, your own magic working!! It is daily recreated by you, redirected by you, probably benefits not you, but some “sacred book” that you don’t understand what it is all about, but the fact is it’s YOUR OWN magic. Your “god” is not your creator, it is your creature! Quran is a GRIMOIRE. This is what fucking it is!



Now what is a grimoire? Grimoire is mostly known as a book that teachs to manipulate life beings (Demons, angels, spirits, dead etc.) through magic. Those grimoires mstly available the net have some few things in common:
1. they are all abrahamic, with jewsus or without, but they all are either muslim, or judaic or christian.
2. most of them are all written by racial jews, real or mythological ones, such as “king solomon”.
To most Gentiles, this idea of manipulting other life being, let alone our own Pagan Gods, sounds disgusting, immoral, blasphemous and completely insane. But what if you put a servitor (artificial elemental / thoughtform) where it says “Demon”, “angel” or whatever entity… Then, everything falls into place.

1. それらは全てアブラハム派で、ユダヤ教があってもなくても、イスラム教、ユダヤ教、キリスト教のいずれかに属しているのです。
2.  そのほとんどは、『ソロモン王』のような、実在または神話上の人種的ユダヤ人によって書かれたものばかりです。ほとんどの異邦人にとって、他人の生命を操作するというこの考えは、私たち自身の異邦人の神々はおろか、気持ち悪く、不道徳で、冒とく的で、完全に狂っているように聞こえます。しかし、『デーモン』 や 『天使』、またはどんな実体でも言われる場所に、サービター (人工的な要素/思考形態) を配置したらどうでしょう…そうすれば、すべてがうまくいく。

The answer is blatant:
all jewish / abrahamic religions have their own created servitors for gods. To us manipulating our own Gods is blasphemy, because we trust in real entities who are independent life. But to the jews manipulating their own servitors is normal, because they created these servitors for this very purpose. That’s why their “religions” are so focused on slavery, manipulation and servitude. That’s why their “gods” are fictitious and all their “history” has no evidence. Because their “religions” meant not to be religions. They meant to be magic, powerful elemental magic, not literal worship or history. Mudslime fools unknownly perform ceremonial magic everyday 5 times a day when they “invoke” the “allah”.


“The Black Stone came down from Paradise.”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877; al-Nasaa’i, 2935. The hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Tirmidhi).

(877年、al-Tirmidhiのナレーション;al-Nasaa’i 2935。ハディースは、al-Tirmidhiによってサヒーフ(Saheeh)に分類された。)

“When the Black Stone came down from Paradise, it was whiter than milk, but the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 877; Ahmad, 2792. Classed as saheeh by Ibn Khuzaymah, 4/219. Al-Haafiz ibn Hajar classed it as qawiy (strong) in Fath al-Baari, 3/462).

(877年al-Tirmidhiのナレーション;Ahmad 2792。Ibn KhuzaymahによってSaheehとして分類、4/219。Al-Haafiz ibn Hajarは、それをFath al-Baari、3/462でqawiy (強い) と分類した.。)

“The Black Stone came down from Jannah (Paradise).”
(At-Tirmidhi, Sunan, hadith no. 877, and classified as authentic hadith by Sheikh Al-Albaani in his book Sahih At-Tirmidthi, hadith no. 695 )

「黒石がJannah (楽園) から降って来た。」 
(At-Tirmidhi、Sunan、ハディースNo.877、Sheikh Al-Albaaniの著書『Sahih At-Tirmidthi、ハディースNo.695』で真正ハディースに分類)

[My note, word Jannah was stolen from Sanskrit word Janna / Jana which means “wisdom”. And while it is yet another title of Satan stolen by mudslimes (see Communism And Masonry: Two Fronts Of The Jew World Order) it actually reffers to Power, any Power, and “black cube” being generated by “Jannah” literally means “black cube” (or what it symbolically stands for) being generated by spiritual Power]

[メモ、Jannahという言葉は、サンスクリット語で『知恵』を意味するJanna / Janaから盗まれたものである。そして、それはmudslimeたち(『Communism And Masonry: Two Fronts Of The Jew World Order』を参照)によって盗まれたSatanの別のタイトルであるが、それは実際には力、あらゆる力に言及しており、 『Jannah』によって生成された『黒キューブ』は、文字通り、霊的な力によって生成された『黒いキューブ』(またはそれが象徴的に意味するもの) を意味します。]

“By allaah, allaah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.”
(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 961; Ibn Maajah, 2944)

(al-Tirmidhiのナレーション、961:Ibn Maajah、 2944)

“it will testify in favor of those who touched it in sincerity.” (At-Tirmidhi, Sunan)


“Touching them both (the Black Stone and Ar-Rukn Al-Yamani) is an expiation for one’s sins.” (At-Tirmidhi, Sunan, hadith no. 959. This hadith is classified as hasan by At-Tirmidhi and as Sahih by Al-Hakim (1/664)

「(黒石とAr-Rukn Al-Yamaniの)両方に触れることは、自分の罪を償うことです 。」(At-Tirmidhi、Sunan、ハディースNo.959。このハディースは、 At-Tirmidhiによってhasanに、Al-HakimによってSahihに分類される (1/664))

“The Black Stone is the right hand of Allah Most High.”
“the Black Stone is the depository of the covenant of human souls with allah on the Day of Promise”
“It means that the Black Stone has the standing (manzila) of the Right Hand of allah”
– Problematic hadiths and various questions
Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad, Living Islam, April 11, 2000

「これは黒石がアッラーの右手の (manzila) を持っているという意味だ。」
Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad著『Living Islam』、2000年4月11日

See Hexahedron on what exactly their covenant is all about.


“Came from Paradise” – The Black Sun or the White Burned Philosopher’s Stone is a traditional object kept in Paradise, which was often represented by the islands – Makarei, Avalon, Buyan in the myths of Europe and Russia. “Came from Jinn…” It is amazing how the word Jinn – the first of which was Satan / Iblis – is used here as a synonym for paradise. Probably when the Jews stole this piece from the Veda, they didn’t have time to rewrite it in all the sources, and replace the Sanskrit word Jann with more modern Arabic analogues, which they had already twisted to be associated with their Abrahamic notions of “paradise” and other fictions. Jana means “Wisdom” in Sanskrit, the Arabic word Jinn came from it, and the words Demon, Daemon, Dyi, Div, Dev, Jovis, Jessa, and Devil came from the same root as it. Accordingly, absolutely the entire Jewish pantheon was stolen from this Vedic “paradise”-with “Jehovah” (Jovis), “isa” (Jessa), Devil (Div/Dev) and Paradise/Jinn (“Jana”).

「楽園から来た」ー黒い太陽または白く燃える賢者の石は、楽園に保管されている伝統的な物体であり、ヨーロッパとロシアの神話では、 Makarei、Avalon、Buyanなどの島々に代表されることがよくあります。「ジンから来た…」ジンという言葉ーその筆頭はサタン/イブリースーが、ここで楽園の代名詞として使われているのは驚きです。おそらく、ユダヤ人がヴェーダからこの作品を盗んだとき、すべての情報源を書き直し、サンスクリット語のJannをより現代的なアラビア語の類似語に置き換える時間はなかったのだろう、奴らはすでに、アブラハムの時代の概念である『楽園』やその他のフィクションと関連付けるために、この単語をひねっていたのだ。
Janaはサンスクリット語で『知恵』を意味し、アラビア語のJinnはそこから来ており、Demon、Daemon、Dyi、Div、Dev、Jovis、Jessa、Devilは同じ語源から来ています。従って、完全にユダヤ人のパンテオン全体は、このヴェーダの『楽園』から盗まれた。 『Jehovah』(Jovis) 、『isa』(Jessa) 、『Devil』(Div/Dev) 、『楽園/Jinn』(Jana) である。

That paradise is Jana is one of many leaks through the quran, such as Satan’s words when he refused to bow down to allah’s firstborn, that he is made of a different material, i.e., he is alchemical purified gold and allah’s creation is alchemical shit, dross and heavy elements. And the very notion of the firstborn is taken from the first element, Ether, which clearly speaks to the failure of the Hebrew god, in obtaining this very Ether as a result.


The “touching” of the stone, as I said, is the most important allegory of the Philosopher’s Stone touching the Chakras and the human soul and turning it into pure gold. So it “kills the sins” or heavy elements in the soul. Thus it is said of the Philosopher’s Stone that everything it touches turns to gold. This is why weak-minded believing morons from all over the world gather to make pilgrimages to the “holy places”, the “icons”, the Black Stone Kaaba, and now this mental deficiency has been taken over by all kinds of “neo-pagans”, who wander all over the mounds or just regular big rocks and sit on them hoping that something will change. All these traditions of rubbing the nose or something of some statue came from this allegory, so heaps of retarded tourists rub and paw at everything and absolutely anywhere.


Now how is all this alien cretinism being used by the Jews.


“The Gods also have advanced technology that stores information in Crystals and other materials, that cannot be destroyed, or diamonds. Therefore the Truth remains intact.”
– High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

ーHP Hooded Cobra 666

“The Powers of Hell once told me that such a device can trap human souls of whom you destroy. Once they are trapped, you can determine the fate of your enemies”
– High Priest Jake Carlson

ー元HP Jake Carlson

It is no wonder where reptiloid kikes stole this:


“The black stone is a baetyl originating from pre-Islamic Arabian polytheism.


補足: Baetyl (バイティル)



1. (Antiquity) A meteorite or similar-looking rough stone thought to be of divine origin and worshipped as sacred.
Definitions – baetyl
AllWords English Dictionary,

1. (古代)神聖な起源であると考えられ、神聖なものとして崇拝されている隕石または同様の外観の荒い石。
定義– baetyl

2. In Greek religion, a sacred stone or pillar. The word baetylus is of Semitic origin (-bethel). Numerous holy, or fetish, stones existed in antiquity, generally attached to the cult of some particular god and looked upon as his abiding place or symbol.
Encyclopædia Britannica, 2009

2. ギリシアの宗教において、聖なる石や柱をいう。baetylusの語源はセム語(-bethel ベテル)である。古代には数多くの聖なる石、あるいは庶物な石が存在し、一般的には、ある特定の神の信仰に付随し、その神が宿る場所、あるいは象徴として見なされてました。
ブリタニカ百科事典(Encyclopædia Britannica)、2009年版

3. The sanctuaries, sometimes carved in the rock on high places, consisted of a ḥaram, a sacred open-air enclosure, accessible only to unarmed and ritually clean people in ritual clothes. There the baetyl, a “raised stone,” or a statue of the god, was worshiped. The Nabataeans originally represented their gods as baetyls on a podium, but later they gave them a human appearance.
Sanctuaries, cultic objects, and religious practices and institutions
Arabian religion, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2009”

3. 聖域は、時には高台の岩に彫られ、ハラムと呼ばれる神聖な野外囲いで構成され、非武装で儀礼服を着た清浄な人々だけが立ち入ることができた。そこでは聖石、『隆起した石』、または神の像が崇拝されました。ナバテア人はもともと、自分たちの神々を表彰台の上の聖石として表現していましたが、後に人間の姿に変えました。
アラビアの宗教、ブリタニカ百科事典(Encyclopædia Britannica)、2009年版」




Baetili were simply large flat stones, later with drawn eyebrows, eyes, nose, gradually human features came through more and more. In the territory of modern Yemen, Arabia and other supposed places of spread of Islam. Probably what you see above in the picture of the Pagan Stone is these original “two eyes to see and testify,” which were later stolen by the jews for the quran.


“The stone came whiter than milk, but from taking in its sins, it becomes black” – the allegory of White and Black here obviously speaks of pure gold as opposed to the blackness and dirt of the base metals with which it comes into contact. It is not by chance that the believers themselves, the creatures of allah, lobbing the stone, are called “dust and dirt” in the quran. In Slavic Paganism, the Philosopher’s Stone is known as the White-burning stone or Boil-stone and is described as a glowing hot object, very reminiscent of the sun.


And now, how it was used.


"The servitor can occupy a doll, a special “house” like a doll’s house, an urn, even a large framed wall photo or painting, or any other physical object when the servitor is dormant.”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Advanced Thoughtforms/Servitors
The Arabic word Bait is cognate to the Hebrew Bait, also meaning “House”…


“Servitors can reappear in future lifetimes to offer further services. Many remain with their creators throughout many lifetimes.”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Advanced Thoughtforms/Servitors
“By allaah, allaah will bring it forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favour of those who touched it in sincerity.”

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich 上級 思考形態/サービター

“Advanced servitors are created and reside in a special “home” such as a doll or other object or even in a specially made box serving as a house. These are the servitors witches used for centuries. Advanced servitors are given a real soul. Yes, it is possible to create a real soul using the elements.”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, post in Advanced Meditation e-group named Golem
“The Arabic word Bait is cognate to the Hebrew Bait, also meaning “House”. (The Hebrew word “Beit” means “House of”, as used in for example Beit HaMikdash (the House of the Holy) and Beit El/Bethel (the House of God).). The Arabic word Kaaba means square or cube. The Quran also mentions Bait al-Ma’mur,[Quran 52:4] the House of God in Heavens which the Kaaba symbolizes, where according to Hadith the Angels perform Tawaf and Prayers.”

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich、Golemという上級瞑想の電子グループの投稿より
「アラビア語のBaitはヘブライ語のBaitと同義語であり、『家』という意味もあります。(ヘブライ語の『Beit』は『~の家』を意味し、 Beit HaMikdash(聖人の家)やBeit El/Bethel(神の家)などで使用されている。)アラビア語のカアバは正方形または立方体を意味します。コーランはまた、Bait al-Ma’murについても言及しています。[コーラン52:4]カアバが象徴する天国の神の家で、ハディースによれば、そこで天使たちがタワーフと祈りを行います。」

And [by] the frequented House
And [by] the heaven raised high
And [by] the sea filled [with fire],
Indeed, the punishment of your Lord will occur.
[quran 52:4-7]

[コーラン 52章4~7節]

“It is important to ‘feed’ the servitor not only to keep its power strong, but to keep it programmed as to its mission. This is achieved by calling the servitor by the name given to it, and breathing more light energy into it, reaffirming its mission, or programming another mission into it”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Advanced Thoughtforms/Servitors
“In the beginning was the Word… and the Word was God”

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich 上級 思考形態/サービター

“In the beginning was the Word… and the Word was God”
[John 1:1]
Abu Hurairah reported Allah’s Messenger [Muhammad] (dung and lice be upon him) as saying: “There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd and He loves odd numbers. And in the narration of Ibn ‘Umar [the words are]: ‘He who enumerated them’.”
[Sahih Muslim, 35:6475]

[ヨハネ 第1章1節]
Abu Hurairahは、アッラーの使徒[ムハンマド](彼の上に糞とシラミがある)がこう言ったと伝えた:「アッラーの名は99ある;それらを記憶する者は、楽園に入ることが出来る。本当にアッラーは奇数であり、奇数を愛される。またIbn ‘Umarの語りには、[言葉がある]:『それらを列挙した者』」
[Sahih Muslim、35章6475節]

“God” is elohim / eloahim, the multiple from eloah / eloh / alaah. “God” is multiple. It is its own names: 42 and 72 in bible, and 99 in quran. In both books it calls itself “we”. In the beginning, the jewish “god” was just a word…

『神』はelohim / eloahimで、eloah / eloh / alaahの複数形である。

…This is achieved by calling the servitor by the name given to it…
Call upon allah or call upon the Most Merciful. Whichever [name] you call – to Him belong the best names….
[Sura 17:110]

[Sura 第17章110節]

“This name should be unique and unusual because just saying the name either aloud or in your mind will immediately summon the servitor. Obviously you don’t want other people calling out a common name and then here it comes!”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Advanced Thoughtforms/Servitors

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich 上級 思考形態/サービター

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”
“God” is the servitor…


“Putting in and programming the energy should be done at one time. After this, you can continue putting more and more energy into it every day if you wish to make it stronger. The energy should be programmed the same way every time to strengthen it. This is where the “servitor needs to feed off of the witch’s energy.”


The Messenger of Allah (crap and lice be upon him) said narrating about the journey of ‘Isra wal Miraaj:
“Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma’mur (i.e. Allah’s House). I asked Gabriel about it and he said, This is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”
Mudslimes pray daily…

アッラーの使徒(クソとシラミが彼の上にいる)は、Isra wal Miraajの旅について語ったとき、次のように述べた:
「それから私はAl-Bait-al-Ma’mur(つまり、アッラーの家)を見せられました。私がガブリエルにそのことについて尋ねると、彼はこう言った;これはAl Bait-ul-Ma’murです。7万人の天使が毎日祈りをささげていますが、去っても彼らは決して戻って来ません (ただし、いつも新しい群れが毎日そこに入ってきます) 。」

“To keep it alive and going, it will need regular feedings for the span of its life”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, post in Advanced Meditation e-group named Golem

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich、Golemという上級瞑想の電子グループの投稿より

“the sins of the sons of Adam made it black.”
“Touching them both (the Black Stone and Ar-Rukn Al-Yamani) is an expiation for one’s sins.”
[Narrated by al-Tirmidhi]

「(黒石と Ar-Rukn Al-Yamaniの)両方に触れることは、自分の罪を償うことです。」

Now what are the “sins”… “Sins” in islam and christianity basically are: sex; anger; pride; racial, ytibal and familian loyalty; worshipping your racial tribal Gods; preserving your racial tribal culture, following your racial tribal traditions; respect for Ancestors; but first and foremost – WITCHCRAFT, SPIRITUAL POWER and MIGHT.
In short, “sins” are your energy, your lifeforce:
“The prophet said, “The Devil circulates in a person like blood (in the blood streams).”
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
“No child is born but the devil touches it when it is born whereupon it screams, except Mary and her son”
[Abu Hurayrah]
“Sins” are life.

[Abu Hurayrah]

Now what is “black”… Ida / feminine / In’ channel of the soul is described as black. “Black matter” is Ether – the only element of 5 elements that is unsensable by 5 senses. “Black” is the invisible, the secret, the unseen, the occult, the astral. That’s why Satanists use black color. “Black Sun” is Spiritual Sun, the Sun of astral world, Solar chakra being source of spiritual life of a human soul, as well as real Sun being source of physical life on the Earth. “Black” is spiritual realm, spiritual power.
Prayers are power.
Thus “Touching the Cube” is expiation for one’s power.


“The magickal assistant must be “fed” regularly. By “fed” this means giving it energy and continuing to program it”
– High Priestess Maxine Dietrich Creating a Thoughtform Servitor

ーHPS Maxine Dietrich 思考形態/サービターの創造


“This [the Black Cube] is Al Bait-ul-Ma’mur [The “House of God”] where 70,000 angels perform prayers daily and when they leave they never return to it (but always a fresh batch comes into it daily).”
It takes one’s sins energy… daily…

「これ[ブラックキューブ]はAl Bait-ul-Ma’mur[『神の家』]です。7万人の天使が毎日祈りをささげていますが、去っても彼らは決して戻って来ません (ただし、いつも新しい群れが毎日そこに入ってきます) 。」

Black is Power inside the Soul, the Feminine part of the Soul, the Subconscious. Cube is being infused with Power… OUR Power…

黒は魂の中の力、魂の女性的な部分、潜在意識です。 キューブには力が注入されています…私たちの力…

“Alaah” is a magic working. Jewish word “Eloah / Eloahim” (stolen from Sumerian El) is a “light”; and Light is Power [ -Lilith]. Black Cube will “turned on” by the Power it was infused with (by the sins of the sons of Adam) and work for those who own this Power – the jews.

『アッラー』は魔法の働きです。ユダヤ人の言葉『Eloah / Eloahim』(シュメールのElから盗まれた)は『光』です;そして光は力です[ーリリスより]。ブラックキューブは (アダムの息子たちの罪によって) 注がれた力によって『活性化』され、この力を持つ者たちーユダヤ人のために働くだろう。

“Call upon allah… or call upon the “Most Merciful”. Whichever [name] you call…”
“There are ninety-nine names of Allah”
– mohammad
To call “upon” eloah – one of eloahim – is to vibrate any of 99, 42 or 72 names of jewish god.

「アッラーを呼びなさい…または『最も慈悲深い』ものを呼びなさい。 どちらの[名前]を呼んでも…」

The Black Cube the Powers of our Souls will “speak” in the favour of the jews in the “end of the days”. The “end of the days” is the end of our soul, when all our lifeforce is passed to the Jew and nothing is left. Our Powers have an end.


For more information see Hexahedron



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Creating a Thoughtform Servitor
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bible, quran