
アーリア人種の起源と宿命(The Aryan Race Origins And Destiny)

by Former HP Mageson666 Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:40 am


The God Shiva is called Swarupa the "White God" in Hinduism the seat of Shiva worship is northern India the place of the Swastika mountain of Kailash, the regions that were populated by the ancient Aryans. The southern Indians state they received the concept of Shiva Dharma from Aryan Rishi's who came down from the north. When the Europeans came to India they were called the "Swarupa's" showing this term of Shiva is a racial term.

シヴァ神は、ヒンドゥー教ではスワルパ(Swarupa)「白い神」と呼ばれています。シヴァ神を信仰する場所は、古代アーリア人が住んでいた北インド、卍(スワスティカ Swastika)の山であるカイラシュのある地域です。南インド人は、北からやってきたアーリア人のリシからシヴァ・ダルマ(Dharma)の概念を受け取ったと述べています。ヨーロッパ人がインドに来たとき、彼らは「スワルパ人(Swarupa's)」と呼ばれていましたが、このShivaという言葉が人種的な言葉であることを示しています。

The fair or White form of Shiva is still shown as an Aryan being:



The ancient Aryan's were called the Saka's which means Kingly Cobra's and Dragons. The term Saka also becomes known as the Scythians.


The Hindu text the Deva Samhita states the White Race the Saka's were born from Shiva and sprang from His mind and soul thus blood and body, this was symbolically shown as from the Jatas of Shiva which represent the flowing serpent power. Hence why the Saka's were called the Jat Saka's as well. To the point Jats was the general name for the Saka's.


補足: Shiva Jatas シヴァ・ジャタス


The Deva Samhita states the Saka Aryans were born of the head of Shiva due to their position to be leaders they are called like gods and of all the kshatriya's the royal warrior class the best and most powerful and destined to lead the world. They are called the greatest of warriors, whom were put here by Shiva to be a god like race of kings and warriors.


The Matsya Purana states the Jat-Sakas Aryans ruled the world for a period of seven thousand years. The Puranas state the Aryan Saka homeland was the continent of Sakadwipa in Central Asia. Which the Mahabharata states was at the north-west part of ancient Bharata, modern India. The Hindu texts stated Sakadwipa was populated with Maha Siddha's, those with risen serpents and Lord Shiva was the God worshipped. The ancient cities found along the Silk Road are larger then those of Mesopotamia and the burial sites show the inhabitants cities of the Silk Road were all ancient Aryan Peoples just as the Tocharians whom the Greek histories mention as Scythians, the Tocharians burial grounds show the outer regions of Sakadwipa.


Sakadwipa went through Central Asia across to Europe of when the Aryan Saka's came into Europe they became the Saxon's. Sarmatians, Hungarians, Germans, Dacian's the Romanians, Slav's, Greeks and the entire racial nation of the European People across all the different regions even the Gaels. Just as they were the Aryan Parthians and Persians further east.


The Aryan Saka's were also known as the Parthians and Persians before the creation of the enemy program of Zoroastrianism n ancient Persia, the Aryan's of Persia worshipped Shiva as their God, Shiva was turned into Ahriman the Devil of the Zoroastrian religion with the creation of Zoroastrianism which forms the major influence of the origin of Christianity and is influenced from Judaism:


"What is especially interesting in Zarathustra's vision is his redefinition of the old Vedic gods the daevas [Sanskrit devas]. They are turned into devils, companions of evil Ahriman. Ancient Indo-European deities such as Indra, the wielder of thunder, the Ashivns [the heavenly twins], and Sharva, who is none other then Shiva-Rudra, are expressly mentioned as evil spirits. Daeva worshippers are threatened with ETERNAL HELLFIE."


"We can see that Zarathustra turned the sociology of the supernatural worlds topsy-turvy. To him and his followers , the worshippers of the daevas [devas became nonsober], idol devil worshippers. There was little doubt as far as they were concerned that the devotees of Shiva-Sharva were worshippers of the Evil One."


"The image of Satan, which spooks through all Western religions has its roots in Zarathustra's condemnation of the old gods, specifically of Shiva."


"Mahadev's [Shiva my note] adders and vipers became in Zarathustrian eyes, the very insignia of evil. In older cultures these long-lived reptiles, with their ability to shed their skins were respected as the symbol of life renewing itself, as omens of fertility, of wisdom and of healing[e.g., Aesculapian serpents of ancient Greece]...."


補足: Viper、Adder 両方ともクサリヘビの一種。

Shiva was the God Dionysus to the ancient Greeks of whom Dionysus's symbol was the serpent. Shiva and Dionysus are the same God as the French scholar Alain Danielou showed in his book on Shiva and Dionysus. The God Dionysus was worshipped as Ioannes which became Oannes in Babylonian another title of Enki.


All quotes are from: Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy, Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
The Path Of The Dragon, Mark Pinkham
Gods of Love and Ecstasy: The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus, Alain Danielou

引用元:シヴァ、力と恍惚の野性的な神、ウォルフ・ディーター・シュトル, PH.D.
愛と恍惚の神々:シヴァ神とディオニュソス神の伝承 アラン・ダニロウ