サウード家、ドンメの「青年トルコ人」隠れユダヤ人(House Of Saud, Donmeh “Young Turks” Crypto-Jews)

by Don  2011/10/31 03:41:52



In this investigative report by Wayne Madison a former U.S. Intelligence and US Navy officer we find out several major things That Turkey fell from the inside to crypto-jews or the “Young Turks” the Donmeh. These jews where responsible for the Armenian genocide [a million and up where murdered] along with the genocides of thousands of Greeks.

元米国諜報機関および米海軍将校のWayne Madisonによるこの調査報告では、トルコが内部から隠れユダヤ人または「青年トルコ人」であるドンメ(Donmeh)に陥落したことが、いくつかの重要な事として明らかにされている。これらのユダヤ人は、アルメニア人の大量虐殺[100万人以上が殺害された]と何千人ものギリシャ人の大量虐殺に責任がある。

We also learn the House of Saud the family that rules Saudi Arabia are of jewish creation and blood hence also crypto-jews. This news being so dangerous to the Saudi’s they put out a contract on a researcher Mohammad Sakher who wrote openly of it.

また、サウジアラビアを支配するサウド家はユダヤ人の創造物であり、血統が隠れユダヤ人であることもわかった。このニュースはサウジアラビアにとって非常に危険なもので、このニュースを公然と書いた研究者Mohammad Sakherと契約を結びました。

And we can see how the jews use their tool of islam to divide and rule Gentiles from within. The truth of islam:



The Jews Admit the Jewishness of Islam


– High Priest Mageson 666


The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part I)

The Dönmeh:中東で最も秘密にされていること(Part 1)

There is a historical “eight hundred pound gorilla” lurking in the background of almost every serious military and diplomatic incident involving Israel, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Greece, Armenia, the Kurds, the Assyrians, and some other players in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. It is a factor that is generally only whispered about at diplomatic receptions, news conferences, and think tank sessions due to the explosiveness and controversial nature of the subject. And it is the secretiveness attached to the subject that has been the reason for so much misunderstanding about the current breakdown in relations between Israel and Turkey, a growing warming of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, and increasing enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran…


Although known to historians and religious experts, the centuries-old political and economic influence of a group known in Turkish as the “Dönmeh” is only beginning to cross the lips of Turks, Arabs, and Israelis who have been reluctant to discuss the presence in Turkey and elsewhere of a sect of Turks descended from a group of Sephardic Jews who were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition in the 16th and 17th centuries. These Jewish refugees from Spain were welcomed to settle in the Ottoman Empire and over the years they converted to a mystical sect of Islam that eventually mixed Jewish Kabbala and Islamic Sufi semi-mystical beliefs into a sect that eventually championed secularism in post-Ottoman Turkey. It is interesting that “Dönmeh” not only refers to the Jewish “untrustworthy converts” to Islam in Turkey but it is also a derogatory Turkish word for a transvestite, or someone who is claiming to be someone they are not.

歴史家や宗教専門家の間では知られているものの、トルコ語で 「ドンメ(Dönmeh) 」 と呼ばれるグループの数世紀にわたる政治的・経済的影響力は、16世紀から17世紀にかけてのスペインの異端審問によってスペインから追放されたセファルディム系ユダヤ人のグループの子孫であるトルコ人の一派がトルコやその他の地域に存在することについて議論することを躊躇していたトルコ人、アラブ人、イスラエル人の口に上り始めているにすぎない。スペインから逃れてきたこれらのユダヤ人難民は、オスマン帝国に定住することを歓迎され、何年にもわたって彼らはイスラム教の神秘主義の宗派に改宗し、最終的にはユダヤのカバラとイスラム教のスーフィー半神秘主義信仰を混ぜ合わせて、最終的にオスマン帝国後のトルコで世俗主義を擁護する宗派となった。興味深いことに、 「Dönmeh」 はトルコにおけるユダヤ人の 「信用できない改宗者」 を指すだけでなく、服装倒錯者、または自分を自分ではない誰かであると主張する人を指すトルコ語の蔑称でもある。

The Donmeh sect of Judaism was founded in the 17th century by Rabbi Sabbatai Zevi, a Kabbalist who believed he was the Messiah but was forced to convert to Islam by Sultan Mehmet IV, the Ottoman ruler. Many of the rabbi’s followers, known as Sabbateans, but also “crypto-Jews,” publicly proclaimed their Islamic faith but secretly practiced their hybrid form of Judaism, which was unrecognized by mainstream Jewish rabbinical authorities. Because it was against their beliefs to marry outside their sect, the Dönmeh created a rather secretive sub-societal clan.

ユダヤ教のドンメ派は、17世紀にラビSabbatai Zeviによって創設された。Sabbatai Zeviはカバラ主義者で、自分を救世主と信じていたが、オスマン帝国の支配者スルタン・メフメト4世によってイスラム教への改宗を余儀なくされた。ラビの信者の多くはシャブタイ派と呼ばれ、また「隠れユダヤ人」とも呼ばれた。彼らは公にはイスラム教を信仰していると宣言したが、主流のユダヤのラビ当局には認められていないハイブリッド型のユダヤ教をひそかに実践していたのである。宗派を越えて結婚することは彼らの信条に反するため、Dönmehはかなり秘密めいた亜流の一族を作り上げた。

The Dönmeh rise to power in Turkey


Many Dönmeh, along with traditional Jews, became powerful political and business leaders in Salonica. It was this core group of Dönmeh, which organized the secret Young Turks, also known as the Committee of Union and Progress, the secularists who deposed Ottoman Sultan Abdulhamid II in the 1908 revolution, proclaimed the post-Ottoman Republic of Turkey after World War I, and who instituted a campaign that stripped Turkey of much of its Islamic identity after the fall of the Ottomans. Abdulhamid II was vilified by the Young Turks as a tyrant, but his only real crime appears to have been to refuse to meet Zionist leader Theodore Herzl during a visit to Constantinople in 1901 and reject Zionist and Dönmeh offers of money in return for the Zionists to be granted control of Jerusalem.


Like other leaders who have crossed the Zionists, Sultan Adulhamid II appears to have sealed his fate with the Dönmeh with this statement to his Ottoman court: “Advise Dr. Herzl not to take any further steps in his project. I cannot give away even a handful of the soil of this land for it is not my own, it belongs to the entire Islamic nation. The Islamic nation fought jihad for the sake of this land and had watered it with their blood. The Jews may keep their money and millions. If the Islamic Khalifate state is one day destroyed then they will be able to take Palestine without a price! But while I am alive, I would rather push a sword into my body than see the land of Palestine cut and given away from the Islamic state.” After his ouster by Ataturk’s Young Turk Dönmeh in 1908, Abdulhamid II was jailed in the Donmeh citadel of Salonica. He died in Constantinople in 1918, three years after Ibn Saud agreed to a Jewish homeland in Palestine and one year after Lord Balfour deeded Palestine away to the Zionists in his letter to Baron Rothschild.

シオニストに逆らった他の指導者たちと同様、スルタン・アブドゥルハミド2世は、オスマン帝国の宮廷に対して次のように発言し、ドンメとの運命を決定付けたようです:「ヘルツル博士に、彼の計画をこれ以上進めないよう忠告してください。私はこの土地の一握りの土も手放すことはできません、この土地は私のものではなく、イスラム国家全体に属しているからだ。イスラム国家はこの地の利益のためにジハードを戦い、その血で潤してきた。ユダヤ人は金と数百万を保持しているかもしれません。もし、イスラム・カリフ国家がいつか破壊されるなら、彼らは代償なしにパレスチナを手に入れることができるだろう!しかし、私が生きている間は、パレスチナの土地が切り取られ、イスラム国家から手放されるのを見るくらいなら、私の体に剣を突き刺す方がましです。」1908年、アタテュルクの青年トルコ人ドンメによって追放された後、アブドゥルハミド2世は、サロニカのドンメ城塞に収監された。Ibn Saudがパレスチナのユダヤ人の故郷に合意した3年後、バルフォア卿がロスチャイルド男爵への書簡でパレスチナをシオニストに譲渡した1年後の1918年に、彼はコンスタンティノープルで死去している。

One of the Young Turk leaders in Salonica was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey. When Greece achieved sovereignty over Salonica in 1913, many Dönmeh, unsuccessful at being re-classified Jewish, moved to Constantinople, later re-named Istanbul. Others moved to Izmir, Bursa, and Ataturk’s newly-proclaimed capital and future seat of Ergenekon power, Ankara.


Some texts suggest that the Dönmeh numbered no more than 150,000 and were mainly found in the army, government, and business. However, other experts suggest that the Dönmeh may have represented 1.5 million Turks and were even more powerful than believed by many and extended to every facet of Turkish life. One influential Donmeh, Tevfik Rustu Arak, was a close friend and adviser to Ataturk and served as Turkey’s Foreign Minister from 1925 to 1938.

ドンメの人数は15万人以下で、主に軍隊、政府、事業に属していたとする文献もある。しかし、他の専門家は、ドンメは150万人のトルコ人を代表し、多くの人が信じているよりもさらに強力で、トルコ人の生活のあらゆる面に広がっていたと示唆しています。有力者の1人であるドンメのTevfik Rustu Arakはアタテュルクの親友かつ顧問であり、1925年から1938年までトルコの外務大臣を務めた。

Ataturk, who was reportedly himself a Dönmeh, ordered that Turks abandon their own Muslim-Arabic names. The name of the first Christian emperor of Rome, Constantine, was erased from the largest Turkish city, Constantinople. The city became Istanbul, after the Ataturk government in 1923 objected to the traditional name. There have been many questions about Ataturk’s own name, since “Mustapha Kemal Ataturk” was a pseudonym. Some historians have suggested that Ataturk adopted his name because he was a descendant of none other than Rabbi Zevi, the self-proclaimed Messiah of the Dönmeh! Ataturk also abolished Turkey’s use of the Arabic script and forced the country to adopt the western alphabet.


Modern Turkey: a secret Zionist state controlled by the Dönmeh


Ataturk’s suspected strong Jewish roots, information about which was suppressed for decades by a Turkish government that forbade anything critical of the founder of modern Turkey, began bubbling to the surface, first, mostly outside of Turkey and in publications written by Jewish authors. The 1973 book, The Secret Jews, by Rabbi Joachim Prinz, maintains that Ataturk and his finance minister, Djavid Bey, were both committed Dönmeh and that they were in good company because “too many of the Young Turks in the newly formed revolutionary Cabinet prayed to Allah, but had their real prophet [Sabbatai Zevi, the Messiah of Smyrna].” In The Forward of January 28, 1994, Hillel Halkin wrote in The New York Sun that Ataturk recited the Jewish Shema Yisrael (“Hear O Israel”), saying that it was “my prayer too.” The information is recounted from an autobiography by journalist Itamar Ben-Avi, who claims Ataturk, then a young Turkish army captain, revealed he was Jewish in a Jerusalem hotel bar one rainy night during the winter of 1911. In addition, Ataturk attended the Semsi Effendi grade school in Salonica, run by a Dönmeh named Simon Zevi. Halkin wrote in the New York Sun article about an email he received from a Turkish colleague: “I now know – know (and I haven’t a shred of doubt) – that Ataturk’s father’s family was indeed of Jewish stock.”

アタテュルクのユダヤ人としての強いルーツと疑われる情報は、近代トルコの創始者に対する批判を禁じたトルコ政府によって、何十年にもわたって抑圧されてきたが、最初は主にトルコ国外で、ユダヤ人作家の書いた出版物から表面化しはじめた。ラビJoachim Prinzによる1973年の著書『The Secret Jews』は、アタテュルクと彼の財務大臣Djavid Beyはともに熱心なドンメであり、「新しくできた革命内閣では、あまりに多くの青年トルコ人はアッラーに祈ったが、彼らの本当の預言者[Smyrnaのメシア、Sabbatai Zevi]がいた」ので、彼らは仲が良かったと主張している。1994年1月28日の The Forwardで、Hillel HalkinはThe New York Sunに、アタテュルクはユダヤ人のシェマ・イスラエル ( 「聞け、イスラエルよ」 ) を暗唱し、 「私の祈りでもある」 と述べたと書いた。この情報は、ジャーナリストのItamar Ben-Avi氏の自伝から語られたもので、1911年の冬のある雨の夜、当時トルコ軍の若き大尉だったアタテュルクが、エルサレムのホテルのバーで、自分がユダヤ人であることを明かしたと主張している。加えて、アタテュルクはSimon Zeviという名前のドンメが運営するサロニカのSemsi Effendi小学校に通いました。Halkinは、The New York Sunの記事の中で、トルコ人の同僚から受け取った電子メールについてこう書いている:「アタテュルクの父親の家系は確かにユダヤ人の家系であったことを、私は現在知っている-知っている(そして一片の疑いもない)。」

It was Ataturk’s and the Young Turks’ support for Zionism, the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, after World War I and during Nazi rule in Europe that endeared Turkey to Israel and vice versa. An article in The Forward of May 8, 2007, revealed that Dönmeh dominated Turkish leadership “from the president down, as well as key diplomats . . . and a great part of Turkey’s military, cultural, academic, economic, and professional elites” kept Turkey out of a World War II alliance with Germany, and deprived Hitler of a Turkish route to the Baku oilfields.” In his book, The Donme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks, Professor Marc David Baer wrote that many advanced to exalted positions in the Sufi religious orders.

第一次世界大戦後、ナチスがヨーロッパを支配していた時代に、アタテュルクと青年トルコ人がパレスチナにユダヤ人の故郷を作るシオニズムを支持したことが、トルコをイスラエルに好感を持たせ、逆にトルコをイスラエルに好感を持たせたのである。2007年5月8日付のThe Forwardの記事では、ドンメが「大統領以下のトルコの指導者と主要な外交官を支配し…そしてトルコの軍事的、文化的、学術的、経済的、職業的エリートの大部分」は、トルコを第二次世界大戦におけるドイツとの同盟関係から遠ざけ、ヒトラーからバクー油田へのトルコの経路を奪ったことが明らかにされた。Marc David Baer教授は著書『The Donme: Jewish Converts, Muslim Revolutionaries and Secular Turks』の中で、多くの人がスーフィー教団の高位職に進んだと書いている。

Israel has always been reluctant to describe the Turkish massacre of the Armenians by the Turks in 1915 as “genocide.” It has always been believed that the reason for Israel’s reticence was not to upset Israel’s close military and diplomatic ties with Turkey. However, more evidence is being uncovered that the Armenian genocide was largely the work of the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks. Historians like Ahmed Refik, who served as an intelligence officer in the Ottoman army, averred that it was the aim of the Young Turks to destroy the Armenians, who were mostly Christian. The Young Turks, under Ataturk’s direction, also expelled Greek Christians from Turkish cities and attempted to commit a smaller-scale genocide of the Assyrians, who were also mainly Christian.

イスラエルは、1915年にトルコ人が行ったアルメニア人虐殺を「genocide」と表現することに常に消極的であった。イスラエルが遠慮した理由は、トルコとの軍事的・外交的な緊密な関係を崩さないためだと、常に信じられてきました。しかし、アルメニア人虐殺の大部分は、青年トルコのドンメ指導部の仕業であったというより多くの証拠が明らかになってきている。オスマン軍の情報将校だったAhmed Refikなどの歴史家は、青年トルコ人の目的は、ほとんどがキリスト教徒であるアルメニア人を滅ぼすことだった、と断言している。青年トルコ人は、アタテュルクの指揮の下、ギリシャのキリスト教徒をトルコの都市から追放し、主にキリスト教徒であるアッシリア人の小規模な大量虐殺を試みました。

One Young Turk from Salonica, Mehmet Talat, was the official who carried out the genocide of the Armenians and Assyrians. A Venezuelan mercenary who served in the Ottoman army, Rafael de Nogales Mendez, noted in his annals of the Armenian genocide that Talat was known as the “renegade Hebrew of Salonica.” Talat was assassinated in Germany in 1921 by an Armenian whose entire family was lost in the genocide ordered by the “renegade Hebrew.” It is believed by some historians of the Armenian genocide that the Armenians, known as good businessmen, were targeted by the business-savvy Dönmeh because they were considered to be commercial competitors.

サロニカ出身の一人の青年トルコ人、Mehmet Talatは、アルメニア人とアッシリア人の大量虐殺を実行した役人であった。オスマン帝国軍に従軍していたベネズエラ人傭兵Rafael de Nogales Mendezは、アルメニア人虐殺に関する年代記の中で、Talatは 「サロニカの反逆ヘブライ人」 として知られていたと記している。Talatは1921年にドイツで、「反逆のヘブライ人」が命じた大虐殺で家族全員を失ったアルメニア人に暗殺された。アルメニア人虐殺の歴史家の中には、優秀なビジネスマンとして知られるアルメニア人が、商売敵と見なされたため、ビジネスに精通したドンメに狙われたと信じられている。

It is not, therefore, the desire to protect the Israeli-Turkish alliance that has caused Israel to eschew any interest in pursuing the reasons behind the Armenian genocide, but Israel’s and the Dönmeh’s knowledge that it was the Dönmeh leadership of the Young Turks that not only murdered hundreds of thousands of Armenians and Assyrians but who also stamped out Turkey’s traditional Muslim customs and ways. Knowledge that it was Dönmeh, in a natural alliance with the Zionists of Europe, who were responsible for the deaths of Armenian and Assyrian Christians, expulsion from Turkey of Greek Orthodox Christians, and the cultural and religious eradication of Turkish Islamic traditions, would issue forth in the region a new reality. Rather than Greek and Turkish Cypriots living on a divided island, Armenians holding a vendetta against the Turks, and Greeks and Turks feuding over territory, all the peoples attacked by the Dönmeh would realize that they had a common foe that was their actual persecutor.


Challenging Dönmeh rule: Turkey’s battle against the Ergenekon



It is the purging of the Kemalist adherents of Ataturk and his secular Dönmeh regime that is behind the investigation of the Ergenekon conspiracy in Turkey. Ergenekon’s description matches up completely with the Dönmeh presence in Turkey’s diplomatic, military, judicial, religious, political, academic, business, and journalist hierarchy. Ergenekon attempted to stop the reforms instituted by successive non-Dönmeh Turkish leaders, including the re-introduction of traditional Turkish Islamic customs and rituals, by planning a series of coups, some successful like that which deposed Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan’s Refah (Welfare) Islamist government in 1996 and some unsuccessful, like OPERATION SLEDGEHEMMER, which was aimed at deposing Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in 2003. Some Islamist-leaning reformists, including Turkish President Turgut Ozal and Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit, died under suspicious circumstances. Deposed democratically-elected Prime Minister Adnan Menderes was hanged in 1961, following a military coup.

トルコでのエルゲネコン陰謀の捜査の背後にあるのは、アタテュルクと彼の世俗的なドンメ政権のケマル主義支持者の粛清である。エルゲネコンの描写は、トルコの外交、軍事、司法、宗教、政治、学術、ビジネス、ジャーナリストなどの階層におけるドンメの存在と完全に一致する。エルゲネコンは、一連のクーデターを計画することで、伝統的なトルコ・イスラムの習慣と儀式の再導入を含む、歴代の非ドンメ系トルコ人指導者が制定した改革を阻止しようと試みた、あるものは1996年にNecmettin Erbakan首相のRefah (福祉) イスラム政権を退陣させたような成功を収めたが、あるものは2003年にRecep Tayyip Erdogan(エルドアン)首相の退陣を目指したスレッジハンマー作戦のような失敗に終わった。トルコのTurgut Ozal大統領やBulent Ecevit首相を含む、イスラム主義に傾倒する改革派の一部が疑わしい状況下で死亡した。民主的に選出されたAdnan Menderes首相は、1961年に軍事クーデターにより絞首刑に処せられました。

American politicians and journalists, whose knowledge of the history of countries like Turkey and the preceding Ottoman Empire, is often severely lacking, have painted the friction between Israel’s government and the Turkish government of Prime Minister Erdogan as based on Turkey’s drift to Islamism and the Arab world. Far from it, Erdogan and his Justice and Development Party (AKP) seem to have finally seen a way to break free from the domination and cruelty of the Dönmeh, whether in the form of Kemalist followers of Ataturk or nationalist schemers and plotters in Ergenekon. But with Turkey’s “Independence Day” has come vitriol from the Dönmeh and their natural allies in Israel and the Israel Lobby in the United States and Europe. Turkey as a member of the European Union was fine for Europe as long as the Dönmeh remained in charge and permitted Turkey’s wealth to be looted by central bankers like has occurred in Greece.


When Israel launched its bloody attack on the Turkish Gaza aid vessel, the Mavi Marmara, on May 31, 2010, the reason was not so much the ship’s running of the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The brutality of the Israelis in shooting unarmed Turks and one Turkish-American, some at point blank range, according to a UN report, indicated that Israel was motivated by something else: vengeance and retaliation for the Turkish government’s crackdown on Ergenekon, the purging of the Turkish military and intelligence senior ranks of Dönmeh, and reversing the anti-Muslim religious and cultural policies set down by the Dönmeh’s favorite son, Ataturk, some ninety years before. In effect, the Israeli attack on the Mavi Marmara was in retaliation for Turkey’s jailing of several top Turkish military officers, journalists, and academics, all accused of being part of the Ergenekon plot to overthrow the AKP government in 2003. Hidden in the Ergenekon coup plot is that the Dönmeh and Ergenekon are connected through their history of being Kemalists, ardent secularists, pro-Israeli, and pro-Zionist.

2010年5月31日、イスラエルがトルコのガザ支援船 、Mavi Marmara号に血なまぐさい攻撃を仕掛けたとき、その理由は、この船がイスラエルのガザ封鎖のために走ったからというわけではありません。国連の報告書によると、至近距離で、非武装のトルコ人とトルコ系アメリカ人の1人を射殺したイスラエル人の残虐行為は、イスラエルが別の何かに動機づけられていたことを示している:すなわち、トルコ政府によるエルゲネコン弾圧への復讐と報復、ドンメのトルコ軍と情報機関の幹部の粛清、そして約90年前にドンメのお気に入りの息子が決めた反イスラムの宗教・文化政策覆したことに対する復讐心と報復である。事実上、イスラエルによるMavi Marmara号攻撃は、トルコが2003年にAKP政権打倒のためのエルゲネコンの陰謀の一員とされたトルコ軍の高官、ジャーナリスト、学者数名を投獄したことに対する報復であった。エルゲネコンのクーデター計画に隠されているのは、ドンメとエルゲネコンが、ケマル主義者、熱心な世俗主義者、親イスラエル、親シオニストであるという歴史を通じてつながっているということです。

With tempers now flaring between Iran on one side and Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States on the other, as the result of a dubious claim by U.S. law enforcement that Iran was planning to carry out the assassination of the Saudi ambassador to the United States on American soil, the long-standing close, but secretive relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia is coming to the forefront. The Israeli-Saudi connection had flourished during OPERATION DESERT STORM, when both countries were on the receiving end of Saddam Hussein’s Scud missiles.


The Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part II)


What will surprise those who may already be surprised about the Dönmeh connection to Turkey, is the Dönmeh connection to the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia.


An Iraqi Mukhabarat (General Military Intelligence Directorate) Top Secret report, “The Emergence of Wahhabism and its Historical Roots,” dated September 2002 and released on March 13, 2008, by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency in translated English form, points to the Dönmeh roots of the founder of the Saudi Wahhabi sect of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. Much of the information is gleaned from the memoirs of a “Mr. Humfer,” (as spelled in the DIA report, “Mr. Hempher” as spelled the historical record) a British spy who used the name “Mohammad,” claimed to be an Azeri who spoke Turkish, Persian, and Arabic and who made contact with Wahhab in the mid-18th century with a view of creating a sect of Islam that would eventually bring about an Arab revolt against the Ottomans and pave the way for the introduction of a Jewish state in Palestine. Humfer’s memoirs are recounted by the Ottoman writer and admiral Ayyub Sabri Pasha in his 1888 work, “The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism.”

米国防情報局(U.S. DIA)が2008年3月13日に英訳版で公表した2002年9月付のイラクのMukhabarat (軍情報総局) の極秘報告書 「ワッハーブ主義の出現とその歴史的ルーツ」 は、イスラム教サウディ・ワッハーブ派の創始者Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhabのドンメのルーツを指摘している。「Mr. Humfer」という名前を使っていたイギリスのスパイ(DIAの報告書には、歴史的記録の綴りとして「Mr. Hempher」と書かれている。)で、トルコ語、ペルシャ語、アラビア語を話すアゼリ人を自称し、最終的にオスマン帝国に対するアラブの反乱を引き起こし、パレスチナにユダヤ人国家を導入する道を開くことになるイスラムの一派を作ることを目的として18世紀半ばにワッハーブと接触した人物の回想録から集められている。Humferの回想録は、オスマン帝国の作家で提督のAyyub Sabri Pashaが1888年に著した「The Beginning and Spreading of Wahhabism」の中で詳しく語られている。

※補足 Azeri

In his book, The Dönmeh Jews, D. Mustafa Turan writes that Wahhab’s grandfather, Tjen Sulayman, was actually Tjen Shulman, a member of the Jewish community of Basra, Iraq. The Iraqi intelligence report also states that in his book, The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis, Rifat Salim Kabar reveals that Shulman eventually settled in the Hejaz, in the village of al-Ayniyah what is now Saudi Arabia, where his grandson founded the Wahhabi sect of Islam. The Iraqi intelligence report states that Shulman had been banished from Damascus, Cairo, and Mecca for his “quackery.” In the village, Shulman sired Abdul Wahhab. Abdel Wahhab’s son, Muhammad, founded modern Wahhabism.

D.Mustafa Turanは著書「The Dönmeh Jews」の中で、ワッハーブの祖父であるTjen Sulaymanは、実際にはイラクのバスラのユダヤ人コミュニティの一員であるTjen Shulmanであったと書いている。また、イラク情報部の報告書によれば、Rifat Salim Kabarは、その著書「The Dönmeh Jews and the Origin of the Saudi Wahhabis」の中で、Shulmanが最終的にHejaz、現在のサウジアラビアであるal-Ayniyahの村に住み、彼の孫がイスラムのワッハーブ派を創設したと明かしている。イラクの情報機関の報告書には、Shulmanが「ヤブ医者」としてダマスカス、カイロ、メッカから追放されたことが書かれている。その村でShulmanはAbdul Wahhabを産んだ。Abdul Wahhabの息子、ムハンマドは、現代のワッハーブ派を創設した。

The Iraqi report also makes some astounding claims about the Saud family. It cites Abdul Wahhab Ibrahim al-Shammari’s book, The Wahhabi Movement: The Truth and Roots, which states that King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, the first Kingdom of Saudi Arabia monarch, was descended from Mordechai bin Ibrahim bin Moishe, a Jewish merchant also from Basra. In Nejd, Moishe joined the Aniza tribe and changed his name to Markhan bin Ibrahim bin Musa. Eventually, Mordechai married off his son, Jack Dan, who became Al-Qarn, to a woman from the Anzah tribe of the Nejd. From this union, the future Saud family was born.

また、イラクの報告書は、サウド家について驚くべき主張をしている。Abdul Wahhab Ibrahim al-Shammariの著書「The Wahhabi Movement: The Truth and Roots」を引用し、その中で、サウジアラビア王国の初代君主Abdul Aziz Ibn Saudは、同じバスラ出身のユダヤ人商人Mordechai bin Ibrahim bin Moisheの子孫であるとしている。Nejdで、MoisheはAniza族に加わり、Markhan bin Ibrahim bin Musaと改名した。最終的に、Mordechaiは息子のJack DanをNejdのAnzah族の女性と結婚させ、JackはAl-Qarnとなった。この組合から未来のサウード家が生まれた。

The Iraqi intelligence document reveals that the researcher Mohammad Sakher was the subject of a Saudi contract murder hit for his examination into the Sauds’ Jewish roots. In Said Nasir’s book, The History of the Saud Family, it is maintained that in 1943, the Saudi ambassador to Egypt, Abdullah bin Ibrahim al Muffadal, paid Muhammad al Tamami to forge a family tree showing that the Sauds and Wahhabs were one family that descended directly from the Prophet Mohammed.

イラクの情報機関の文書によると、研究者のMohammad Sakherは、サウードのユダヤ人ルーツを調査したためにサウジの契約殺人の標的になったことが明らかになっている。Said Nasirの著書「The History of the Saud Family」では、1943年に駐エジプトサウジアラビア大使Abdullah bin Ibrahim al MuffadalがMuhammad al Tamamiに金を払い、サウード家とワッハーブ家が預言者ムハンマドの直系であることを示す家系図を偽造したと断言されている。

At the outset of World War I, a Jewish British officer from India, David Shakespeare, met with Ibn Saud in Riyadh and later led a Saudi army that defeated a tribe opposed to Ibn Saud. In 1915, Ibn Saud met with the British envoy to the Gulf region, Bracey Cocas. Cocas made the following offer to Ibn Saud: “I think this is a guarantee for your endurance as it is in the interest of Britain that the Jews have a homeland and existence, and Britain’s interests are, by all means, in your interest.” Ibn Saud, the descendant of Dönmeh from Basra, responded: “Yes, if my acknowledgement means so much to you, I acknowledge thousand times granting a homeland to the Jews in Palestine or other than Palestine.” Two years later, British Foreign Secretary Lord Balfour, in a letter to Baron Walter Rothschild, a leader of the British Zionists, stated: “His Majesty’s government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people . . .” The deal had the tacit backing of two of the major players in the region, both descendant from Dönmeh Jews who supported the Zionist cause, Kemal Ataturk and Ibn Saud. The present situation in the Middle East should be seen in this light but the history of the region has been purged by certain religious and political interests for obvious reasons.

第一次世界大戦が始まると、インド出身のユダヤ系イギリス人将校David Shakespeareは、リヤドでイブン・サウード(Ibn Saud)と会談し、その後サウジ軍を率いてイブン・サウードと対立する部族を打ち負かした。1915年、イブン・サウードは湾岸地域のイギリス特使Bracey Cocasと会談した。Cocasはイブン・サウードに次のような申し入れをした:「ユダヤ人が故郷を持ち、存在することは、英国の利益であり、英国の利益は、是非とも、あなたの利益になるので、これはあなたの忍耐を保証するものであると私は思います。」バスラ出身のドンメの子孫であるイブン・サウードは、こう答えた。「はい、もし私の承認があなたにとってそれほど大きな意味を持つなら、パレスチナやそれ以外の場所をユダヤ人に祖国を与えることを何度でも承認します。」2年後、英国外相バルフォア卿は、英国シオニストの指導者ウォルター・ロスチャイルド男爵に宛てた手紙の中で次のように述べた:「国王陛下の政府見解は、パレスチナにユダヤ人のための国民の家を設立することに賛成している…」この取引は、この地域の主要人物2人の暗黙の支持を得ていた、2人ともシオニストの大義を支持したユダヤ人ドンメの子孫であるケマル・アタチュルクとイブン・サウードである。

After World War I, the British facilitated the coming to power of the Saud regime in the former Hejaz and Nejd provinces of the Ottoman Empire. The Sauds established Wahhabism as the state religion of the new Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and, like the Kemalist Dönmeh in Turkey, began to move against other Islamic beliefs and sects, including the Sunnis and Shi’as. The Wahhabi Sauds accomplished what the Kemalist Dönmeh were able to achieve in Turkey: a fractured Middle East that was ripe for Western imperialistic designs and laid the groundwork for the creation of the Zionist state of Israel.

第一次世界大戦後、イギリスはオスマン帝国の旧Hejaz州とNejd州でサウード政権の権力掌握を促進させた。サウード家はワッハーブ派を新しいサウジアラビア王国の国教として定め、トルコのケマル主義者ドンメのように、スンニ派やシーア派を含む他のイスラム教の信仰や宗派に反対する動きを始めました。Wahhabi Saudsは、ケマル主義者のドンメがトルコで成し遂げたことを成し遂げた:それは、西欧帝国主義の構想が熟し、イスラエルというシオニスト国家創設の基礎を築いた、分裂した中東だった。

Deep states and Dönmeh


During two visits to Turkey in 2010, I had the opportunity of discussing the Ergenekon “deep state” with leading Turkish officials. It was more than evident that discussions about the Ergenekon network and its “foreign” connections are a highly-sensitive subject. However, it was also whispered by one high-ranking Turkish foreign policy official that there were other “deep states” in surrounding nations and Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Syria were mentioned by name. Considering the links between Ergenekon and the Dönmeh in Turkey and the close intelligence and military links between the Dönmeh-descendent Sauds and Wahhabis in Arabia, the reports of close links between ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his intelligence chief Omar Suleiman and the Binyamin Netanyahu government in Israel may be seen in an entirely new light… And it would explain Erdogan’s support for Egypt’s revolution: in Turkey, it was a democratic revolution that curbed the influence of the Dönmeh. The influence of Wahhabi Salafists in Libya’s new government also explains why Erdogan was keen on establishing relations with the Benghazi-based rebels to help supplant the influence of the Wahhabis, the natural allies of his enemies, the Dönmeh (Ergenekon) of Turkey.

2010年にトルコを2度訪問した際、私はトルコの有力者とエルゲネコンの「ディープ・ステート」について議論する機会を得た。エルゲネコンのネットワークとその「外国」とのつながりについての議論は、非常にセンシティブなテーマであることが明らかでした。しかし、あるトルコ外交高官は、周辺国には他にも「ディープステート」が存在し、エジプト、サウジアラビア、ヨルダン、シリアなどが名指しされているとも囁いた。トルコのエルゲネコンとドンメのつながり、およびドンメの子孫であるサウジアラビアとアラビアのワッハーブ派の間の密接な情報と軍事的つながりを考慮すると、追放されたエジプトのHosni Mubarak大統領と彼の情報責任者であるOmar Suleiman、およびイスラエルのBinyamin Netanyahu政権の間の密接なつながりの報告は、全く新しい光の中で見られるかもしれない…そして、エルドアンがエジプトの革命を支持する理由にもなる:トルコでは、ドンメの影響力を抑制するための民主革命だったのだ。エルドアンがベンガジを拠点とする反政府勢力との関係構築に熱心で、敵対勢力であるトルコのデーンメ (エルゲネコン) の自然な同盟者であるワッハーブ派の影響力に取って代わろうとした理由は、リビア新政府におけるワッハーブ派サラフィストの影響力にも説明される。


Erdogan’s desire to set the historical record straight by restoring history purged by the Kemalists and Dönmeh has earned him vitriolic statements from Israel’s government that he is a neo-Ottomanist who is intent on forming an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab countries. Clearly, the Dönmeh and their Zionist brethren in Israel and elsewhere are worried about Dönmeh and Zionist historical revisionism, including their role in the Armenian and Assyrian genocide, and their genocide denial being exposed.


In Egypt, which was once an Ottoman realm, it was a popular revolution that tossed out what may have amounted to the Dönmeh with regard to the Mubarak regime. The Egyptian “Arab Spring” also explains why the Israelis were quick to kill six Egyptian border police so soon after nine Turkish passengers were killed aboard the Mavi Marmara, some in execution style, by Israeli troops. Dönmeh doctrine is rife with references to the Old Testament Amalekites, a nomadic tribe ordered attacked by the Hebrews from Egypt by the Jewish God to make room for Moses’s followers in the southern region of Palestine. In the Book of Judges, God unsuccessfully commands Saul: “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox, and sheep, camel and donkey.” The Dönmeh, whose doctrine is also present in Hasidic and other orthodox sects of Judaism, appear to have no problem substituting the Armenians, Assyrians, Turks, Kurds, Egyptians, Iraqis, Lebanese, Iranians, and Palestinians for the Amalekites in carrying out their military assaults and pogroms.

かつてオスマン帝国の領土だったエジプトでは、Mubarak 政権に関してドンメに相当するものを投げ捨てたのは大衆革命でした。エジプトの「アラブの春」は、Mavi Marmara号で9人のトルコ人乗客がイスラエル軍に殺害された直後に、イスラエルが6人のエジプト人国境警察を素早く殺害した理由も説明している。ドンメの教義は旧約聖書のアマレク人への言及であふれています、アマレク人は遊牧民族で、パレスチナの南部地域でモーセの信奉者のための場所を空けるために、ユダヤの神によってエジプトからヘブライ人に攻撃されるよう命じられました。『審判の書』では、神はサウルに次のように命じて失敗している:「さあ、アマレクを攻撃して、彼らが持っている全てのものを破壊することに専念しなさい。彼らを惜しまず、男女を殺し、幼児、牛、羊、ラクダ、ロバを殺しなさい。」 その教義はハシド派や他の正統派ユダヤ教にも存在しており、アルメニア人、アッシリア人、トルコ人、クルド人、エジプト人、イラク人、レバノン人、イラン人、パレスチナ人をアマレク人の代わりにして軍事攻撃やポグロムを行うことに問題はないようである。

With reformist governments in Turkey and Egypt much more willing to look into the background of those who have split the Islamic world, Ataturk in Turkey and Mubarak in Egypt, the Sauds are likely very much aware that it is only a matter of time before their links, both modern and historical, to Israel will be fully exposed. It makes sense that the Sauds have been successful in engineering a dubious plot involving Iranian government agents trying to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington in an unnamed Washington, DC restaurant. The Iraqi intelligence report could have been referring to the Zionists and Dönmeh when it stated, “it strives to . . . [the] killing of Muslims, destructing, and promoting the turmoil.” In fact, the Iraqi intelligence report was referring to the Wahhabis.


With new freedom in Turkey and Egypt to examine their pasts, there is more reason for Israel and its supporters, as well as the Sauds, to suppress the true histories of the Ottoman Empire, secular Turkey, the origins of Israel, and the House of Saud. With various players now angling for war with Iran, the true history of the Dönmeh and their influence on past and current events in the Middle East becomes more important.
