80. ユダヤ人問題に関する「異邦人」への演説(An Address to "Gentiles" on the Jewish Problem)

by Henry Ford


"Everywhere they wanted to remain Jews, and everywhere they were granted the privilege of establishing a State within a State. By virtue of these privileges and exemptions, and immunity from taxes, they would soon rise above the general condition of the citizens of the municipalities where they resided; they had better opportunities for trade and accumulation of wealth, whereby they excited jealousy and hatred."
-- Lazare.

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-- Lazare。


The heading of this article presents difficulties. The correct use of the term "Gentile" is in question. It is a name that has been given us, not by ourselves, but by Jews, and it is by no means certain that it is accurately given. A very great chance exists that it is not. That, however, is a matter which "gentiles" do not bother to understand; they think, of course, that if one is not a Jew one must be a gentile This is only another instance of the Jewish view being "put over" without the "gentile" understanding or even questioning it.

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There is another difficulty: how shall one address "gentiles" collectively? When one addresses Jews he knows that the Jew is always a Jew; that every Jew acknowledges every other Jew; that Jews understand each other and are loyal to each other as against "outsiders"; that they think together and act together; that they stand together for Jewish defense, no matter how just the charge brought against them. When you address Jews you address a unit, and when you discuss Jews you get a united reaction from them.


This cannot be said of gentiles. They are of many races, many nationalities, many religions, many tongues. They never think of themselves as being united under the name "gentiles." They are not race or class conscious; certainly they do not think of themselves as a unit with reference to the Jews as an opposite unit. "Gentiles" cannot be organized into one group nationally, let alone internationally, as Jews can. Jews of every shade of opinion, of every degree of religion and of unreligion, can unite all round the world, and do unite, having their own news service, their own telegraph service, their own "foreign department" (as they themselves describe it), by which they keep themselves united and informed for mass action. There is nothing even remotely approaching that among "gentiles."

これは異邦人には言えません。彼らは多くの人種、多くの国籍、多くの宗教、多くの言語を持っている。彼らは自分たちが「異邦人」という名の下に団結しているとは決して考えません。彼らは人種や階級を意識していません;確かに彼らは、ユダヤ人を対立する1団として、自分たちを1団として考えているわけではありません。「異邦人」は、民族的にユダヤ人のように1個のグループにまとめることはできないし、ましてや国際的にまとめることはできません。あらゆる意見の色合い、あらゆる程度の宗教と無宗教のユダヤ人は、世界中で団結することができ、実際に団結している、彼ら独自のニュースサービス、独自の電報サービス、独自の「外務省」(彼ら自身がそう呼んでいる) を持ち、それによって彼らは団結し、大規模な行動のための情報を得ています。「異邦人」の間では、それに少しでも近づくものはありません。

Not that this fact can be urged against the "gentiles" as a fault. There are reasons why the "gentiles" never can be united. And one reason is that among the so-called "gentiles" there is a regnant superior strain that is not "gentile" at all; no more is it Jewish. There are racial and moral strains among the non-Jewish section of the world which never can be brought into agreement. And, outside this superior strain, among the gentiles proper, the very basis for enduring union is lacking.


So that the only union that can be expected is a union of the superior strain, which physically and morally is unconquerable, and whose task it is to liberate the lesser peoples who easily fall victims to subversion and have no reactive power to rescue themselves.

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It is to this human Gulf Stream that flows through the ocean of humanity, blessing it, that this address is offered. As to the identity of this section of humanity -- "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." The others will not, because they cannot. There are many genuine gentiles mixed up in our common population, but it is not to them that these words are offered.

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この演説が捧げられるのは、人類の海を祝福して流れるこの人間のメキシコ湾流に対してである。人類のこの部分の正体として --「聞く耳のある者は、聞かせなさい。」他の人はできないから、そうしないでしょう。私たちの共通の人口の中には多くの真の異邦人が混ざっていますが、これらの言葉が与えられているのは彼らに対してではありません。

The Jewish Question has existed for a long time, as the Jew knows and admits, and is a consequence of certain un-Jewish, or rather un-Israelitish ideas held by Jewish persons of power. The disability under which the Jew labors is that he is not a Jew, properly speaking, and does not desire to be. Just at that point is the soil and the root of the Jewish Question.


Tackling the Jewish Question is not congenial work. The Race which this article now addresses has always shrunk from tackling it. Our Race has little disposition to chastise any portion of humanity, to arouse feeling or resist it. We have little taste for this surgical work which becomes absolutely necessary when certain corrupt influences deeply dislocate and seriously injure the common life. Nothing but a clear vision of the danger, nothing but an imperative sense of duty would impel any one of us to embark on a course which is subject to misunderstanding and which must, in the nature of things, wait long for its complete justification. Our Race is too fair, and has always been too fair, to enter hastily into judgement -- and upon this fairness and long-suffering the offending groups have often seriously trespassed.

ユダヤ人問題に取り組むことは、気持ちが良い仕事ではない。この記事で扱う人種は、常にそれに取り組むことをためらってきました。私たちの人種は、人類のいかなる部分をも罰したり、感情を喚起したり、それに抵抗したりする気質はほとんどありません。私たちは、ある種の腐敗した影響が深く混乱させ、一般的な生活を深刻に傷つけるときに絶対に必要になるこの外科医的な仕事にほとんど好みません。危険に対する明確なビジョン、義務感以外の何物でもなく、私たちの誰もが誤解を受けやすく、物事の本質において完全な正当化を長く待たなければならない道に乗り出すように駆り立てるだろう。私たちの人種はあまりにも公平で、これまでもずっと公平だったので、性急に審判に入ることはできない -- そしてこの公平さと長い忍耐の上に、罪を犯した集団はしばしば重大な違反を犯してきた。

Regarded by itself, as a separate entity, the Jewish Power is most impressive. International Jews today occupy literally every controlling lever of power. Building up for centuries, perfecting their teamwork from generation to generation, from country to country, they have practically reached the summit. Nothing but the Christian religion remains unvanquished by them, though through false "liberalism" even that has felt the Jewish assault. So great is this power that the very knowledge of it kills hope that any movement can ever dislodge it. Earnest, honest men have walked around it, surveyed it, measured its strength, and have given up the dream of changing it. In Russia they tried to segregate it, but while segregation went on from one side, infiltration proceeded from the other, and even the "anti-Semitic" Russian Government was honey-combed with Jews, as the end showed. In Germany they endeavored to vote the Jewish power out of politics, only to find the root deep-set in finance -- and no country has yet attacked the sacred image of gold. In England the policy of absorption was adopted, and the result is that wherever a Jew was put in power the British Empire has reaped trouble, in Ireland, in India, in Palestine, the present vice-regents of all these possessions being Jews. Other little countries, exasperated beyond endurance, tried violence and failed just as miserably as the others.

それ自体を独立した存在とみなすと、ユダヤ権力は最も印象的である。今日の国際ユダヤ人は、文字通りあらゆる支配の権力のレバーを占有します。何世紀にもわたって築き上げ、世代から世代、国から国へとチームワークを完成させ、彼らは実質的に頂点に到達しました。キリスト教以外のものは、ユダヤ人の攻撃を感じている偽の「自由主義」を通じてではあるが、彼らによって打ち負かされていないままではない。この権力は非常に大きいので、それを知ること自体が、いかなる運動もそれを取り除くことができるという希望を殺します。真面目で正直な人たちは、その周りを歩き、調査し、強度を測定し、それを変える夢をあきらめました。ロシアでは、彼らはそれを隔離しようとしたが、一方から隔離が進む一方で、他方からは浸透が進み、「反ユダヤ主義」のロシア政府でさえ、最後が示すように、ユダヤ人で蜂の巣をつついたようになった。ドイツでは、ユダヤ人の権力を政治から排除しようとしたが、その根は金融に深く根ざしていることを発見するだけだった -- そして、どの国もまだ純金の神聖なイメージを攻撃していない。イギリスでは吸収政策が採用され、その結果、ユダヤ人が権力の座についたところはどこでも、アイルランド、インド、パレスチナで、これらすべての領土の現在の副執政官がユダヤ人である大英帝国は問題を受けた。他の小国は、我慢の限界を超えて激怒し、暴力を試みたが、他の国と同じように惨めに失敗した。

Why? Because every one of these methods is precisely the method that the Jew prefers to have people try. He knows their futility first; they find it out later. He knows how these methods positively help him; they discover that later. The knowledge thus won would be pure gain, were it not that it also seems to discourage the hope of men who know how seriously wrong the situation is.


Besides this massive array of power, immovable as it appears, there is the veil cast over the Christian mind as to the supposedly peculiar destiny of "God's chosen people." The Christian cannot read the Bible except through Jewish spectacles, and, therefore, reads it wrong. The idea of "the chosen people" is one of the two great biblical ideas, but that the Jews constitute this Chosen People is entirely opposed to the statement of the Bible -- even of the Bible which the Jews acknowledge, the Old Testament of the Christians. The blessings of world possession, world rule, superior population, commercial greatness, military power, constituted governments, "a great nation and a company of nations" -- all of these means by which to spread light and healing among the nations -- were truly promised to one people, to Israel, not to Judah. Judah's destiny was to be quite different. Very few Bible readers ever note the distinction between the House of Israel and the House of Judah, yet this distinction was marked from the time of Jacob; the prophets absolutely insist upon it. Israel seceded from Judah, being unable to live with that people any longer. Israel's destiny took them out into the world, and if the Bible be true, then Israel's destiny of greatness is being fulfilled in Israel, and not in Judah. The two Houses are distinct to this day, although a future reunion, a spiritual reunion, is promised to come.

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この巨大な力の配列に加えて、それが不動のように見えるが、「神に選ばれた民」のおそらく特異な運命に関して、キリスト教徒の心に投げかけられたベールがある。キリスト教徒はユダヤ人の眼鏡を通してでなければ聖書を読むことができず、したがって間違って読んでいる。「選ばれた民」という考えは聖書の2個の偉大な考えの1個ですが、ユダヤ人がこの「選ばれた民」を構成しているということは、聖書の記述に完全に反対しています -- ユダヤ人が認めている聖書、つまりキリスト教徒の旧約聖書でさえもです。世界の所有、世界支配、卓越した人口、商業的偉大さ、軍事力、構成された政府、「偉大な国家と諸国の集団」の祝福 -- これらのすべては、諸民族の間に光と癒しを広めるためによって意味する -- が真に約束されたのは、ユダではなく、イスラエルという1個の民であった。ユダの運命は全く異なるものになるはずだった。聖書を読む人の中で、イスラエルの家とユダの家を区別している人はほとんどいませんが、この区別はヤコブの時代から顕著でした。預言者たちは絶対にそれを主張する。イスラエルは、もはやユダの民とともに住むことができなくなって、ユダから分離した。イスラエルの運命は彼らを世に送り出した、そしてもし聖書が真実なら、イスラエルの偉大な運命はユダではなくイスラエルで果たされている。両家は今日まで別個のものであるが、将来の再会、精神的な再会が約束されている。

Yet the false idea that the Jews constitute All Israel has penetrated the Christian consciousness to an alarming extent, so that when the Jewish press insists, as it does every week, "We gave you your God, we gave you your Bible, we gave you your Christ," even Christian ministers cannot find an answer. The answer is that the Old Testament is nine-tenths an Israelitish book, and not a Jewish book. Abraham was not a Jew; Isaac was not a Jew; Jacob was not a Jew; Moses was not a Jew; Joshua was not a Jew; Gideon was not a Jew; Samuel was not a Jew; even Esther and Mordecai were not Jews, but Benjamites; the majority of the prophets were not Jews, but Israelites. Upon the coming of Judah into power, in the persons of David and Solomon, the misrule was so great that Israel seceded, and the secession was sanctioned by the prophets. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ found his disciples in Galilee, far out of Judea, and of them there was but one, Judas, whose name indicates that he was a Jew. St. Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin, "the light tribe," which was left with Judah "for a light."

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But there is a constant patter of preaching (the Russellites make it the great theme) that "the Jews are to rule the world because it is so prophesied." The amazing blindness with which Christians have regarded the open pages of their Bible is the only explanation of this one-sided teaching which is confusing to the Christians and exceedingly dangerous to the Jews. In the Bible, Israel is the Chosen People of Blessing, and the time is announced when Judah shall walk to Israel and recognize them and become one with them. There is a chosen racial breed, a select seed, a superior strain of blood and soul in the world, but it is not Judah. One thing, therefore, that Christians can do, as a contribution to the solution of the Jewish Question, is to read their Bibles carefully.

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しかし、「ユダヤ人が世界を支配するのは、そのように預言されているからである」という説教 (ラッセル派はそれを大きなテーマにしている) の絶え間ない無意味な早口のおしゃべりがある。キリスト教徒が自分たちの聖書の開いたページを眺めている驚くべき盲目さは、キリスト教徒にとって混乱し、ユダヤ教徒にとって非常に危険なこの一方的な教えの唯一の説明である。聖書では、イスラエルは選ばれた祝福の民であり、ユダがイスラエルに歩いて行き、彼らを認め、彼らと1つになる時が告げられている。世界には選ばれた人種的な種族、選ばれた種、優れた血と魂の血統があるが、それはユダではない。ですから、キリスト教徒がユダヤ人問題の解決に貢献するためにできることの1個は、聖書を注意深く読むことです。

The Jewish Question will be solved, and its solution will begin in the United States. But that does not mean that it will come as the result of a popular movement. Great changes do not occur that way. It makes little difference whether the mass of the people see the Question or not; the mass of the people are not always called into such matters. Their work is to hold the world steady while the change takes place. But a sufficient number of qualified persons have seen the Question to insure that now the era of solution has set in. The timid, the soft literary men in pulpits (with whose ilk Jeremiah had a keen acquaintance), the false preachers of "Peace, peace," the hush brothers and sisters of every name, the shallow shouters for "fairness," and all who are afraid of the truth in its surgical forms -- these have no place in the healing of the hurt of these times; they are wedded to their softness. Nothing has been more shameful in the last two years than the spectacle of men bidding for the applause of bootleggers, and gamblers, and the lecherous masters of the modern stage, and the sinister Kehillah, and the anti-Christian American Jewish Committee, because, forsooth, some one has fulfilled the duty to tell the truth. However, these things must always be, and the evil influences among the Jews have learned just what kind of help they may expect and from what kind of people.

ユダヤ人問題は解決され、その解決は合衆国で始まるでしょう。しかし、それは大衆運動の結果として起こるという意味ではない。大きな変化はそのようには起こりません。大衆が問題を見るか見ないかはほとんど違いがありません;大衆はいつもそのような問題に呈されるわけではない。彼らの仕事は、変化が起こる間、世界を安定させることです。しかし、十分な数の有資格者が問題を見てきたので、今や解決の時代が始まったことを保証します。臆病な人たち、説教壇に立つ軟弱な文学者たち(Jeremiahは彼らのような人々と親しかった)、偽りの「平和、平和 」の牧師、あらゆる名前の口止めをする兄弟姉妹たち、『公正』を求める浅はかな叫ぶ者たち、そしてそれの外科医的な形式の真理を恐れるすべての人たち -- これらは、この時代の傷の癒しには何の役にも立ちません。彼らはその軟弱さに固執しています。この2年間、酒の密造者、賭博師、現代舞台の好色な主役、不吉なKehillah、反キリスト教のアメリカユダヤ人委員会の喝采を得ようとする人たちの光景ほど恥ずべきものはない、なぜなら、誰かが真実を語る義務を果たしたからである。しかしながら、これらのことは常にそうでなければならず、ユダヤ人の中の邪悪な影響力は、自分たちがどのような種類の助けを、どのような種類の人々から期待できるかを学んでいます。

The Dearborn Independent has not been making a fight but fulfilling a duty to shed light on a matter crying for light. The Dearborn Independent, therefore, has never urged any individual or organization to join it in this work. Nor has it charged with cowardice those who for prudential or other reasons have kept silent. Editors especially have been absolved; not one of them was asked to lend his aid, although the files of this office hold thousands of written assurances from newspaper men all over the land, and from all parts of the world, testifying to the truth of our statements. Organizations have been proposed, for various purposes; strong organizations have offered themselves as vehicles for the carrying out of any plan The Dearborn Independent might propose. But all such undertakings have been avoided, our belief being that simply to state the truth and let it work its own right will, was sufficient at this time. And to that belief and policy we have adhered.

Dearborn Independent紙は戦いを作っているのではなく、光を求めている問題に光を当てる義務を果たしています。したがって、Dearborn Independent紙は、いかなる個人や組織に対しても、この作業に参加するよう促したことはありません。また、慎重さやその他の理由で沈黙を守っている人々を臆病だと非難することもありません。編集者は特に免責されています;この事務所のファイルには、私たちの声明が真実であることを証明する、国中、世界中の新聞記者たちからの何千もの文書が入っていますが、誰1人として援助を求められませんでした。様々な目的のために組織が提案されています;強力な組織たちは、Dearborn Independent紙が提案する計画を実行するための手段として彼ら自身を提供してきた。しかし、そのような約束はすべて避けられてきました、私たちの信念は、単に真実を述べ、それが正しい意志を働かせるだけで現時点で十分だということでした。そして、その信念と方針に私たちは固執してきました。

"But what shall we do?" is the constant question; "How shall we balk this system which surrounds us and infects so much of our common life?"


Observe it, identify it, eschew it -- that is more powerful than active opposition. The clear eye of the man who sees and understands is something that even the evil powers of Jewry cannot endure.

それを観察し、識別し、避ける -- それは積極的な反対よりも強力です。見て理解する人のきれいな目は、ユダヤ人の邪悪な力でさえ耐えられないものです。

But the most potent action any awakened person can take is this: to erect again our own moral landmarks, which the Oriental Jewish invasion has broken down. This would spell sheer doom to the whole evil system sponsored by the Jews. And this is the course which has never been tried. To go back to the principles which made our race great, the principles to which we have been recreant and therefore have fallen an easy prey -- this is the only invincible course. It is an opposition which evil Jews cannot understand and cannot defeat.

しかし、目覚めた人が取ることができる最も強力な行動はこれです:東方のユダヤ人の侵略が破壊した私たち自身の道徳的な目印を再び立てることです。これは、ユダヤ人によって後援されている邪悪なシステム全体に完全な破滅の運命を意味します。そして、これは一度も試されたことのない針路です。私たちの人種を偉大にした原則に立ち返ること、私たちが不誠実で、それゆえに簡単な餌食になってきた原則に立ち返ること -- これが唯一の無敵の道です。それは邪悪なユダヤ人が理解できず、打ち負かすことができない反対である。

In place of the way of doing business which Jewish dealers have introduced, let the business men of the country adopt the old way of the white man, when a man's word was as good as his bond, and when business was service and not exploitation.

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Let the men and women of the country learn how to buy, let them learn how to test quallity in fabric and food, instead of being dependent on price tags. The merchandising practices of this country, in the hands of ruthless exploiters, have all but ruined honest merchants. Let any dweller in a great city recall the last twenty years, how the Christian merchants have been growing fewer and fewer. Why? Is it because the owners of Jewish department stores are better business men? No! The Jewish merchants began the practice of filling their store windows with goods that looked like the goods in reputable merchants' windows, and sold them for a much lower price. The helpless public, no longer able to determine the quality of goods, and guided solely by price tags, flocked to the Jews' store. The result is that one hears everywhere in ordinary conversation the complaint that "everything is shoddy." Of course it is, and it will remain so, until we educate people in the art of buying. That of itself will break down three-fourths of the abuses practiced in the commercial world today.

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Another contribution that can be made to the defeat of Jewish subversive influence is the examination of so-called "liberal" ideas, their source, their effect, their whole tendency. Men are thinking ideas today that poison them morally, socially and economically. These ideas are as deliberately shot into society as poison gas was shot into ranks of soldiers in France. Our mental hospitality has been grossly abused, the public mind has been made a sewer. The time has come for a custom barrier to be raised for the examination of imported ideas. Unrestricted immigration of ideas has been as bad for the American mentality as unrestricted immigration of people has been for American society.


We have taken our amusements withought thought of what was behind them in the way of deliberate intent to make us common and careless and coarse. We have read our newspapers, wholly innocent of the propaganda mixed with the news. We have even taken our religion in a Judaized form, without toubling to inquire whether it squared with the Bible, the textbook of religion. We have read our novels and have failed to see what serum the author was injecting along with his story. And all this has been possible because we have been asleep, enjoying, as we thought, a life which was swiftly taken from us, and dreaming that the old principles still held sway.


It is perfectly obvious that the cure for all this is to become awake, alert, to challenge the foreign influence, and to seek out again the principles that gave us our greatness.


We have been weaned away from our natural leaders. We have been taught to look to those who cannot speak our language and who do not hold our institutions dear. A people that turns from its own leaders, or a people whose leaders have been turned from the sacred responsibilities of the high office of leading, is in a precarious position, and becomes an easy victim to confusion of soul. There is a dearth of voices in the land today, the prophets are dumb, or are reading beautiful essays to the people. Suspicion has been sowed like darnel seed between classes of the same race, the people have been broken up, and the subversive Jewish influence supports the oligarchy of unserviceable wealth at one end of the social scale, while it stimulates the baser elements of industrial unrest at the other end. And the race thus rent asunder to its own undoing, does not see this -- capital does not see, and labor does not see -- that the leaders of chaos are alien in blood and soul.

私たちは生まれながらの指導者から切り離されてきました。私たちは、私たちの言語を話すことができず、私たちの制度を大切にしていない人たちに目を向けるように教えられてきました。自身の指導者に背を向けたり、指導者が指導者という高い地位の神聖な責任から背を向けた人々は、不安定な立場にあり、魂の混乱の容易な犠牲者となります。今日、この国では声が不足しています。預言者たちは口がきけないか、人々に対して美しいエッセイを読んでいます。疑惑は同じ人種の階級間に毒の種のように蒔かれ、人々は分裂し、破壊的なユダヤ人の影響は、社会的規模の一方の端では使い物にならない富の寡頭政治を支え、他方の端では産業不安の基本的要素を刺激する。そして人種はこのようにしてばらばらになって自分自身を破滅させる、混沌の指導者たちが血と魂において異質であることを分かりません -- 資本家は分かりません、労働者は分かりません -- 。

To keep American and Christian the school, the church, the legislature, the jury room and the Government, is the most potent resistance that can be made to the evil influences that have been upon us and that this series of articles has partly uncovered. The strength of all subversive influence is in proportion as we cease to be what we ought to be. The evil influences surrounding this people can succeed only as they change this people into something less than it ought to be. Therefore, to go back to the old landmarks, whereby we made all the progress we ever made, is not only the part of wisdom, but the need of the hour. The school must be cleansed. The jury box must be kept inviolate -- trial by jury has almost disappeared in Jewish New York. The church must be un-Judaized and Christianized. The Government must be Americanized. Let there be the utmost freedom of thought and speech, but let there be also with it a discrimination which will prevent the people being victimized by every spurious idea, every "gold brick" economic proposal which comes along. It needs only that men be awake to their better interests and to leave no place in their scheme of life for the practices which destroy the very foundations of confidence.

p 494

アメリカ人とキリスト教徒を学校、教会、立法府、陪審室、政府にとどめておくことは、この一連の記事が部分的に明らかにしてきた私たちへの邪悪な影響に対してなすことのできる最も強力な抵抗です。すべての破壊的影響力の強さは、私たちがあるべき姿でなくなることに比例する。この人々を取り巻く悪の影響は、この人々を本来あるべき姿よりも劣ったものに変えてこそ成功する。ですから、私たちがこれまでに成し遂げたすべての進歩を成し遂げた古い目印に戻ることは、知恵の一部であるだけでなく、時の必要性でもあります。学校を浄化されなければならない。陪審席は不可侵でなければならない -- ユダヤ人のニューヨークでは陪審裁判はほとんど消滅してしまった。教会はユダヤ化されておらず、キリスト教化されていなければならない。政府はアメリカ化されなければならない。思想と言論の最大の自由があるようにしましょう、しかし、同時に、あらゆる偽りの考えや、「金メッキしたレンガ」のような経済的提案によって人々が犠牲になるの防ぐ差別もあるようにしましょう。必要なのは、人々が自分たちのより良い利益に目覚め、信頼の基盤そのものを破壊するような慣習のために生活の構想の中に居場所を残さないことだけです。

Surely it must be understood by this time that the Jews rule, not by reason of their brilliance or their money, but by ideas which are not even properly Jewish, but Babylonian. They have captured the castle from within. They have been able to do so only because of our ignorance of the lineage and dignity of the stock of ideas upon which our civilization has been founded. Our people needs to engraft itself again on the parent tree and draw again the sustenance which made it great and fruitful.

pp 494 ~ 495


Many so-called "gentiles" are somewhat affected by the Jews' wails of "persecution." This has been sufficiently discussed in previous articles, but "gentiles" can further contribute to the solution of the Jewish Question by looking about them to see if they can discover any evidence of "persecution" here -- unless it be persecution of the Christians by the organized agencies of the Jews! In this month's Atlantic Monthly a Jewish rabbi, who undoubtedly knows better, assumes that his race is a hated race. He rather enjoys the thought and accepts it as a distinctive honor. Our "gentile" might also observe how untrue this is -- how, indeed, in this mixture of nations, the Jew gets off with less even of the harmless kind of racial animosity than any other foreign admixture.

p 495

いわゆる「異邦人」の多くは、ユダヤ人の「迫害」の嘆きに多少影響を受けている。このことは、以前の記事で十分に論じてきたが、「異邦人」は、ここに「迫害」の証拠を見つけることができるかどうかを調べるためにそれらを彼らを見回すことでユダヤ人問題の解決にさらに貢献することができる -- ユダヤ人の組織化された機関によるキリスト教徒への迫害でない限り!今月のAtlantic Monthlyでは、間違いなくよく知っているユダヤ人ラビが、自分の人種は嫌われている人種だと想定している。彼はむしろその考えを楽しみ、それを特別な名誉として受け入れている。私たちの「異邦人」もまたこれがいかに真実でないかを観察するかもしれません -- 実際、この民族の混血の中で、ユダヤ人は他のどの外国の混血よりも無害な種類の人種的憎悪さえ少なく済む。

Above all, the "gentile," so-called, who in ninety cases out of every one hundred is no gentile at all (as the Jews may well admit) will do well to avoid fear. Nothing is more abject than "the fear of the Jew," and nothing more disastrous to the Jew than the tactics he employs to sustain that fear. The Jewish subversive power has been powerful only for evil and only where there was a disposition to evil. It has never yet succeeded in bringing shame or confusion to the right.


Indeed, there is one sure way of gaining the respect of the Jew, and that is, Tell The Truth. No one knows better than the Jew whether statements made about Jews are true or not. "Gentiles" may never be certain whether a statement made about the Jews may be relied upon, but Jews always know. That is why prejudice, abuse, hatred, scorn, ridicule, false charges roll off them as water off a duck. The Jews have never in all their history feared the lies of their enemies; but they have feared the truth. And if they only fear the truth in the ancient sense, not to be afraid of it but to fear to violate it, and to fear to have the truth testify against them, then the day of Judah's return to standing has come. The truth is Judah's friend, and Israel's friend, and the world's friend. It makes hard demands; it is sometimes not easy to speak and harder still to hear; but the truth heals, as Judah is due to discover.


There is this to say, that among the many thousands of persons who have written to The Dearborn Independent confirming out of their own observation and experience the statements made in this series of articles, there has been a most gratifying absence of the spirit of violence. At the beginning a few rabid Jew-baiters made themselves known and expressed their hope that at last a regular program of pogroms was to be instituted. We never knew how far these advances were made with knowledge of the Jewish leaders, but we do know that for a year and a half in this United States the Jewish press, and Jewish thugs, and Jewish politicians, and even some of the most respectable of the Jewish organizations did their utmost, and in some of the strangest ways, to compel this Study of the Jewish Question to lead into violence and disorder. There was nothing that the Jewish leaders more desperately desired or more tirelessly worked for.

つまり、Dearborn Independent紙に投書した、自分の観察と経験から、この一連の記事で述べられていることを確認している何千人もの人々の間では、暴力の精神の不在は非常に喜ばしいことである。当初、少数の過激なユダヤ人迫害者が自分たちのことを公表し、ついに定期的なポグロムのプログラムが開始されるという希望を表明した。このような進歩がユダヤ人指導者の知識によってどこまでなされたのか、私たちは知る由もありませんでしたが、私たちが知っているのは、この合衆国で1年半の間、ユダヤ人の報道機関、ユダヤ人の悪党、ユダヤ人の政治家、そして最も立派なユダヤ人団体の一部さえもが、このユダヤ人問題の研究を暴力と混乱に導くために全力を尽くし、いくつかの奇妙な方法で強制したということです。ユダヤ人の指導者たちがこれほど切実に望み、これほど辛抱強く働いたものはなかった。

That was their first setback. Everywhere else in the world they had always been able to foment this sort of thing and label it "anti-Semitism." The label "anti-Semitism" is one of the choicest weapons in the Jewish armory. But in the United States their plan failed. It is their first notification that in this country the Question is going to be solved; it is not to be given a new lease of life by following the old mistakes.


The Dearborn Independent knows the temper of the American people in this question, that it is cool, fair, and somewhat more determined than it formerly was. But the Jews know this temper better than anyone else. Hence the magnitude and superb rashness of the propaganda with which they are literally flooding the country. The Dearborn Independent is grateful for the flood of Jewish propaganda. It has served in hundreds of important cases to give the confirmation to our statements which was wanted. Jewish literature has been a powerful informer of the gravity of the Jewish Question in the United States. The result was not what the Jewish leaders wished, of course, but it was serviceable to the truth just the same.

Dearborn Independent紙は、この問題におけるアメリカ国民の気性が、以前よりも冷静で公正で、幾分決意が固いことを知っています。しかし、ユダヤ人はこの気性を誰よりもよく知っています。だから、彼らが文字通り国に氾濫しているプロパガンダの巨大さと壮大な無謀さ。Dearborn Independent紙は、ユダヤ人プロパガンダの反乱に感謝しています。それは何百もの重要な事例で、私たちの声明に必要な確証を与えるのに役立ってきました。ユダヤ人の文献は、合衆国におけるユダヤ人問題の重大さを伝える強力な情報源であった。その結果は、もちろんユダヤ人の指導者たちが望んだものではなかったが、それでも真実に役立つものであった。

Now that the Question is open, now that the press is able to print "Jew" when necessary, now that a bunch of keys has been provided by which the people may unlock doors and make further inquiries, The Dearborn Independent will follow other aspects of the Question, discussing them from time to time as circumstances may warrant.

p 495

問題が開かれた今、報道機関が必要に応じて「ユダヤ人」と印刷できるようになった今、人々がドアを開けてさらなる質問をすることができる鍵の束が提供された今、Dearborn Independent紙は問題の他の側面を追いかけて、状況に応じて時々議論するでしょう。

[The Dearborn Independent, issue of 14 January 1922]

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p 496