
published: December 12, 1890
© midland journal (1885-1947)

原文:「Judas Iscariot」 by Minerva Publishing Company
published 1889.
このJudas Iscariotの著者は序文と1章にて、ユダヤ人が積み上げた犯罪事実の指摘を行ったら、ユダヤ人から全力で誹謗中傷などを駆使して弾圧されたと告発しました。このユダヤ人の行動は、いつの時代でも組織的に行われる。
邪悪の密造におけるユダヤ人の要素(The Jewish Element in Bootlegging Evil)
[From "Judas Iscariot," a work published by the Minerva Publishing Company, New York, on the rascality praetioed in every branch of trade by the Jews, we excerpt the following chapter on the whiskey trade.]
[ニューヨークのMinerva Publishing Companyから出版されたユダヤ人によるあらゆる貿易部門での悪行についての著作「Judas Iscariot(イスカリオテのユダヤ人)」から、私たちはウィスキー貿易についての次の章を抜粋する。]
The Jew has obtruded himself, of late years, upon the public as a liquor-dealer ; and in that business his innate and insatiable rascality has actually made it necessary for honest men to combine and form a Prohibition party to protect the community against the vile rot-gut with which the Jews have flooded the entire country. Every city, town, and village in the United States is suffering from the evils of adulterated and poisonous whiskeys, brandies, rums, gins, champagnes, and red wines which the Jews, and only the Jews, without a single exception, have manufactured, and sell through their agents and drummers.
In the State of Vermont, which the Jews have literally invaded with an army of persistent runners whose cheek and assurance have made the lightning-rod men modest and respected, the people were obliged to appeal to the Legislature for protection.
Vermont was literally flooded with a mean, low grade of Jewish whiskey, Jewish brandy, Jewish champagne, manufactured and concocted in New York by Jew dealers, in secret underground cellars, costing but one dollar a gallon, but bottled in the highest style of art and adorned with labels exactly like those of Mumm’s Extra Dry, Pommery Sec, Veuve Cliquot, etc.
バーモント州は文字通り、ユダヤ人ディーラーによって秘密の地下セラーでニューヨークで製造され調合された、1ガロンわずか1ドルの低品質のユダヤ製ウイスキー、ユダヤ製ブランデー、ユダヤ製シャンパンであふれていた、しかし最高の芸術スタイルで瓶詰めされ、Mumm’s Extra Dry、Pommery Sec、Veuve Cliquotなどと全く同じラベルで飾られていた。
The Jews, in mixing and concocting their different kinds of rot-gut, make use of fusil oil of corn, compounded with sulphuric acid, sulphate of copper, oxalic acid, sugar of lead, chloroform, ammonia, etc.; all of which are not merely injurious, but actually dangerous, to life,
French brandy is also manufactured by Jews; and it is almost impossible to obtain genuine brandy. The Jewish recipe for brandy, which is dispensed even at the best of the public bar-rooms in New York, is a follows:
Spirits of wine………………… 40 gallons
French brandy………………… 5 gallons
St. John's bread extract…… 1/2 gallon
Colouring…………………………… 6 ounces
The above Jewish mixture costs about $1.30 per gallon, but th New York Jew liquor-dealers,who advertise themselves as importers, sell this vile stuff as Barton & Guestier brandy, 1848, for $12.75 to $18.00 per gallon.
上記のユダヤ人の混合物は1ガロン当たり約1.30ドルするが、自らを輸入業者と宣伝するニューヨークのユダヤ人の酒類販売業者は、この卑劣ながらくたをBarton & Guestierブランデー、1848年物として1ガロン当たり12.75ドルから18.00ドルで売っている。
Jamaica rum is not imported from the West Indies, but is made in New York by Jews from the following recipe :
Spirits of wine………… 40 gallons
New England rum…… 5 gallons
Prune-juice……………… 1/2 gallon
Rum-essence…………… 8 ounces
Colouring…………………… 12 ounces
In like manner, champagnes are made by Jews from the cheap grades of California wines or from well-seasoned cider. Bottling and labelling is done in the highest style of the art ; and the rascally imitations find their way to the hotels, public bars, and the aristocratic clubs of New York, while the Jew pockets his big profits and laughs at the stupidity of Gentile wine-bibbers.
All red wines sold by Jew dealers are adulterated. Headaches and nausea are invariably caused by drinking them. Red wines are largely adulterated with cherry-juice, blackberry-juice, and grape-sugar.
To expose these villainous frauds ought to be a sufficient warning to the American people, whose intelligence will be quick to discern and apply the remedy:
First. Never buy any kind of liquor from a Jew.
Second. Touch not, taste not, handle not, and you will beat the Jew every time.
Third. Labour to form a public opinion determined, at all hazards, to stop at once this murderous business carried on by the Jews, of adultering wines and liquors. Such adulteration should be a State-prison offence, punishable with an imprisonment of ten to twenty years—the longer the better.
The people rebelled against oleomargarine sold as butter; and for such offence they have provided, by law, severe penalties.
※参考用、The War on Margarine
Punish the Jew in like manner, and his nefarious traffic will come to an end.
The Pittsburgh Press lately published a leading article on poisoned whiskey, giving some of the secrets of the trade, on the authority of a prominent wholesale dealer:
Pittsburgh Pressは最近、毒入りウィスキーに関する主要な記事を掲載し、著名な卸売業者の権威に基づいて、取引の秘密の一部を提供した:
“There is not one saloon in fifty in this city where we can get a drink of pure whiskey. I will make it stronger : forty-nine out of every fifty liquor-dealers are selling whiskey which is, more or less, poison. I would not drink it, sir—I would not allow a good dog tö drink it.”
「この街には50軒中に1軒も、純粋なウイスキーを飲める酒場はありません。私はそれをより強調します: 酒販店50軒のうち49軒が、多かれ少なかれ、毒物であるウイスキーを売っています。私はそれを飲みません、先生ー私は健康な犬がそれを飲むことを許可しません。」
This remark was made by a respectable wholesale merchant to a reporter of the Pittsburgh Press. He claims that the Jews are regularly engaged in the business of manufacturing and selling poisoned whiskey.
この発言はPittsburgh Pressの記者に対して社会的地位のある卸売商人によって言われました。彼は、ユダヤ人は定期的に毒入りウイスキーの製造と販売のビジネスに従事していると主張します。
The Press reporter, in amazement, inquired: “You do not mean to say that I cannot get good whiskey in a fine saloon, where I am charged twenty-five cents a glass?”
The dealer replied: “I will make no distinction between fine saloons and the lowest rum holes; they all handle the same kind of Jew goods. The cheap saloons may use a little more water in their whiskey, but it contains no more poison than that which you purchase in a saloon where costly oil-paintings adorn the walls and high- priced mirrors set off to advantage the fancy bar-fixings. It is all the same. Fancy saloons must make plenty of money in order to meet their expenses.”
The dealer continued: “The Jews, in their rectification, make five barrels of whiskey out of one. Some whiskey is put through a certain process whereby a large quantity of fusel oil is taken out. This whiskey is purchased by Jew rectifiers, who will draw all, or perhaps all but five gallons, out of a barrel, fill it up with cologne spirits, a very large percentage of which is fusel oil, and then add drugs to give it the proper colour and taste. I was in the rectifying-room of a Jew house a few days ago. I saw the compounder actually put several ounces of carbolic acid in a barrel of stuff he had compounded and called whiskey. This was, he said, for the purpose of giving it a bead—make it sparkle; make it sharp, biting.
A barrel of such Jew whiskey contains enough fusel oil to kill half a dozen men. I would just as willingly take a small dose of poison as drink a glass of it. Step into any saloon and take a glass of this vile Jew rot-gut, and you will feel the evil results before you are across the threshold. It acts directly upon the brain, and is keenly and quickly felt throughout the entire system. Men who drink much of it become wild, lose their judgment and reason, and are scarcely responsible for what they do; besides, they are being slowly poisoned to death; young men are stunted in their vigorous growth, and the energies of older men are wasted. This miserable Jew whiskey often finds its way into sick-chambers, and the results can be imagined.”
Another old liquor-dealer stated to the writer, a short time ago, that he could not hold his tradeand handle pure goods in competition with the rascally Jews, who are everywhere forcing their cheap rot-gut upon the market.
“Show me a man who adulterates his whiskey.” said another dealer, “ and I will show you one that will not drink that which he sells to others.”
The adulteration of wine in France—which is the work of Jews also—occupies considerable space in the latest volumes of the Consular Report, issued by the Department of State at Washington. Consul Wilson, of Nantes, in a communication dated at Rouen, April 30th, says: “ The falsification of French wines is carried on extensively, and large shipments of this falsified wine are sent to the United States,” where they are sold by Jew importing-houses in New York. Consul Roosevelt, of Bordeaux, in a letter dated April 10th, says: “Never have the wine-traders and the proprietors been flooded, as now, with prospectuses, circulars, and advertisements extolling powders, liquids, and all the products fit for the artificial colouring of wines. Hundreds of hogsheads daily arrive on our market, filled with these products for colouring and adulterating wines.”
フランスにおけるワインの混ぜ物処理―これもユダヤ人の仕業である―は、ワシントンの国務省が発行した領事報告書の最新巻でかなりのスペースを占めている。ナントのWilson領事は、Rouenでの4月30日付けの書簡の中で、次のように述べる:「フランスワインの偽装は広範囲に行われており、大量の偽装ワインがアメリカに送られています、」そこでそれらはニューヨークのユダヤ人輸入業者によって販売されている。 BordeauxのRoosevelt領事は、4月10日付けの書簡の中で、次のように述べる:「今日のように、ワインの取引業者や所有者が、粉や液体やワインの人工着色に適した全ての製品を謳う目論見書や回覧や広告で氾濫したことは決してなかった。毎日何百ホッグズヘッドが私たちの市場に到着し、ワインを着色し、混ぜ物をするためのこれらの製品で満たされています。」
The result of all these commercial frauds in the wine trade of France is easily understood. When the Jews on both sides of the Atlantic are acting in concert, it is time for the American people to consider what action is necessary to protect our people against the rascally Jew. If it is proper to protect our labouring man against cheap Chinese labour and cheap Italian contract labour, shall we not also protect our honest tradesmen and merchants against the Jews, who, by their dishonesty, are driving them out of New York at a rapid rate. Our sturdy labourers cannot compete with cheap imported foreign labour, neither can American merchants compete with lying, cheating, rascally Jews.