by HP Mageson666 Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:56 am
The Jewish Torah tells us that the Jews were in control of the Persian Empire in the book of Esther. The Jews also had an entire city to themselves in ancient Persia and had control of this Empire. Note who else would create this proto-Christianity to divorce Gentiles from their own Gods and into a Jewish form of monotheism? We saw the exact same thing later in the Roman Empire with Christianity which was created by the Jews and used the exact same element they had under their Zoroastrian program. The Jews also worked within the Babylonian Empire to topple it to the Persians from within. They brag about this in their Torah. This is why they were favoured by the Persian Emperor Cyrus.
The Persian Empire was once the largest super power on earth and it spread this Jewish Program far and wide. But this program of the enemy was destroyed by Alexander the Great. Who on command destroyed Zoroastrianism and burned the Persian capital as its religious center. Because it was a blasphemy to the Gods and of the enemy. Alexander halted the enemy progression drastically it took the enemy almost one thousand years to recover from this.
Alexander worshipped our God Satan as Zeus and our Gods and Goddesses as the Daemons which comes from Deva. Daemon is the Greek name for the Gods. Alexander was one of our loyal ancestors. And was proclaimed Pharaoh by the Gods at the Oracles of Ammon in Egypt.
The Greeks instituted the old religion within the former Persian Empire and Alexander moved his capital to Babylon the ancient seat of the Gods and the most hated placed in the Jewish Bible. The gates of Babylon are dedicated to our Goddesses Astaroth. Whom the Jews blaspheme in their evil writings.
Alexander was a highly ascended master hence his title of "Son of Zeus" his family were high Priests and Priestesses of our ancient Pagan religion. If one understands the ancient culture and studies Alexander they can note this ascended state even in his campaigns. Note the Bible calls Zeus, Satan in the book of Revelations. Alexander and his army when they reached India worshipped Shiva as Dionysus with whom they recognized and openly acclaimed as such. And is such. This God is also known as Satan in Hinduism as well. Its a Sanskrit title of the head God, Satan Shiva.
The vilification of our Gods started under the enemy program of Zoroastrianism, this was remade into Christianity by the same Jewish creators later on. Then into Marxism.
"What is especially interesting in Zarathustra's vision is his redefinition of the old Vedic gods the daevas [Sanskrit devas]. They are turned into devils, companions of evil Ahriman. Ancient Indo-European deities such as Indra, the wielder of thunder, the Ashivns [the heavenly twins], and Sharva, who is none other then Shiva-Rudra, are expressly mentioned as evil spirits. Daeva worshippers are threatened with ETERNAL HELLFIE. The Ahuras, led by Ahura Mazda who is really a metamorphosis of the old Aryan lord of high heaven and guardian of the moral and cosmic order the Varuna] become the heavenly hosts opposing the evil Daevas."
「ツァラトゥストラ(Zarathustra、ザラスシュトラ)の構想で特に興味深いのは、古いヴェーダの神々をデーヴァ[サンスクリット語でdevas]と再定義していることです。彼らはデビルに変えられ、邪悪なアーリマンの仲間となります。古代インド・ヨーロッパの神々、たとえば雷を操るインドラ、アッシヴン(天の双子)、シヴァ・ルードラにほかならないシャルヴァなどが悪霊として明示されています。古代インド・ヨーロッパの神々、たとえば雷を操るインドラ、アッシヴン(天の双子)、シヴァ・ルドラにほかならないシャルヴァなどが悪霊として明示されています。デーヴァ崇拝者は永遠に続く地獄の炎 で脅されます。アーリア人の高位の天の主であり、道徳と宇宙の秩序の守護者であるヴァルナが変容したものであるアフラ・マズダ(Ahura Mazda)が率いるアフラ(Ahuras)は、邪悪なデーヴァに対抗する天の軍勢となります。」
"The ahuras appear in the oldest Indian writings as the asuras [from Sanskrit asu=breath, air hence divine related to Nordic asir. In the Vedas they are divine lords, neither especially good nor bad. Only later Indian writings [Brahmanas] speak of them as foes of the devas or gods."
「インドの最古の文献では、アーシュラはアスラ[サンスクリット語の asu=breath(息吹)、air(空気)に由来し、北欧のasirに関係する神]として登場する。ヴェーダでは、彼らは神の支配者であり、特に善でも悪でもない。後世のインドの書物[ブラフマーナ(Brahmanas)]では、デーヴァや神々の敵として語られています。」
"We can see that Zarathustra turned the sociology of the supernatural worlds topsy-turvy. To him and his followers , the worshippers of the daevas [devas became nonsober, idol devil worshippers. There was litter doubt as far as they were concerned that the devotees of Shiva-Sharva were worshippers of the Evil One."
"The image of Satan, which spooks through all Western religions has its roots in Zarathustra's condemnation of the old gods, specifically of Shiva."
"Mahadev's [Shiva my note] adders and vipers became in Zarathustrian eyes, the very insignia of evil. In older cultures these long-lived reptiles, with their ability to shed their skins were respected as the symbol of life renewing itself, as omens of fertility, of wisdom and of healing[e.g., Aesculapian serpents of ancient Greece]...."
"The Zarathustrian imagination that discovered the devil and hellfire also brought forth the popular image we have of angels and archangels as messengers of God and as personifications of the virtues."
"To Westerners born and raised in a Judeo-Christian cultural setting, these images and ideas are quite familiar. There is a good reason for this our Western worldview was nurtured by the Old and the New Testament, both of which are replete with Zarathustrian contents."
"After the heathen warlord "Alexander the Damned" [as the Parses still call the Macedonian conqueror] demolished the proud empire of the Zarathsutrian Persians and burned all their sacred writings, the brilliant star of this religion started to set. Covertly, though the great river of vision lives on not only in Judaism and Christianity but also in other streams such as Manichaeanism...."
「異教徒の武将である「呪われたアレクサンダー(Alexander the Damned)」[パルセス人(Parses)は今でもマケドニアの征服者をこう呼ぶ]が、ゾロアスター教のペルシャの誇り高き帝国を破壊し、彼らの神聖な書物をすべて燃やした後、この宗教の輝かしい星が沈み始めました。しかし、空想の大河は、ユダヤ教やキリスト教だけでなく、マニ教などの他の流れにも密かに息づいています。~略~」
"Even Marxism proves to be but a modern, secular expression of the same spirit...."
Source All quotes are from: Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy, Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
出典 すべての引用は以下からです。 「シヴァ、力と恍惚の野性的な神」Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
by HP Hoodedcobra666 Wed Mar 21, 2018 8:23 am
"Oy Vey Zoroastrianism was Paganism goy, believe wasn't proto judaism..." Rabbi Frankenstein
「ゾロアスター教は異教だった ゴイ、信じてくれ...原初のユダヤ教ではなかった...」 ラビ・フランケンシュタイン